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[–]Hairlesswalkingchimp 259 ポイント260 ポイント

I'm gonna get real with you reddit, no matter how pissed this makes you it doesn't change the fact that he would not have had this absurd success if he was a white kid.

[–]DownvoteDaemon -4 ポイント-3 ポイント

Oh my god. As a black redditor I better stop reading now before my blood pressure goes up.

Here is why I think affirmative action is good:

Think about it this way. In America white people are 63 percent of the population(73 percent if you include white Hispanics like those from spain). Institutionalized and systematic racism doesn't happen because white people hate other groups...let me explain. Being a part of the majority comes with many benefits.

The concept of homogeneity dictates that humans are more likely to be friends with, mate with and unconsciously give favoritism to those with similar traits. It is the reason most white people prefer to date white people. It is not because they are racist but because they prefer those similar to them. It could be similar in race or socio-economic background. There are white people who would rather only hire whites because of racism but they are probably a smaller group than the ones who do it unconsciously. White people run most institutions by virtue of being the majority.

Affirmative action is not perfect but it tries to correct for this bias. There is no perfect way to fight institutionalized racism. If black people were 63 percent and white people were 13 percent you better believe there would be something to protect the white people. It is supposed to give a minority a chance against a white person of equal credentials. Does it hurt a few white people? Sure and it's not perfect.

[–]Wiggles7 [score hidden]

"It's not perfect and might not be fair but it helps me out, so why not?"

[–]DownvoteDaemon [score hidden]

You know of a better way to correct for institutionalized racism? You deny that being part of the 63 percent majority comes with benefits? I could easily say that you don't think my black parents worked hard to graduate from Yale. I worked hard as well for my two college degrees. I worked just as hard as you.

[–]Wiggles7 [score hidden]

So because somewhere someone might be racist the government and all of these institutions should give handouts based on race? You dont see an issue with that? Well let me ask you this, when will it end? Do we need African Americans to have a population burst or white people to have a massive die off event to finally end AA? Or more likely will people like you just fight to keep it around because you like the advantages it gives you whether or not it is still necessary?

[–]DownvoteDaemon [score hidden]

When would you deem it not necessary? You think we are all on an even playing field? Even if each race had an equal amount of people that wouldn't solve it. If black people were 63 percent and had a history of treating white people bad you had better believe yall would have something protecting you.

[–]groggyduck [score hidden]

As a mixed redditor, you know what I think would be better? Anonymous applications. You'd turn your college application in to a program that removes all traces of your name, race, gender, sexual identity, and any other personal identifiers. It wouldn't remove the lines completely, just cover the relevant words up, and then you'd be assigned an applicant number. The Admissions board would then get your application package that would be marked with your application number and they'd decide whether or not Applicant 49628 should be part of their freshman class.

Would this currently put kids from poor areas at a disadvantage? Yes, but AA isn't the answer, improved K-12 education is. Set up more Charter schools, have some high schools that focus on the Arts for kids who want to be an Art Major, some schools that focus on Science for kids who want to be a Science Major, etc., etc. Instead of the current distribution of education funding, pool it all together for each state and give $X/student to try and balance out the funding between the hoity-toity school and the broke-as-fuck school to give poor students a fair shot. Once the framework is there, it's up to the students to utilize it and try to make something of themselves, it shouldn't just fall into anyone's lap.

[–]DownvoteDaemon [score hidden]

As a mixed redditor, you know what I think would be better? Anonymous applications.

The problem with that is that there have been peer reviewed studies that show those with black or ethnic sounding names often have their applications thrown out or disregarded. I wish it was an equal playing field. I like your idea but it doesn't correct for institutionalized racism.

[–]_you_suck_ [score hidden]

Did institutionalized racism make you name your kid Dayquan? This isn't brain surgery.

[–]_you_suck_ [score hidden]

Oh my god. How much barbecue sauce did you get on your keyboard copying and pasting this response? Or is it the white man's fault that you have to keep copying and pasting the same load of bullshit? Your comment history is pretty hilarious.

[–]DownvoteDaemon [score hidden]

Cool bro lol. I am not held down by the white man nor do I think most white people are racist. I have only been treated well by white people despite living in the south. The white man had nothing to do with me getting two college degrees.