Aerie Design

November 10, 2013

Doing Business Online – Some Additional Suggestions

It would be difficult to list every type of opportunity available for working from your home. Marketing of course, is a very popular fiend for online work. There are Affiliate programs, Freelance opportunities, learning how to build your own website, the list goes on. There are also positions which are termed as Telecommuting. In these cases the individual is actually considered to be an employee of a firm. Telecommuting jobs can range form Customer service Agents, even Text chat operators. There is another type of Telecommuting opportunity, which involves working as a Call center representative. In some cases, the home worker is required to spend some time, after being hired, working in the actual center. However, there are plenty of situations where this is not the case.

The Call center jobs can be very close to Customer service in functionality. However some of them are related to answering inquiries and questions concerning a customer’s account, or checking orders which have been placed through the company. There will be some requirements which relate to computer specifications, as well as the purchase of equipment such as headsets. “Virtual Call center” is a term you might frequently see. Simply put, it is a Call center without a physical facility. It consists of the online workers only. If you enjoy helping people and love to talk on the phone, these jobs would be well-worth investigating.

There is another type of online job which seems to be very popular. What I am referring to is the “Mystery Shopper”. This is a very unique way of earning an income online. Mystery shoppers have one purpose, to evaluate various businesses as to the degree of service they provide their customers. Sometimes the business is a retail outlet, it might even be a restaurant. In the case of eating establishments, the shopper is to evaluate how they were greeted when they walked into the business, how long it took for their order to be taken. The shopper will rate the cleanliness of the restaurant, the restrooms as well as the quality of the food. The overall appearance of the staff is graded as well as the visibility of management.

You can, of course, work from the comfort of your home as a Telemarketer. These are positions which require a great deal of self discipline. Telemarketing opportunities can, of course, involve the selling of any number of products or services. There are some requirements as to a minimum number of hours which must be worked on a daily basis. Many times these positions involve the setting of appointments for sales personnel.. Regardless of whether you choose any of the above examples of online work, or discover something completely different, working from home is a very satisfying experience. Working from home enables you to earn a viable income, while providing you more time to spend with your family. With only a few exceptions, you will find you have the ability to set your own hours. There is no denying phone work is extremely demanding. However, should you have the talent it is very rewarding.

November 10, 2013

Make Money Online – The Good and the Bad

There are many ways to make money online. Some are great ways to either add to your current income, some are methods you can use in beginning an online business of your own. Yes, there are plans and methods which perform exactly as promised. Unfortunately, there are some systems which do not. Even Even if you have done your homework, it is still possible to become involved in plans which are designed only to take your money. Even if the system works, there is another point to consider. When working online, there are two terms commonly used. One is “Black hat”, the other “White hat” methods of making money. Yes, the meaning of each term is exactly what you would think.

White hat systems are designed to assist in making money online, using methods which are not only proven to work, but the process used is ethical and above board. For example, it the system is one which shows you how to make money through sending emails, it will provide the names of the sources from which you can obtain lists of email addresses. It will explain the ways to avoid sending “spam”, and provide the tools to ensure you stay within appropriate guidelines. A Black hat system, on the other hand, will promote the use of a “bot” which will invade online data bases for the purpose of gathering private email addresses and other information. Can the Black hat system generate more income, possibly. One thing it will accomplish is eliminating the cost of email lists. However, you should look at the entire picture. Regardless of how much you profit, the method you used is very questionable.

In essence, Black hat systems are simply ways to avoid using the acceptable manner of gathering information in order to make a profit. These systems can relate to many areas of online business. They can pertain to email addresses, such as in the above example, or less than honest methods of marketing. One of the most effective sites on which to place ads is Craigslist. At one time is was a very simple to post an ad for a product on this site. However, due to abuse, the site began requiring a Phone verified account, PVA, before posting was allowed. The primary reason for this was the use of bots. You can post one ad for each telephone number. The Black hat method teaches you how to call telephone numbers listed in the Telephone directory and the best lies to tell in order to get their number onto an account with Craigslist.

I know is is easy to become tempted to use any means possible to achieve your goal. However, I also know the majority of people are honest. It wold be better to take a little more time to reach your goals than to use a method you know to be wrong. Believe me, it will bother you whether you will admit it or not.