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Anonymous asked
Do you have an opinion on women molesting young boys? Like, is that less of a crime than if the molester was a man? A cheerleader was recently found guilty of trying to perform oral sex on a 12 year old boy, and she didn't get a custodial sentence. Is that okay, because she was pretty hot.


I’m assuming that the cheerleader was over the age of consent, in which case, no - that’s not okay. I think the idea that it’s ‘less serious’ when a woman molests underage boys is incredibly harmful and actually comes from rape culture. Society perpetuates this idea that men can’t be raped because men are slavering beasts who lose their minds at the mere mention of sex or the sight of skin or something. This excuses the way that men treat women, because it enforces the idea that men aren’t capable of understanding the word ‘no’. Similarly, it suggests that men or boys aren’t capable of SAYING no or aren’t capable of NOT wanting sex (from a woman).

This is also a society that creates a narrative where the aggressor, in pretty much any sexual situation, is considered ‘powerful’ or ‘masculine’ or ‘manly’ - on the flip side, the person who is the target of the aggressor is considered to be ‘submissive’ and ‘feminine’. This means that in situations where men and/or boys are the target, there is an added societal stigma of societal feminisation for the boy who has been molested. It’s a mess.

 Women are PROGRAMMED to do this, so no. If you can ejaculate, you are post puberty, you are an adult. A boy wont be getting pregnant or be inoculated as a result of “sexual” activity, so it is less serious. Plus, males have less inherent value. Harsh but true. Boys need not prey on any age of girl or woman, they are the aggressors, THE END. 

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  5. cyborgbutterflies reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    And here we have a good example of how radical feminists make feminism look bad. Really, just compare the terrible...
  6. hornylizard reblogged this from theblackpsychiatrist
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    Me fastidia mucho cuando hablo de violaciones, digo que los chicos también pueden (y son) violados, y me saltan con “Un...
  9. ynitsedminaj reblogged this from kewlestdorkuknow and added:
    To the crossed out person. Just.. shut up. shut your mouth. don’t speak.. like ever again.
  10. thoughtmd reblogged this from kumasenpai
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  14. worldof-kae reblogged this from strelitzias and added:
    ^ nothing more to be said here, i love when someone goes off for me
  15. strelitzias reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    TO THE CROSSED OUT PORTION, shut the fuck up. rape, molestation, and other sexual abuses against ANYONE is DISGUSTING....
  16. theblackpsychiatrist reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    I am amazed by the level of stupidity humanity has been able to reach.
  17. withthedungeonsandthedragons reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    I don’t even know how to comment on that first comment.
  18. howtopeelonionlayers reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    I really don’t get how people get to this point
  19. kumasenpai reblogged this from brispyedges
  20. northclackitback reblogged this from brispyedges
  21. restoringfraillife reblogged this from brispyedges and added:
    I’m going to fucking vomit all over these people.
  22. brispyedges reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Presented without comment.
  23. imintheforest reblogged this from sexselector and added:
  24. nicolau-lago reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    If you had your first period, you can get children and are an adult. About as logical as what you said.
  25. devilrejected reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Troll. The 42yo woman was the predator in this case not the 12yo boy. Stop excusing female pedos.
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  29. andipersonalblog reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    I think you have to be the best troll I have seen in a while.
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