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オランダのシュラーヴェン司教様らの列福のために働いているオランダの「シュラーヴェン司教協会(Mgr. Schraven Stichting)」の公式ウェブサイトによって。
Mgr. Schraven Stichting > Index of /PDF
> Abp.Japanese Message in English.pdf
Reflecting on the Death of Bishop Franciscus Hubertus SCHRAVEN cm and His Fellow Martyrs
今から37年前[ママ]の1937年10月9日、日本軍の一部隊が Chengtingfu (現「正定」。北京の南260km)の町に侵攻した時、一つの恐ろしい殉教が起こりました。中国人の多数の婦人たちと少女たちが、修道院〔複数〕に避難し、その部隊による虐待から逃れました。この通知を受けた日本軍は、5000人を超える中国人の婦人たちと少女たちの中から200人を性奴隷として引き渡すことを要求しました。シュラーヴェン司教、彼は避難して来た市民を保護する立場にありましたが、その日本軍部隊に断固として言いました、「あなた方は私を殺すことならできる。しかし私はあなた方の望んでいるものを決してあなた方に渡さない!」
On October 9, 1937, 37 years from now, a horrible martyrdom took place when a Japanese troop invaded the town of Chengtingfu, currently called Zhending, located 260 km south of Beijing. A large number of Chinese women and girls took refuge in convents, escaping from the persecution by the Japanese troop. ln receipt of this notice, the Japanese army demanded that out of over 5000 Chinese women and girls there, 200 be extradited as sex slaves. Bishop Schraven, who was in the position of protecting the fleeing civilians, told the Japanese troop firmly, “You can kill me, but I never give you what you ask for!”
As the result, when the bishop and his fellow missionaries gathered in a dining room around 7 o’clock at night of October 9, 1937, Japanese soldiers broke into the room and captured them. Then they were burnt in a cruel way.
いったい誰が、非占領地の罪のない婦人たちと少女たちを性的虐待の対象になるようにさせる権威を持っているというのでしょうか? 他者に対する支配力を手にした人達が、基本的人権、人間の尊厳、そして個々人のアイデンティティと云ったものが何であるかと云ったような、基礎的な問題についてすら知らない時、このような途方もなく非人道的な行いが起こるのです。これらの恥ずべき虐待と殺害が起こった後、日本政府は軍隊に、ヨーロッパの宣教師たちを殺してはならないと命じました。しかしながら政府は、幾つかの国に於ける日本軍の従軍慰安婦問題に関し、今に至るまで、それに相応しい謝罪と補償をしていません。
Who on earth has the authority to make innocent women and girls of the occupied country become the targets of sexual abuse? Such extremely inhumane behaviors arise, when persons with power over others do not know even basic matters such as what fundamental human rights, human dignity and each person’s identity are. After these shameful cruelties and killings occurred, the Japanese government ordered its army not to kill European missionaries. However, the government has not made a just apology or compensation until now for the issue of comfort women of the Japanese army in some countries.
Bishop Schraven, who devoted his life to protect the women’s dignity, is a precious example of the good shepherd who lays down his life to protect his sheep. He reminds me of the parable in the 9 to 11 verses of Chapter 10 of the Gospel of St. John. It is essential for people in the modern world to have a proper understanding on fundamental human rights and human dignity. Based on this understanding, we should control our behaviors towards others.
I, as a member of the Catholic Church in Japan, extend my sincere apology to people in the Netherlands for this incident in China and other various unsettled misconducts by Japanese in our history. We would like to make every effort to promote our friendship in the future as well. I would like to offer my prayer for promoting the beatification of Bishop Schraven as well as other missionaries and faithful from the Netherlands, France, Poland, Croatia and Slovakia who were killed by Japanese army during the same period.
October 9, 2012
+ レオ 池長 潤
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan
[管理人注1] 9わたしは門である。わたしを通って入るなら、その人は救われる。また、出入りして、牧草を見つける。10盗人が来るのは、盗み、殺し、滅ぼすためにほかならない。わたしが来たのは、羊に命を得させ、しかも、豊かに得させるためである。〔戻る〕