to create, one must first destroy.

Regarding James Franco trying to fuck a 17 year old girl

People (men) wanna yell and scream “BUT IT’S LEGAL SO WHO CARES” because they are unwilling to examine the power dynamics involved in a wealthy and famous man manipulating and coercing a girl half his age into having sex with him. Why do men give so much of a fuck about “well it’s legal”? For fucks sake there are no FDA regulations on whether or not E. coli bacteria can be in bottled water (only a “maximum amount” cap) and water that is bottled and sold in the same state isn’t even subject to FDA regulations in the first place. But are they gonna argue “well, there’s literally shit bacteria in my bottled water but it’s legal so I don’t see why anyone is complaining”? Go ahead, drink up that shit water. When it comes to the issue of much older men trying to fuck teenage girls, men only care about whether it’s legal or not because 99% of the time when a much older man ends up raping or assaulting a girl, the law is on that man’s side. That’s the extent of their concern when it comes to shit like this. Men make more noise about whether or not they have the “legal right” to fuck a 16 or 17 year old girl than the 1 in 10 possibility (no seriously click here to look it up) of them being sold bottled water that literally has fecal bacteria in it.

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    men are disgusting. myboyfriend’s cousin is in the boarder patrol and he had to go to new mexico for training. The age...
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