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You guys pick on those who edit illegally, but I think some of you don't actually read readme files properly.
Fun fact - some of the modellers forbid their models to be used in ask accounts.
In ask accounts.
The example is Roku, whose readme I checked yesterday.

Not to mention the fact that 90% of Hetalia MMDers break the rules of no yaoi/shounen-ai.

So again. Before you pick on me and try to scare me with "reporting to the modeller", scan your own actions and check if your close friends don't break the rules themselves.
And buzz off plz.

About a week ago, my little finger on left hand got numb.
It didn't stop until now.
It's all numb and this started to slightly spread on the next finger and the side part of my hand.
I will be visiting the doctor for the blood examine and all that shit, but I have to wait for the period to finish.
Because it messes up the blood stats in examinations, if you don't know why.
I heard about many reasons for this problem and none of them look very good.
The lightest reason is related to vitamin deficiency, the heaviest diabetes or... cancer even.
But let's not think about the worst.
It may be just lack of B12.
My health was always poor and I am alive so let's think positively.
I mean I want to bother you guys for a long time yet.
If I will get any more comment or note about how I should take my BaKYOn down, I will laugh at your face.
I was fighting with Hetalia editing people for years on here and nobody gave a shit.
70% of the models people are editing here are not supposed to be even opened in PMDeditor.
So don't waste your breath/time on me.
If you want to bash someone, go to those who make crap edits and shit out of Hetalia models.
Thank you.

How do I reply to someone else's comment?
Especially if she's not on Google+?
I try to use the +/@ and nickname thingie, but she doesn't appear on the list and I just... what?
Youtube, you little fucker.

EDIT: I got to know that those who don't have Google+ cannot get any replies to their comments.
Is this true?
If so then it's a complete bullshit.
It's bothersome how you dislike someone and their work so you don't watch them, but they join the group that you're an admin in and you still have to see it in your inbox.
I wish dA would have the way to not see some people's deviations.
Like Tumblr.

Ok, so tomorrow I get back to my IT classes routine for every weekend. Also next Tuesday I finish my practices, so I can finally get a job.
I applied for one manual one, because I obviously lack the skills and will to work in any kind of company or office.
Besides, on my practices I basically studied the post office work. No joking.
So anyway.
I got some money from practices, so I can save up for birthday presents for my niece and nephew.
Hopefully I will get the job and get some more.
It's incredible how motivated you get when you think about money.
But for now, I waste my free time in LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean.
Whenever someone comments on my stuff, asking only about where did I get a certain model, I get all like

My browser has automatically set NicoDouga model distribution tag and bowlroll as starter pages.
I see everything.
Don't get used to me, because I am leaving again.
I still have a lot to do.
I leave =SkinnyManFace in charge of PKMMD again [like I did anything for it in past few days lol]
Be sure to go there and just be active, if you're a part of it.
If not and you like both Pokemon and MMD, check it out. Maybe you'll like it *shameless advertisement*
I can't say exactly when I'll be back, but I will let you guys know.
Okay. I will leave in ninja style ['cuz I play Ninja Reflex and I totally became one now] 
*throws a smoke bomb*
Yesterday evening, my mother asked me randomly if I know, what was my greatgreat-grandmother's maiden name.
I didn't know of course.
She didn't know herself and she asked "Do you think grandma will know?"
I shrugged, but said "Yeah, maybe. She remembers all those names and surnames from our family."
Then I snickered and joked "Maybe I can find it in Google?"
And you know what?
I did.
I actually did.
End of the story.
Does any one know the pass for this Spain ?
I will love you forever if you'll help me.
Until I go away…
If you want to.
But I warn you.
It will not be for long.
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see in your eyes-/shot.

No. I am not back.
I like to tease.
You know. 
There are times when I am 100% happy I am away.
I am so happy, I want to get drunk.
And maybe do drugs.
This place turned into a poo pile.
Beikon~ *creepy kiss* muah
Just in case anyone would care, I will be away.
I am not sure for how long. 
Probably for a month.
I guess some people will be relieved to be able to rest from me.
I don't think I will be able to make something for Halloween.
Even though I wanted to.
But oh well.
I don't think I will ever agree for someone to update and put for download something, that I've edited in the first place.
Yes, I am talking about the TDA Face pack.
I mean of course, what =Creinie did is amazing. Her re-texturing is much better than what I had and more detailed.
But now, even though she asked people to credit me as well, everyone ignores it.
There's like 10% of overall people who used her pack who even remember about crediting me.
I don't blame Creinie. God no. It's not her fault.
It's just that I don't really think I want to take part in stuff like that any more.
If I will make something for download ever again, I will not let anyone update and redistribute it.
Even if they will ask nicely.
Sorry fellas.
Learn to read descriptions.
Having a social anxiety does not go well with being required to go and talk face to face with the person who is supposed to sign you on IT practices in their company.
I feel pretty sick about this. Still angry at the fact that I have to practice instead of working and getting paid.
Excuse me, I will kill my nerves with Pokemon White... *rolls away*
Until I turn off my internet and avoid all kinds of social websites.
How much it hurts when you love something, but you know you can't have it OTL
If you're my friend, you will not talk about that to me.

On another note I may have a ghost in da house. Or a goblin. Who knows.
I hear sounds from the other room when I am alone.
I will call it Victor.
Just when I got a totally good job offer and they accepted me, I have to do IT practices for a month which automatically doesn't allow me to go to work for now...
I hate everything.
For those who care I am back.
For my weekend IT classes.
And in general.
It's awkward to come back to your dA when the premium expires.
I have to wait until next birthday.
If I will get the points until then.
On the other note a perfect job passed me right before my nose and I am pissed off.
I think I will take a break from MMD and all. not like anyone will notice
I have more stuff to do nowadays.
IT practices, looking for job, bf who suddenly needs attention...
Plus I don't feel really good lately. It may be a flu or something. Who knows.
Today I feel especially shitty.
And even though I wanted to make at least one simple picture, I don't feel in mood and strength.