hi all, i m stuck up with a peculiar problem. My client requested us to disable the "X"(windows close button to the right hand top of the dialog box) in the SetupProgress dialog. Does any one know how to do it through the installshield develo... 続きを読む
This article discusses how to make a component require additional hard drive space in a Basic MSI Project. This may be useful in instances where a third-party application is being installed via a custom action that will require additional har... 続きを読む
The Custom Action is configured as follows: Custom Action Name: MyCustomAction VBScript Filename: <PathVar01>\MyFolder\MyVBSfile.vbs ScriptFunction: MyFunction Return Processing: Synchronous (Check exit code) In-Script Execution: Immediate Ex... 続きを読む
InstallTalk InstallTalk is a blog for software installation developers and program managers that discusses the latest best practices, trends, events, and news impacting installation development. It is from the installation experts that bring ... 続きを読む
InstallShield Tips & Tricks InstallShield Tip: Accessing the MSI Database at Run Time Robert Dickau Senior Techincal Trainer Flexera Software Abstract In some cases, it can be useful for a running installation to access the tables of the run... 続きを読む
Hello, We only want users with local administrator or domain administrator rights to be allowed to install our product. InstallShield displays a dialog warning you that the install may not work correctly unless you switch to an admin account.... 続きを読む
This answer assumes you are using a Windows Installer proeject type. 1) Create a component for each DLL, make it as the keyfile and set the destination folder to GlobalAssemblyCache. This instructs Windows Instlaler to use the MsiPublishAssem... 続きを読む
For 3 dll files in my installer, I have a requirement that tells: Register for COM in order to use the assemblies. This can be done with the command line tool regasm.exe, but, if possible, should be done within the installer as regasm is not ... 続きを読む
November 15, 2009 How to Register .Net assembly into GAC using InstallShield 2010 Deploying .Net assemblies into Global Assembly Cache can be done using either regasm.exe tool in .Net SDK or using InstallShield IDE. This article discusses th... 続きを読む
Specifying that a Public Property Should Be a Restricted Public Property InstallShield 2008 Project This information applies to the following project types: Restricted public properties allow network administrators to define public properties... 続きを読む
きままにほんわか、プログラマ生活。InstallShield 2009で、.NET Framework 2.0 SP1を配布するインストーラを作成するポイントを説明します。 なお、.NET Framework 2.0 SP1は、Microsoft Windows Installer 3.1が必用ですので、クリーンなXP SP2にインストール... 続きを読む
Perhaps the virtual directory\application isn't being installed where you expect it to? The behavior for this hasn't changed, but we have a new help document included with the beta entitled "Configuring the TCP Port and Site Numbers " that mi... 続きを読む
First, create a custom action that executes the following code (VBScript) actions should run in immediate mode DIM strServer, strServerType, strServerMetaType DIM objService dim msiView,strProp Const msiViewModifyInsertTemporary = 7 strServer... 続きを読む
Custom Dialog Functions InstallShield 2011 » InstallScript Language Reference The functions below handle custom dialog processing. You create the dialog using the Dialog Editor and then add the dialog to your script using these functions. Any... 続きを読む
質問 Check Tweet セットアップファイル(MSIとEXE)の違い 役に立った:5件 質問者:keydaimon 投稿日時:2005/10/13 14:51 困り度: 質問させていただきます。Apacheその他さまざまなソフトでインストーラーの種類が2種類あるものもありますが、どのような違... 続きを読む
Home > Flexera (InstallShield) > InstallShieldコラム「初心者のための InstallShield入門」 InstallShieldコラム「初心者のための InstallShield入門」 第2章:InstallShieldの主な機能 InstallShieldは、ファイルのコピーやレジストリの登録などの基本的... 続きを読む
Question: I am struggling trying to figure out how to update some attributes in an XML file using InstallScript. I would like to use proper XML parsing functions, but I can't find anything that suggests this version of InstallScript is capabl... 続きを読む