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Strike on TDA

Journal Entry: Wed Mar 5, 2014, 3:46 PM

Don't use ANY TDA models ever again
TDA has a rep who is the worst person on earth and he needs to get off of all of us.
I declare a STRIKE on TDA
Until he removes his ass hole of a rep from his work, We should no longer use TDA
You might as well not use it anyways. If you post a TDA download and Dame finds it. He will have it be deleted.
So I declare that we shall no longer support TDA and his ass hole of a assistant
He caused one of MMDs best users to be banned!
We should not stand for this!
We should Unite against this cruelty to our freedom of MMDing!
We have done nothing but show our LOVE to TDA and all he wants to do is make us feel like shit for it and have all our hard work and dedication to him ripped from us!
Well I say NO MORE TDA
TDA isn't worth getting banned over
There are much better and nicer model makers out there
and people who do great edits of the faces to make them look even better
So lets support the model makers who appreciate us and our hard work and dedication!

Re-Post to spread word on the strike

EDIT - This is not the promotion of illegal editing. This is because TDA's rules make no sense. TDA has only made TDA Append Miku. The rest of TDAs models are really just edits not even by TDA. Edits that TDA get credited for even though TDA didn't make them. If you look up TDAs name on the Wiki, they only have  their miku model. TDA's rules say you can't use parts that aren't TDA on a TDA model. Which means all you are allowed to do it RECOLOR the model. That makes no sense does it? What modeler just wants Re-Colors? Well this is one of the many reasons TDA shouldn't be supported.



Chibi by hibikitty

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EpicsauceShota 3 days ago  Student Digital Artist
Its quite upsetting who this guy belieave he is I htink he's an attention seeker!
StarsNeverStop 3 days ago  Hobbyist Artist
idk, but i'm not even going to use a TDA model until he is stopped
EpicsauceShota 3 days ago  Student Digital Artist
Okay uvu
ShouTakeo 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Dem Japanese people doe-

But in all seriousness, that's a good idea.

In fact, let's just stop using TDA altogether because it's an overrated model series in general.
StarsNeverStop 3 days ago  Hobbyist Artist
i know right?
i mean i've seen such wonderful edits of Kio faces and Nako faces
Screw TDA
ShouTakeo 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
TDA? More like TDGaaaaay- //shotead

I've never had any problems with TDA, but there comes a point where people will get pissed off by these actions.
StarsNeverStop 3 days ago  Hobbyist Artist
it's just so annoying such a simple thing as posting a TDA head for download for people to use resulted in someone being BANNED
It's not right
ShouTakeo 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I got a strike for just using a background, and not even a warning from the creator of that said background. You can bet I know how what that feels like.
StarsNeverStop 3 days ago  Hobbyist Artist
did the put the BG for DL and did it have a watermark on it?
ShouTakeo 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I didn't even know the background was from this site. Actually, it was from another website that had a variety of ones to pick. Never do I ever get any of them on here though.
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