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  3. Symantec ThreatCon


The ThreatCon is currently at Level 2: Elevated.

On February 19, 2014, Microsoft released a security advisory confirming a limited, targeted attacks that attempt to exploit a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 9 and 10. The exploit is now being used to in mass attacks.

Customers are advised to update to Internet Explorer 11 or apply the Microsoft Fix it solution described in the Microsoft Security Advisory. A security patch has yet to be released.

Microsoft Security Advisory (2934088) Vulnerability in Internet Explorer Could Allow Remote Code Execution

Symantec ThreatCon Rating

The Symantec ThreatCon rating is a measurement of the global threat exposure, delivered as part of Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System.
ThreatCon Level 2
Medium : Increased alertness
This condition applies when knowledge or the expectation of attack activity is present, without specific events occurring or when malicious code reaches a moderate risk rating. Under this condition, a careful examination of vulnerable and exposed systems is appropriate, security applications should be updated with new signatures and/or rules as soon as they become available and careful monitoring of logs is recommended. Changes to the security infrastructure are not required.

View ThreatCon Definitions

Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System

Symantec DeepSight Threat Management System tracks security events on a global basis, providing early warning of active attacks. With personalized notification triggers and expert analysis, the system enables enterprises to prioritize IT resources in order to better protect critical information assets against a potential attack. To track security threats, it continuously correlates IDS and firewall attack data from the security systems of over 20,000 partners in over 180 countries, plus virus statistics from the Symantec Digital Immune System and many other human intelligence resources. Experts at Symantec analyze the information to identify active attacks and deliver advanced warning with actionable analyses and countermeasures.
STAR Antimalware Protection Technologies