I am Mari Takenouchi, currently under the climinal accusation from the director of Fukushima ETHOS, Ms. Ryoko Ando.
I was interviewd by Independent Web Journal in Japan, which is shown in the video below. (English version will be up soon.)
Mari Takenouchi, talking about ETHOS, whole body counter figures, Fukushima childrens' cancer metastasis
Below is the petition to be forwarded to Fukushima Prosecutors' Office to avert my indictment.
Please spread widely, so that we can reach tens of thousands!
According to my lawyer, there is no other way than collecting petition to the prosecutors' office to avert the indictment, since this case is highly "political."
On February 13 and 14, I was investigated by 3 policemen from Fukushima, and the papers will be sent to Fukushima Local Prosecutors' Office on March 20th.
以下のOur Planet TVからの転載記事をご覧ください。
Coinciding the criminal accusation against me by the Japanese ETHOS leader, Mr. Jack Rochard, French ETHOS leader who used to work for French Atomic Energy Comission, had concluded a memorandum with Fukushima Medical University!
(Mr. Jack Rochard was using his title as Vice Chairman of ICRP)
Meanwhile, Japanese Reconstruction Agency embarked on the Japanese version of ETHOS as in below. (They say that if residents are more involved, they would become less skeptical...)
Memorandum between Fukushima Medical University and ICRP
投稿者: ourplanet 投稿日時: 木, 02/20/2014 - 04:08
Mr. Jack Rochard, the director of ETHOS and vice chairman of ICRP
On February 19, 2014, Fukushima Medical University and International Committee on Radiological Protection (ICRP) concluded a memorandum to reinforce sharing and sending out information on Fukushima, which they say is not always correct, through enhanced relationship between the University and ICRP.
The memorandum is a stipulation of relationship of Fukushima Medical University and ICRP, which conducted symposiums in Fukushima through Dialogues, supported by the University.
While ICRP is to cooperate by providing advice for radiation protection system, Fukushima Medical University will send out information of the Fukushima Prefecture Health Survey through ICRP network in order to enhance international understandings.
In addition, ICRP is eyeing on building a new radiological protection system based on the experience of Fukushima nuclear accident.
In the ceremony, Mr. Shinichi Kikuchi, the chief director/president of Fukushima Medical University, and Mr. Jack Rochard, the vice chairman of ICRP signed the memorandum. Mr. Masafumi Abe, the vice president/director of the Radiological Medicine Prefectural Health Management Center, and Special Prof. Otsura Niwa, the international liason of the Center were attending.
The chief director Kikuchi said, "We would like to enhance international coordination using the network of ICRP, the global authority of international radiological protection."
In the press conference, questions such as what would change after the conclusion etc, and Mr. Jack Rochard answered, "There is no concrete plans as to what ICRP will do after the conclusion," adding that he wanted to build up new radiological protection system using the experience of Fukushima.
<配布資料>Distributed materials.
On February 19, 2014, Fukushima Medical University and International Committee on Radiological Protection (ICRP) concluded a memorandum to reinforce sharing and sending out information on Fukushima, which they say is not always correct, through enhanced relationship between the University and ICRP.
The memorandum is a stipulation of relationship of Fukushima Medical University and ICRP, which conducted symposiums in Fukushima through Dialogues, supported by the University.
While ICRP is to cooperate by providing advice for radiation protection system, Fukushima Medical University will send out information of the Fukushima Prefecture Health Survey through ICRP network in order to enhance international understandings.
In addition, ICRP is eyeing on building a new radiological protection system based on the experience of Fukushima nuclear accident.
In the ceremony, Mr. Shinichi Kikuchi, the chief director/president of Fukushima Medical University, and Mr. Jack Rochard, the vice chairman of ICRP signed the memorandum. Mr. Masafumi Abe, the vice president/director of the Radiological Medicine Prefectural Health Management Center, and Special Prof. Otsura Niwa, the international liason of the Center were attending.
The chief director Kikuchi said, "We would like to enhance international coordination using the network of ICRP, the global authority of international radiological protection."
In the press conference, questions such as what would change after the conclusion etc, and Mr. Jack Rochard answered, "There is no concrete plans as to what ICRP will do after the conclusion," adding that he wanted to build up new radiological protection system using the experience of Fukushima.
<配布資料>Distributed materials.
Full-fledged Japanese ETHOS to be started~Stepped Up Risk Communication toward Enhanced Return of Residents to Fukushima
投稿者: ourplanet 投稿日時: 火, 02/18/2014 - 03:44
On February 18, the Reconstruction Agency announced "Package on Radiation Risk Communication Toward Return of Fukushima Residents." In order to cope with concerns of individuals, local human resource is to be utilized holding small meetings and person-to-person communication on radiation risk.
This package was consolidated by Ministry of Environment and Reconstruction Agency to promote early return of residents.
The government is now aggressively involved in erasing residents' anziety on health effects by radiation, by conveying international findings and ways of thinking on radiation doses.

Mr. Tomohiko Hida, a counselor of Reconstruction Agency who conslidated the Package said, "There are voices saying, If the government comes forward, residents would think that the government is forcing residents some convenient explanations. Therefore, we would like to nurture human resources of risk communicators among local residents."
The Agency also is going to fortify small number risk communications based on ETHOS project conducted in part of Belarus by EU. In stead of lecures, they are going to promote intimate communication with lecturer in circle. They will also provide counselling places with counselors.
As a hand book for their risk communication, they prepared, "Basic Information on Radiation Risk" by 10 Ministries. In the Handbook, it says, "The cancer risk by radiation exposure is small under 100mSv."
In October 2013, UNSCEAR announced, "There has never been any acute health hazards by radiation after the nuclear accident, and there is no prospective of increase of health effects among local residents and most nuclear workers in the future," which was cited in this handbook.
In the end of the Handbook, 54 names of experts are listed. 3000 copies of the Handbook is to be printed initially, but it will be on the internet and will be updated.

On these measures, there are countless questions such as, "Isn't it a government opinion that there will be no increase of cancer under 100mSv?" "Don't you think residents would be more skeptical against the government by fortifying the risk communication?"
Some Fukushima local reporters yelled, "Are you saying that Fukushima residents should put up with radiation exposure?" "Are you calling residents as idiot if they fear about health effects?" "How do you explain about the situation in Fukushima with fallout from nuclear power plants?"
The government has provided additional 51.2 billion yen (supplementary budget) for lifting the evacuation zones and 108.761 billion yen for "Subsidy for Accelerating Fukushima Reconstruction." Part of them will be used for allocating counselors and holding new risk communication measures. The areas in subject are mainly 12 municipalities, where the evacuation has been ordered.
Reference materials (Japanese)
On February 18, the Reconstruction Agency announced "Package on Radiation Risk Communication Toward Return of Fukushima Residents." In order to cope with concerns of individuals, local human resource is to be utilized holding small meetings and person-to-person communication on radiation risk.
This package was consolidated by Ministry of Environment and Reconstruction Agency to promote early return of residents.
The government is now aggressively involved in erasing residents' anziety on health effects by radiation, by conveying international findings and ways of thinking on radiation doses.
Mr. Tomohiko Hida, a counselor of Reconstruction Agency who conslidated the Package said, "There are voices saying, If the government comes forward, residents would think that the government is forcing residents some convenient explanations. Therefore, we would like to nurture human resources of risk communicators among local residents."
The Agency also is going to fortify small number risk communications based on ETHOS project conducted in part of Belarus by EU. In stead of lecures, they are going to promote intimate communication with lecturer in circle. They will also provide counselling places with counselors.
As a hand book for their risk communication, they prepared, "Basic Information on Radiation Risk" by 10 Ministries. In the Handbook, it says, "The cancer risk by radiation exposure is small under 100mSv."
In October 2013, UNSCEAR announced, "There has never been any acute health hazards by radiation after the nuclear accident, and there is no prospective of increase of health effects among local residents and most nuclear workers in the future," which was cited in this handbook.
In the end of the Handbook, 54 names of experts are listed. 3000 copies of the Handbook is to be printed initially, but it will be on the internet and will be updated.
On these measures, there are countless questions such as, "Isn't it a government opinion that there will be no increase of cancer under 100mSv?" "Don't you think residents would be more skeptical against the government by fortifying the risk communication?"
Some Fukushima local reporters yelled, "Are you saying that Fukushima residents should put up with radiation exposure?" "Are you calling residents as idiot if they fear about health effects?" "How do you explain about the situation in Fukushima with fallout from nuclear power plants?"
The government has provided additional 51.2 billion yen (supplementary budget) for lifting the evacuation zones and 108.761 billion yen for "Subsidy for Accelerating Fukushima Reconstruction." Part of them will be used for allocating counselors and holding new risk communication measures. The areas in subject are mainly 12 municipalities, where the evacuation has been ordered.
Reference materials (Japanese)