Posts: 517 Amazing
I think your post was pretty well spot on. This one in particular is amusing to me personally. If this is the case, increasing the bonus rate would likely generate sales but it would have to be substantial. Selling a .001% increase as a 100% increase for a buck has always been amusing to me (This is of course not counting the time when 100% boosts were being sold but only offered 50% and yes I do understand basic math that this a doubling of a chance). |
Posts: 46 Mighty
He's not saying he has a "spending problem", he's saying he has a condition. If that is true, then him choosing to continue to put direct temptation in front of himself for the sake of playing a game is his choice so he does not get to complain about what happens next. I get queasy on boats. So I'm not going to take up boating as a hobby. I'm not going to buy a boat. I'm, not going to go deep sea fishing as a hobby. And playing games is not a "I must have it to survive" and even if it was, there's a million other games to play. He chooses to play a game that he says his "condition" makes him spend too much money on. he can just as easily decide to not play this particular game. Or he can play and spend and keep his issues out of the argument. But you can't play it both ways. |
Posts: 132 Incredible
That is what everybody with a gambling problem says. Just one more time and ill get it all back. It sucks it took you so many tries to hit the jackpot. But you can't expect Las Vegas to close down because some people have gambling problems. Just like you can't expect Gaz to stop selling FCs because of some peoples impulsive behavior. Gaz is here for our entertainment. They never claimed to have scruples. Its just business. |
Fearless LeaderPosts: 428 Amazing
Cutting EdgeLocation Mumbai, IndiaPosts: 236 Amazing
Yeah I seriously think Fortune Cards are a waste to spend on & I've never spent on any, just relied on the card drops. I think I've only gotten something REALLY interesting (costume or artifact) about 4 times out of the MANY cards that I've gotten & redeemed. My strategy lately has been to collect as many cards as I can (until my STASH can't take no more) & then open them during the next bonus weekend. I'll use a Superheroic mode hero of mine, take them to Doomstadt or Castle Doom & open them then. Last bonus weekend I managed to get the Balthakk Embers artifact for the first time ever & got em twice! If I'm not mistaken that's also when I had gotten Cap's The Captain costume from a card as well... (On an side note- please make Fortune Cards stackable in STASH & inventory.) |
True BelieverLocation EnglandPosts: 886 Amazing
I agree, but it's not quite that simple - a hobby by nature is something that you become enjoy doing, so do more of, and usually spend money on. Now this is stretching the definition a bit, but it's not a huge leap from a hobby to an addiction, so I could stop playing this game and find another activity to do instead, but there's always things you can spend money on to do it. I've taken up going to the gym this year to get healthier, and ended up buying far more running gear than I needed (I didn't spend silly amounts of money on it though). To those using MacDonalds and Las Vegas as comparisons; neither of those have a good reputation, which is why they are used for comparison. And MacDonalds over the last few years have started to offer (slightly!) healthier options because of accusations of them making people fat; so using that example you could say Gaz should change their policy too. There has been some good discussion in this thread around some of the trolling and it would be a shame for it to be closed and the discussion ended, so let's all please try and stay on topic and suggest ways to increase the sense of value of fortune cards. |
GuardianLocation St LouisPosts: 1,017 Fantastic
OK, so your "condition", the one that has over 300 types, in my opinion, is a ploy to get money for the doctors and an excuse for yourself. It is complete rubbish. There is no need to insult my intelligence, because I am far more intelligent than yourself. Remember, you are the guy on here complaining about spending $200 on a costume because you have a disorder that involves "impulse spending". Grow up and learn to be accountable for your actions instead of always pushing the blame onto something else (i.e. impulse spending). If you spent as much time trying to better yourself as you did blaming your problems on crutches, you wouldnt be the way you are. This disorder, and several others, are completely man made and only there to hurt us even more. People need to be held accountable for their actions, but instead we come up with "diseases" that make it ok to do what you do. The world we live in, even though we try to act like it isnt, is survival of the fittest. If you want to survive in it you need to do what it takes to do so. If not then, well you know what happens in a world of survival of the fittest. |
GuardianLocation St LouisPosts: 1,017 Fantastic
Yea McDonalds is forcing you to eat their food. Their food does not make you fat, you do! I apologize if my post seems mean spirited or inflammatory, but I have little patience with people who blame their problems on crutches. EVERYBODY has problems in life. Like someone else stated, liquor stores dont close down because of an alcoholic. But in my opinion, the alcoholic that cries about liquor stores being open is just pathetic. Either learn to drink without going overboard or dont drink. You have no right to push your addiction over to other people and force them to change their ways just because you have a disorder that you blame stuff on. The OPs disorder did not force him to spend over $200 on fortune cards for a costume, his ignorance did. He knew exactly what he was doing every time he bought more fortune cards. I bet he even thought about his addiction each time he bought them only to buy more. He could have easily said, no this is my addiction talking, I am not going to buy these. But instead, he bought them and then came on here and blamed it on a disorder. I could care less either way if Gaz decides to leave these costumes to be fortune card exclusive. They wont be getting my money for the costumes either way. But, when people come on here crying about stuff like this and trying to get sympathy, well they wont get it from me. It is their own fault. Grow up and take responsibility for your actions and quit trying to make it alright to do what you did because of your "disorder". I might be overweight, but I will never win a lawsuit against a fast food company for making me fat. It was not their fault I got fat, but my own. I could have exercised more, or ate less, or all kinds of things, but I did not. The OP knows he has a disorder. He could have easily stayed away from fortune cards. It takes him having to set up his credit card to purchase things. Knowing of his disorder he could have refrained from doing so. But instead, he bought the cards and is now on here whining about how much he spent and how it was unfair. Ignorance sure is bliss. |
Posts: 24 Mighty
No, that sort of ended with civilization. That's intelligent people come together and throw ignorant bullies like you over the wall. The fact you think Bi-Polar and other metal disorders are imaginary just shows how ignorant you are. I have seen enough of your posts to know that you are not trolling, but are just like this. Sad. It must be such a burden to "smarter" than everybody else. Even the millions that work in vastly under served "conspiracy" that is the mental heath field. They could learn form your genius. I suppose heart disease, broken bones, cancer, that's all made up too? Cause the brain, the organ that controls all the others, well nothing ever goes wrong with that one huh? |
GuardianLocation St LouisPosts: 1,017 Fantastic
I also would like to add in that I also have a disorder. I have an addictive personality. Games like this suck me in. I do not blame Gaz or Blizzard for making games that are addictive. It is only my fault. I played WoW for a 18 month period of time for 12-16 hours a day 7 days a week. I would wake up, brush my teeth/shower, and go straight to the game. I would eat all 3 meals in front of my pc. I actually had a wife and 2 kids at this time. My wife would come home at night and make dinner and I would fix me a plate and eat in front of the pc while her and the kids ate in the kitchen. It took her threatening to divorce me for me to wake up and snap out of it. Once again, I did not push blame on anybody but myself. I learned to control my "addiction" and moderate game play. Forcing myself to hang out and spend time with my family (yes, being addicted all I wanted to do was game). I will always have this addictive personality, but I have learned to live with it and how to deal with it when I need to. It is nobody's fault but my own for having this problem. I do not need to see a doctor for help in regards to it either. Why you might ask? Because I man up and fix my own mental issues. I dont use them as a crutch. I am strong, not weak, and will always show that for myself. Because of this I have no patience for others who whine about mental disorders. Only you can fix them, and only if you desire to. Yes, some disorders might require medication or therapy, but only you can make your mind to do so. Blaming others for your deficiencies only hurts yourself. Gaz is doing nothing wrong. Costumes are purely cosmetic and not required for anything with game play. If they want to release them as FC only then ok. |
Posts: 51 Mighty
Posts: 24 Mighty
It is much more insidious and complicated than that. And McDonalds is not blameless in the epidemic of obesity in the westernized world. Just as bars have held liable for drunks getting in car accidents. I am not defending the OP. He is aware of his condition and does not seem to be taking the steps to mitigate damage it is causing. But Gaz is not innocent either, especially since they want to be the cool, loved gaming company. The system exploits certain vulnerable types. Heck, the F2P does that. I made the comment about the liquor stores but you totally missed the point. I have always had a problem when I see the strong preying on the weak. I have no tolerance for it. I have less tolerance for ignorant close minded bullies. The irony is they think they are the strong, but in the end, the bullies are always the worst victims. |
True BelieverLocation EnglandPosts: 886 Amazing
90?! Damn you, I only have sixty-something :P I rarely use them either - generally when I get to around level 40 I would use one to remove the points from the earlier skills that I no longer use, but the free respecs in patches have been removing the need for me to do this. Once those free respecs stop coming I'll sure they'll come in useful for future heroes though. |
GuardianLocation St LouisPosts: 1,017 Fantastic
lol now you are just being funny. I am far from the smartest person out there. But I have 100% a right to an opinion, and I think that some "disorders" only serve as crutches. That is my opinion, and doesnt make me or you right, because it is an opinion. I am a conspiracy theorist at heart as well. You might think I am ignorant in my beliefs, but guess what? I feel the same in regards to your beliefs on the same subject. And just because I disagree with "cumpulsive spending" being a disorder does not mean I believe that every other thing out there medically is false. I mean come on, you taking my words and turning them around, doesnt make me look smart or dumb... But do you know how it makes you look? |
GuardianLocation St LouisPosts: 1,017 Fantastic
I agree with the strong preying on the weak statement you posted here. I think you might have misunderstood me in what I was saying originally. I have no problem with the "weak" as you call them nor do I consider myself better. What I have a problem with is people who are aware of their "Disorder" but refuse to do anything about it, but then after they do something like overspend, they complain and expect sympathy for it.. The OP is fully aware of his condition. He has nobody to blame but himself for overspending. That was my point. He deserves no sympathy. |
Posts: 24 Mighty
If you are what "fixed" looks like, I will stay broken. You may want to check out the total lack of empathy and compassion for people, especially those who suffer form your own predicaments. Start under "sociopath". And, while I cannot be sure, it looks like you had to lose your wife and kids before you "manned up" I wouldn't call that strong at all. In fact, it looks like you have to have it much worse than the OP before you will change anything. And after all that, you still cannot even accept that some people might have had it worse than you, and could self repair. |
Posts: 839 Amazing
I love this game, but I am going to be real here, and hopefully someone reads this and thinks on it. Gaz is still up to changing things 360 degree's. This is a big reason why so many have left. Add new content, improve the game, but stop changing things, its a bad idea even if its a better system. Take the splinters. I love them, I get every hero for free. heroes who I never would have bought ($20 ouch). But sadly, many people paid houndreds of dollars for characters. Now they just realized they were bamboozled, could have had them FREE. Around splinter introduction(within 2-3 weeks after), my guild went from 90+, many everyday players, to about 15 people who ever logged in at all. It got all the way down to the point you where it was lucky to have 2 people online with you. A few new guys have joined now, because their guilds did the same. It's drastic changes to character builds, items, and currency systems that will make people walk away. Even with stale gameplay, they would probably revisit, but when they been had, bamboozled, and feel cheated, they walk away and with a bad taste in their mouth |
GazillionLocation The next few months are going to be epic.Posts: 2,059 Staff
I personally like this idea and it matches closer to the model of a card game like Magic. At first, you have to open booster packs to get it, but eventually stores start to get their own inventory of the hottest cards and you can just walk in and buy it. That's my unofficial opinion, but I think it would be a good option to stay player friendly. I do think people were a little taken aback by some of the strong wording in a couple of these posts. Having costumes in Fortune Cards isn't a new thing, so this response was not really expected. However, you know how much everyone in the building cares about the game and about the players, so there is probably a good suggestion like this one that can be made to happen. After we check on the status of the patch, I'll talk to the store team and see what we can work out. |
True BelieverLocation EnglandPosts: 886 Amazing
How do you know I do nothing about it and frankly, how dare you assume that? If an alcoholic is attending regular meetings but has a really bad day and caves and has a couple of drinks, would you accuse them of doing nothing about their condition? You don't know my situation so seriously just shut up! |
True BelieverLocation New YorkPosts: 504 Amazing