DA Account Update 3 

My friend, who’s been talking with Damesukekun, got a note where Damesuke agreed to remove my last copyright strike (from the TDA headpack) :D Which means that when that happens I will get my account back :)

As soon as possible, when my account is unbanned, I will remove the TDA headpack…. Since it is in conflict with TDAs wishes. As I now know for a fact that Damesukekun is a spokesperson for TDA I will respect what he has to say regarding future matters.

I’m sorry for making Damesuke appear as a “villain” in all of this. It was never my intention.

26 notes

  1. i-love-shortie-heichou reblogged this from citrusmoothie
  2. randomdraggon said: whohoooooo!
  3. thelaytonlover reblogged this from citrusmoothie and added:
    OMG!! congrats, really i’m so happy!! i was kinda angry with Damesukekun, but i guess he was doing his job!! I’m glad to...
  4. daichi-aikawa reblogged this from citrusmoothie
  5. konkikun said: Fine, if he is really a “spokesperson” for them.. then I guess the pursuit will have to layoff. I’ll still be keeping a watch on this person… Congrats on getting your account back.
  6. emmysailorstar said: It’s OK! Damesukekun knows what’s right and wrong in the MMD-world.
  7. citrusmoothie posted this
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