Full Screen Mario is a fully HTML5 remake of the original Super Mario Brothers. You can play the original levels, play through some of literally millions of possible random maps, or create your own using the level editor.
This whole project is open source and free - if you would like to use the code, check out the
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Let me know!
Thanks to...
- My family for not complaining about the giant time suck this project was
- Nintendo for creating an awesome game
- themushroomkingdom.net for providing basically all of the game's media & map references.
- Zach Temkin for doing the editor icons
If you'd like to see development on Full Screen Mario continue, why not pitch in?
Mario, Super Mario Brothers, and all associated games and media are property of Nintendo and/or Nintendo of America Inc., and are protected by United States and international copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws.