New Twitter rules.. Before commenting, always check the picture to see what race they are.. @JamilahLemieux
S.M (@redsteeze) March 27, 2014
Anyone up for some good, old-fashioned racism? Ebony senior digital editor Jamilah Lemieux sure is! This morning, she went after RNC deputy press secretary Raffi Williams (Juan Williams’ son):
Merry Christmas… My dad & BO tried to convert me but that wasnt happening—
Raffi Williams (@Raffiwilliams) December 20, 2013
His offense? Daring to challenge her narrow-mindedness about black conservatives:
A classic case of ignorant demonization rather than engagement between my friend @Raffiwilliams & an Ebony editor…—
Ed Morrissey (@EdMorrissey) March 27, 2014
News Ninja’s Wayne Dupree captured the exchange. Those tweets are included below, along with some others that showcase Lemieux’s charm:
(Yes, Ben Carson is launching a Black conservative magazine with Armstrong Williams. I have drinking games in mind already.)—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
@SistahScholar @JamilahLemieux want to know more re carson/williams plan to launch magazine @orlandowatson @Raffiwilliams @hugheynewsome— (@BETpolitichick) March 27, 2014
@BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson @Raffiwilliams @hugheynewsome I 100% do not want to know more, I wish I knew less!—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Ignorance is bliss, after all.
@JamilahLemieux wish you knew less? hoped you would encourage diversity of thought. @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson—
Raffi Williams (@Raffiwilliams) March 27, 2014
Williams made a fair point. And Lemieux didn’t like that:
@Raffiwilliams @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson Oh great, here comes a White dude telling me how to do this Black thing. Pass.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
@JamilahLemieux who are you refering to as white… Armstrong and Carson are black @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson—
Raffi Williams (@Raffiwilliams) March 27, 2014
@Raffiwilliams @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson YOU. Now, leave, I have no interest in this conversation.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Typical leftist. Why engage when you can lash out?
@Raffiwilliams @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson I don't care what race you are. I dont know why you GOP folks troll on here.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
@JamilahLemieux You are questioning someones blackness.sorry I do not fit your stereotypes @BETpolitichick @SistahScholar @orlandowatson—
Raffi Williams (@Raffiwilliams) March 27, 2014
@Raffiwilliams I was looking at your avi without blowing it up. I apologize for that. However, I care about NOTHING you have to say.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Sounds like a great gal, no?
@Raffiwilliams I don't know why @BETpolitichick tweeted you and me at once, but I don't want to debate either/any of you. Good day.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Oh, and did she mention that conservatives are stupid?
I forgot that tweeting something about a Conservative is like leaving a cookie out in a house full of roaches and turning off the lights.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
And how terrible their reading comprehension is #onhere.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
And that they jumping in the mentions of someone with an opposing view with a bunch of jingoism and trite rhetoric is revolution.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
How original.
Seeing a bitter lib punch up at conservatives is nothing new, but the idea of portraying minority conservatives as race traitors never ceases to amaze.
Hi @JamilahLemieux. I know you didn't mean to embarrass yourself – this happens on the Internet – but you owe @Raffiwilliams an apology.—
Ellen Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) March 27, 2014
.@JamilahLemieux This isn't hard. You need to apologize. Imagine if someone had said to you, "Another black chick explaining to me." WRONG.—
Kathleen McKinley (@KatMcKinley) March 27, 2014
According to Lemieux, she did apologize:
For the Conservative trolls in my mentions, I thought @Raffiwilliams was White because I didn't blow up his avi. And I apologized. Go away.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
That wasn’t an apology, honey.
.@JamilahLemieux Apologized for not looking at @Raffiwilliams picture, not for treating him like less than human. Some "apology". #Typical—
(@LoneWolf907) March 27, 2014
Also not an apology? Insulting the people who rightly called you out for playing the race card:
@_DJ_Jordan you misread. Where is my apology?—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Your lack of reading comprehension is embarrassing. But it happens. Now, apologize to me @ellencarmichael—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
@charlescwcooke so…none of you can read or even try to understand what happened? How embarrassing—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
.@ellencarmichael I didn't say anything unkind. I'm not your mammy, I owe you nothing. Exit.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Before I let a group of White, Black or Green Conservatives tell me I'm racist, I will go tap dance in Times Square with a watermelon.—
Jamilah Lemieux (@JamilahLemieux) March 27, 2014
Needless to say, she’s got issues.
I hear you like to judge people by the color of their skin. @JamilahLemieux—
Jerome Hudson (@JeromeEHudson) March 27, 2014
I know it's hard to tell from my avi without blowing it up…but I'm white. @JamilahLemieux—
Erin (@sqwerin) March 27, 2014
"Sorry…thought you were white." MT "@JamilahLemieux: I thought he was White because I didn't blow up his avi. And I apologized. Go away."—
(@365conservative) March 27, 2014
"Go away?" I think you're confused about how this twitter thing works. Also, you're a racist. @JamilahLemieux @Raffiwilliams—
Ben Howe (@BenHowe) March 27, 2014
@JamilahLemieux You seem to believe that what you said would have been acceptable if Williams had actually been white. It wouldn’t.—
Charles C. W. Cooke (@charlescwcooke) March 27, 2014
@SerahOke I don't dislike @JamilahLemieux.. I do dislike her immediate judgement and dismissal of someone because she thought they're white.—
schlute (@coolhandschlute) March 27, 2014
Sorry @JamilahLemieux.. it's not about mistaking @Raffiwilliams as white. It's about your selective treatment of him b/c you thought he was.—
schlute (@coolhandschlute) March 27, 2014
@redsteeze @JamilahLemieux I want to live in a nation where I will not be judged by the content of my character, but by the pic in my avi.—
Paul (@sheepdog5931) March 27, 2014
.@JamilahLemieux You treated @Raffiwilliams a certain way because you thought he was white? I'm thinking of a term. That term is "racist."—
RB (@RBPundit) March 27, 2014
#SMH @JamilahLemieux is harming the Ebony brand. Questioning "blackness" is something @EBONYMag has fought for yrs!—
D.J. Jordan (@_DJ_Jordan) March 27, 2014
.@RaffiWilliams is one of the best people I know – inside and outside of politics – and a true friend. Ebony Magazine should apologize NOW.—
Ellen Carmichael (@ellencarmichael) March 27, 2014
‘Fake-ass outrage’: Netroots Nation media director Elon James White defends racist Ebony editor