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[–]mlsb7 72 ポイント73 ポイント

Crazy that a $1000 donation can have this big of an impact on someone's career. To me, this is a complete and utter failure of the Mozilla CEO vetting committee. This information has been out for years, and it isn't surprising that Firefox's users (given the culture and ideals that the browser supposedly stands for) were not supportive.

[–]gocd -16 ポイント-15 ポイント

That's silly. This is McCarthyism and the type of lazy activism that makes gay rights look like a masturbatory pop culture phenomenon instead of a civil rights movement.

[–]uglybunny 22 ポイント23 ポイント

Since there was no government involvement in this, no, it isn't McCarthyism. At all.

[–]GH0STFIRE 14 ポイント15 ポイント


Duck Dynasty logic, where consequences for the things that you say is totally restricting your ability to say them. /s

[–]physprof [score hidden]

It doesn't change the fact that the progressive heart ALWAYS seek to punish dissent - by whatever means they can. When they can use government, they do. When they can't, they boycott. It is the very opposite of a tolerant mindset.

[–]litper 23 ポイント24 ポイント

really, so gay employees should welcome a CEO who would go as far as donating money to take their rights away?

[–]physprof [score hidden]

It is interesting to note that not a single Mozilla employee has come forward to claim mistreatment - indeed, I have read only compliments about Eich's leadership. Nonetheless, he had a politically incorrect thought, better play it safe and destroy him.

[–]nightpanda893 11 ポイント12 ポイント

This man wanted to deny people equal rights and Mozilla prides itself as a corporation that respects equality for its employees and customers. It simply wasn't a good fit.

[–]brojangles 2 ポイント3 ポイント

McCarthyism was the government penalizing free speech and association. This is just business.