題 名 |
著 者 |
誌 名 |
カルモジュリン依存性キナーゼと脳機能 |
藤澤 仁 |
シリーズ・バイオサイエンスの新世紀 第12巻「感覚器官と脳内処理情報」137-143 |
7,12-DMBA-induced rat leukemia: a review with insights into future research. |
Sugiyama T, Osaka M, Koami K, Maeda S, Ueda N. |
Leuk Res. 2002 Dec;26(12): 1053-68. |
A novel missense mutation in the DKC1 gene in a japanese family with X-linked dyskeratosis congenita. |
Hiramatsu H,Fujii T,Kitoh T,Sawada.M,Osaka M, Koami K, Irino T,puraima Miyajima T, Ito M,Sugiyama T, Okuno T. |
Pediatr, Hematol. Oncol. 19: 413-419, 2002. |
MSF(MLL septin-like fusion) interacts with a polo-like kinase SNK.European Cytoskeleton Forum, |
Osaka M, Koami K, Irino T |
Nyon, Swizerland, 2002. |
Identification of novel genes associated with rat leukemogenesis by clustering analysis |
K Komai, S Yamakita, T Irino, M Osaka |
Genome Informatics 13: 582-583(2002) |
Blockade of platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β pathway induces apoptosis of vascular endothelial cells and disrupts glomerular capillary formation in neonatal mice |
Sano H, Ueda Y, Takakura N, Takemura G, Doi T, Kataoka H, Murayama T, Xu Y,Sudo T, Nishikawa S, Nishikawa S,Fujiwara H, Kita T, Yokode M. |
American journal of pathology, vol161(1);135-143 (2002) |
Liver receptor homolog 1 controls the expression of the scavenger receptor class B type I |
Schoonjans K, Annicotte J S, Huby T, Botrugno O A, Fayard E , Ueda Y,Chapman J, Auwerx J. |
EMBO report 3(12);1181-1187(2002) |
HDLと動脈硬化−新しい見方 4.HDLの異化 |
上田之彦 |
Progress in medicine 22巻4号;937-941(2002年4月号) |
パネルディスカッション2 SR-BIとHDL |
上田之彦 |
Terapeuthic Research 23巻6号;1117-1122(2002年6月号) |
老化と心血管病研究の新展開 血管老化解析モデル動物 |
上田之彦 |
分子心血管病3巻5号;577-582(2002年10月号) |
上田之彦 |
高脂血症ナビゲーター;146-147(2003年2月) |
Association of novel and established polymorphisms in neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors with sporadic Alzheimer's disease |
Kawamata J, Shimohama S. |
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2002.Apr; 4(2): 71-76. |
Significance of while matter high-intensity lesions as a predictor of stroke from arteriolosclerosis. |
H.Yamauchi, H.Fukuoka, C Oyanagi |
J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 2002;72:567-582 |
Changes in blood flow and oxygen metabolism during visual stimulation in carotid artery disease:Effect of baseline perfusion and oxygen metabolism . |
H.Yamauchi, H Okazawa, Y Kishibe, K Sugimoto, M Takahashi |
Stroke 2002;33:1294-1300. |
Reduced blood flow response to acetazolamide reflects pre-existing vasodilation and decreased oxygen metabolism in major cerebral arterial occlusive disease. |
H. Yamauchi, H Okazawa, Y Kishibe, K Sugimoto, M Takahashi |
Eur J Nucl Med 2002;29:1349-1356 |
Neuronal nitric oxide has a role as a perfusion regulator and a synaptic modulator in cerebellum but not in neocortex during somatosensory stimulation - An animal PET study. |
T Hayashi, U Katsumi, T Mukai, M Inoue, Y Nagahama, C Oyanagi, H Yamauchi, H Shibasaki, H Fukuyama |
Neurosci Res. 2002;44:155-165 |
脳主幹動脈閉塞症におけるMisery perfusionとその予後 |
山内 浩 |
臨床リハ2002;11:954-958 |
SPECT,PET を用いた脳虚血分子病態評価:その治療における意義 |
山内 浩 |
現代医療2002;34:2400-2405 |
脳血流異常の成因と臨床的意義 |
山内 浩 |
弟17回BFIC記録集 2001;17:7-12 |
神経疾患における脳梁萎縮の病態解析 |
山内 浩 |
板倉 徹編著、神経科学の基礎と臨床XI:脳室およびその周囲器官:75-94 |
虚血性大脳白質病変と認知機能障害 |
山内 浩 |
神経心理学 2002;18;21-26. |
Quantitative evaluation of myocardial blood flow and ejection fraction with a single dose of 13NH3 and gated PET. |
Okazawa H, Takahashi M, Hata T,Sugimoto K, Kishibe Y, Tsuji T. |
J Nucl Med 2002;43:999-1005. |
Delay and dispersion correction for a new coincidential radioactivity detector, Pico-Count, in quantitative PET studies. |
Okazawa H, Kishibe Y, Sugimoto K, Takahashi M, Yamauchi H. |
In:Brain Imaging Using PET, Senda M et al. (ed.), Academic Press, San Diego, pp 15-21,2002. |
脂肪代謝 −高脂血症治療薬− |
上田之彦、北 徹 |
NEW 薬理学(改訂第4版)527-530 |
Transmission(68Ge-68Ga)線源強度が再構成画像に及ぼす影響 |
岸辺喜彦、高橋昌章 |
核医学技術 2002;22:378-381 |
Stimuiation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase by polycations. |
Atsuhiko Ishida, Isamu Kameshita, Takako Kitani, Sachiko Okuno, Masayuki Takeuchi, Hitoshi Fujisawa |
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 408(2002) : 229-238 |
Phosphorylation of calmodulin by Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IV. |
Atsuhiko Ishida, Isamu Kameshita, Sachiko Okuno, Takako Kitani, Hitoshi Fujisawa |
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 407(2002) : 72-82 |