Green Coffee For Weight Loss
Green coffee refers to raw coffee beans that have not yet been roasted. Dr. Joe Vinson, a chemist from the University of Pennsylvania in the United States, announced dramatic research study results from a small pilot research study that he conducted which demonstrated impressive weight loss results by study participants taking green coffee bean extract supplements. This study was done with funding from a manufacturer of ingredients used in green coffee supplements. Although the study was small, the results were impressive. A test group of 16 overweight individuals lost an average of over 17 pounds in 22 weeks. Vinson stated his belief that a substance contained in the extract of green coffee beans called chlorogenic acid is the ingredient responsible for weight loss. After the Vinson press conference announcing the research study results, a prominent doctor who hosts a popular TV show about health, nutrition and weight loss enthusiastically recommended green coffee for weight loss and consumer interest soared and continues unabated today.
Chlorogenic Acid
The Dr. Vinson hypothesis is that the chlorogenic acid in raw or green coffee beans impacts the blood sugar level in humans in a mostly positive way. The Vinson theory is that the chlorogenic acid contained in green coffee bean extracts helps control surges in blood sugar. Dr. Vinson did a follow-up study on chlorogenic acid which he announced in April of 2013 when he discussed his belief that chlorogenic acid may play a future role in the treatment and prevention of Type 2 Diabetes. The Vinson research is preliminary in that his studies are small pilot studies. More peer-reviewed research is needed to further test and confirm Vinson’s findings and hypotheses.
Green Coffee Supplements For Weight Loss
The initial 2012 Vinson research received significant attention. Green coffee extracts containing chlorogenic acid are among the few natural substances proven to have the ability to impact weight loss in humans. After the Vinson research was made public, and after a popular TV host/doctor and expert guest recommended green coffee supplements for weight loss, the public clamored for green coffee supplements and a buying frenzy ensued, leading many nutritional supplement companies to frequently run out of product. While the demand has tapered off slightly from 2012, demand remains extremely strong and in mid 2013 spread outside the United States, especially in Canada, Australia, Singapore, Denmark, the Netherlands, England, New Zealand, and other countries as well. The TV host/doctor who is responsible for initiating the consumer frenzy for green coffee suggested consumer guidelines for selecting these supplements and recommended, among other things, the following; The best green coffee bean extract supplement should be 100% pure and should have a chlorogenic acid level of at least 42%.
A New Competitor For Green Coffee Is Garcinia Cambogia… But Does It Work For Weight Loss?
Garcinia Cambogia is a new entrant in the weight loss niche of the nutritional supplement space. Like green coffee extract these supplements were recommended by popular TV host Dr. Oz. But unlike green coffee there is nowhere near the same amount of science to back up the weight loss claims. Garcinia cambogia is better known as the fruit tamarind. A component from the rind of this fruit contains a substance called hydroxycitric acid or HCA. It is this component thought to be the active ingredient that may help with weight loss. Proponents of garcinia cambogia suggest the best supplements should have an HCA level of 50% and a dosage of 1,000mg per day. Proponents also say that HCA works as an appetite suppressant and helps burn fat. Despite the lack of science research evidence to back up the somewhat hyperbolic claims of many nutritional supplement companies, these supplements are extremely popular. In fact, in the second half or 2013 the public interest seems to be about double than that of green coffee. Regardless, the stronger science strongly supports green coffee over garcinia cambogia. But in time, we think green coffee will be the long-term survivor in what has become a sort of weight loss war. Because the science is so limited on garcinia, important questions remain about potential side effects as well as the appropriate safe dosage. For those consumers interesting in trying garcinia nutritional supplements for weight loss, the normal buying criteria would apply. Foremost among the guidelines are: (1) Only buy from reputable companies, (2) Only buy from websites that display the ingredients label for the product. (3) Buy products made in countries that have adequate quality control standards such as the United States, (4) Don’t fall victim to free trials or free bottle offers because they are almost always schemes that result in the automatic monthly shipment of grossly overpriced products and the shipments are difficult to cancel, and (5) Avoid product websites that display images or videos from Dr. Oz or other celebrities because they are almost always unauthorized and used to imply that the celebrity endorsed the product, which almost always is not the case. Remember, any company that markets products via unauthorized celebrity endorsements or phony free trials is obviously not going to provide an authentic quality product.
Coffee Is The Second Most Consumed Beverage Behind Water
Many people do not stop to think about where that steaming cup of coffee actually begins. Coffee must undergo a long process from the beginning stages to the cup. Coffee beans are seeds that are dried and roasted to create the aromatic coffee beans that most purchase in ground form. When the seeds are not processed, they can be planted to grow more coffee trees to harvest more beans.
Coffee seeds normally get planted in shaded nurseries and after they have sprouted, seedlings are removed from seed-beds, placed in individual planting pots and grown into trees. It can take up to four years for a coffee tree to begin bearing fruit. The fruit is known as the coffee cherry, which is a deep red color. Coffee crops are harvested by hand in many areas although some harvesters do use machines to pick the cherries from the trees.
Once picked, coffee begins its processing which is done quickly to prevent spoiling. Coffee can be processed by a dry or wet method. Dry processing involves spreading out the cherries to allow them to dry in the sun. Wet processing involves removing the pulp after the cherries have been harvested. The bean is then dried with the parchment skin left. Wet processing involves several steps. The cherries must first pass through a machine that separates the pulp and the bean. The pulp is then washed, and then dried for use as mulch. The beans are separated by weight and then separated by size.
Coffee beans must be milled, hulled and then polished before they are exported. Polishing is actually an optional method that removes any skin that may be left on the beans. Polished beans are considered to be much higher quality than unpolished beans, although in truth there is very little difference. Before coffee beans are exported, they will need to be graded and sorted. They are also evaluated for any imperfections.
The bean size is normally represented on a scale from 10 to 20. They are then sized by passing through different screens of different sizes. Defective beans are removed and in some countries a machine is used for this process. In many countries however, hand sorting and inspecting is done while the beans travel through on a conveyor belt. Any beans that are not up to quality standards are removed before the beans are exported.
Milled beans are referred to as green coffee. They are loaded for transport once they have passed through all processes. There are approximately seven million tons of green coffees produced every year around the world. Coffee is repeatedly tested throughout the process for taste and quality. Beans are evaluated for their visual quality and then roasted, ground and brewed to check the quality and taste of the crop.
Roasting is required to transform the green coffee beans into the brown beans that most know and purchase. Before it can be ground, coffee has to be roasted. Many roasting machines maintain high temperatures of around 550 degree Fahrenheit. The beans move through the process so that they will not burn and to ensure that each one reaches the desired internal temperature of 400 degree Fahrenheit. They will turn brown and the oils that are locked inside the beans will begin to show.
Roasting is what essentially produces the aroma and flavor of coffee that many enjoy every morning. Once the beans are removed from the roaster, the must be immediately cooled by water or air. Roasting is normally in the country of import so that the roasted beans reach customers as quickly as possible after the roasting process.
Some coffee beans are then ground although there are many that are sold in their whole form. Many consumers prefer to grind their own coffee beans before brewing it. The purpose of grinding is to get a good flavor from each cup. However fine or coarse the beans are ground will determine how the ground coffee will be brewed. Finer ground coffees should be prepared quickly. Espresso machines use finer coffee than typical drip systems.
Those who enjoy a good cup of coffee should take a moment to consider how far those beans have traveled to land in that cup. There are a number of processes that must be gone through before a coffee bean can produce an aromatic cup of coffee. Many different people have a hand in producing coffee and depending on the type of coffee, it may come from far away. Coffee is not simply something that is purchased in a bag in the grocery store. It begins as a seed and can take years of cultivating and processing before it reaches the cup.