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If this is true, then the arrogantly blue eyed should recognize that green is much rarer. I mean you should know that from looking around, but here’s this chart.I hate male eugenics so much.

If this is true, then the arrogantly blue eyed should recognize that green is much rarer. I mean you should know that from looking around, but here’s this chart.

I hate male eugenics so much.

  1. hellakirschtein reblogged this from freckled-jesus-take-the-prndl
  2. the-girl-with-the-many-fandoms reblogged this from otpeep
  3. sassclassandalotofbroadcasts reblogged this from quaint-shrub
  4. quaint-shrub reblogged this from eigenvictor
  5. imlikenoduh reblogged this from walelawho and added:
    Moms are blue. Dads are brown. Mine are grey with yellow in the middle. Meh?
  6. ahaze reblogged this from fibrodeathmatch and added:
    Purple eyes are an urban legend though and that’s manip.
  7. bartycatherine reblogged this from fieldnotesfromabroad
  8. dragongirl253 reblogged this from its-leogirl
  9. its-leogirl reblogged this from purple-potato-whale
  10. fibrodeathmatch reblogged this from justagodlessliberal and added:
    Strictly speaking, green is a mutation of the blue gene. It’s not impossible, just scientifically improbable to have a...
  11. clovexei reblogged this from ramesees
  12. purple-potato-whale reblogged this from galavi
  13. furrygamer reblogged this from violethyenamaxxie
  14. chronicorphantrek reblogged this from justagodlessliberal and added:
    ^It’s possible that those numbers are rounded and there is maybe a 0.01% chance of you having green eyes that they...
  15. famitory reblogged this from violethyenamaxxie
  16. justagodlessliberal reblogged this from diary-of-a-nonbinary-kid and added:
    0_o so my eye color is scientifically impossible?? My dad has dark brown eyes, my mom’s are bright blue, and mine are...
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