If you aren't down with radical feminism, geometry and number theory, conspiracy theory, and investigations into "charities" who are not-so-secretly leading the human trafficking market, you won't be down with this blog. You will not be missed.
Fun stuff includes tips on gardening, seed-banking, probiotic culturing, and sound medical advice.
Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor
Moms are blue. Dads are brown. Mine are grey with yellow in the middle. Meh?
Purple eyes are an urban legend though and that’s manip.
Strictly speaking, green is a mutation of the blue gene. It’s not impossible, just scientifically improbable to have a...
^It’s possible that those numbers are rounded and there is maybe a 0.01% chance of you having green eyes that they...
0_o so my eye color is scientifically impossible?? My dad has dark brown eyes, my mom’s are bright blue, and mine are...