Seminars 2005


This all day seminar is focused for executives and upper level management and is by invitation only.

OVERVIEW AND FUTURE TRENDS OF THE ANIMAL FARM INDUSTRY Moderated by Ing. Alejandro Magadelano Cabañas, Consultor Independiente
8:30am - 8:45am Opening Comments
8:45am – 10:00am Overview and Future Trends of the Livestock Industry, Kenneth Shwedel, PhD, Rabobank International, Mexico
10:00am – 11:00am Overview and Future Trends of the Veterinary Industry, Dr. Juan Manuel, Independent Business Consultant
11:00am – 11:30am BREAK

11;30am – 12:30pm Overview and Future Trends of the Balanced Feed Industry, Gerardo Morantes, PhD, Cargill Animal Nutrition,
12:30pm – 1:30pm Overview and Future Trends of the Aquaculture Industry, Eng. Marcelo Costero Garbarino, General Director, Northwest, Vimifos, SA de CV, President of the Aquaculture Group, Section 49, CANACINTRA
1:30pm – 2:00pm Wrap up Session

2:00pm – 4:00pm Lunch (included)

4:00pm – 5:00pm Exporting Opportunities for Animal Farmers, Lic. Juan Rocha, Regional Director, BANCOMEXT
5:00pm – 6:30pm Panel Discussion from the largest importing countries on how to export your products effectively

7:00pm – 9:00pm APEA EXPO Pre-Inauguration and Reception


8:30am - 12:00pm SEMINAR A: Moderator: Dr. German Dávalos, General Director, National Renderers Assocation, Inc., Mexico
Recent Technical Advances in Aquaculture, Eng. Lilia Marín, General Director, Proteinas Maritimas y Agropecuarios, Guadalajara, Jalisco
Recent Technical Advances in Pet Food, MA, MVZ Miguel Angel López Núñez, Asesor Independiente y Director Técnico de Comseca S de RL de CV

8:30am - 12:00pm SEMINAR B: Moderator: MVZ Patricia Esqueda, Technical Assistant, US Grains Council, Mexico
Enzimes: An Important Tool in Animal Nutrition, Dr. María del Carmen Mojica, DSM
Recent Technological Advances in Swine, José Antonio Rentería, PhD, INIFAP Researcher

8:30am - 1:30pm SEMINAR C: Balanced Feed & Animal Production, Moderator: Dr. Héctor Navarro, American Soy Association
Extrusion Principles of Aquatic & Pet Food Feed Production, Osvaldo Muñoz, Extru-Tech Chile
Principles of Extruded Pet Treats, Curtis Strom, Wenger Mfg., Inc.
Latin America Poultry: Opportunities and Pitfalls, Dr. José Ortega Sánchez de Tagle, Consultant. The Mexican Balanced Feed for Poultry Industry, Eng. Antonio Pedroza, Malta Cleyton
The Malta Cleyton Animal Nutrition Awards

8:30am - 10:15am SEMINAR D: The United States Livestock Genetics Exports presents
Piglet Nutrition and Management from Birth to 25 Kg. Body Weight, Dr. Gilbert Hollis, University of Illinois Swine Extension
Maximizing Swine Semen Fertility for Use in Artificial Insemination, Dr. Rob Knox, University of Illinois Reproductive Biologist

This seminar will repeat from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. (Seminar M)

10:30am – 12:00pm SEMINAR F: Chicago Board of Trade presents: An Introduction to CBOT South American Soybean Futures Contracts - Information will include: contract specifications and benefits, South American cash market information and how Mexican soybean buyers can use this new contract.

Richard Jelinek, Director, CBOT Business Development and Gerardo Luna, CBOT Latin American Consultant


8:30am - 12:00pm SEMINAR H: SAGARPA Sponsored
The Animal Sanitary Situation in Mexico and Overcoming International Barriers, Dr. Arturo Cabrera Torres

8:30am - 12:00pm SEMINAR G: VETERINARY PHARMACEUTICAL , Moderator: Dr. Mario Pérez Leyton, Executive Director, Veterinarian Pharmaceutical Industry Assn.
The Use of Microbial Drugs in Animal Production, Dr. Mauricio Vicente, Schering Plough; Raúl Vázques, Bayer; and Humberto Gómez, LAPISA

8:30am - 12:00pm SEMINAR K: INIFAP Presents Feed Ingredient Quality, Coordinator: Dr. Sergio Gómez Rosales, Speakers: Dr. Gerardo Mariscal Laindín and Dr. José A. Cuarón I.

8:30am –10:15pm SEMINAR L: United States Livestock Genetics Exports presents:
Nutrition/Feeding Management for Growing-Finishing Pigs (25-12 kg), Dr. Gilbert Hollis, University of Illinois Swine Extension
Working toward a 30 Pig/Sow/Year Average, Dr. Rob Knox, University of Illinois Reproductive Biologist

10:30am -12:00pm SEMINAR J: Australian Genetics, Live Animals and the Use of Lucaena as a Tropical Feed


8.30am – 12:00pm SEMINAR H: Small and Medium Producers Seminar sponsored by Guanajuato’s Department of Agriculture (SAGARPA)