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Workers' error leads to radioactive water spill at Fukushima plant

Oct. 9, 2013  |  9:06 AM
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The crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant is seen in Okumamachi, Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan in this March 20, 2011 aerial photo taken by a small unmanned drone and released by AIR PHOTO SERVICE. From top to bottom, Unit 1 through Unit 4. UPI/Air Photo Service Co. Ltd.
TOKYO, Oct. 9 (UPI) -- Contaminated water leaked at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in Japan after workers mistakenly detached a pipe Wednesday, operators said.

Six workers were sprayed with the contaminated water and were being checked for radiation exposure, the Japan Broadcasting Corp. reported.

The plant's operator, the Tokyo Electric Power Co., said the workers detached the pipe from a joint near a desalination device.

About 7 tons (about 17,000 gallons) of highly radioactive contaminated water leaked during a period of about 50 minutes.

The water is now contained inside a barrier that surrounds the device, Tepco said.

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Oct. 9, 2013 at 9:06 AM