Alan Watt - Explains the complexities behind the deception of the Established Reality (Government)
I generally like Watt’s enthusiasm about geopolitics. But he has NO CLUE about women. He’s like “oh poor men need to feel strong so they watch sports”, and “abortion results from promiscuity”.
*You want to stop abortion, Alan? Stop PORN.* That is where men learn to stick their dicks inside women (+ so much more!) when that is not necessary for pregnancy, not even close.
Oh I see. The promiscuity of WOMEN, right? Try, *all intercourse inside the patriarchy is rape*. Try that on for size, married dude.
I start to wonder if Alan is only being allowed to expose the ruling class because he is still fulfilling his patriarch quota.
He still champions marriage when he should know well enough to be an ANARCHIST by now. He talks about how gov and law are oppressive, oh but not marriage, wherein women sign themselves into male ownership under the state. ????? That IS what it is. It has always been that.
He talks about family as though the natural family is nuclear. Free love is bullshit, but so is nuclear. It ALL. SHAFTS. WOMEN.
Anyway, I like the guy’s work overall, but really a letdown that he’s still just another patriarch at the end of the day. :(
Stop kidding yourself Alan! We do not exist in couples, we exist as individuals! :)