this is multifandom and sj blog
if im reblogging random strange posts sorry shit is fucked up

i need chocolate
» "What?" the FAQ


I’ve noticed some people with questions about the new tag! Since I’m behind this movement 961%, I have decided to address these questions here.

Is this really happening?
Yes, this is real! That’s not a joke post and this is certainly not an April Fool’s prank! We’re actually doing this tag!

What exactly is going on?
A lot of dumb stuff is happening in a fandom that should be a safe place. So, instead of fighting a losing battle, we’re just starting a new fandom. Same as the old one, but separate and in a new tag (“wtnv revolution”). And we’re going to defend this new fandom from the creeps that ruined the old one.

I don’t think I’m problematic? Am I problematic?
Because you’re asking this question, I can almost assure you that you’re not problematic! Congrats! Most people who are have been called problematic and don’t care, which means that they wouldn’t be concerned when entering the tag about whether they’re problematic. You’re not one of those people, though! At least, not obviously.

If you hate on others’ race, orientation, or identity headcanons for no reason other than that they don’t match yours, you’re problematic. If you headcanon characters like Carlos or Tamika as white or characters like Cecil or Carlos as straight, you’re problematic. If you create art that centers around unhealthy or abusive relationships, triggering things such as rape or pedophilia, or anything else gross and awful, you’re problematic. If you do things like defend your right to cosplay the Apache Tracker or ship Cecil Baldwin and Dylan Marron, even after the staff has made it clear that such things are bad and make them uncomfortable, you’re problematic.

But as long as you’re respectful of others and concerned about whether what you’re doing is problematic, you’re probably not problematic. Welcome!

How do I become a part of this?
Use the new tag! Post your art, fics, theories, blogging, jokes, snide remarks and comments there! Track it and browse it! And if anyone comes in and posts hate, retaliate! Nicely, of course. Don’t send any hate, but make it clear that we’re not putting up with that in our new fandom. And, of course, spread the word—make sure to tell newcomers to WTNV to go to this tag specifically! And make the new fandom welcoming and comfortable for all people!

pls dont start a revolution with ableist slurs