If you aren't down with radical feminism, geometry and number theory, conspiracy theory, and investigations into "charities" who are not-so-secretly leading the human trafficking market, you won't be down with this blog. You will not be missed.

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I'm not a blogger, but I'm familiar with the term.: Help Wanted: Knowledgeable feminists with long attention spans


The other day, I got angry at a couple of somebodies on the internet. This was the second time this year that I’ve gotten into a Facebook battle with men who insist that there’s no rape culture in the U.S.

I’m not proud of myself for getting mad, but I believe I was in the right - both in terms…

Firstly, I wouldn’t recommend making it about you and/or what you do or do not “refuse to be punished for”. That was never on the table and you know it. 

Secondly, when they repeat that “depends on your definition of rape”, you  tell them: 

Technically, all inter-sex-class penis-in-vagina is rape. There is a heirarchy discrepancy. So every single instance of PIV inside the patriarchy is rape.

  1. dancingfiend reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Just to clarify, you did mean “portable,” right? “Potable” means safe to drink, which is morbidly amusing in this...
  2. sexselector reblogged this from mischievouslittlepixie and added:
    well you know how funny deductive reasoning is!
  3. therealhamtaro reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    I. FUCKING. CAN’T. wowowowowow
  4. thisisoppressedprivilege reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    It might be rape to you, but I’m sure most of the people involved were completely okay with it. Also, is it rape if it...
  5. the-merp reblogged this from shreklover596969 and added:
    All sex is rape. I’m laughing so hard I feel crazy. How fucked up does your life need to be to get into that mindset?...
  6. 420yoloswagbos reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    Today children we look at people who never learned how children are made.
  7. mischievouslittlepixie reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    "All inter-sex-class penis in vagina is rape" This is the story of how I died….of laughter.
  8. poppypicklesticks reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    My crazy-ometer just caught fire and exploded
  9. objects0in0space reblogged this from sexselector and added:
    sexselector, you are insane.
  10. lunacode said: Honestly, I don’t think there was much you could have done different … As I come across useful resources for explaining rape culture, I can forward them along… As the saying goes “you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make em drink”…
  11. msrepresented reblogged this from dancingfiend