500 Point Giveaway #12
How to participate:1. Add this journal to your favs :+fav:2. Write a new journal about this giveaway, and include a Mention of me so that I receive a notification of your journal.3. Include what I do at :devdatrade:. For example::icondatrade : is holding a 500 point giveaway! http://fav.me/ d...
Great Artists - Jane-beata
:frail: Jane-beata :iconjane-beata:More info about Great Artists: http://paradiseofart ists.deviantart.com/ journal/Visit-Great- Artists-in-TaniaAV-a cute-s-profile-27886 0967:iconparadiseofa rtists:
DeviantART Compliments #88
:devpulbern:, the forums on dA, as well as dA in general, and my dA experience in particular, would be a lot poorer without having you as a comrade and a friend. Your positiveness is as infectious as your beautiful collages, which deserve to be seen by everyone!:devfarand: :devpuddlefisher:, you'v...
Green Feature and POINTS Giveaway!
Good Morning lovely people (well, it's morning for me )I hope everyone is doing well, and that your Winters are starting to turn to Springs!I LOVE the color GREEN so I could go on forever featuring your beautiful Artwork here, but I guess I have to stop somewhere...So, I have a fun idea for...
ProjectPorkchop Vol315
:iconalladdinse:see more..:icondavevdvee r:see more..:iconzimzim106 6:see more..:iconzilochius :see more..:iconlego99966 6:see more..
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has dedicated herself to making our community a brighter place with her vibrant artwork and infectious enthusiasm for interacting with others in our community. It has certainly paid off, as many deviants flock to her page on a daily basis to let her know how much of an inspiration she is. We absolutely agree, and couldn't let all that hard work go without recognition, so it's with great pride that we bestow the Deviousness Award for March 2014, to ... Read More