If you aren't down with radical feminism, geometry and number theory, conspiracy theory, and investigations into "charities" who are not-so-secretly leading the human trafficking market, you won't be down with this blog. You will not be missed.
Fun stuff includes tips on gardening, seed-banking, probiotic culturing, and sound medical advice.
Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor
I have come to the conclusion that everything is a sexual or fertility symbol if you dig deep enough.
I think this is right. They are used to communicate lies toward that end. symbolism is pick up “artistry” using geometry rather than words/logos. That’s at least a full ton of bricks.
It seems safe to conclude that the tactic of speaking through symbols is pivotal to keeping the y chromosome alive, so much so that if we study enough to pull it down then women’s oppression will end, but that’s it’s own post.
Wish me…uh, survival.
I think this is right. They are used to communicate lies toward that end. symbolism is pick up “artistry” using geometry...