


None of this shit is funny.

All of this is self hate.

All of this is dehumanizing.

All of this is foolish ignorance.

This is not only disgusting, but appalling as well; exactly how can we succeed as a community when you put down the very women who bring you up?

These “men” are children.

If you do not support black women, you do not support black power. Black power is not just for black men. If you do not support black women.. Congratulations! You have ‘slave mentality’.

The hatred of black women is taught by the white oppressor, older generations of black men, the media, and at some times other black women. As a whole, we cannot grow as a community if you HATE more then half of it.

Often when colorism is discussed in the black community, men and some women attribute darker skin as manly and attach racial slurs (non reclaim) to them.

Having malice towards darker skin does not make you above any person, and just to set the record straight: DATING, MARRYING, or FUCKING a white woman does not make you closer to the white man. You are black, that is who you are and that is who you will be, that is your identifier. NO MATTER where you will go you are black. You ancestors and your grandparents fought for the right to love one another.

So let me ask you this:
Is your mother an ugly monkey?
Is your sister an illiterate darkie?
Is your DAUGHTER, with skin the color of gold tier melanin UNWORTHY of human love and emotion? Should she be subject to the hate you spew from you ignorant lips? Are her tears useless, because she inherited YOUR skin?

For those who participate in such behavior, what is your skin tone? 9/10 they are as dark if not darker then the women they belittle.

This ignorance has got to STOP, if not for our current  generation…. Then the next.

- Susie, the Moderator who is sick of seeing self hate destroy her own community.

The fetishism of lighter skinned POC and the colorism between POC needs to stop.

Not only is this prevalent in the black/African community, but in all communities (except white) from Asia to Latin America.

- it’s Susie again

(Source: iheartandreaa)

(Reblogged from facebooksexism)


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    There’s a difference between preference and being a dick. These guys are dicks.
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    #BISHWHET These mufukas are brainwashed, self-hating, ignorant fucks who dont deserve a second look from a Nubian Queen...
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    The self hate and that negativity generated directed at women is very troubling to me. The devaluing of women due to...
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