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Welcome to the San Francisco Safe Routes to School (SF-SRTS) website. The SF-SRTS Partnership is funded to work with 15 public elementary schools to promote safe and active walking and biking to school, but the resources on this site are available to anyone interested in creating a healthier and safer environment for students to walk and bike to school.

Our Most Recent Success: Walk and Roll to School Day 2013

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On October 9th, 2013  a record 13,000 students walked or rolled to school with their families in San Francisco at 76 schools across the city, as a part of International Walk and Roll to School Day. This is nearly a 40% increase from last year. With support form the Safe Routes to School Partnership schools were able to offer stickers for walkers and pencils for every child enrolled to encourage the event.  

At ER Taylor, San Francisco’s largest elementary school and our highlighted school this year, over 300 children walked to school. The event was quite a success with festivities both at a Walking School Bus meeting point at Church for All Nations, as well as on the schoolyard.

Over 20 families met early to be a part of the walking school bus led by District 9 Supervisor, David Campos; State Senator, Mark Leno, the SFPD Motorcycle Brigade and representatives from the Safe Routes to School Partnership. Upon arriving at school, children were greeted by hundreds of their peers cheapest propecia online who had walked directly to school. Parents lingered during opening circle while elected officials commended ER Taylor for their successes in the past year. The students and parents were addressed by Principal Marlene Callejas, Supervisor Campos, Senator Leno, a school parent, SRTS Liaison Mario Vega, and Walk SF Executive Director Nicole Schneider.

Students were applauded for their involvement and encouraged to walk or bike daily for their health, their improved concentration in class, and for the environment.


SF Safe Routes to School Program Goals:

  • To increase bicycle, pedestrian, and traffic safety around schools;
  • To decrease traffic congestion around schools;
  • To reduce childhood obesity by increasing number of children walking and biking to school; and
  • To improve air quality, community safety and security, and community involvement around school.

Safe Routes to School goals are achieved through the following strategies:

  • Educate 2nd grade classes on pedestrian safety
  • Educate 4th grade classes on bicycle safety
  • Distribute walk & bike maps for students specific to schools
  • Train and organize walking school buses and bike trains
  • Organize International Walk to School Day events (October 9, 2013)
  • Organize San Francisco Bike to School Week (spring 2014)
  • Conduct traffic enforcement around schools
  • Conduct walking audits of school to examine traffic safety needs of streets and sidewalks near schools
  • Collect and analyze how schoolchildren get to and from school
  • Collect and analyze surveys from parents on knowledge and attitudes towards walking and biking