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Journal Entry: Wed Mar 5, 2014, 2:16 PM
Hobbyist Digital Artist


Now Xoriu lost her account? That dick needs to stop going after innocent MMD'ers....I hope he gets stopped and I hope Xoriu can make another account....

Words from Xoriu (copied from tumblr)

I have been banned from DeviantArt…

My account (Xoriu, for those that don’t know me) has just been banned.

The reason for the ban was because I had posted a “TDA Headpack” containing heads from various TDA models so people could download them to make edits. 

This is what they looked like: 

Before I made and uploaded the pack. I read TDA’s readme carefully. It didn’t say anything that it was against the rules to edit or make “downloadable parts” of any kind. The only 2 things it actually mentioned about editing was:

1) Do not ruin the feature and image of Tda style. The edited model(s) shall be clearly recognized as Tda-styled model(s) (which basically means; when making edits use mosty TDA-parts…)

2) When distributing edited model(s), attach both the original Japanese Terms of Service and the English Terms of Service, credit the original name of this model Type Tda Hatsune Miku Append, the original creator Tda and editor(s).

And yes, I attached the readmes and credited TDA (and all other editors) for the heads.

A few days later, a DA user called Damesukekun contacts me via note and writes:

"As you know, Tda forbids ripping off parts from his model and attaching them to non-Tda models. I have to say your head pack is the most likely used to make Frankenstein models. Can you take down the head pack?I have a written authorization letter from Tda. If you are reluctant to remove it, I’m sorry but I’ll issue a copyright claim.”

To this I reply: 

"I know what you’re speaking of. If you look in my deviation I have attached that part of the readme in the actual description. Also, I have made sure to attach all readmes in the download. I don’t see that I’m breaking any rules here. As long as people only use TDA parts, the heads should work fine."

…And then Damesuke writes back:

"I have a direct contact with Tda, and he is surely negative to any form of head ripoff. I’m sorry but I issued a DMCA claim to the admin."

That’s it. A few hours later I was banned.

Or well, I got a strike for “copyright violation”. But because I had gotten 2 in the past (just because I was young and stupid and wanted to trade models via a deviation I made) I now got 3, which automatically means that the account will be banned. 

So, basically Damesuke decided to issue a DMCA to one of the admins because there is a RISK that people MIGHT have used the heads I had uploaded to make edits in “non-TDA”-style. 

If he had just explained to me a litte more first before issuing the DMCA I would’ve just removed that particular deviation… But he didn’t and here I am…

I’ve written a mail to DeviantArt explaning the situation, but I don’t know how “common” it is that people get back their accounts?? I really do hope that I get it back though.

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Spanuel 1 day ago  New member
It's like Nanami all over again.

There seem to just be some people who not only want a degree of control over what other people do that they're never going to be able to get anyway, but believe, irrationally, that the way to get that control is to lash out and punish anyone and everyone - the innocent with the guilty.  It never works, and in fact guarantees that they're never even going to be able to get the measure of control they might otherwise have gotten, by winning people's admiration and respect.  Instead they earn their dislike and disrespect, and simply guarantee that even those who might otherwise have supported them won't.

Just as with Nanami too, there will be a backlash - it's already starting, and it's only going to gain.  More people all the time are going to simply flatly refuse to have anything to do with a modelmaker who so obviously hates them and wishes them ill.  The modelmakers who actually respect their fans and by doing so win the respect of their fans will remain popular and respected and new modelmakers will come along and win new fans, and TDA, like Nanami, will fade into deserved obscurity.
ShouTakeo 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Considering all the bad publicity TDA garners throughout the MMD community, that's not much of a big surprise to me.

Seriously, if TDA dropped of the face of the planet I wouldn't even care. There's so many better models out there anyways.
StarsNeverStop 3 days ago  Hobbyist Artist
Strike On TDA
Yozane 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Clonesaiga 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Poor :iconxoriu: that is just unfair and making tda look bad (which if tda wanted the pack down, then tda would handle the problem themselves)
Yozane 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Exactly. I have talked (shortly) with TDA myself once. He seemed nice
Clonesaiga 1 day ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Also question did tda ever give Damesukekun permission to go around doing what he does
Yozane 1 day ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Clonesaiga 17 hours ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Either way he shouldn't be sharking those on DA
Nocte-Lora 3 days ago  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I seriously cannot believe it. =n= at first I thought he was an alright guy but I'm not thinking that anymore
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