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View Important Announcement >>
What are they doing for the anniversary? >>
>>10528355 most likely an announcement regarding origin and g-reko>>
>>10528355 >>10528362 1) G-Reconquista ( was registered by Sunrise on 2/4/14, updated 2/12/14) 2) Gundam The Origin ( was originally registered in 2011 but registration info was updated on 2/12/14) 3) Gundam-san ( was registered on 2/10/14 and updated 2/12/14)>>
>>10528382 >G-Reconquista is that the one Tomino is going to show off the audience how brother-sister relationships SHOULD be?>>
>>10528524 Most likely. There's a video at the bottom of the page ( with date and hour. I don't think most of us will be awake at that time: i=March+20th%2C+2014.+17%3A00+JST>>10528382 Curiously, these redirect to a "403 Foribidden" error code.>>
>>10528649 yea that's too early for me. Should be okay for the west coast though.>>
>>10528680 yeah, that used to be the same time of day that build fighters aired for me, so anyone who can stay up for that can probably stay awake for this announcement>>
>>10528778 It's going to be 5AM here, and I have to get up at 5:30 anyways... I hope it starts on time.>>
Oh shit is tonight the night? >>
>>10528649 9AM for me, idk if I have time at work to watch it though>>
>>10533451 It will be 3am for, who needs sleep>>
>>10533463 East coast bros will be up and waiting with you>>
>>10533319 >I hope it starts on time. Don't worry. The Japanese are known for that.>>
SERIOUSLY? I've got a thesis to cram so I'll be up all night anyways. How lucky. >>
4AM? That's when I'll get up! The advantages of unemployment >>
>>10528348 >We will get another special edition RX-78-2? Nope, we'll get glorious RX-78-02.>>
So are they giving us trailers for all 3 shows or will they cocktease us with stills and panels? >>
5PM Japan time is 12PM where I live (currently 01:17AM) so I'll probably watch it live. >>
>>10533567 No trailers, no announcements, 100% cocktease. Mark my words.>>
>>10528649 >It's at 9AM where I live >On the only day of the week when I don't have to go to the university until 1PM >>
>12 hours from now /m/ will explode with madfags being mad about Origin
>tfw shitstorm soon
Brb buying energy drinks.>>
>>10533655 What if What if
What if Making an anime for Origin sparks Sunrise to remake every series up to Seed>>
For comparison to last year's big announcement thread 90886/#q9293132 Look at that reaction to HG Wing >>
>>10533665 mitebcool would watch, especially if they get directors who aren't shit/doormats.>>
A New Translator
No. 10533687 >>10528649 >8am Thursday for me. Guess I will be missing it...>>
>>10533665 no cause then we'd have to put up with insufferable Zetafags>>
>>10533691 After MJP I really can't hate Hirai and his faces anymore.
>>10533692 Get a load of this oldtype.>>
>>10533703 I think remakes of previous series would be cool, they wouldn't be brought down by a terminal case of Tomino>>
>tfw trailers maybe I want to believe!>>
>>10533664 It's in this board's nature to wind up disappointed in almost anything it hypes up.>>
Where is our inter-robot reverse Harem made up entirely of one Nobel Gundam and super sexy grunts vying for her love? >>
>>10533692 What if someone from Zeta dies in Origin? Wouldn't have to be Bright, Amuro, or Char, it could be Hayato, Kai, Mirai, Katz, even baby Mineva dying would completely de-rail Zeta. Part of me actually wants to see the shitstorm that would cause, but most of me doesn't even want to see the shitstorm over canon that Origin is going to cause as-is. I hate knowing that this is going to make it that much harder to get people to watch the original series and will just embolden people who already tell others not to bother watching it.>>
>>10533876 It's amazing how so many people can complain about something they have not even read.>>
>>10533876 No-one from Zeta dies in Origin anyway, so I don't see why they'd make such a stupid alteration for no reason.>>
>>10533894 99% of the /m/ users are autists that haven't even watched all the animated Gundam...>>
>>10533900 I can honestly say I am one of them But that's only because I started a few months ago>>
5AM for br bros hehuehuehuehu >>
>>10533896 That said i like that Origin tried to be self contained. It's not bloated with references from OVA series or sequels. You can guess that the storyline will eventually continue to the Gryps Conflict but it's not contemplated in the boundary of the storyline, just like MSG wasn't created to spawn an entire universe.>>
>>10533919 vou dormir e colocar despertador pras 5>depois vou dormir ate as 10 huehueheuheu >>
>>10533894 What makes you think I'm complaining about the events of the manga? The anime isn't made yet, more things could change besides the roll-out dates for the Guntank and Guncannon, as a hypothetical situation. Don't be so condescending. And what makes you think I was complaining about the changes in the manga anyway? I'm just saying it sucks that people will be louder about telling people not to watch the original anymore. Get off your high horse.>>
>>10534056 >I'm just saying it sucks that people will be louder about telling people not to watch the original anymore. That's a good thing. As it is right now, I'd rather recommend people to read the manga. You have to admit that Mobile Suit Gundam hasn't aged very well. When a The Origin anime is released, would there be any compelling reason to watch the 1979 show, other than nostalgia-faggotry?>>
>>10534101 >You have to admit that Mobile Suit Gundam hasn't aged very well I will do no such thing.>>
>>10534101 QUALITY, Doan, salt episode, Gyan Vs Gundam, and many more>>
>>10534101 >would there be any compelling reason to watch the 1979 show, other than nostalgia-faggotry? To appreciate what made it stand out at the time. More recent versions you can just take as a good sci-fi story. Seeing the TV series as it was originally produced, you get to see the version that started it all, and really get a sense of why it stood out for people in the first place. For some people, that may not seem like much, but it DOES make a difference to others. Same for Mazinger Z and Space Battleship Yamato. Yes, there's newer versions out there, but those were made when the brand had more freedom to do what it wanted, so you kind of take for granted the things they did differently the first time around.>>
>>10534135 It's a fucking split second shot. You look in any show, it's got that shit.>>
>>10534115 The animation? Yes. The G-Armour? Yes. The rest? No, that has aged incredibly gracefully.>>
>>10534122 >QUALITY Why would anyone want to see that?>Doan, salt episode Translated, "am i funneh nao guize?">Gyan Vs Gundam That is in The Origin.>>
>>10534101 To see how it all began? It's not "nostalgia-faggotry" if I only saw it within the last few years myself. That only applies to things you saw a long time ago (when you were a kid) evoking memories of that time.>>10534122 >salt episode That's actually one of the more realistic things in MSG: tremia You don't realize it because you eat fast food all the time, but you actually get fatigued and die without salt.>>
Maybe Crossbone anime trailer/announcement? >>
>>10534178 >That is in The Origin. And it won't be shit this time.>>
>>10534140 Except /m/ hates Toei Mazinger and 2199 is superior to the original Yamato in every fucking way. Face facts, things get old and don't hold up well.>>
>>10534101 The movies are there too, and even so, people watch the TV series because they're not the same thing and people want to know first hand how was the stuff that started everyting.>>
>>10534182 >To see how it all began? That doesn't make any sense. You're willingly watching something old and obsolete solely because it is old and obsolete. It has no other substantive qualities The Origin does not have.>>
Hyped. Looking forward to finally getting the origin. I think the best way to describe it to the influx on new peeps will just be to say that it is a alternate telling ala A New Translation. >>
>>10534207 From the board that claims to appreciate older anime and classics, this smacks of double-standard.>>
>>10534140 >For some people, that may not seem like much, but it DOES make a difference to others. Not really unless you're a dumb oldfag. Reason why people don't boither to watch the original versions of The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers is because the remakes are superior. Who cares what came first when the quality of one product is better than the other?>>
>>10534212 Well yeah there's this.
But then there's the godawful and casual Unicorn audience, who's first contact with the OYW will likely be Origin.>>
>>10534213 >old and obsolete. old != obsolete You'll understand that when you grow up.>>
>>10534178 HAHAHAHAHAHAH fucking autist haven't even read the manga GO FUCK YOURSELF RETARD>>
>>10534226 >it is a alternate telling ala A New Translation. Except for the fact that A.N.T. isn't a replacement for the series. On it own, it doesn't make much sense and serves mostly as fanservice for the audience that has watched the anime.>>
So question: Would anyone be interested if they flat out adapted the MSG novel (awakening/escalation/confrontation ) down the line? I was honestly expecting Japan to troll it at least once in the lead up to Origin. >>
>>10534251 The novels are far too retarded and depressing.>>
>>10534227 That's because there's more than one person on /m/. You get that when people aren't a hive-mind. Everyone has opinions. Some of us like to see the original and put perspective on the other franchises that came after and how one franchise affected others. Others of us only want the new and shiny with modern rock music. There is no such thing as "generally accepted" or "/m/'s opinion".>>
>>10534238 In this case, it is old AND obsolete. Some things can be brand new and still be obsolete, like a games console or a Toyota Corolla.>>
>>10534228 >Reason why people don't boither to watch the original versions of The Thing and Invasion of the Body Snatchers is because the remakes are superior. >Implying people don't want the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers Swing and a miss. Thank you for playing.>>
>>10534251 Look what they did with Hi-Streamer and Beltorchika's Children>>
>>10534122 >salt episode Am I the only one who didn't think that the salt episode wasn't that silly? It was just "yo we're out of salt morale is going to drop if people get shit food can we pick up some salt sometime" to which Bright said "yeah sure there's a salt lake nearby it's like ten minutes to go and get some".>>
>>10534251 Yes. Yes I would. The MSG novels could be done as a new MSG movie trilogy. I would love to see the RX-78-3 animated.>>
>>10534265 The original version is terrible B-movie. Go be a fucking hipster somewhere else.>>
>>10534251 I'd actually be moderately interested in Tomino's pre-production ideas for MSG like smaller "suit" mecha instead of 20m giant robots, the original "industrial robot" design for the Gundam, things like that. At least that would be easily identifiable as an alternate take and not taken to be the obsoletion of the original series.>>
>>10534279 I'd like to see the Kusko Al stuff, myself. And not just her hilariously over-detailed death.>>
>>10534283 >fucking hipster Have you actually looked at its general reviews? Even nowadays most critics hold it in pretty high regard. This isn't even hipster. Mainstream critics still speak well of it. Face it. Ya fucked up and picked a bad example.>>
>>10534274 Yeah, for as much as the salt episode gets riffed it did have a purpose. To show that the ship was low on critical survival supplies. The human body does need a certain amount of salt per day to remain healthy. The episode should have handled the supply problem aspect of it better.>>
>>10534232 Even so, The Origin can trigger their curiosity and they may end up watching the original series. Of course they likely will be the minority in the group, but still.>>10534242 The Origin isn't a replacement, neither. It's its own thing. You can connect The Origin with Zeta, but is different enough than 0079 to consider it as its own. Some people have a weird boner for this canon and "ultimate" nonsense... I don't get it.>>
>>10534274 Not just morale, they were going through a desert. Your body loses a lot of salt through sweat, that would have caused health problems. Most people seem to actually not care either way. I actually thought it was neat because it's an aspect of survival you don't normally see addressed in fiction. There are at least two people on /m/ that insist that it was an entire episode spent doing nothing but chasing a luxury item, and I'm not sure they've actually seen the episode at all, since they don't seem to know how little of the episode actually involved the search for salt. I think they're just balking at the description of the episode in the wiki, honestly.>>
>>10534295 >Even nowadays most critics hold it in pretty high regard. In retrospect, back when it was in theaters it was ignored entirely. And despite your stupid claim the remake is still considered the better of the two.>>
>>10534311 >I'm not sure they've actually seen the episode at all Talking shit about shows you haven't actually bothered to watch is an /m/ pasttime.>>
>>10534305 >Even so, The Origin can trigger their curiosity and they may end up watching the original series. >Of course they likely will be the minority in the group, but still. Why would anyone want to do that, logically?>Some people have a weird boner for this canon and "ultimate" nonsense... I don't get it. The same way I don't get why people worship a 35-year old show with terrible animation, so-so writing and stupid moments. The Origin has no filler and no Tomino crap.>>
>>10534314 It's considered better, but you notice people don't declare the original obsolete. It's still revered as a classic for the era, and one of the better horror films of the time period. Cause most people don't have a hard time living with the idea of multiple versions of the same story.>>
>>10534274 I didn't think it was even weird after I began reading /m/ threads. And even today I think it wasn't all that silly.>>
>>10534329 >Why would anyone want to do that, logically? You're one of those guys who argues DYRL means you shouldn't bother with the original Macross, aren't you?>>
>>10534279 Yeah, I would also like to see the Amuro/Sayla romance part. The original MSG only hinted that they were a couple for a time after the war. I liked that they were full blown lovers in the novel. The sex scene with her asking Amuro to kill her brother could be a really great dramatic scene. (and not for perv reasons.)>>
>>10534329 >terrible animation While the animation might be terrible, 0079 has something extremely important going for it that The Origin might not be able to trump: fucking incredible action choreography. The action in 0079 is quite possibly the best I've seen and certainly the best in any Gundam series. If The Origin can match that or keep the fight choreography the same then it's a contender.>>
>>10534337 >>You're one of those guys who argues DYRL means you shouldn't bother with the original Macross, aren't you? It's not a good example. Macross is a long story, while DYRL is basically eye candy for people who know the original, like the A.N.T. movies for Zeta Gundam. If we were talking about Macross: The First you'd have a point.>>
>>10534329 >Why would anyone want to do that, logically? "Gee, I wonder how such a franchise became so popular in the firstplace. Maybe I'll check out the original. The new one is nice, but I'd like to see if the original was fair for its time." It's why I'm gonna watch most of Yamato before I dig into 2199.>>
>>10534345 >0079 has something extremely important going for it that The Origin might not be able to trump: fucking incredible action choreography. >The action in 0079 is quite possibly the best I've seen and certainly the best in any Gundam series. The action is quite good in the series, but I think you're exaggerating a bit. What about SDF Macross?>>
>>10534305 >Origin can trigger their curiosity and they may end up watching the original series That, I think, is the light side of the coin. I know that a lot of people, most especially non-Gundam-fans, aren't receptive to 1979 animation and /m/ tends to tell people to start there or fuck off. If seeing a newer side-story or AU makes someone a fan of the franchise, they'll be more receptive to the older incarnation of it because they already like Gundam as opposed to someone who is sitting down at MSG 1 with no prior exposure. Origin helping to get people into the fandom is a good thing. People discouraging others from watching the original is the part that bothers me. Not the fact that Origin is getting made, nor the very small changes to the canon, but the fact that it will make this asshole
even more determined to discourage people.>>
>>10534345 Don't forget about the funky battle music. Doubt The Origin will have that. MCu8lIo
[Embed ]>>
>>10534240 Can you bother to type a coherent reply, instead of flinging dumb insults? Gyan does appear in The Origin.>>
>>10534362 I'll probably get re-arranged. Yamato 2199 did it with its sountrack.>>
So what are the odds they do a straight adaption vs adding in totally new material? I just don't see all the flashback parts keeping audience attention as the A plot. >>
>>10534329 >Why would anyone want to do that, logically? As I said,
people want to know first hand how was the stuff that started everyting.>The same way I don't get why people worship a 35-year old show with terrible animation, so-so writing and stupid moments. The Origin has no filler and no Tomino crap. Because people like me like to watch fun things and think Gundam, whatever the date it was made, is fill with lots of fun and crazy charming moments. I like old and new stuff alike, by the way. And I'm not limited to Gundam, not even to mecha alone as a genre.>>
>>10534345 >0079 has something extremely important going for it that The Origin might not be able to trump: fucking incredible action choreography.'s fucking nothing>>
>>10534358 What bothers me is that you're treating the original as some sort of sacred cow that cannot be compared to anything. What we are talking about is an old TV anime with crappy animation, mediocre dialogue, stupid filler episodes, retarded designs (G-Armor, etc) and a rushed finale.>>
>>10534375 Depends entirely on if Origin is going to be an OVA or a TV series. If it's an OVA then I expect it will be a full literal adaption. If it's a TV series then I could see some alterations made to insure that they don't lose the audience during the Loum and Zeon flashbacks.>>
>>10534345 Zeta, F91, 0080, 0083, 08th Team, Turn A, 00 and even fucking GBF has better action choreography than 0079. You're exaggerating.>>
>>10534388 >Because people like me like to watch fun things and think Gundam, whatever the date it was made, is fill with lots of fun and crazy charming moments. This goddamn "its fun yaaaay" attitude is a fucking excuse to be a complete moron.>>
>>10534406 >even fucking GBF >even GBF
GBF has some of the best choreography in the franchise, yah faggot.>>
>People treating 0079 as some magnum opus >has shit animation >terribad pacing >rushed as fuck ending
Origins is gonna destroy /m/. Good thing not a lot of people cared about Yamato before 2199 or hell cared about it while 2199 was airing or else there would have been more autistic oldfags here.>>
>>10534409 I'm not allowed to have fun watching anime?>>
>>10534420 >GBF has some of the best choreography in the franchise Go back to your containment general>>
>>10534398 >you're treating the original as some sort of sacred cow and you're treating it like complete garbage with no redeeming value whatsoever to be cast aside and forgotten as soon as possible. Are you that surprised people get a little defensive?>>
>>10534420 >GBF has some of the best choreography in the franchise Build Knuckle!>>
>>10534409 >hurr durr muh intellectual pretentions Seriously, get the fuck out.>>
>>10534438 Man, its like, you don't even realize people watch things for entertainment.>>
>>10534435 >and you're treating it like complete garbage Complete? No. Just most of it.>with no redeeming value whatsoever It has value. Only that The Origin is better.>to be cast aside and forgotten as soon as possible. Since there's a better one right now, that has all the old show had and more, why not? Because the original has some indefinite "charm" to it, or some other abstract bullshit, out of being old?>>
>>10534409 I was to answer but I honestly don't know how to do so. I mean... It's pretty hard to answer to someone who apparently hates people liking and having fun with harmless cartoons. I'm speechless.>>
>>10534438 No, I think I'll stay here, where there are more of my kind that there are of yours. Stay mad, kid. Just because you're some miserable fuck with delusions of grandeur doesn't mean the rest of us have to play along. I notice you don't even have an argument. That's right, you don't have one. It's just you squealing and flapping your arms, outraged that others enjoy something in a way that you don't. I bet you're the same kind of tard that sits fuming in restaurants because someone on the other table is eating something you hate.>>
>>10534438 >>>/v/ I bet you don't even think you are the cancer>>
>>10534457 It's because you don't realize how OBJECTIVELY BAD the structure of 0079 is, according to a writing class that anon once sat through half of. You're not allowed to like structures that shape. You have to like a different shape. I won't warn you twice. Change your ways now, or me and that other anon will deal with you super-duper harshly.>>
>>10534471 Fun isn't a buzzword dude, it's like impossible for it to be one. Do you even know what a "Buzzword" is?>>
What I don't get is why people get butthurt if you've only seen the MGS movies. I thought it was okay to recommend those >>
>>10534477 You know there is technically no "wrong" way to write. As the rules of writing were made by man and truthfully if one wanted to they could ignore them completely.>>
>>10534471 Fun, as an entirely subjective phenonomen, doesn't need to be justified externally.
Whereas saying "you are wrong for doing this" to someone does.>>
>>10534482 Just autistic oldfags. It's recommended that you watch both or just stop watching the TV series once they reach space and watch the third movie for a much better experience.>>
My dream is that they will do The Origin in a 12 part ova released quarterly.
I really hope the long lead in time since the announcement of the project has allowed them a good buffer. I don't want cut cornered TV animation. Give me full blown high budget OVA level stuff. >>
>>10534493 Whatever dude, enjoy having "fun" in Hell.>>
>This thread is just a precursor to the end of /m/ >>
>>10534398 >some sort of sacred cow that cannot be compared to anything No, I'm just saying that having a newer iteration does not make the original worthless. I don't mind it being re-made, I just wish you wouldn't tell people that there's no reason to watch it at all. It is still outstanding for it's time, it is still a piece of television history, and it is still the forbearer of 80's and 90's serious mecha anime. Once again, I only saw it within the last couple of years. AFTER having seen the shinier and prettier things like 08th and 00. And I still think that it is worth watching. After seeing the Origin anime, I will WANT to compare the two, and others' opinions of the two. But even if I do come away from the Origin anime thinking that it's better in every way I still would never call MSG shit or tell people not to watch it. If you're so positive that no one could possibly like it, why not tell them to try it for themselves? You're SURE they'll agree with you, right? What are you afraid of?>>
>>10534477 I-I... Alright, I'll do it, but just because it's you and that other anon that are telling me to do so!>>
>>10534482 It's not butthurt so much as superiority complex. Doing the long haul is boss-tier; the movies are for lightweights who aren't getting enough salt.>>
>>10534493 I take it he was sarcastically responding, anon...>>
>>10534526 I know, I just wanted to see how he'd respond.>>
>>10534506 >Origin
>ending /m/
We lived through most of Unicorn. We'll live through this.>>
I've loved 0079, the movie trilogy, and what I've read of The Origin manga. I'm looking forward to the anime adaptation. I've enjoyed every Gundam on at least on some level, and I doubt that'll change. Whether we'll see stuff about G-Reco, Gundam-san, Build Fighters Season 2, or a new Gundam show in general, I'll try my best to enjoy a series that was a big part of my growing up. Also, this thread got really terrible really fast. >>
>>10534498 wouldn't mind, seeing the Crossbone Villain suits animated would be cool.>>
>>10534503 With one ova devoted ENTIRELY to Doan's Island.>>
>>10534535 Unicorn was quarterly (when it felt like it) though>>
>>10534508 >I just wish you wouldn't tell people that there's no reason to watch it at all. Because there isn't any reason.> It is still outstanding for it's time For ITS TIME. 1979. We are not on that time anymore. It's in the past. Wasn't that part of Gundam's message? Letting go of the past, or something like that?>and others' opinions of the two. I'd rather eat liquified horse excrement.>I still would never call MSG shit or tell people not to watch it. Because you are a complete moron who worships old stuff solely because they are old.>why not tell them to try it for themselves? Why? Because time is valuable. Why would I recommend anyone to watch an old series? The only reason you do so is because it has some ridiculous "prestige" of being "outstanding for its time" or "a piece of television history", which are empty catchphrases used by poor movie critics.>You're SURE they'll agree with you, right? What are you afraid of? Nice try rerouting the argument.>>
>>10534546 For all we know Origin could be quarterly.>>
>>10534551 >Wasn't that part of Gundam's message? Letting go of the past, or something like that? That was only really pronounced in Turn A Gundam. and, to be fair, Tomino was more hoping people would just let go of Gundam entirely and try something else, so not really the best card to play here.>>
>>10534482 There's nothing wrong with watching the movies. The problem comes from people insisting that everything that wasn't in the movies didn't happen at all. The movies are an abbreviated version of the story, the most important 1/3 of the story. The series is still valid, and the "canon" argument is only brought up by people who don't like the series want to negate other people knowing more about the story than they do. This usually happens in the "Fed vs Zeon" debate threads when people try to disqualify events because "lol series only". If you only watched the movies, and you're happy with that and don't want to see more, that's perfectly fine. I, personally, watched through the series and still wanted more when it was over so I can't understand why someone would only want to watch 1/3 of it. That's not to say that you're wrong for being happy with the movies, just that some people can still enjoy the full series. The fact that fans of the series shit on fans of the movies and fans of the movies shit on fans of the series is equally disgraceful in my opinion. In the end, we are both Gundam fans.>>
>>10534564 >and, to be fair, Tomino was more hoping people would just let go of Gundam entirely and try something else, so not really the best card to play here. I can fully agree with that message, to be honest. Look at this thread. Look at this board. Gundam is overrated, overdiscussed. It's a bloated franchise.>>
I think it's highly likely that Origin is going to be an OVA. Likely the unicorn teams next effort. I expect Bandai/Sunrise to throw massive bank at it. It'll attract people like crazy in Japan. Way more than anything in the last few years. >>
>>10534568 Excellent response there! You sure provide a great retort with your insightful argumentation.>>
>>10534551 >I still would never call MSG shit or tell people not to watch it. >Because you are a complete moron who worships old stuff solely because they are old. What the fuck dude? This is /v/-tier posting>>
>>10534581 That's his argument. He never provides any compelling reason to watch the old TV series, except that it's old.>>
>>10534578 >Likely the unicorn teams next effort. see>>10534218 This says that they might be working on G-Reko instead. Still nothing on what division Sunrise will give to Origins.>>
>>10534532 Oh, in that case..
Damn it! My apologies.>>10534498 Ok, but with someone re-doing the chara design, please. I liked YAS's but I can deal with someone else, just not the dude from the manga.>>
>>10534578 Yeah, buzz only for it in Japan is way higher than normal. It'll be huge.
I'm hoping for a new Gundam MG Origin version will appear because of it.>>
>>10534605 Forgive my ignorance, but did a MG Origin Gundam come out recently?
Or am I thinking about a garage kit?>>
>>10534592 Well all we need to do is figure out which one isn't busy.>>
>>10534625 There is a Gundam Fix Figuration Metal Composite.>>
>>10534551 You seem to be under the mistaken impression that your subjective tastes are universally shared.>>10534590 You mean that he hasn't convinced you personally, which in your pretentiousness you believe means he hasn't given any reason at all. By the way your only reasons have been "because I don't like x" and "because it's old", spiced with a lot of "it's shit".
When it was pointed out that you have no argument, all you could say was "b-b-b-but he don't either!".>>
>>10534631 Studio 1(did UC): G-reco Studio 3: GBF, then new project Studio 5(never done a mecha anime): Origin>>
>>10534590 >That's his argument. No, actually, my argument is that *even though* it is old (not *because* it is old) it is still entertaining. The fact that I, and many others, have enjoyed watching it counteracts your claim that it is worthless. Of course not *everyone* is going to like it. I'm not telling you that you have to like it. I just wish you'd stop trying so hard to stop other people from TRYING it. Again, if you were really all that positive that it was unappreciable shit, you wouldn't try so hard to stop people from wanting to give it a shot.>time is valuable Their time is of no value to you. If you don't want to watch it, then don't. But you are actually wasting a significant amount of your immensely valuable time insisting that other people should not waste *their* time on something. Personally, I tell people to try everything themselves so that they actually know and aren't just repeating an opinion given to them by someone else. The fact that you are making such an effort to stop people from forming their own opinion is what I don't like about you. Not the fact that you don't like MSG, but the fact that you don't want to let anyone else like it either.>>
>>10534640 Holy crap that looks like pure sex.
If this how it'll look in Origin if all goes to plan?>>
>>10534648 Studio 5 does Gintama so they might do Gundam-san. Plus they are busy with Aikatsu>>
>>10534648 >then new project does new project mean "new gundam series" or like new anime? (example school comedy)>>
>>10534648 >then new project Actually they're doing Gundam-san.>>
>>10534663 >Gintama staff doing Gundam-san I can dig it>>
>>10534648 >Studio 5 did 0080, Shining Heresy and Raijin-oh fool fuck yes>>
>>10534656 >I just wish you'd stop trying so hard to stop other people from TRYING it. And your fucking attitude is irksome to me. Deal with that.>if you were really all that positive that it was unappreciable shit, you wouldn't try so hard to stop people from wanting to give it a shot. Again you try to dodge the whole thing. Quit it.>Personally, I tell people to try everything themselves so that they actually know It doesn't make sense when there is a replacement in the works. What can the old show provide that any adaptation of The Origin cannot? Nothing. This argument is valid for movies or OVAs, but not TV anime that are several hours long. Especially in the case of GSD, an 18-hour long show that provides little entertaiment, lots of frustration on the viewer, and the only reason you'd be asking people to watch it is so they have an opinion about it. The cost does not merit the means.>>
>>10534705 >Namely, because it's still fun An adaptation of The Origin will be equally fun. And quit it with that fucking empty catchword. It's cancer for argument.>because curiosity about how Gundam started Curious? About some old show? Of which there is a practical replacement for, that contains quite literally all the good stuff from the old one? It's the same thing as that old piece of shit, only remodelled and better.>because funky battle music
Which will probably will be in The Origin.>and enjoyable action scenes Ditto.>And you can compare old and new, too. Nothing worthwhile about doing that. "Oh, the new series did this or that differently". What's the point?>>
>>10534704 >It doesn't make sense when there is a replacement in the works Here's the thing. Sunrise doesn't see it as a replacement. Nowhere have they given any indication that they're gonna pull a George Lucas and stop making the original MSG because they have Origin now. MSG is a staple of the brand. They're not gonna stop making it any more than they would have stopped making it with the movie trilogy. It's a variation on a theme, not an overwrite. You may prefer to see it that way, but Sunrise doesn't seem to agree with you.>>
>>10534739 >stop making the original MSG How can they "stop making" the original? Do they have a Chronosphere which they can use to delete things from existance? And I don't give a fuck as to what a corporation "sees" or "believes" the series is supposed to be. My respect lies with Yas personally.>>
>>10534732 >An adaptation of The Origin will be equally fun. Prove it.>Curious? About some old show? That's not for you to decide on their behalf. Just because you're a stroppy, no-fun-allowed cockwhistler doesn't mean everyone else is.>probably Prove it or fuck off.>ditto Prove it or fuck off>>
>>10534762 >How can they "stop making" the original? Cease printing of the TV series, switch all merchandise over to the aesthetic set by The Origin. Again, it's like how Lucas has done everything in his power to keep the re-edited versions of the Star Wars trilogy as the gospel version by making it the only version available. If Sunrise wanted to, it would NOT be hard to do at all.>>
>>10534704 >Deal with that. Okay. btw, although I haven't gotten to them yet I do actually intend to watch AGE, SEED, and Destiny so that I can form my own opinion rather than only being able to repeat what I heard from someone else. In fact, while AGE and SEED were definitely on the "to do" list I wasn't quite 100% on Destiny, but now I'm resolved to include Destiny as well and it's ALL YOUR FAULT because I don't want to be like you.>>
>2014 >only watching Gundam for plot >not being able to enjoy campy old animation with affection rather than hating it with scorn I feel sorry for people like that.>>
>>10534780 >If Sunrise wanted to, it would NOT be hard to do at all. You really know nothing about otaku, do you. Should have stuck with Pacific Rim, kid. Mecha anime is above your level.>>
>>10534795 >making assumptions about shows that don't exist yet >>
>>10534762 >My respect lies with Yas personally. Who probably doesn't give a fuck that you are carrying on this crusade. The Japanese have a generally more flexible perception of continuity than over here. It's a big part of how they can do these multiple retellings of the same story without any problem.>>
I'm betting we are going to get mostly tease stuff for Origin. However, I do expect them to come out and say that they are doing a full recasting. (Which will cause a massive shitstorm) >>
>>10534732 >An adaptation of The Origin will be equally fun. And quit it with that fucking empty catchword. It's cancer for argument. Oh, so you are that guy who doesn't like fun. I'm still almost speechless. But at least I can say now that old things are still entertaining even if nowadays there're new things that are even more entertining.>Curious? About some old show? Of which there is a practical replacement for, that contains quite literally all the good stuff from the old one? It's the same thing as that old piece of shit, only remodelled and better. See, I said "curious about how Gundam started" which isn't quite the same. And, even if we're talking about "overall curious" about 0079 and The Origin "being a replacement", I'm going and point out that The Origin isn't meant to replace 0079, being it better or worse. And you can still be curious about how is 0079.>Which will probably will be in The Origin. We don't know yet, but it doesn't really matters.>Nothing worthwhile about doing that. "Oh, the new series did this or that differently". What's the point? The point is to do that very thing. There're people out there who has fun spotting the differences.>>
>>10534813 Not surprising, though. Half the cast's dead, and the other half will be soon. Unfortunately.>>
>>10534807 >The Japanese have a generally more flexible perception of continuity than over here. Drivel. Western comics are full of that. Even Star Trek got a reboot. And look at Star Wars under Disney. I can see why you prefer to stick with spouting your opinions rather than facts.>>
>>10534785 >so that I can form my own opinion Is that the only reason you're going to spend hours of your life? To "have an opinion"? Is that even worth it?> I wasn't quite 100% on Destiny, but now I'm resolved to include Destiny as well and it's ALL YOUR FAULT because I don't want to be like you. You know how fucking stupid this is? Think about it: you are going to invest 18 hours of your lifetime watching a show many, upon many, have said is bad... only to prove wrong somebody on the Internet? Do you have an iota of common sense?>>
>>10534803 I didn't say it would be a smart thing to do. Just that it would be easy to do in terms of leg work. They're not going to because it's not a smart business decision, but if they somehow decided 'Fuck the TV series and otaku be damned', even though it's career suicide...hey, all they have to do is just stop manufacture of certain items. But, again, not gonna happen since it's not good business.>>
>>10534762 >And I don't give a fuck as to what a corporation "sees" or "believes" the series is supposed to be. Your opinion is incredibly valuable to all of us here at Sunrise, but all of our operators are busy counting our millions of dollars. Please stay on the line until one of us can assist you.why is everyone arguing with this idiot >>
>>10534789 Well yeah, but that doesn't mean I can't prefer giving the MSG story the Unicorn treatment.>>
>>10534833 >how dare someone else waste an insignificant fraction of their life for their own satisfaction >>
>>10534789 >being able to enjoy campy old animation with affection rather than hating it with scorn No. Not at all. Plot and story come first, second, third and four on my list. Any other elements are almost irrelevant.>>
>>10534830 >Western comics are full of that And are regularly mocked for their inability to commit to any decision in the long term, to the point where any character death is met not with grief, but "How long until they undo this?">Even Star Trek got a reboot Which they then turned into an alternate timeline to give themselves an out. Star Trek Online has been playing out what's been happening in the main universe while the Abrams movies have been going on.>And look at Star Wars under Disney. Which part? Cause they've been shutting down a lot of the other continuity material from other sources since they took over full time. The EU's gonna be subject to a pruning under them (and SW fans aren't exactly broken up over it either.)>>
>>10534803 >You really know nothing about otaku, do you. Tell me, I'm all ears. I mean it.>>
>>10534813 Yeah, I'm betting on a recasting too. Ikeda can still pull of Char of different ages, but most of the remaining cast can't really do young anymore. (+ a good number of the cast have passed away)>>
>>10534845 It's fun to argue with idiots just to laugh at the stupid shit they come up with.>>
>>10534875 IMO they are only going to keep Furuya and Ikeda just to calm the otaku shitstorm.>>
>>10534833 >only to prove wrong somebody on the Internet? Incorrect. To have my own experience rather than only being able to repeat the opinion of someone who probably didn't actually watch it and is, himself, just repeating what other people told him to think. You don't understand, if I only watched things that /m/ didn't say were terrible, there would be nothing at all to watch. People told me not to waste time on ZZ. People told me not to waste time on G-Saviour. People told me not to waste time on MSG. And I enjoyed all of them, ESPECIALLY the original MSG. So here you are, telling me that it is impossible for someone to enjoy a show that I know from personal experience is my favourite of the franchise. That tells me that your advice is an unreliable predictor of whether I will enjoy something. The only way for me to actually KNOW whether I will like it is to try it myself.>>
>>10534875 For me, the main problem they'll face isn't that the former cast cannot do young voices anymore, but that they need them alive for the next 20 or so years (for games, sequels, etc.).>>
>>10534900 Then you wouldn't be getting a recasting aside from where it's absolutely necessary (ie: people unable to do their roles or actors who passed away) Kai's and Hayato's are still around and kickin, so them getting recasting is unlikely but possible. Kai's just reprised the role in Unicorn for instance.>>
This thread: trolls trolling trolls. How much longer till be get the announcements? >>
>>10534923 Kai's come back, but Hayato already got recast once for the Zeta movies, so it's anyone's guess.>>
>>10534952 I think that Nobuyuki Hiyama didn't fit too well in the role in the Z movies. I like him a lot as a VA but i hope that they choose someone else.>>
>>10534963 >not voting
It's like you want the Zekes to win.>>
>>10534274 >>salt episode salt is an important war time commodity
why is it so hard for casuals to comprehend ?>>
What if it's not Origin, G-Reko or whatever else... but ANOTHER AU series? >>
It may be crazy, but I'm hoping we get hints of the side stories as Origin goes on. Like have the Ground gundams referenced in readouts and technical data in Jaburo or have them tell Amuro to expect a new high efficiency suit before Solomon, but to never have it arrive, etc. >>
>>10534869 >muh special pleading Now you're just moving the goalposts. Your original point was about fans accepting the fact of different continuities, not about how well retcons are formed. Your entire post here is irrelevant hot air. Face it, you don't really have an argument, just an argumentative nature that drifts with the thread winds.>>
>>10535006 fuck you and your retcons besides the GMs get 3 variations and the base one is way more armed now>>
>>10535005 I still have hopes for Crossbone anime, they have been pushing Crossbone more with a prototype of a new model kit and showing it in Gundam Build Fighters and a new book.>>
>>10535006 I would actually love this. Just have it all in the background. As long as it doesn't stand out like a sore thumb, then its fine. I think it's a given that we are going to get some of the new GM designs when it gets to Jaburo.>>
>>10535005 >Crossbone >SEED Movie >Star Trek: Sumeragi >AGE sequel or whatever >>
what i found as a let down in Origin was the Jaburo fight , zeeks shouldh've allowed to wreak more havoc , but I understand why they wanted the zeon general in command to look like a total failure >>
>>10535006 I would love this, but only if they kept it from being to cute or on the nose as it were. I await the massive amount of new gunpla that will come from it.>>
>>10535126 >possible MG Alex Origin version MUH DICK>>
SD Gundam Force sequel or Doozy Bots
or G-Saviour anime >>
>>10535045 More like Yas is being true to the implied canon rather than animated canon. GMs wrecked the shit out of Zeon, yet animation shows them constantly losing and jobbing resulting in people thinking GMs are shit. Yas is the hero that jim deserves.>>
>>10535035 Actually if they go by Origin there's no longer any GM variants only Sleggar and Sayla's custom versions.>>
>>10536451 Motherfucker! you've just given me a srw crossover idea of macross 7 and seed>>
SO IS TONIGHT THE NIGHT NOW OR WHAT? And yeah, links where? >>
You better gimme some links /m/,
I have to go to work 7 AM now and here's it's nearly 4 AM and I haven't slept a single second because of this. >>
>>10528649 Isn't the event on Saturday? I bet this video is nothing.>>
>>10536672 It says the 20th right there, but they are having another event at Anime Japan, with Ikeda, Banana, Sei and Reiji's VA's>>
Got it's 8 AM here, i didn't sleep at all, i'm going to die. >>
Why do people want an anime of Crossbone so badly? Why do you think this is even a faint possibility, two decades later? I love U.C. Gundam. I love Tomino. But Crossbone is HUGELY overrated and I am continually befuddled as to why it's so often mentioned as some kind of dream project. I edited some of the first series and Steel 7 for Zeonic Corps and did not enjoy it. I am looking forward to the announcement and will watch the stream if possible, but I can guarantee you it won't be Crossbone-related. >>
>>10536682 Some people desperately want a super robotish hot blooded gundam series, and that's what crossbone is, that's why so many people want an animated project. The designs are pretty cool and inspired too.>>
>>10536700 >Some people desperately want a super robotish hot blooded gundam series ...Don't they already have G Gundam?>>
Half an hour to go. Get hyped. >>
>>10536711 G Gundam isn't really a Gundam series. It could be anything, it just happens to have Gundams slapped on.>>
>>10536700 Shit man, I just want pirate Gundams and more Seabook in more than just crossover games.>>
>28 minutes until SEED movie I'll miss you /m/>>
If you refresh the page the stream loads now, but it's not showing anything yet. >>
Surely Sunrise will deliver. R..r.right? >>
so whats it going to be Terrorist? Pirates? Coordinators? picnics during battle?a simple OS phone game >>
>>10536725 Clicking on the yellow button on the bottom takes you to the live translated version>>
"During the live broadcast, there are parts of the audio that will be in Japanese only. We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding of this issue beforehand." Does this mean parts of it WILL be in English? Interesting... >>
>>10536737 I'm holding out for "Card games on mobile suits".>>
>>10536715 This. This is the main reason I want animated Crossbone too.>>
>>10536738 >During the live broadcast, there are parts of the audio that will be in Japanese only.
We apologize for the inconvenience and ask for your understanding of this issue beforehand. They really do care about filthy mongrels like us. ;;A;;>>
>>10536737 Newtype pirates working for the Celestial Being.And increase of 50% of beach episodes in every Gundam! >>
>>10536753 That's the ticket. Xenoglossia but in reverse.>>
I want Girls und Panzer with mobile suits. >>
I'm really hoping this is like the BF announcement, where everyone thought it was going to be nothing, then it's a new fucking TV anime. >>
Militsiya Officer Boris
No. 10536766 It's starting! >>
Build Fighters S2, please. >>
>>10536763 But everyone is expecting something this time.>>
Starting what? I only see black. >>
It's on!why the fuck there's no sub for this!? >>
>>10536769 Which is why we'll get nothing this time.>>
>>10536778 >During the live broadcast, there are parts of the audio that will be in Japanese only. >>
>Inb4 confirmation of new G-Saviour >>
>>10536789 >parts of the audio i. e. all of the broadcast you baka gaijin>>
The music is pretty hype. >>
Who else was here for the GBF announcement and got or not disappoined? >>
Love Live x Gundam, please Sunrise, make it happen. >>
>>three images on the schedule pages that are handed to the press G-Reco Origin Gundam san>>
that use of 0079 soundtrack >>
>qt 3.14 announcer is mai waifu God my OL MILF>>
my video stopped working! >>
See? They know of us. They care. >>
>>10536827 Click the button below that says live translation>>
>>10536825 Mine too. Trying to get the translated feed broke it.>>
>They put the effort into getting a live english voice actor Sooooo why did Bandai pull out of America again? It almost seems like they actually CARE about us these days>>
>>10536830 Click the yellow button on the bottom of the page.>>
>>10536830 Click yellow button>14 billion yen last fiscal year That's 140 million USD? Fucking a>>
Jesus that announcer is hot as fuck >>
I don't know about you guys, but the only thing yellow on my page is a page that redirects to Contact Sunrise. >>
>>10536845 Clicking the button broke my video. It's not loading anymore ;_;>>
>>10536847 Give it time, it should come back, try ctrl+f5 and let it sit.>>
>>10536840 I really wouldn't call this voice "effort.">>
Guess they're happy for our support of Build Fighters. >>
G Reco confirmed for Gundam >>
GUNDAM-RECONQUISTA CONFIRMED god damn these overlapping voices are a mess >>
OK I'm late to the show and the english version isn't working. So we've got Unicorn 7, G ?????, and Origin. The fuck is the G thing and where are more pictures? >>
>>10536847 Check to see if it's asking you to approve a security certificate.>>
>>10536861 Did they just confirm G-Reco as a Gundam series?>>
>the third series is... Unicorn? >>
>>10536874 That's... that's what I thought I heard. Holy shit. This can't be real life.>>
ah english speaker now.. but the picture's gone ;_; >>
G Reko trailer?>QUALITY face >>
The fuck was that?! DId I just see E7 Gundam?! >>
So, Origin it is going to be a series of movies? >>
Eureka seven chara designer >>
well so much for G-reko not being gundam. >>
Last program of the series? Wait w-what? >>
>No MS girls Oh well, maybe one day.>>
>He's talking details about G-Reko and I can't access the English stream. >>
>>10536909 Wait what. Maybe he means last segment of this conference?>>
>CGI Guntank Even 35 years later, he still can't get a break. HURR HOW DO I ANIMATE IN SPACE>>
>Kenichi Yoshida in charge of G-REKO character design
>>10536922 Before they started talking about the series the translator said that.>>
>>10536920 >AFTER UC Does this mean an alt-UC? Or post G-Saviour?>>
Real size moving Gundam? What? >>
>doing G-Reko
But that's wrong you fucking casuals. It's just Kenichi being Kenichi.>>
>>10536933 May just be in the same way Turn A is where it is technically after all the Eras.>>
Wait did they just say what I fucking think they did, >>
Shit, Sunrise Heavy Industry has decided to show itself at last. >>
>>10536941 It's just Origin I. They're probably getting the flashbacks out of the way first.>>
This is what happens when you tell Japan they can't have a real army. They literally start building real Gundams. Holy shit. >>
>Gundam will continue to meet the needs of the fans >>
GODSPEED /m/en I must go to work >>
>Buy our shit! Limited time offer. We look forward to your money! >>
>>10536960 If they dedicate 1/4th to that it will be kind of a bummer. I was hoping for a full length series to let origin really spread its wings, or an OVA.>>
Tomino killed the translators. >>
>Tomino clapping for himself >>
>Tomino appears >translator stops working YOU HAD ONE JOB!>>
So to recap, Origin will be movies, G-Reka is gonna be a new series post UC and Real Gundams? Mostly hype. >>
>>10536966 people said it all over.. but what exactly did he said?>>
>2020 >Real Gundam finished build, it's big and obviously doesn't move like the ones in the anime >2021 >Development of smaller, moving Gundams begins >2025
>As a reference to GBF, the technology that allowed Gundams to move is called Plavsky technology >2030 >Gunpla real OH BOY TIME TO START GETTING INTO BUILDING, GONNA WRECK YOUR SHIT WITH CUSTOM ASTRAY>>
Did anybody get the one G-reko thing with the visor? >>
Tomino is so fucking awesome he defies any possible attempt at translation >>
Sunrise should hire one of the UN translators>deeply concerned >>
>>10536976 Based Yoshida is back in action.
I'm actually more hyped for this than Origin. >>
>>10536976 Looks like the Gundam has different backpacks or something>>
>>10537001 >Zeon Deikun was really a giraffe It all makes sense.>>
>>10536977 It sounds like Origin I will be a 4-episode OVA covering Sayla and Char's backstory. That implies Origin II will be multiple episodes covering something else. Most likely we'll see all of it.>>
Is he shitting on Origin and its fans? >>
Even if Tomino was being translated right now I'd still haven't even the slightest idea what the hell he's going on about. >>
>>10537012 Fuck. I hope so. That could be kind of cool if they break it up like that and release them regularly.>>
Well that was disappointing. >>
>>10536976 The MS on the top-left resembles a Mahiroo>>
Stream stopped working for me. Is it over? >>
Looks like it is over, or did the stream crash? >>
>>10537030 >G-Reko confirmed for post-TurnA
There was a mecha in the G-Reco thing that had a visor, did anybody get a shot of it? >>
The stream continued
once I push refresh it's not working anymore >>
>>10537043 >videos not available in my country Fuck.>>
Militsiya Officer Boris
No. 10537053 Hah hah, aww, no Gundam-san adaptation? Ah well, I'm pretty happy with what we've been shown so far. I'm so hype for Origin and G-Reco. >>
well that was something. kinda short though waited all day to see this and it wasn't even an hour long>>10537001 >handcuffed Shota Char >>
tfw no Ganota Gundam Girl animu >>
G-Reco looks fucking awesome. 10/10 hype >>
>>10537001 >Federation "Mobile Suit" crushing private citizen property. Zeonwank confirmed>>
Mineva Lao Zabi
No. 10537071 I'm happy for G-Reco. We're finally going to see a sequel to either Turn-A or Victory. >>
>>10537060 Thank god. I wouldn't want one after Shit girls Z.>>
so it begins TENNO HEIKA BANZAI >>
>>10537065 That shit looks crazy as hell and I love it.>>
>>10537065 that gundam looks pretty cool but looks nothing like the magazine picture>> kQZLb64E
[Embed ] >>
Unicorn 7: A4UZA5kM
[Embed ] G Reconquista: kQZLb64E
[Embed ] Gundam the Origin: o9sV_T-c
[Embed ] >>
>>10537069 Yeah. A Federation Mobile Suit this early? What the actual fuck? The Guntank was developped along the RX-79>>
>>10537071 >last episode is some franatic duell to stop the Turn A >>
>>10537071 I heard universal century, so after Victory which gets me more excited>>
>>10537078 It's the same, the magazine one just doesn't have any armor>>
>>10537086 Not in The Origin. The Guntank and Guncannon are referred to as "pre-war models". You should probably read it at some point, it's very good.>>
Mineva Lao Zabi
No. 10537099 >>10537086 If my hunch that it's post Turn-A is correct, I'm pretty sure they've just restarted the technological advancement , hell I'd be surprised if the Main suit's name isn't just Gundam.>>
So did anyone catch the name of the new era? >>
>>10537086 That was retconned in the Origin manga. Guntank and Guncannon already existed and were obsolete by the time project V finished.>>
Mineva Lao Zabi
No. 10537109 >>10537095 It just looks down from that view, in the website, it looks like an AGE-1 V-Fin, only much rounder.>>
>>10537099 >post Turn-A
I swear if they do this shit, I'll be mad.>>
>>10537074 Kind of weird considering Gato was 25 during 0083>>
>>10537099 We're talking about The Origin's trailer, /m/8>>
>>10537001 I hope they don't cut out raving loon Zeon Zum Deikun.>>
>>10537110 I'm pretty sure it was stated to be post-UC>>
Mineva Lao Zabi
No. 10537118 >>10537113 Oh Sorry. The Guntank...
But yeah, the trailer in G-Reco looks like they've reset the tech levels.>>
>>10537001 So is Origin only going to cover the flashback arc?>>
>>10537142 Yeah. There's no way you could do the whole series in 4 episodes, no matter how long they are.>>
>>10537142 THE CANON LIVES! On a serious note, you can blame that one fan from a US con a few years back who suggested to the Sunrise President they should do just the parts the original missed.>>
>>10537142 They're probably testing the waters with it. If it's a big success, I imagine that it'll get something similar to the Unicorn treatment.>>
>>10537150 I hope that shotaChar will be played by Ikeda. That would be epic.>>
>>10537150 Oh well. At least we'll get a proper Battle of Loum this time, rather than that bullshit we got in MS IGLOO.>>
So, anybody get a date on when G-Reco will air? >>
Whole thing looks so bizarre... like, all curvy and kaleidoscopic, like a lot of the super late UC stuff. Lolis in hyperspace when? >>
>>10537180 After Unicorn 7 so most likely fall season.>>
Would love to see a translation of what Tomino said along with more details about the next phase of Real G - they kind of glossed it over but they could actually be reworking it to move more than just its head. Or maybe they will let people in the cockpit? I wish I had more to base my guesses on, but I'm hoping for something big. >>
>>10537169 Haha, that would be insane. I think most of us would love that, but it would be hugely discouraging to the general public.>>
>>10537095 It's just the poorly done art. We'll never get another Gundam that's as well produced as 00.>>
>>10537195 >Would love to see a translation of what Tomino said Hell yes if I want. The fact they stopped translating made me butt-devasted.>>
>>10537207 They probably weren't live-translating, and Tomino was just rattling off something as opposed to following a script.>>
>Character designer not Hisashi Hirai FUCKING DROPPED>>
>>10537212 And then an even more kiddy show follows it up and almost everyone loves it.>>
>>10537243 >GBF
>kiddie show
I'm still amazed people find ways to be asshurt about Build Fighters. It's literally a loveletter to Gundam fans complete with obscure references and straight ships.>>
>>10537275 He's not being asshurt about GBF, he's being asshurt by the hypocrisy of Gundam fans.>>
>>10537275 The thing about GBF is that the entire show is built around pandering... Which can be fun at times, I guess.>>
>>10537279 How in the world is it hypocritical to hate AGE and love GBF?>>
>>10537284 Because the initial backlash was over how "kiddy" AGE looked. Look at the EoE image. That's the primary gripe people had.>>10537279 Thank you for understanding.>>
>>10537299 Not that guy, but I wasn't butthurt about the kiddie design, stop assuming everyone did>>
>>10537299 >Because the initial backlash was over how "kiddy" AGE looked And that didn't last that long at all once the show began airing. Then legitimate complaints kicked in.>>
+ yotsuba
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