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Scotirish asked on

Where Is The Clipboard on Windows 7?

I recently purchased a Windows 7 Professional 32-bit Dell computer.  I cannot find the clipboard on the OS.  Maybe it didn't come with one.  If so, is there a Microsoft site where I can download a clipboard and install it on this machine? I'd appreciate any information you can offer here.


Scotirish                                 3/5/11

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BurrWalnut replied on

Unlike XP, the clipboard cannot be viewed in Windows 7. You need a copy of clipbrd.exe from an XP computer. It is located in C:\WINDOWS\system32. Copy it into the same folder in Windows 7 and to run it, click the Windows Orb (Start), type clipbrd and press Enter.

Ninety-nine per cent of politicians give the rest a bad name.
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Scotirish replied on


Many thanks for your fast response!
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DillonDavies replied on


im so lost so i dont have a clip board    my real question is how do i take a screen shot and email it i can see the button i just dont know how to use it pls help
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Lead3 replied on


Windows 7 has a clipboard, just not a clipboard viewer.

Screen shots are taken the same as former Windows.

Prt Scr or Shift Prt Scr then paste to where ever you want.

A better solution in my opinion is to use the Snipping tool.


Type Snipping into the start search box and hit enter.



Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) 2011
Found this helpful 3
SandraSassi replied on


You can download Gadwin PrintScreen  - then follow the link "Download this file"  This is a free app so you'll need to scroll down to the bottom of the screen to choose the "free" version


Click ok then go to your start menu.  Clcik on All Programs.  Find the program Gadwin Systems -> Printscreen -> Printscreen.  This will launch Gadwin.


Preferences: Hot Key: Printscreen, check "Show notification messages", "Show splash on startup" and "Run at Windows Start Up".

Source: Captured Area = Rerangular Area

Destination: check "Coopy Captured area to Clipboard and "Copy captured area to file"; File - check Automatic naming.  It will give you a Capture directory (this a "print screen" file that automatically saves what you've print-screened - you can think of it as a clipboard)

Image: Type of Image - Windows Bitmap


With this app, you can choose to printscreen only certain areas of you screen or you can printscreen the entire screen.  The retangluar area allows you to choose only what you want.  Once you've print-screened what you want, you can either paste it in an email (HTML Only) or you can go the captured directory (c:\xxxx\Printscreen Files), change the extension from .bmp to .jpg and now it can be attached to your email and viewed as a photo.


Every time you printscreen something it will be saved in the PrintScreen File directory.  Every so often you'll need to delete some (old) or all screenshots because it can build up very quickly.  I use this app 30 - 40 times a day. 

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claudio_913 replied on


Windows 7 has a clipboard, just not a clipboard viewer.

Screen shots are taken the same as former Windows.

Prt Scr or Shift Prt Scr then paste to where ever you want.

A better solution in my opinion is to use the Snipping tool.


Type Snipping into the start search box and hit enter.


Snipping? is that real?


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Lead3 replied on


Yes, it is the Snippng tool provided in  Windows 7
Microsoft Community Contributor (MCC) 2011
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Richard_SA replied on


For the best solution, use Screenhunter, its free and works like a champ! Check it out at

Lt. N.
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Lt. N. replied on

I recently purchased a Windows 7 Professional 32-bit Dell computer.  I cannot find the clipboard on the OS.  Maybe it didn't come with one.  If so, is there a Microsoft site where I can download a clipboard and install it on this machine? I'd appreciate any information you can offer here.


Scotirish                                 3/5/11

If using MS Word 2007 or 2010, Clipboard is under Home tab.  Click on it, will see clipboard content.  Google search is also having problem with Clipboard.  People open new tab, select "Search with Google".  the search automatically inserted the clipboard content in the search field.  Google still does not have a fix for it.
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Cody666 replied on


I found it in system32 but it won't open, any advice?
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