Opera Developer 22!

Today marks the first release of Opera Developer 22. For this initial developer release our primary focus has been on backend changes to ready ourselves for future improvements in the UI and elsewhere.

Nonetheless, 22 is a major update and includes hundreds of bug fixes, crash fixes and site rendering improvements (see our changelog for the full list).

In addition some UI improvements are already visible, such as a new Encoding Menu, an update to our default themes and a better (silent) update process on Windows. Our new silent update allows for a more seamless update to the latest version. There are no buttons to click and no UAC (User Account Control) dialog interrupting your workflow. You will be automatically updated to ensure you always have the most recent and most secure Opera version.

Note: This build will not silently update, that will happen from the next Developer release.

Thanks again for your testing and feedback, which is (as always) greatly appreciated!


  • Update to Chromium 35.0.1883.0
  • Silent update
  • New default themes
  • Encoding menu


Full changelog

  • stiankrosd

    The changelog isn’t where it is supposed to be.

    • blackcoder


      • L33t4opera

        The change log is already visible ;-)

  • Leonardo Gomes

    New flags:

    Extension API experiments

    One-click installation of extensions

    First run import

    Gesture tap highlighting

  • Kurt Zon

    thank you opera Team – firing up now!!!!!!!!!

  • L33t4opera

    Thanks for info Ruarí, I’m going to test the brand new Opera Developer 22 ;-)

  • Leonardo Gomes

    Impl-side painting is working. Or, at least, not causing problems on dropdown menus.

    • RX-3200

      it working, but it shows a blurred div then you opening the folder with two dozen pictures inside in speeddial, before folder div load completely
      so I disable it

  • Leonardo Gomes

    503 points on html5test.com

    • Vux777

      what OS?

      • Leonardo Gomes

        Win 8.1 x64.

        • Vux777

          I’m on win7…I’ve edited my previous post just when you post his one ツ

    • hylik

      LOL it show MathML support when it’s like 1 year that Google removed it from Blink!

  • Niyawa

    Speed Dial thumbnails haven’t been fixed yet, it seems. Not having Adblock and other scripts enabled make them look uglier, it’s not nice.

  • Alexander Mardari

    Do I sense side / tree-style tabs coming?

    • Leonardo Gomes

      Hmm, why do you sense it?

  • http://www.operaturkiye.net/ Mağruf Çolakoğlu

    Thanks Ruari. Pls also gave more info about new flags.

  • Leonardo Gomes

    4980 points on Peacekeeper.

  • Olli

    So where is the Mac version?

  • Cryio

    So ehm, I hope it works well?

    I still have one major gripe with this new Opera, and it’s a rendering thing.

    Sometimes (half the times) when I open a speed dial, it opens an empty page and THEM it loads the dials and theme. It’s just so obvious that the Speed Dial is not yet completely native. I don’t even have to say that I have to close the speed dial occasionally because nothing loads at all. (not in O20, not in Next 21)

    • http://www.opera.com Zhenis Beisekov

      CPU, RAM, Connection speed? Any other clues you can give us?

  • VladdSerbia

    I don’t want anything updating silently on my PC! In fact, I would like an option in Opera to turn off automatic updates. I’m the one who should decide do I want to update or not, after I see the changelogs.
    Thanks for the release.

    • Leonardo Gomes

      I see your point but i think that silent updates is/will be the future and we will have to deal with it sooner or later.

      Anyway, “power users” will always find a way to block them.

      • NoName

        I would be nice to have the “blocking” build in, for power users.

    • Ralf Brinkmann

      I support this wish.

    • RingMyDingDong

      how about making ‘silent update’ optional?


      Agree, as good as this is for the average user, this is an unwanted and unwelcome option for me.
      I want to know what and when anything is updated, and if I have to update it.
      If something goes wrong, I know what’s new.

  • http://www.operaturkiye.net/ Mağruf Çolakoğlu

    I am not sure why but it is crashing again after enable syn. Pls confirm.

    • Leonardo Gomes

      Sync is enabled here and no crashes so far.
      Win 8.1 x64 if it matters.

    • NoName

      Works here, Win 8.1. What service are you using to login?

      • http://www.operaturkiye.net/ Mağruf Çolakoğlu

        Opera account. But maybe it reagrds with other thing.

        • NoName

          I’m using Opera account as well. So could be other things, yea.

  • NoName

    I get NSL issues when restoring a session.
    While they try to load, each tab uses a full CPU core!

    When I select the tab, the tab starts rendering, and everything seems to run normal (for the selected tab only). When I have selected all tabs with the NSL issue, everything seems okay.

    I tried to disable the “Onload event delay” flag, but the issue persist.

  • http://pavelkouril.cz/ Pavel Kouřil

    PLEASE add the option to turn off the automatic updates…

    As someone who often uses Opera on laptop connected to internet via Internet Sharing from my phone, I do not want to get my FUP limits on mobile internet wasted on Opera updates.

    • Max Nrws

      Delete after every install:

    • Marcin Mitek

      Create OPERA_AUTOUPDATE_DISABLED variable in your OS. Set anything you want for the value.

      • Nekomajin42

        Temporary solution, but what about a built-in one?

  • abaddon

    Could it be possible to allow users to change keyboard shortcuts to their liking? Also I often use up to three languages for writing, and find it a bit of a hassle not to have a shortcut for cycling through installed spell checker dictionaries.

    • Miskkie

      Customization of anything? “lol no” I’d imagine would be opera’s answer to that.

    • http://www.opera.com Zhenis Beisekov

      Very interesting scenario. I also daily write in 3 different languages, and that option would be helpful. I usually use the right click menu.

      It is not super fast, but it works as expected, and I can double check the currently picked language.

  • moto0000

    1. Do options to hide [+] on Speed Dial :(
    2. When I clear download history, downloads folder jump :/

  • Piotr “Piter432″ Żółtowski

    Eh, no Linux build :(

  • Vux777

    that FB bug is back, when profile is opened in background tab

    • Marcin Mitek

      Any particular steps? Extensions installer? Seems to be WFM in this build, upgraded from previous Developer, so not a clean installation for sure.

  • helsten2

    No PDFs. The Adobe Acrobat plug-in still keeps crashing…

  • nanana1

    The default SD theme looks ugly here. :(

  • newto

    Ok guys, this will be my last one.

  • Nekomajin42

    WOW, it’s an early surprise.
    But, like others, I’d really like to be able to turn the silent update off, or at least get a popup warning before the update. I don’t care if silent update is default, but make it optional, please!
    (Or copy the Firefox way, because at this time, that is the best solution.)

    Other feature requests:
    - Optional confirm exit on Windows (either with shortcut and window control X)
    - Add a few icons to the context menus (http://blogs.opera.com/desktop/2014/03/opera20fordesktop/#comment-1269745605)

  • christian

    Still not possible to install on my XP SP3 system. Installer crashing immediately.