中国と遊ぼう 跟中国玩儿




[ⓒ 中央日報/中央日報日本語版]








South Koreans call it comfort women also by such women. 
comfort women -- being such -- rubbing -- しょう 

It is arrest = South Korea about the Japanese expedition prostitution team where the former entertainer and the government official were contained.

14:23 on August 22, 2013 
[ⓒ Joong ang Daily News / Joong ang Daily News Japanese version]

South Koreans call it comfort women also by such women. 
comfort women -- being such -- rubbing -- しょう 

It is arrest = South Korea about the Japanese expedition prostitution team where the former entertainer and the government official were contained.

14:23 on August 22, 2013 
[ⓒ Joong ang Daily News / Joong ang Daily News Japanese version]
South Koreans call it comfort women also by such women. 
comfort women -- being such -- rubbing -- しょう 

It is arrest = South Korea about the Japanese expedition prostitution team where the former entertainer and the government official were contained.

14:23 on August 22, 2013 
[ⓒ Joong ang Daily News / Joong ang Daily News Japanese version]
South Korea Comfort women's true character This is true.
South Koreans call it comfort women also by such women. 
comfort women -- being such -- rubbing -- しょう 
The overseas expedition prostitution teams of South Korea where the former entertainer and the race queen were contained were caught by the police all at once. 

the iron pot mountain land Ho National Police Agency international crime criminal-investigation party made the domestic woman prostitute oneself in Japan etc. on the 21st -- suspecting and coming out -- suspect Hung (32, woman) and suspect Quan, a broker, -- (-- it restrained in five persons (55) and others).Moreover, the police report [ persons /, such as 18 persons (47 women, the business proprietor, the usurer, brokers, etc. who prostituted themselves) / a total of 65 ] was sent to the prosecutor on the same suspicion. 

Suspect Hung and others established the base in Tokyo and Uguisudani from February, last year to last month, and they have received the suspicion which made the South Korean woman prostitute oneself by taking.Suspect Hung and others saw off the woman in the home, the hotel motel, etc. in Tokyo, and they made her meet a man.Moreover, in order to gather visitors, a female half-nakedness photograph and animation were photoed, and it opened to the Internet. 

After the broker including suspect Quan travelled food and entertainment businesses of the South Korean inside, such as a soul and Pusan, and gathered women, he sent to Japan in response to 1 million - 1,500,000 won per person (about 90,000 - 120,000 yen) from suspect Hung.Moreover, after passing a woman about 20 million won previously as local living expenses etc., it turned out by the investigation of the police that it collected in response to high interest behind. 

The women who prostituted themselves through the broker in Japan were a former entertainer, a famous model, a government official, a sport player, a housewife, etc.A former entertainer says that he prostituted himself in response to temptation that it can work the moon of 20 million - 30 million won, overseas which a status cannot expose easily. 

While the part went Japan back and forth, it was prostituted, and also eight women with many visitors forged and did the lengthier stay of the visa documents etc. for one to two years gaining a broker's support.Some brokers also did human trafficking, such as receiving gold to other contractors of Sendai and seeing off the woman who does not repay a debt in them. 

The woman who hesitates at expedition prostitution took to the fortune-teller.The fortune-teller who did 口合わせ beforehand said to the woman, "If it goes to Japan, he can make a large profit", and received remuneration expenses. 

The police side reported, "The woman was taken by the business proprietor and the broker, or used the earned gold on living expenses, and did not remain at all."



  包括原藝人和race queen的韓國海外遠征賣淫團一齊為警察被捉住。 







한국 위안부의 정체 이것이 진실
한국인은 이러한 여자들이라도 위안부라고 한다 
위안부따위 이런 것이지요
전(元)연예인·공무원이 포함된 일본 원정 매춘단을 검거=한국
[ⓒ중앙일보/중앙일보일본어판] comment223hatena1
  전(元)연예인이나 레이스퀸(race queen)이 포함된 한국의 해외원정 매춘단이 일제히 경찰에 잡혔다.  

  부산(釜山) 지방 경찰청 국제 범죄 수사대는 21일, 국내의 여성에게 일본등에서 매춘을 시킨 의혹으로, 【한】용의자 (32, 여자)이라고 브로커의 캔 용의자(55)들 5명을 구속했다. 또 매춘을 한 여성 47명과 사업주·고리 대금·브로커들 18명등 계65명을 같은 용의로 서류송검했다.  

  【한】용의자들은 작년 2월부터 지난달까지 도쿄(東京)·우구이스다니(鶯谷)에 거점을 두고, 한국인여성을 데리고 와서 매춘을 시킨 용의를 받고 있다. 【한】용의자들은 여성을 도쿄도(東京都)내의 가정·호텔·모텔등에 보내고, 남성과 만나게 했다. 또, 손님을 모으기 위해서 여성의 반나체사진과 동영상을 촬영하고, 인터넷에 공개했다.  

  캔 용의자들 브로커는 서울·부산(釜山)등 한국 국내의 풍속점을 돌아서 여성을 모은 후, 【한】용의자들로부터 1명당 100만-150만원 (약9만-12만엔)을 받아서 일본에 보냈다. 또, 여성에게 현지생활비등으로서 먼저 약2000만원을 건넨 후, 뒤에 높은 이자를 받아서 회수한 것이 경찰의 조사로 알았다.  

  브로커를 통해서 일본에서 매춘을 한 여성은 전(元)연예인·유명 모델·공무원·스포츠 선수·주부등이었다. 전(元)연예인은 신분이 노출하기 어려운 해외에서 월 2000만-3000만원 벌 수 있다고 하는 유혹을 받아서 매춘을 했다고 한다.  

  일부는 일본을 오고 가면서 매춘을 한 것 이외에, 손님이 많은 여성 8명은 브로커의 지원을 받아서 비자 서류등을 위조하고, 1-2년간 장기체류했다. 일부의 브로커는, 부채를 상환하지 않는 여성을 센다이(仙台)의 다른 업자에게 돈을 받아서 보내는등 인신 매매도 했다.  

  원정 매춘을 망설이는 여성은 복사에게 데리고 갔다. 미리 입맞춤을 한 복사는 「일본에 가면 크게 벎할 수 있다」라고 여성에게 말하고, 사례비용을 받았다.  

  경찰측은 「여성은 번 돈을 사업주나 브로커에게 빼앗기거나 생활비에게 사용하고, 아무 것도 남아있지 않았다」라고 전했다.


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