NirCmd Command Reference - clipboard
clipboard [Action] [Parameter]
Allows you to set a value into the clipboard and clear the clipboard.
[Action] may contain one of the following values:
- set - set the specified text into the clipboard.
- readfile - set the content of the specified text file into the clipboard.
- clear - clear the clipboard.
- writefile - write the content of the clipboard to a file. (text only)
- addfile - add the content of the clipboard to a file. (text only)
- saveimage - Save the current image in the clipboard into a file.
- copyimage - Copy the content of the specified image file to the clipboard.
- saveclp - Save the current clipboard data into Windows .clp file.
- loadclp - Load Windows .clp file into the clipboard.
For copyimage and saveimage actions, the following file formats are supported: .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, .tiff
- Only works on computers with GDI+ installed (On XP/2003/Vista, GDI+ is installed as a part of the operating system).
clipboard set "123456"
clipboard set ~$folder.desktop$
clipboard set ~$folder.start_menu$
clipboard readfile "c:\temp\info1.txt"
clipboard addfile "c:\temp\clip1.txt"
clipboard clear
clipboard saveimage "c:\temp\clip01.png"
clipboard saveimage "c:\temp\clip01.gif"
clipboard copyimage "c:\temp\img01.gif"
clipboard saveclp "c:\temp\1.clp"
clipboard loadclp "c:\temp\1.clp"
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