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View Important Announcement >>
Body count too low whem compared to the Euphienator incident. >>
>>97873988 They aren't even up to a tenth of Zeta Gundam's bodycount yet.>>
>>97873767 (OP) There is no reason for this. It's uncalled for, totally unnecessary. This is the epitome of shit writing.>>
>one school girl is a freak >lets kill all the kids! >>
weren't they all trained in armed combat? L-elf never set up defense procedures? >>
>>97874049 >Bitch gases 20 million in one episode >HER BLOOD WAS ON THE GUNDAM'S FINGERTIPS >>
>>97874103 is that really the reason?>oh no, they're immortal. we better kill them >>
>>97874206 The only thing that can protect us now is open pointing>>
>>97874049 They're mowing down school children running and begging for their lives that they were friendly with just moments ago.
A poison gas attack is far less indirect and more understandable. This is bat shit retarded and unrealistic.>>
Why is Season 2 so fucking terrible? >>
>Nobody send footage of the massacre. Retards everywhere.>>
>>97874344 > school children > not a weaponized research facility for breeding immortal vampires Please son, get it right. This was a justified attack carried out with precision in an entirely realistic manner.>>
I'm convinced that sunrise is playing mad libs with the script. just broad plot strokes with random cliches pulled from a raffle in between. >>
I don't get why these shows can't just be well-written and feature believable characters if they have to add this grimdark bullshit. >>
>>97874251 The reporter found the Phantom, full of scientists being sucked dry of their runes.>>
>>97873767 (OP) What the fuck are you rumbling about OP? The students are test subject. A guinea pig. Created though genetic engineering.For the preservation of our blue and nature world! >>
>Vulvarape Episode 21
[Embed ]>>
>Go the earth and nearly die rescuing your dad >Dad is great help improving our weapons > >Hey lets kill him for the shits! >She'll never find out And the reward for retarded cunt of the year goes to>>
>They sure enjoy killing us kids >But hey, if we make a deal they won't kill us >They're so trust worthy and all >We've been had? >No way! >>
>This episode FUCK EVERYTHINGI hope they kill everyone on earth, in space, and in their school. >>
>>97873911 >Body count too low whem compared to the Euphienator incident. Well from what I can tell, they killed everybody in the school except those, like, what 14 or so people in the main cast? I mean, some people got away during Euphinator. At least none of the main characters fucking DIED in it>>97874666 That is technically what they thought they were doing though, killing monsters>>
>>97874103 It almost as if the massacre is an excuse for an underlying motive.>>
>>97875763 >That is technically what they thought they were doing though, killing monsters If they're monster then why are they dieing>>
Who has the biggest JIOR kill count: Dorssia or ARUS? >>
But how can they shoot them to death if everyone in school is immortal space vampire? >>
>>97875925 Dorssia because occupation and genociding of JIORian lands.>>
If you ask me, they didn't kill ENOUGH kids. Fuckdamn shitcunts. I can't stand backstabbers.>BAKEMONO NO KUSENI!!! No, seriously, just drop dead. >>
>>97875998 Their bodies are modified to become vampires but they would have to sync with a Valvrave to be active>>
So did they think ALL of the them were immortal? Did they say anything after massacring all of them and seeing that none of that revived? >>
>>97875652 Nothing in their other anime were this bad. Mass killing with a super weapon is understandable. Randomly firing into a crowed is understandable. Going door to door killing people of other creeds/races is understandable. Suddenly deciding to kill EVERY CHILD who's begging/running/ignorant in a school before you understand what's going on only because they're MAYBE complicit in killing a few people is utterly retarded.>>
>>97876229 It's like the witch trials in medieval times, if you drown a witch and she stays dead then it means she was innocent!>>
>>97876402 >Nothing in their other anime were this bad Nigga, you need to watch some Daitarn 3>>
Saki ruined everything and got everyone killed. That's what you get when you use women as soldiers. >>
>>97874206 Wait, what? Does /k/ honestly think the right-hand sign is more effective?>>
It isn't a Sunrise mecha anime unless a large group of innocent people die >>
>they're immortal >lets shoot them and kill them, even though they are immortal >wait, our bullets are actually killing them... the bullets must be immortal too >KILL OUR BULLETS This show has gone retarded.>>
>>97874206 >Which of these signs will prevent another tragedy? Uhhh... Neither. Is /k/ actually this retarded?>>
>>97876712 Valvrave? Gone retarded? It was retarded from square one, and I love it>>
>>97876551 It has more to do with the kind of people who would live around such a sign. People who go on a shooting spree in locations where no guns are allowed easily get into the double digits with their kill count. People who go on sprees pretty much anywhere else might get 3. The sign probably wouldn't do shit, people who go ax crazy will do that no matter what.>>
Damn. Just when I thought I had this pic updated. >>
I don't understand why things have to be this way >>
Never seen Code Geass, but I get the feeling it's prolly like this? Am I right?
because if so I'ma be removing it from my backlog >>
>>97877130 better as in better, or better as in worse? Like, if it's this but it knows it's a joke and uses that to it"s advantage, I might reconsider.>>97877143 pic>>
>>97877009 Code Geass is one of the most entertaining anime ever made. That's all I'll say.>>
>>97876925 There's a boarder line between mindless fun and retarded beyond hope and they just crossed it>>
>>97877009 Maybe you're just baiting here, but whatever.>Never seen Code Geass, but I get the feeling it's prolly like this? Not particularly. There are parallels between them but the main characters have more establishment and development time, and the show has a more over-the-top atmosphere to go along with it. Brighter colors and less dark palette.>>
Student body count: ARUS > Dorssia >>
>>97874079 Oh come on. It could be seen coming. The reason is obvious as hell too, but whatever.>>
>>97877551 Look at that bitch in the back pretending to be worried. Fucking whore.>>
>>97874481 I dislike this episode a lot, but I've liked most of season 2.>>
"Grimdark" does not require either of those things, as most 80's OVAs would prove. N t to mention You forget you're watching a show about Space Vampire Bodyjacking Illuminati with Memory Eating Robots.>>
>>97876546 Well I knew Sakislut would be trouble from the first episode that cunt appeared in.>>
I want this to happen to Shoko or Iori So fucking bad. Just a remake of this scene where one of them is eating the fucking gun, and crying like the bitch they are >>
>>97876402 Nigger, you haven't seen Victory Gundam. Go watch that shit.
Also, you forget this whole massacre is happening because of a conspiracy, not just people do.>>
>Newtown massacre anniversary is next week. Shockjocking again I see. Damn this show is retarded.>>
>>97875863 Because they are weak monster. Doesn't mean you should not play it safe and not kill them all.>>
>>97876712 It's almost as if ARUS were in it on it the whole time! You people are fucking idiots, I swear.>>
>>97878020 >thinking Japan knows about or gives a fuck about America's monthly school shootings >>
>>97878002 Don't fucking remind me of Pengin goddammit, fuck you. God fucking dammit.>>
>>97876402 ARUS is in cahoots with the Magius you fucking dunce. Do you people even watch the show?>>
>>97876546 >does her duty >everyone forgets her Serves them right.>>
>>97878092 Sandy hook is a highlight that made international news. Everyone knows about it.>>
>>97877551 >Iori knows what she is doing Who taught her to use a gun?>>
>>97877478 You're missing the forest for the trees. The Magius already know that not everyone at the school is immortal. This whole thing was just an excuse to purge JIOR and the thread of the robot team. The ARUS soldiers can be individually retarded or not, but nobody, let alone the ARUS president who is visibly in league with the Magius, has any reason to step in and save them by pointing this contradiction out.>>
Jake the Chocolate
No. 97878278 I feel like the events this season haven't really warranted this pic (or the full pic it comes from). But it looks like it may be time. Haven't watched the episode yet, but are there actually people taking opposite sides (i.e. after GC episode 17), or is everyone just piling on Shoko Loco? >>
>>97878261 Goddammit Shitko, what the fuck are you doing?>>
>>97878020 >>Newtown massacre anniversary is next week. >Shockjocking again I see. Damn this show is retarded. The show has never been smart or realistic anon. The subject matter if pure B-Movie x soap opera material. Also, lol at the massacre anniversary having any relevance to Nippon.>>
>>97878199 And everyone that isn't American forgot about it within days. You are a moron if you think Japan remembers or cares.>>
>>97878265 >the ARUS president who is visibly in league with the Magius Was. He clearly wanted out after he saw the fuhrer get jacked.>>
>>97878296 What have you been doing? Nips knew all along Shoko was kuh-razey.>>
>>97876402 One person does understand the truth of what's going on: The President of ARUS. And he understand that the Magius control Dorssia directly and are behind this entire revelation as a way to excuse destroying JIOR.>>
>>97878395 They chose the right soldiers for the job.>>
>>97878254 L-Elf All the student had basic training (fat good that did them)>>
>>97878020 >>97878199 pic>>97878316 dude, even Americans forget about our monthly shootings. I forgot all about Sandy Hook, and that shit was a stone's throw away.>>
>>97876551 The right hand sign is more effective you mongoloid.>>
>>97878336 >He clearly wanted out after he saw the fuhrer get jacked. You mean he clearly got the piss scared out of him. You really think he's going to go against the Magius after what he's seen?
And your post contradicts itself. He knows what the Fuhrer is, and thus is clearly aligned with the Magius by aligning himself with Dorssia.>>
>>97878336 >Was. He clearly wanted out after he saw the fuhrer get jacked. He was doubtful about their intentions in private, sure, but never showed any sign of dissent and knows that this isn't the original Amadeus but simply a Magius in control of Dorssia. Either he sticks with them or he stands against them, but this episode shows he prefers to be on the winning side.>>
>>97878553 I am glad that Shoko did it. Enough is enough.>>
>>97878395 And? Soldiers are supposed to follow orders.
Do you really expect them to waste valuable screentime on the moral quandaries of nameless goons? Why don't you complain about the Dorssian soldiers that are attempting to murder these students in all the previous episodes? They didn't even have the "bakemono" excuse.>>
Haruto will forgive Shoko and they will live happily ever after with their son. >>
>>97878609 >It's mostly Shoko vs bad writing. Eh, the writing makes sense from her point of view, as a shocked character, though it's still pretty damn hokey in general.>>
>>97875581 Oh wow, people weren't lying when he raised his death flag last week. Thanks for the subtile writing, Sunrise.>>
>>97878619 how can he be dead, he wasn't vaporized. this is a sunrise show man>>
>>97878692 So make him float through the vacuum of space for all eternity in a perpetually undead-yet-constantly-dying state.>>
>>97878692 I'm pretty sure we saw cockpit view of explosion. That means he's dead.>>
>turn a perfect genki girl into a fucking annoying cunt Thank you Sunrise.>>
>>97878684 >>>97875581 >Oh wow, people weren't lying when he raised his death flag last week. >Thanks for the subtile writing, Sunrise. Well, they've already spared Shoko her death flags. Someone else needed to die.>>
Of all episodes, subs had to be late for this one. >>
>>97878781 Genki girls can be traumatized anon, and Shoko's been moving away from genki since then.>>
>>97878781 She's not annoying, just a bitch cunt traitor.>>
>>97878553 The promise was what she always looked back on to give her strength and Haruto didn't even remember it. It finally caused her to break after she pushed aside her emotional traumas and tried to remain optimistic for so long. I will give her until the end of the season to redeem herself, but I don't have high hopes.>>
>>97878440 >ARUS Military Questionnaire ☐ Will you betray us ☐ *if the money is right ☐ *if we prove to be pure evil ☑ Will you kill children at a drop of a hat
☑ *regardless of how much they beg ☑ *regardless of the lack of certainty in their guilt ☐ Are you a pedo ☑ *if the money is right>>
So quick count of hands. Shoko: 1) Will she survive the main arc or no? 2) Will she end the show as an antagonist, or will there be a reconciliation? >>
>>97878503 Right... Because all humans (especially teenagers) think logically under stress. Watching friends and citizens die left and right, along with the fact that you watched someone you know die and come back to life, and finding out that the person you loved was one of these immortal "monsters" surely wouldn't put a decent toll on your mind... right?>>
>>97878692 >he wasn't vaporized Did you miss that giant ass explosion?>>
>>97878878 >Shitko did nothing wrong SDF please go and stay go.>>
>>97878865 1) Yes, she has to live with guilt. It's the right punishment. 2) She won't change sides.>>
>>97878617 Yeah but those are commie nazis and these are normals>>
>>97878788 Yeah but it's just sad the show never fails to buy into the typical cliches that you just KNOW means that character is gonna die. They give the MC one last useful suggestion/information and they're gone. It's such poor lazy writing.>>
>>97878855 ARUS came there to kill everyone. Who do you think put the scientists into Phantom's rune factory?>>
All of this couldn't have happened if you voted for Lord Satomi. ARUS and Dorssia would be licking his boots clean and he would be crowned Grand Emperor Satomi. >>
Evo master race, fuck vampires >>
I want to impregnate Audrey. >>
>>97873767 (OP) I agree, What the fuck am I watching!?
Whoever writes this shit is being an asshole! >>
>>97879035 He's dead inside but fine. He seems to recover next episode.>>
Why did no one complain about soldiers butchering unarmed, innocent teenagers until the "Americans" did it?
Is it because Americans are brainwashed into believing that their military is perfectly right and just and incapable of committing atrocities and that the Nazis and Soviets (Dorssia) were all soulless and evil inhuman monsters? >>
>>97879014 It wouldn't have happened because they all would have died 10 episodes ago.>>
>>97879113 Did they forget BOTH Dorssians and Americans are controlled by the Council of 101?>>
>>97879014 >Satomi would be arrogant! And a jerk! >So let's elect JINGLE BELLS as our leaders, YOLO! The module's inhabients deserve every bit of the assfucking>>
>>97878935 Shoko didn't do anything wrong. I don't really see how you can watch this episode and see anyone but ARUS and Dicksuckercentral as the villians. Neither Haruto or Shoko was right or wrong. If you want to pin the blame on someone, blame Saki. It's mostly her fault that this even happened.>>
Subs when? I know someone posted in the old thread, but I'm a moron and forgot to check time zone. >>
>>97879157 It's ok, Lord Satomi's family was chosen to be the godparents of the Prince.>>
>>97879157 Literally the only reason Shoko won was because she played into their emotions as teenagers. WE'LL HAVE FUN AND HAVE A FESTIVAL GUYS. Didn't actually make any of them think like adults or have any in-sight on how they'll make it as a country. They deserve to be dead. And Satomi wins in the end. STILL LIVE 500 YEARS IN THE FUTURE. HELL YEAH.>>
This could've been better only if Shoko started to have a mental break and sing in monotone voice Jingle Bells as Haruto is being taken away and everyone else blasted. >>
>>97877865 I've had a hard time watching S2. Stories should have ups and downs and in this case it seems to just be despair all the time.>>
>>97879156 That's something else entirely. I'm trying to figure out why the reactionary idiots are only reacting to this, and not the plentiful occasions where the Dorssians have massacred or attempted to massacre the students.>>
>>97873767 (OP) >lol we want FREEDOM >lol we has SUPERWEAPOnZZXXX we can win! >omg we losing! >omg they killing us! >WHY! >>
Wait, shit. DID BROCK SURVIVE? >>
>>97879204 I'm ignoring the last part of your post. But anyway, Shoko is a hypocritical bitch. How could she stop trusting Haruto for something like this. Some "love" that is.>>
/k/ here:Why does one of the soldiers throw a grenade into a room before entering in one scene as if someone inside has a gun. Not to mention that it blows out the fucking windows like they were nothing. I mean sure we got all this futuristic shit but windows are weak as fuck though. What is this non-sensible fuckness? Giant robots are okay though, I think about sticking my dick into the barrels... a lot... >>
>>97879204 I actually blame Haruto. If had told everyone especially Shoko that he was a space vampire people would be more understanding of his situation. But no he had to bitch and whine about my MUH CURSE like the self-centered faggot that he is. Really he deserves what he got this episode.>>
>>97874206 right sign is obviously challenging you to go kill children, left sign means no fun allowed zone>>
>>97879334 because it would imply that they literally like shit>>
>>97879362 He's the Magius spy who put the scientists in the Phantom. >>
>>97879402 >Why does one of the soldiers throw a grenade into a room before entering in one scene as if someone inside has a gun. Spur of the moment probably.>>
>>97879402 >Why does one of the soldiers throw a grenade into a room before entering in one scene as if someone inside has a gun. They're treating it like a combat situation, obviously. The soldiers think they're killing monsters, not hapless students.>>
>>97879452 I'll take your word, they don't seem to be very operator. More like amateurs with good equipment.>>
>>97879417 I'm not so shallow that my love will be compromised by a little mistake. Even if hers is.>>
>>97879362 Brock survives and becomes the godmother of Mini-Elf >>
>>97878977 It's typical writing but I don't see it as poor>>
>>97879402 slash and burn>Not to mention that it blows out the fucking windows like they were nothing Japan is famous for shoddy building construction>>
>>97879204 >blame Saki. It's mostly her fault that this even happened. no>>
Can we FINALLY get revengeance Haruto and Lel-elf? >>
Saki > Akira > Kriem = Takahi = Minami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shoko >>
>>97879299 >>97879398 I'd politely disagree anons, but I'll still stick around to see what happens in the ednd.>>
>>97879574 They'll have plenty of time to BOND in that space capsule together, if you know what I mean.>>
I want to cum inside Kriem. >>
>>97879204 >>97879405 >Shitko did nothing wrong also please blame other characters SDF please die and stay die.>>
>>97879582 put Lieselotte between Saki and Akira or between Akira and Kriem and you're my nigga>>
>>97879582 You should put 'shit' instead of 'Shoko' and then proceed to 'Shoko' on the very bottom>>
>>97879285 To be honest I'm questioning that one myself. Actually, Haruto is tripping quite a few. We'll find out in the next few episodes but, I don't think Haruto is going to survive. More than likely the way it's setting up right now is Haurto will end up dying while saving Shoko. It's what I'm thinking will happen based on the fact that she "shunned" him, and wherever their pods/ships went to will be discovered. Somehow haruto finds out about dastardly plan, goes to stop plan, barely saves Shoko only to die.
Ofcourse this is sunrise we're talking about here, so they'll make it happen in a more elaborate way, but this version is just summarized down.>>
>>97879582 >Saki > Akira > Lise > Kriem > Takahi = Minami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iori >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shoko >>
So, who put scientists and Arus chick there? >>
This entire situation is everyone's fault looking back at it. I really don't see how they will pull off a win in three episodes. >>
>>97876604 They're monsters ready to abandon their friends who have been sacrificing themselves to protect them from danger, even when they sell them out to the enemy. They're not innocent.>>
Jake the Sandpiper
No. 97879847 >>97879706 I'm just curious what happens to his motivations. He clearly fails in destroying the Valvraves or the curse. If he dies, does he do so with a new mission in mind or does he go wailing and fighting in the midst of his failure?>>
>>97879643 >she will never get cute vanilla doujins with Hannah >>
>>97879771 Lots of important people at that conference, right? As in the kind of people Magius jack.>>
>>97879706 >More than likely the way it's setting up right now is Haurto will end up dying while saving Saki.
>>97879787 L-elf and his homo nazi brigade will save their asses.>>
>>97879784 I feel bad for the Shokofags. She turned out to be a treacherous whore while Saki remains perfect 200 years into the future.>>
>>97879934 Her hymen was broken before she became a vanpire, she is not pure.a>>
>>97879582 Lieselotte = Saki = Akira > Pino = Marie > Kriemhild = Aina = Takahi > Nanami >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Iori >>>>>>>>shit>>>> Shoko>>
>>97878781 >perfect genki girl She was always shit and I've been saying it since ep1.>>
>>97879787 Season 3 is pretty much confirmed at this point.>>
>>97879582 Akira > Liselotte > Marie = Saki >> Takahi > Kriem >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Iori >>>>>>> shit >>>>>>>>> Shoko>>
>>97879204 >There are people actually putting this on Saki >>
>>97879934 What if she got body jacked by some old Magius that wanted to be a little girl?>>
>>97879784 I want to watch Saki doing things, but I don't want to watch the show.>>
>>97879956 It seems Sakifags want other characters, like Haruto or A-drei, to die protecting their waifu.>>
>>97880052 If only she had had more screentime. I would have love to see the Magius-looking ways to get new rune access and Haruto helping/teasing L-Elf who would act flustered and autistic.>>
>>97879204 >you want to pin the blame on someone, blame Saki. Really?>>
Haruto a shit Worse than Kirino, Kirito and Touma >>
>>97879915 They're going to be captured no doubt either way, because they have nowhere else they can go that people are going to accept them. They will be taken back to Earth, and while there they will end up breaking loose because Haruto was able to hypothetically bitch-slap L-Elf out of his "woe is me" attitude, save Saki and then go back to save Shoko and the others.>>
I really hope that nobody is pulling the "Shoko did nothing wrong" card because even if you like her, she clearly did something very wrong. The fact that they had ARUS betray her ass is proof of that. >>
>>97880179 Saki deserves better than Haruto. Saki/Audrey is where it's at.>>
>>97880227 I have never watched an anime with an MC as UNBEARABLE as this fucker.>>
>>97880292 Was having Saki NTRed by L-elf once not enough?>>
Daily reminder that all the people in the future are bodyjacked by the Magius. Sunrise is going for full rage ending with this one. >>
are subs seriously not out yet >>
>>97880350 Watch Guilty Crown, also drop your name or go back to your shithole.>>
>>97880407 Every sunrise ending is a full rage ending, anon.>>
>>97880416 Someone said it was going to be out at 2 pm euro time or something.>>
>>97880465 Uh, most don't. Zegapain, Dougram, VOTOMS, every Gundam series that isn't Zeta or Age, Dunbine, Ideon, Xabungle, Escaflowne, Brain Powerd, Big O, probably some other stuff I'm missing.>>
>>97880488 He won't get him, but his elf is his top priority.>>
Out of the loop for a while now, when did Nyaa switch to Se? Why?
Also, is this show worth continuing? Watched it through in Spring, not sure if I should keep going >>
>>97880590 It's worth continuing for the ridiculousness and eru erufus>>
>>97880316 >Clearly can't read.
I never said she was on Earth. Obviously they go back to space in the Valvraves.
>>97880314 Unless he forgets her completely, I highly doubt he's going to let her die. Besides, this is anime and when has anime protagonists ever thought rationally about something? Besides, this is just going along with the theory that anon posted, in which Haruto dies while saving Shoko.>>
>>97880590 This episode was fun, but the rest of S2 hasn't been nearly as funny as S1. Don't pick it up or start watching at this ep.>>
>>97880616 He doesn't know the meaning of the word.>>
Thanks for spoiling the fun >>
>>97876402 You're really stupid, aren't you? You think other anime are not this bad because of what? How are any of the other circumstances less retarded? Just kill yourself already.>>
>>97880616 I always liked Satomi, even when /a/ was mercilessly shitting on him back in season 1. Also, Iori has lost any claim to his dick she might have once had.>>
Shoko's reaction was perfectly understandable given how badly the whole situation was explained to her. I'm blaming everything on Fagruto >>
I don't speak japanese. Why the fuck they put L-elf in the same capsule? Are they stupid? >>
>>97880669 Well I was going to catch up...I'm just starting Anime after a 6 month hiatus.>>
Why is there nothing but suffering now? Can't we go back to when we knew we were hero in our life? >>
>>97879545 It's poor cause it doesn't try to do anything new. It stays with a very a-typical formula and after you'd seen the same thing in 100 different anime before it's just poor and lazy. It's not bad, its just expected from a mediocre show.>>
>>97880616 Satomi will trust in Lord Michael's recovery to save them from the crazy cow tyrant. He's gathering data for him.>>
>>97880746 Because "even if he's got nothing to do with the vampire business, they're afraid of what he might do" so they fucking deport him to space.>>
>>97880742 they're all fucking teenagers, half of them infected with vampire aids or some shit they're all idiots and everyone equally shares the blame.>>
>>97879204 I wish the suicide rate was higher amongst your kind.>>
>>97876546 Shoko ruined everything and got everyone killed. That's what you get when you use women as leaders.>>
>>97879964 You know, you are fucking right. And I fucking love Marie.>>
>>97879964 I would switch Marie and Cream, but other than that, perfect.>>
>>97880780 It doesn't cancel the fact (uhm, ok, not fact, that is just my opinion) she's the best. The same is for Shoko. She's shit (and here that's a fact) and she will still be declared as shit even after her death>>
>>97880465 >Every sunrise ending is a full rage ending, anon. Uh bullshit? How many Sunrise anime have you watched? Hell, this was just the first one that came to mind. I can think of tons more>>
>>97873767 (OP) Fuck i'd been waiting for his to happen. I thought it was going to go through at mid season, then last episode I expected space ghosts to get to 77 first. Fuck I'm glad it eventually happened, they were untrained liabilities and everything screamed that their luck about surviving so long had to run out.>>
>>97880940 Thanks God Marie died, so she didn't have to see her best friend turned into a cunt>>
>>97879956 How stupid are the people who watch this show? Haruto is a moron who I hope suffers miserably. People actually think he remembers who Saki is? I am embarrassed by the awful quality of this season.>>
>>97881045 To be fair I wanted to rage because Rain a shit.>>
I wonder if Shoko would have sold out Marie if she were alive too. >>
Fucking Sakifags and Shokofags everywhere in this thread, making it smell like neckbeard and BO fumes. Now Marie is best girl, too bad she had to die. Anyway, episode was stupid. The pacing in this episode was just bad, and the whole asspull with the Saki execution was even more idiotic. Hopefully the next few episodes will be able to redeem this trainwreck of a series.... >>
>>97881145 Nobody agrees with you but me. Allenby deserved Domon way more.>>
>>97881014 I love Kriemhild too, but she didn't have enough exposure yet when she gets her moment to shine I'll place her in the same tier.>>
>>97881163 >making it smell like neckbeard and BO fumes better than rotting fujoshit cunt>>
>>97881133 >People actually think he remembers who Saki is? He did remember her in episode 20.>>
>>97881241 He's mentioned her every episode since she went on the mission with Akira. People are just being stupid.>>
>>97880742 It wasn't understandable at all. Placing the blame on one character is so stupid. How your stupidity has not caused your death is beyond me.>>
Which important characters died in this? >>
Shoko will redeem herself and all of you will feel silly for ever doubting her. Just wait. >>
>>97874481 I think this ride has been enjoyable. Through a little late in its reveals, poor pacing in terms of character development before death. Given 36 - 48 episodes this could have performed far better, with more character episodes. I enjoy despair and 'bad ends', I can't see how the core cast will overthrow or absorb the behemoth of magius's organization and clear grip on human affairs. Presumably the super awesome 'I win' sword will now come into play, almost like a DEM. Just feels cheap that this super weapon has been used 4~ times now and no one has gone out of their way to study and employ it as the first attack in a battle.>>
>>97881659 It's too late now, anon. She's reached Rossiu/Ohgi status. There's no turning back now.>>
>>97875304 I asked this last week with no major answers beyond 'they had to', but seriously both these countires were hostile and one tried to weasel their way in then back stab you, at least the russians were open. Why the fuck did you invite them INTO YOUR HOME. Why not hold his meeting (if at all) on a ship else where with disposable troops. Their deaths are their own fault for trusting these nations and their own for not having half a brain. It's like none of these kids have read any fiction or history.>>
>>97878553 It looks like they're about to bitchslap each other.>>
>>97874621 I miss S1. It was at least fun. This is just random fucking bullshit like they forgot they have a 200 years later plot to do.>>
>>97881894 They can't even wipe their own asses without instructions from L-Elf and the show reinforces that constantly. It's another reason the writing is shit and shouldn't be taken seriously for any reason other than the wild ride.>>
>>97882176 I hope this happens. And then angry hatesex ensues.>>
>>97875109 The QUALITY in this episode was really bad, I don't think S1 had anything like this. Though Shoko's face is fitting for this episode.>>
>>97873767 (OP) I dropped the show after that amnesia bitch died What the fuck happened?>>
I can't watch anything with death in it. Too bad too since this looks to be drawn pretty good. >>
>>97882285 >200 years later plot That's the epilogue.>>
>>97882285 The 200 year plot is for season 3, you silly goose.>>
>>97881894 This at least has some backing, they are a bunch of kids trying to do politics and they have no idea what the fuck they are doing>>
>>97882534 >I can't watch anything with death in it. Then why are you here?>>
>>97882470 L-Elf lost his raison d'être, stopped giving a fuck about everything. Everyone tumbled down mistake after mistake because he was the only one holding this shit together.>>
>>97879120 His only scene this week is him mumbling as he's pushed into a pod to be handed over to the enemy. I wonder if this scene was actually meant to be funny, if not I still laughed.>>
>>97882534 >I can't watch anything with death in it. Are you fucking serious? Like, I'm pretty sure that's not even limited to otaku anime or anything. I think kids shows even have it.>>
>>97879204 I'd rather blame the writers for making Saki stupid and Shoko out of character.>>
>>97882534 >I can't watch anything with death in it You're adorable.>>
>>97873767 (OP) Is it just the second season that's so edgy or was season one like this too?>>
>>97882594 Drunkposting>>97882652 Yeah I had to drop higurashi and I cry in anime where there is an isolated death (which I can handle to a point, just not this massacre stuff)>>
>>97882638 i mean the general character style for the main chraracters style>>
>>97882711 It's just S2. They should change the name to VVV:Despair Academy>>
>>97882697 The girls have really been getting shit on in the writing department this season. At least Akira is still being based.>>
>>97876712 >This show has gone retarded. What do you think you're watching?>>
>>97879847 He's going to forget he wanted to destroy them in the first place.>>
Where the FUCK are the subs? >>
If Haruto's runes are already eating his memories, how is Saki piloting 200 years later? It's like they just made this shit up for S2. >>
>>97882949 muh curse turns into muh blessing probably Also did it ever say the other pilots would suffer memory loss? Isn't it only Haruto's unit, since it's the original and powers all the other units?>>
>>97882949 At some point the curse gets turned into a blessing and presumably stops doing bad things to the pilot. With 3 episodes left that should be soon, but maybe they forgot that was a thing.>>
Is this anything like Evangelion, TTGL, Gundam, or that one anime with the TV and the Guitar and the pimple? >>
Sasuga Sunrise. Was expecting some sort of a massacre-tier episode coming up after the last episode and they finally delivered. >>
Why is the writing so horrible? It almost feels as bad as Sacred Seven. >>
>>97883096 >or that one anime with the TV and the Guitar and the pimple? What>>
>>97883175 I think he means the cancer that is FLCL.>>
>>97883084 Because you guys keep pirating their subs.>>
Crunchyroll announced their delay? Sauce on the news, if yes? >>
>>97878733 sounds like final boss material to me>ancient evil fueled with memories of millions of years awakens filled with nothing but an impulse to destroy >>
>>97881033 I can feel the autism emanating from the screen like a mentally handicapped miasma.>>
>>97883143 At least Sacred Seven was a fun ride rather than a suffering ride.>>
>>97880227 No one can be worse than Touma. Epitomy of shit. Just like the series>>
inb4>due to sensitive graphic material, we won't be airing this episode >>
How to fix the situation>Haruto you're a monster? >>Alright everyone time to explain! My father is a mad scientist that created the Valvraves which causes anyone in it to obtain an immortal body. >>The valvraves are powered by Runes and Ancient aliens >>basically Runes are memories and as we fight we lose our memories >>The ancient aliens are the basis for all major technological advancement and the reason this whole situation exists >>We have intelligence to say that JIOR is currently being run by these aliens as one of them was Princess Liesolette who died trying to save us and expose them. >>we did not ask for this, we did not want to believe this, but things were set into motion long before our time and all we want is our freedom and security >>If this seems absurd to you or hard to believe, I'm an immortal fucking vampire and you just saw one of us get killed on inter-galactic tv and come back to life so if you don't believe me you retarded cunt then blow me and then nothing fucking happened >>
Shoko actually abandoned him because he no longer remembered the promise they made as children. >>
I really enjoy this Sunrise trainwreck that doesn't make any sense and throw away cardboard characters in hope of shocking. >>
>>97883708 >I wish I could turn into a rock Gets me every fucking time.>>
>>97883720 I can't wait until Shoko learns that Haruto is sacrificing his own memories to protect her. I hope she suffers a lot.>>
>>97883720 Sorry the show doesn't run on your flawless logic.>>
Wait so Shoko betrayed everyone? was it because of finding out the whole Haruto rape?>>97883708 >I wish I could turn into a rock wat >>
>>97883851 Yes I hate this series too. If it wasn't a current series that had mechs in it...>>
>>97882820 >At least Akira is still being irrelevant >>
>>97882534 >can't watch anything with death in it >looks to be drawn pretty good >dat grammar There is nothing about this post that I can take seriously.>>
>>97883720 Everything could have been avoided by explaining things properly. But Haruto is completely inept at making intelligent decisions.>>
>>97883876 I can't wait for it to be revealed that haruto isn't actually using any of his own runes to fight but the runes he feeds off of people and he has no memory loss at all>>
>>97881659 Unless she dies and Jewbro is magically reborn with his old memories I will never consider Shoko redeemed.>>
>>97883937 It's because of contrived writing that completely destroys her existing character.>>
>>97883983 I watch BF that isn't about the Gundams but the plastic models based on them. It is basically Gundam meta.>>
So Haruto x Shoko is pretty much completely dead. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
>>97884059 I want to believe. >>
go back to the music video episode and see how many people from that died now >>
>>97873767 (OP) why is it that every valvrave thread starts with a spoiler picture>>
>>97883949 Well, next season (I think) there'll be Buddy Complex. It looks pretty generic, but hopefully the mecha action will at least be good.>>
>>97884084 You mean a toy commercial. I haven't really kept up with, so I can't say much.>>
>>97884097 >Haruto doesn't remember a promise oh boy this stuff isn't normal>>
>>97884164 All Gundam shows are toy commercials. All except the two Gunpla series have actual bipedal robots in them.>>
So can someone summarize what actually happened this week? >>
>>97884168 They showed the memory shattering while he was piloting, just like Marie and Lieselotte's memories did.>>
>>97882619 I did too, he managed to crack a joke while everyone was being shot left and right. He didn't bother looking out of the window either. Sasuga Eruerufu.>>
which subs should I use for S2? >>
>>97884097 They're just chilling and enjoying free hookers together.>>
>>97884226 I didn' watch the episode, currently on a phone tether I just want to feel involved>>
>>97884119 It's pretty much confirmed to get an understanding/forgiveness end with Haruto dying after his confession and probably knocking her up to leave a legacy. Unless they really do have Shoko go insane and start that cow empire.>>
>>97884232 He just wants to be left alone to mourn his waifu in peace.>>
>>97883143 >Why is the writing so horrible? It almost feels as bad as Sacred Seven. Terrible comparison. You lose 500 points.>>
>>97884162 It doesn't look too bad. And it is being done by studio 8. I am slightly worried about that rumor going around.>>
>>97884273 That's why I asked if you watched the episode. Just admit it instead of acting like you know what you're talking about, dude.>>
>>97884276 >Unless they really do have Shoko go insane and start that cow empire. It would be a huge blow to the series for this not to happen/>>
>>97883851 >I really enjoy this Sunrise trainwreck that doesn't make any sense But it does make sense. It's just not realistic at all.>>
>>97883033 Whoever pilots VVV 1 is the one who has to collect and feed runes, the others just leech.>>
>>97884327 No, I don't think it looks bad either - generic wasn't meant to be an insult. I haven't heard about a rumor, though, what is it?>>
Hey did we ever get know which Sunrise Studio is doing Valvrave? >>
>>97884164 All Gundam shows are toy commercials but I haven't enjoyed a Gundam series this much since forever. Plus the reactions are awesome.>>
>>97884043 Traumatic events with confusion and emotional fallout tend to destroy, at least temporarily, someone's existing character. I hope you realize this one day when shit hits your fan.>>
>>97877808 Out of curiosity, what's the reason? I stopped watching this series after the third episode, I just amuse myself by trying to piece together what's going on from the threads made about it.>>
So how do you think they'll stay alive? personally I think if they hijack someone else and pilot as them they'll use the hosts runes first before they begin using their own >>
>>97884385 Supposedly the rumor is that director did not like the script and threw it out for the second half. I personally think it's false.>>
>>97883720 They didn't let him explain in case you didn't notice. When Haruto wanted to explain back in the gym, they started shooting students and had to flee. When Haruto tried to explain to Iori, she shot him in the chest. When Haruto tried to explain to Shoko, she started talking about some shit that happened 10 years ago and went crazy when Haruto said his head hurt and he couldn't remember what she was talking about.>>
Why the fuck gg is delayed as well? >>
>>97884535 He still has no excuse for not telling her the truth after she became PM. Shoko may be a giant shit, but Haruto brought all this on himself.>>
>>97884535 I think the anon meant before this shit started.>>
>>97884386 Studio 11. Previous work is Natsuiro Kiseki and the least talented branch due to using too much Chinese slaves and terrible schedule.>>
>>97884276 I'll be mad if another kamitsuki dies for that cunt.>>
>>97884539 Because no one actually translates things, they all use CR for their subs or just straight up RIP the CR version.>>
I have not watched this show yet
don't lynch me , but from what I heard the students don't die when they're killed. So what's this school shooting supposed to accomplish? >>
After this episode, I can't wait for the second popularity poll. >>
>>97884682 I can get that he wanted to "protect her innocence", but even if L-Elf was concerned about protecting the secret, I would think that he also that she of all of new JIOR had a right to know. Too much of a political and possibly liability if they kept her in the dark. I was clearly expecting too much brainpower.>>
>>97884894 Will there even be a second official popularity poll?>>
>>97884464 >>97884858 Only some students are immortal, not all. The Magius already control both sides (Dorssia, ARUS) and just needed to find a random scapegoat to destroy the whole thing.>>
>>97885016 Maybe the fished his remains out from space if he wasn't completely vaporized. I wonder if they can regenerate from a single cell?>>
>>97885016 A-Drei is going t take his place once they have the scientist modify them either that or he's not dead as we never got a dead eyed shot>>
>>97884386 >Nerima Studio >Formerly known as Ogikubo Studio or Sunrise Emotion, it is best known for the Freedom Project, Valvrave the Liberator and the King of Thorn anime film. >>
>>97884894 Pretty much confirmed Shoko just lost out to at least Audrey and Akira. And if she doesn't do anything spectacular to redeem herself in these next few episodes it will be even further.>>
>>97885016 We can rebuild him, we have the technology>>
>>97885016 Haruto Saki Satomi Akira X-Eins A-DreiQ-Vier Jewbro and THUNDA die>>
>>97885098 As long as she still breathes this is still a possibility.>>
>>97884858 The students immortality has to be activated by making a contract with the Valvrave robots, they're mortal otherwise.>>
>>97885056 >Only some only the ones who've been in the valvraves wasn't it?>>
>>97885016 Is there even 7 Valvrave at this point? Maybe Marie and Jewbro are considered member of Golden Seven post-humously since they piloted VVV.>>
>>97885230 If they let her pilot and become immortal after the things she said and did this episode, I will be booking a flight to Japan.>>
Just wake up>Still damage controlling by blaming Haruto I'm not surprised. I wonder if it was L-Elf who get shot, will they blame L-Elf too? >>
>>97885208 nope Q-Vier is going to die in L-Elfs arms telling him how much fun he had fighting him with a big smile on his sacred 7 will be Haruto Saki Satomi Cain A-Drei Akira big breasted girl>>
>>97885366 It's not damage control when the show itself confirms it was Haruto's fault.>>
>[gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_21_[ 8AFE76E0].mkv >>
With VVV-5 demise they are now lacking DEF and Saki is still in Dorssia captive. Things are not looking good for Haruto side.
Not surprised if Thunder bite the dust next since he had least intelligence of all. >> 99779 >>
>>97885540 >anime
>Ever killing the retarded one Most intelligent has plot armor Biggest Moron has plot armor as well>>
>>97885540 Tank also worked with him and protected him from his stupidity.>>
>>97885540 He'll either die or man the fuck up and start taking things seriously. Jewbro had to carry him through every single battle.>>
>>97885622 Haruto survives in L-Elfs body combining their runes to make Shota Elf or S-Elf because L + H = S>>
Anyone have the previews that were shown at the end of season 1? >>
>>97884772 >Natsuiro Kiseki Fuck you for reminding me of that garbage>>
>>97885379 >Q-Vier is going to die in L-Elfs arms telling him how much fun he had fighting him with a big smile on his >>
>>97885755 he has his own agenda and given his name is going to backstab his war brother>>
>>97885518 I told you guys gg would save us. A little bit of faith goes a long way.>>
>>97885808 Cain has done shit that makes Q-Vier look like Mahatma Gandhi. There is no way he survives the current age to the point where the "Golden Seven" happens.>>
>>97885812 The guy calls himself Thunder
also Shoko is confirmed alive in 200 years due to the cow mecha, she's probably the great overlord they end up overthrowing and is possessed by a magi>>
>>97885821 Fantastic. Thank you based hopeful anon.>>
>>97885880 unless something occurs to change the current status quo or some incentive to get what he wants>>
>>97885881 >Shoko becoming a kamitsuki after calling Haruto a bakemono to his face My rage will power the Eastern seaboard.>>
>>97885821 gg must have sabotaged crunchyroll. There's no other explanation.>>
>H-Neun >Marie >Jewbro >Liselotte
Why they always kill few decent characters in this fucking show. Now we stuck with retards for last remaining episodes. Fuck this.>>
>>97885958 Crunchyroll just got bought by the Jews.>>
>>97885783 It was forgettable but at least it had a cute grill voiced by one of my favorite seiyuus>>
>>97886171 Had an emotional breakdown and surrendered Haruto and broken Elf to the ARUS.>>
I guess you could say that Shouko had...A cow >>
>>97873767 (OP) Why are they making such a mess in school?
Do they ever think of the janitors that have to clean this shit up afterwards. Do it outside and at best near the disposal spot please.>>
>>97886300 Yeah. It's funny how the pilots are "monsters" when Shoko is less human than them.>>
>>97885948 she won't really have a choice if she gets possessed, but I'm thinking something will go hay wire when the magius try it due to her dna being different>>
>>97886243 That sucks, no wonder you got cancelled.>>
>>97885821 >>[gg]_Valvrave_the_Liberator_-_21_ [8AFE76E0].mkv You were right, guy.>>
Recon students will riot by Lord Satomi's orders and wait for Emperor L-Elf's commands to coup the mad cow. General Tokishima will intercede so she's not killed, only exiled to the borders of their kingdom. >>
>>97886370 To think, the module could have chosen Satomi. They could have chosen to have a future.>>
>>97886243 Old and busted. Carlos is the new hotness.>>
>>97886476 Why is lord Satomi such an understanding person?>>
>>97886505 Because he's the future Emperor's counsellor.>>
>>97885056 What? That's supposed to make sense? Don't the students have the public goodwill? Killing them would draw more attention from the public. Right?>>
>>97886560 >don't the students have the public goodwill? Why the fuck this matters? It was all a trap to kill them all. The Magius only want L-Elf and the pilots they can snag like Haruto.>>
Shoko can redeem herself if she sacrifices her body so Haruto will have a new one when his runes are running out to his lifeforce. >>
>>97886607 Only Cain wants L-elf.
Does Dorssia actually care about any of the pilots? Aside from being potential guinea pigs.>>
Show stopped being fun around episode 7 but rode plot twists to keep hype through season 1.
By the sound of it season 2 is entirely worthless.
I would much rather have watched a show about Shoko's wacky solutions to their problems. >>
>>97886653 This might actually happen, but it would have to be done against Haruto's will.>>
>>97886653 That's one way for L-Elf to have a baby.>>
>>97886683 Cain is a Magius. They all support each other with their eccentric hobbies.>>
>>97886691 Season 2 had to be nothing but serious business because the staff realized they used too much time in season 1 without revealing anything. Te show should have been 40+ episodes from the start though.>>
>>97886691 >thinking we give a fuck about worst girl >>
>>97886770 But other than L-elf, do they even care about the pilots? Because it doesn't seem like it.>>
>>97886720 Haruto wouldn't remember her. If his body has lost all memories, his life is next.>>
Am I the only one that likes S2 more than S1? >>
>>97886821 They could have revealed things without going full suffering and despair the entire season.-
+ yotsuba
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