Up to WM Report |
The Comprehensive List of Window Managers for Unix
This is a list of every freely available Window Manager I'm aware of (roughly 180 as of 201103). New testing/alpha/beta versions won't be listed when a stable version is available. You can sort the table on a particular field by clicking on the header row (should work in any browser). Note: in IE the buttons make the columns disappear but they won't reappear. They work in Firefox.
I'm adding non-English WMs, with the caveat that English is the only language I speak. Non-English projects may not have version number listings.
Recent adds: bspwm (2013-08-02).
Most recent updates: 20130929
Name | URLs | Version | Release date | Date checked | Authors | Notes |
2wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20100221 | 20130918 | Anselm Garbe | "Stereo WM." Stripped/simplified version of dwm by the same author. He provided reasonably thorough documentation. The "homepage" listed here is the suckless.org mercurial repository. 2wm periodically disappears. |
3Dwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Niklas Elmqvist, Robert Karlsson. | One of the earliest attempts at 3D appearance in a WM. Site died mid-2010, there had been no development for quite a while. | ||
5Dwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Eric Masson | Similar to the proprietary Silicon Graphics IRIX Magic Desktop, aka 4Dwm. Now called MaXX Interactive Desktop - please see that entry. | ||
9wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.1 | 19960208 | 20130718 | David Hogan | Imitates the 8-1/2 WM (Plan 9 OS). See also w9wm (which adds virtual desktops) and rio, which claims to be a more exact imitation. Often used as a code base for other WMs. 2003 Review |
Aegis |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
svn | 20060411 | 20130929 | Michael Brailsford | Child of Kahakai, based on aewm++. Code only available through SVN. |
aewm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.3.12 | 20071227 | 20130719 | Decklin Foster | A very popular code base for many other WMs. 2003 Review |
aewm++ |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Frank Hale | Sapphire and aewm++ are different aspects of a project by Frank Hale. aewm++ is a rewrite of aewm (which is in C) in C++. 20100706 onward: source access at google currently broken. 2003 Review | ||
AfterStep |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.2.12 | 20130610 | 20130617 | Sasha Vasko | "Originally based on the look and feel of the NeXTStep interface." |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.90 | 20020224 | 20130918 | Alex Hioreanu | "Alex Hioreanu's Window Manager." Free but non-GPL license. Astonishing for its comprehensive documentation. His primary motivation for writing this now-abandoned WM was to fix the problems he saw with sloppy focus. Notes |
ajaxWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.6 | 20080228 | 20130918 | server: Dennis Felsing, client: Andreas Waidler. | Ajax-based WM that runs entirely in a browser. Currently in alpha state and runs only in Firefox. |
AlloyWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Last known address http://www.phatboydesigns.net/alloywm/ is now advertising space. Was a modification of aewm. | |||
alpt-wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | 20130719 | AlpT | "This is my custom, window manager. It's small, functional and fast. It is based on dwm ..." 2012-12: now subject to a bad domain redirect. 2013-03: author still has web presence, no mention of WM. | |
amaterus |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Hiroyuki Komatsu | GTK-based. Screen shots all show GNOME toolbar. Source (last known version 0.34.1 dated 20021124) is MIA. Website is disintegrating over time. | ||
AmiWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.21pl2 | 20100720 | 20130719 | Marcus Comstedt | Imitates the Amiga Workbench. Has its own "Generic amiwm License." New version 201007 ... after a 12 year wait!! This site may be of interest to fans. |
Anarchy |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Eduardo Cavazos | "CLOS oriented Scheme code. The implementation language is Gauche Scheme." It requires Gauche and gauche-x (probably by the same author). Homepage vanished between 20081229 and 20090212 (http://proteus.freeshell.org/anarchy/). | ||
anion3 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | orig. Tuomo Valkonen. Now Sergej Pupykin. | Fork of the dead Ion3. Tiling. Now "deprecated" (~201107) in favour of notion. | ||
AntiRight |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.10 | 20100903 | 20130807 | Jeffrey E. Bedard | aka "GUIShell." Based on GTK+ 2.x. Meant to be low resource. It would appear that the actual window manager is the "gtkshell," but its functionality is so heavily tied in with "ACE" (also a part of the package) that a separate listing doesn't make sense. |
AntiWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.5 | 20090531 | 20130807 | Nolan Liebert | Written in C, "inspired by" Ratpoison (and inheriting the screen/emacs keys), all windows full screen, MIT license. Same author as TAL/wm and dwemo. The author Nolan Liebert is planning on maintaining this WM. Notes |
Athene Desktop Edition |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Rocklyte Systems | Athene is actually an operating system, but there is a package available that runs on top of a Linux kernel. It's a GUI that doesn't use X11/XOrg. The license is almost certainly not GPL, although this package is "freely available." Site dead 201011. | ||
awesome |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.5.1 | 20130401 | 20130918 | Julien Danjou, Nikos Ntarmos, Aldo Cortesi. | "awesome is a highly configurable, next generation framework window manager for X. It is very fast, extensible and licensed under the GNU GPLv2 license." Tiling, originally based on dwm, includes Xinerama support, very active. Notes |
awm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2pl9 | 19951114 | 20130908 | Jordan Hubbard | "The Ardent Window Manager was for a while a hotbed for hackers and offered some features (dynamic menus) not found on more current window managers." Based on uwm. "Homepage" link is to an archive at xwinman.org. |
B4Step |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.2 | 20010627 | 20130812 | Eric Boucher | Free to use, but not GPL. He supplies only binaries. Mash-up of Mac OS 8/9, GNOME, and OPENSTEP? Shaped windows. Version number and date is for Intel/RH 7.1 binary, there's a 2004 binary for Solaris. New domain 200808, no other activity. |
BadWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1.1 | 20040915 | 20130617 | Robert Annessi | Website: "Not actively maintained." Minimalist, no decorations. |
Beryl |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Quinn_Storm, Dennis Kasprzyk, Nicholas Thomas, Robert Carr, Nigel Cunningham, Kristian Lyngstøl | Fork of the graphics-heavy Compiz. Compiz and Beryl have re-merged (started ~200705) to create Compiz Fusion. Now merged back to the Compiz project. | ||
Blackbox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.70.1 | 20051103 | 20130617 | Brad Hughes, then Jeff Raven, now Sean Shaleh Perry. | One of the mainstays of the alternative WM world. Fluxbox is based on this, as is Openbox and many others. 2003 Review |
Bluetile |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.6 | 20111126 | 20130617 | Jan Vornberger | Based on XMonad, tiling/stacking WM intended for GNOME. Nice intro screencast, looks surprisingly easy to use - but has XMonad's Haskell requirement, and needs cabal to install. BSD-3 license. |
BrainTop |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1rc5 | 20060415 | 20130319 | Roberto "MadBob" Guido | Part of the "Lobotomy" project. The window manager "BrainTop" is a derivative of, and very similar to, XFCE's WM. New but incomplete and abandoned site as of 200904, dying of link rot. |
bspwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130730 | 20130802 | Bastien "baskerville" Dejean | "Tiling window manager based on binary space partitioning." I haven't had time to figure out what that means ... But it came recommended. |
catwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20111231 | 20130619 | "pyknite" | Tiling WM for Arch Linux, written in C, related to dwm. Discussion at this Arch Linux Forum. |
Cinnamon |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.8 | 20130505 | 20130817 | A UI, not a WM, a GNOME Shell variant meant to emulate GNOME 2 for those who don't like GNOME 3. Uses the Muffin WM. | |
Clementine |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.7 beta | 20020325 | 20130817 | Dave Berton | Based on aewm, written in C++. "Clementine is only somewhat functional at the moment. Unless you plan to hack on the source, it is not recommended that you do much with it." |
clfswm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1212 | 20121207 | 20130812 | Philippe Brochard | "Based on TinyWM and Stumpwm." Written entirely in Common Lisp, requires a lisp interpreter, or you can download the self-contained binary pack. |
Compiz |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] | (devel) | 20120927 | 20130812 | Attractive and graphics-intensive. Beryl forked from Compiz, they re-merged 2007 to form Compiz Fusion, became just "Compiz" again early 2011. | |
Compiz Fusion |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | "Compiz Fusion is the result of a merge between the well-known Beryl composite window manager and Compiz Extras, a community set of improvements to the Compiz composite window manager." Now merged back to Compiz. | |||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.8.1 | 20120105 | 20130812 | Previously Claude Lecommandeur, now Richard Levitte. | Adds virtual desktops and even more configurability to TWM. 2003 Review |
cwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
release 3 | 20050828 | 20130618 | Marius Aamodt Eriksen | Originally based on evilwm, now written from scratch. |
dminiwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130507 | 20130718 | "moetunes" |
Based on catwm, itself based on dwm. Minimalist tiling WM. Spawned monsterwm. The author has several variants by different names with slightly different functionality. |
Deep Space Window Manager |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.5r2 | 20121016 | 20130617 | Alexander "cosmonaut" Vynnyk | Based on Stumpwm (written in Lisp). "Better usability, better integration with Emacs." Currently "prealpha," releases are bundled from GIT. |
dvtm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.9 | 20130403 | 20130817 | Marc Andre Tanner | Dynamic Virtual Terminal Manager: "dvtm brings dwm and its concept of tiling window management to the console." Borrowed some code from dwm. Text only. MIT/X Consortium License. Notes |
dwemo |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Nolan Liebert | Trying to be very small. MIT License. Same author as TAL/wm and AntiWM. Author Liebert says it's currently "relatively unstable" (20080803 - my experience included crashing as soon as you ran a terminal) but that he plans to stabilize it enough for production use. Files disappeared ~200909. | ||
dwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
6.0 | 20111219 | 20130618 | Anselm Garbe | "Dynamic Window Manager," another keyboard-driven WM from the wmii people. "Because dwm is customized through editing its source code, it's pointless to make binary packages of it. This keeps its userbase small and elitist. No novices asking stupid questions." Version 5.2 source package 18kb. 4.8 on is supposed to include Xinerama support, I haven't checked. MIT license. |
echinus wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.4.9 | 20110920 | 20130619 | Alexander Polakov | Based on the same author's fwm, which was based on dwm's code base and took some ideas from Plan 9's rio. It's "in the spirit of dwm." |
Eclipse |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
CVS | 20130817 | Nikos Drakos, Ross Moore, Erik Enge ... | A WM, not the well known IDE. Written in Common Lisp, student programming project. Pointer to CVS snapshot tarball is broken, CVS itself appears to be available. Abandoned, succumbing to link rot. | |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0 | 20120518 | 20130817 | v1: Martin Pekar, Mikko Lahtenaaki, Dejan Lekic, Alexey Parshin. v2: Sanel Zukan, Vedran Ljubovic. | Equinox Desktop Environment. "Familiar look and feel" which means "Windows." The "download" links are broken, other links will lead you to their files at Sourceforge. |
Efsane II |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Serdar Özler. | Turkish. Written in C++. Site died 200908. | ||
eggwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2 | 20110212 | 20130807 | José Expósito |
alt home. Written in C++, Qt4 libraries, GPLv3. freedesktop.org / EWMH / ICCCM compliant. Meant to be lightweight, standards-compliant, and eventually add gesture control. |
Elevate |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
SVN | 20071118 | 20130929 | Kostis Kapelonis | Part of "Project Elevate" to simplify our complex UIs. Has a very long list or requirements, and has been in development for years. |
Enlightenment |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.17.3 | 20130511 | 20130619 | Orig. Geoff "Mandrake" Harrison and Carsten "Rasterman" Haitzler. Now a large team. Rasterman is still involved, Mandrake appears to have departed. | Bringing you shaped windows, configurability, and heavy graphics since 2000. Originally based on fvwm. Slashdot announced big Samsung funding for E 2009-11 - should be interesting. E17 dropped 2012-12 after a decade wait. 2003 Review |
EPIwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.5.6 | 20020110 | 20130619 | Students at EPITA in France. | "Small, fast, light." School project. Appears fairly themeable. |
euclid-wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3.1 | 20110516 | 20130812 | William Diem | "... minimalist, tiling window manager ... easy-to-learn, vim-like key-bindings ... seeks to ... balance the ease of use common among automatic-layout tiling window manager with the flexibility of manual layout WMs." BSD license. |
EvilPoison |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130929 | Clive Crous, Pasi Kallinen | "A non-wimp window manager for X11 based loosely on evilwm and Ratpoison." Used to claim it was "evilwm source code with Ratpoison-like key bindings." Crous' projects vanish frequently (201009, 201011, 201101). 2012-02: Slashdot announced that Crous will be the head of Linux Game Publishing. | |
evilwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.1.0 | 20110703 | 20130929 | Ciaran Anscomb | Minimalistic keyboard driven WM with vi- and nethack-like key bindings. 2003 Review |
expocity |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Applied Apple Exposé-like behaviour to Metacity. Development discontinued around 2005: "This version is now outdated and the modern X window system nowadays allows for much better effects than what was possible with expocity." Web page deceased: last known address: http://www.pycage.de/#expocity . | |||
failsafewm | Bundled with swm. See swm. | |||||
Firebox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Cyrille Bagard | Written from scratch in C, inspired by Fluxbox, HackedBox, Blackbox, Enlightenment, and WindowLab, but particularly by Openbox and wmii. Site vanished ~201106. Notes | ||
Fluxbox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.3.5 | 20130213 | 20130623 | Henrik Kinnunen | Child of Blackbox with built-in keybindings and the tabs from PWM, quite popular. A personal favourite. 2003 Review |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.02 | 20060630 | 20130929 | Bill Spitzak | Vertical titlebars, inspired by (and codebase from) wm2. Requires fltk libraries by the same author. Review. |
FpcBol |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0 beta | 20100907 | 20130719 | Florence Gestio | Not a WM, a "Desktop User Interface ... for childrens (and others) ... works with pentium 200 minimalist configuration." Requires festival and mbrola to speak. "FPC" indicates it's written for the Free Pascal Compiler. Requires Metacity or Compiz? |
Framer |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1 | 20030421 | 20130605 | Christoph Dietze | Written in old version of Eiffel and requires wxWindows (probably an old version), meant to go with ROX. Appears to be abandoned, ROX has moved on. Requires wxWindows. |
fvwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.24r | 19950726 | 20130617 | Robert Nation et al. | Version 1 of this venerable WM is still used, but no longer supported. Click on the "Downloads" link. |
fvwm2 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.6.5 | 20120420 | 20130617 | Robert Nation et al. | Extremely flexible appearance and behaviour, and a very long history. Version 2.7.0 predates 2.6.4 considerably, don't know why. 2003 Review |
fvwm95 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0.43f | 20030503 | 20130929 | Hector Peraza | fvwm2 modified to look and act like Windows 95. Among the downloads there is also a (older) file called fvwm98. |
fvwm-crystal |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.2.1 | 20130614 | 20130617 | Maciej Delmanowski | fvwm2 dressed up to look and act even better. Requires a recent version of fvwm2. |
fwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Alexander Polakov | The abandoned predecessor to echinus wm. Based on dwm's source code, partly inspired by Plan 9's rio. Site disappeared ~200810, last known address http://koluthcka.ru/fwm/fwm.html | ||
fxwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Sander Jansen | "FOX Desktop", built using the FOX toolkit. The homepage listed here is the author's. No download is available - in fact, no mention of it is made at all anymore. | ||
Glassomium |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3 | 20121216 | 20130719 | Piero Toffanin | "... cross-platform web-based TUIO-enabled multi-touch window manager. ... runs everything in texture-mapped web browser windows so that you can focus on creating applications ..." C++, Apache license, large (0.3 src = 137MB - includes the Berkelium library, large parts of Angry Birds Rio, and a Windows Ruby installer). |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.8 | 201303 | 20130812 | This is a Desktop Environment and NOT a Window Manager. They rely on other WMs, previously Enlightenment and Sawfish, now Metacity or Compiz. | |
goomwwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130710 | 20130818 | Sean Pringle | "get out of my way, window manager!" Tiling, tagging, keyboard-driven. Same author as xoat. |
Golem |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.6 | 20060301 | 20130929 | Orig. Jordan DeLong, now Bruce Ashfield. | Nice looking, promising project with extremely infrequent code releases. BSD license. 2003 Review |
gwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.1-120805 | 20120805 | 20130618 | Colas Nahaboo (v1?), Anders Holst (v2) | "Generic" WM. v1.8 in 1995 new author with v2.0 in 2005, complete rewrite. Uses "an interpreted dialect of Lisp with specific window management primitives." Website goes down occasionally. Look further down for a link to v2.1+ downloads. |
GwML |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | 20130718 | Fabrice Le Fessant | Inspired by gwm (Generic Window Manager), written in and configured using Objective CAML (OCAML). "May never get past Alpha," GwML is a side project to go with the editor Efuns. Package vanished 200909, site dead 201111, pointing to author's site (which has broken links). | |
HackedBox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.8.5 | 20070120 | 20130618 | Larry Owen | Modified/simplified Blackbox. Most notably, the toolbar and slit were removed. 2003 Review |
Haydar Desktop Environment |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0.3 | 20080322 | 20130812 | Haydar Alkaduhimi | "HDE is an open source desktop environment for Linux/Unix Operating Systems ... hde2 has many new f[ea]tures such as transparency, glow, tooltip screensh[o]ts and emulating the look and feel of windows vista ... The only need for hde2 is Qt4 and XOrg ( or XFree86 )." |
HaZe |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2 | 20010520 | 20130617 | argonaut_@yahoo.com | mlvwm (Macintosh-8/9-alike) modified - very black and white. |
heliwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.13 | 20060303 | 20130619 | Hidetoshi Ohtomo | Intended to be extremely small and light ("to save electricity consumption"). No virtual desktops. 2003 Review |
Herbstluftwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.5.2 | 20130623 | 20130719 | Thorsten Wißmann | 2011 Tiling WM borrowing ideas from i3, musca, xmonad, and wmii. |
i3 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4.5.1 | 20130318 | 20130718 | Michael Stapelberg | Developed because the author was unsatisfied with wmii. Tiling WM, revised BSD license. |
IceWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.3.7 | 20101031 | 20130617 | Originally Marko Macek, also Mathias Hasselmann. | Written (in C++) to emulate OS/2 and Windows 95/98, but it's grown. Themeable and has virtual desktops. 2003 Review |
Integrity |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.0 | 20040808 | 20130619 | Jason Athey | QT-based. As of 20081004 the index.php page is displaying only the entry page and won't show downloads or anything else. For the source: http://sourceforge.net/projects/integrity/. |
Interface |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.5 | 20030914 | 20130623 | Ian Mondragon | Written in Objective C for GNUstep. |
Ion |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3-20090110 | 20090110 | 20130617 | Tuomo Valkonen | Keyboard-driven framing tabbed WM. Successor to PWM. Custom license based on LGPL. Read about the author at the Wikipedia entry ... following that, no more downloads at his site, the content is hosted elsewhere. Continued by notion. 2003 Review |
JD4X |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.6 | 20060201 | 20130718 | Tay Hock Keong, Brandon Tay, Joseph Gledhill, Marc Patteet, Christopher R. | Java Desktop for X. Meant for Java programmers. Written in a mix of Java and C. |
Jewel |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.12.40 | 20020823 | 20130718 | MJ Ray | A spin-off of aewm++/Sapphire (thus the name), this is also written in C++. They started to try to rewrite it in Objective C as well, but that never materialized. |
JoyWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | mfranke@dulug.de | Was LMMS, "Linux MultiMedia System," Renamed 200709. Intended as a way of accessing photos, audio, video, etc. on a limited screen with a joystick. "... a GUI written in pygame ..." Page had been empty for a couple years, died 2011-10. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.1.0 | 20110925 | 20130618 | Joe Wingbermuehle | Joe's WM - similar to IceWM and Windows 98. |
Kahakai |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.6.2 | 20040207 | 20130812 | Eugene Pervago, Nick Wesch, Daniel Brown, Michael Brailsford, Alex Earl, Faugn, Hyriand, Jeff Hughes. | Fork of Waimea with scripting added. Discontinued, followed by Aegis. |
Karmen |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.15 | 20081228 | 20130718 | Johan Veenhuizen | "There is no configuration file and no library dependencies other than Xlib. The input focus model is click-to-focus. Karmen aims at ICCCM and EWMH compliance." |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4.10.5 | 20130702 | 20130718 | KDE (unlike its best known competitor) does include a Window Manager, kwm. Famous, big, pretty. | |
larswm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Lars Bernhardsson | Keyboard-driven, minimalist, auto-tiling (the first?). Based on 9wm. Includes Xinerama support. Website died ~200910. | ||
LMMS | not available | mfranke@dulug.de | "Linux MultiMedia System." "LMMS is a project trying to create a gui for TV that can be used with a gamepad/joystick. In future there shall be various applications for playing audiofiles ... and videofiles ..." As of 200709 this project has been renamed JoyWM. | |||
Looking Glass 3D |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Colin M. Bullock, Christian Ost, David Weizades, Deron Johnson, Van der Haegen Mathieu, Kirk Turner, Giordano Fracasso, Hideya Kawahara, Krishna Gadepalli, Juan González, Paul Byrne, Phil Dowell, Pierre Ducroquet, Radek Kierner. | 3D desktop environment written in Java. Declared "practically dead" 200909. Previously sponsored by Sun. Never passed early beta. Bad security certificate. Site dead 2012-04. | ||
Lucca WM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1.2 | 20080422 | 20130812 | Vincent Povirk | MIT license tiling WM intended for GNOME. Written in C, requires GTK and XLib. |
lwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.2.3 | 20130709 | 20130812 | Originally Elliott Hughes. Maintenance by James Carter. | "Lightweight" WM, fairly minimal decorations. |
Luminocity |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
? | 20130718 | Modification of Metacity. Discontinued in favour of Compiz/Beryl? May still be possible to pull out of repositories using GNOME's JHBuild. Page last modified 2008. | ||
Lunchbox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3-3 | 20100425 | 20130718 | Alysander Stanley | Defaults to tiling mode, with simple resizing. Also does stacking mode. Includes a "title menu" to replace tabs. "Working toward EWMH and ICCCM compliance." University project: will it continue? Written in C. Notes |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2-1d | 20070208 | 20130718 | Manuel Carrasco | Not a WM. "LXP is a desktop enviroment identical to Windows XP. LXP is a collection of different pieces of GNU software (IceWM, xfe, idesk, etc) modified in order to look and feel identical to Windows XP." |
maewm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Hack of aewm. Info and homepage from xwinman.org. URL seems to have died permanently 201008. | |||
Manix |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Magnus Sjöstrand | Mac OS 8/9-alike. Radical change of website ~200903, and went from v0.6 to git only. Needs SCons (and git of course) to build. Activity ceased around 200903? Site blank 201005, dead 201011. | ||
Matchbox |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Matthew Allum | Intended for handhelds and very small screens. Almost a full desktop (not just WM). Runs on the Nokia Internet Tablets, the OLPC, and the OpenMoko phone. Development has stalled, site dead 2011-12. 2003 Review | ||
mavosxwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.1 | 20030221 | 20130719 | Martin Vollrathson | No connection to OS X despite name. Based on wm2. 200808: download link broken, check sourceforge link (201301: this is broken too). |
Maxx Interactive Desktop |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
DR3 | 20090713 | 20130310 | Eric Masson | Similar to the proprietary Silicon Graphics IRIX 4Dwm, previously called 5dwm. Appears to have a license agreement with SGI. Restricted license: "... MaXX Desktop [may be] executed ONLY on ... x86, x86_64 and ia64." Announced release dates always much earlier than actual dates. |
mcwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
20130209 | 20130209 | 20130719 | Michael "MC" Cardell Widerkrantz | Floating (not tiling) minimalist WM. Built on XCB, doesn't use Xlib. ISC license. Borrows ideas from ctwm, evilwm, vi / nethack, tinywm. |
mdtwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130809 | 20130918 | "ziutek" | mdt = "Mouse Driven Tiling" (virtually all tiling WMs are very keyboard-oriented). Written in Go. Strange mouse choices, using the right mouse button for all actions. |
Metacity |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.34.13 | 20121015 | 20130807 | "GNOME Team" | "Boring window manager for the adult in you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is like Cheerios." (the developers.) Doesn't do much without GNOME. See also this not-a-homepage. 2003 Review |
Metisse |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.4.1 | 20081209 | 20130812 | Olivier Chapuis, Nicolas Roussel | Very pretty psuedo-3D effects, testbed WM based on FVWM 2.5.x. Brought forward by Mandriva spring 2007. Requires its own modified X server ("nucleo"). A lot of reading and compiling is called for: I was unable to get it (v0.4.0-rc4) to work myself. Active 2009-10, stalled 2011? |
Mezzo |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Ryan Quinn | Part of Symphony OS, a modification of fvwm that runs on a modified(?) Ubuntu. Website makes grandiose statements about running all Linux and Windows apps ... but development appears to be at a standstill. Site died approx. 201012. | ||
MID4Linux | "Mass Interactive Desktop for Linux," another name for 5Dwm which imitates the Irix Magic Desktop. See MaXX Interactive Desktop, the new name for 5Dwm. | |||||
miwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1-1 | 20030709 | 20130617 | Ben Paul Wise | "Microscopic" WM, written in C++, "incorporating lessons from lwm, awm, wmx, Blackbox, and UDE. Example code was lifted from awm, lwm and wmx, but also rather extensively re-written." |
mlvwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.9.1 | 20000627 | 20130807 | Takahashi Hasegawa | Macintosh like virtual WM. (The website is so old it uses the <blink> tag.) |
Monkey WM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3 | 20071107 | 20130817 | Chris Tillberg | GPL, written in Freepascal. The author took hints from sWM and WindowLab. |
monsterwm |
[homepage] ? [homepage] ? [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20121215 | 20130609 | Ivan "c00kiemon5ter" Kanakarakis | Lineage: 2wm/dwm -> catwm -> dminiwm -> monsterwm. Tiling, minimalist. |
Mosquito |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | erth7411 at csd dot uu dot se | C++, garish colours. Website has been significantly stripped ~2008-04. 403 ~2011-04 on, 404 ~2011-10. | ||
Mousetoxin |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
darcs | 20130807 | Troels "Athas" Henriksen, Martin "dybber" Dybdal | "A reimplementation of Ratpoison in Literate Haskell," so far only in darcs repository. | |
Multi-Cursor Window Manager |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.0 | 20060310 | 20130817 | Grant Wallace et al | Supports multiple simultaneous users. Based on IceWM. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Peter Hutterer | Part of the "Multi-Pointer X Server" project: "As of May 27 2008, MPX is part of the standard X.org X Window System implementation." MPWM was a proof-of-concept WM that he made available. Thank him when you see multi-touch in X. MPWM appears to be gone. | ||
Muffin |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130729 | 20130818 | The WM for Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a GNOME Shell fork, and Muffin a fork of Mutter, the GNOME Shell WM. | |
Musca |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.9.24 | 20091102 | 20130817 | Sean Pringle | Tiling WM, borrows from Ratpoison and dwm, uses dmenu for menuing. Wikipedia says "Musca ... is one of the minor southern constellations." The author has borrowed their image of the star map, so I guess that's what he had in mind. |
Mutter |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.9.5 | 20130730 | 20130818 | The base WM for GNOME 3, replaced Metacity using the Clutter graphics library (thus the name). Can apparently be used as a stand-alone WM. | |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | "Hungry Programmers" | M*tif WM re-implemented by the Hungry Programmers - part of the Lesstif package. Website ownership lapsed 2013-01, site now full of junk advertising. 2003 Review | ||
NovaWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
Alpha-0.8.1 | 20080406 | 20130807 | "realmz" | Looks like it takes its hints from Blackbox? |
miNimalistic WM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2010042000 | 20100420 | 20130817 | Adam Tlałka | Based on evilwm and aewm, GPL. |
Notion |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git or snapshot | 20130302 | 20130807 | orig. Tuomo Valkonen. Now "the Notion team," incl. Arnout Engelen. | Carries on the abandoned Ion3 under a modified LGPL license. Tiling. Scriptable in Lua. See also anion3. |
olvwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] | | 20130621 | Scott Oaks | Emulates Sun olwm with virtual desktops. Website went 404 between 20081213 and 20090131. Version shown is available in Debian testing (available for i386 but not for amd64). | |
olwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.2p1.4-28.1 | 20130621 | Sun Microsystems (many patches applied since public release). | Sun olwm. No homepage(?), available with some distros. While this appears to be copyrighted by Sun and not GPL, Linux programmers are maintaining it? Debian testing package listed. | |
OmegaWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.1 | 20050413 | 20130807 | Hyriand | The author, "Hyriand," also worked on Kahakai. Requires SConstruct, Cairo, ImLib2. |
Openbox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.5.0 | 20110801 | 20130618 | Mikael Magnusson, Dana Jansens, Derek Foreman, Tore Anderson, Audun Hove, Marius Nita, et al. | Based on Blackbox, standards-compliant, fast, works with GNOME and KDE. |
Orion |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2 | 20040524 | 20130807 | David Frese, Norbert Freudemann. | Written in scsh. Similar behaviour to Ion. Still mentioned at the scsh pages: some or all links to the WM itself are periodically broken. |
OroboROX |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Guido Schimmels and Jonatan Liljedahl | A modification of Oroborus intended for the ROX Desktop. Stability problems caused and 0.9.8 to be discarded in favour of the older Download site vanished roughly ~200912. Site vanished 201212. | ||
Oroborus |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0.20 | 20100215 | 20130618 | orig. Ken Lynch, later Stefan Pfetzing. | Minimalist, includes utilities to bind keys and launch applications. |
Parti |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.6 | 20090322 | 20130617 | Nathaniel Smith | 'Parti is a tabbing/tiling (one might say "partitioning") window manager. Its goal is to bring this superior window management interface to modern, mainstream desktop environments. It is written in Python, uses GTK+ ...' Alpha. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.3.0 | 20100503 | 20130817 | David Gómez Espinosa, Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado. | Puto Amo Window Manager. Small. 2011-12-05: page completely stripped, download still available. |
PekWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1.17 | 20130522 | 20130817 | Claes Nästén Andreas "ioerror" | Based on aewm++ with window grouping like PWM and Fluxbox. I rather like this WM. |
PerlWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.7 | 20040523 | 20130617 | Rich Williams(?) | Written in Perl. Not very stable or usable. |
Phluid |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.3 | 20001113 | 20130817 | Matthew M. Elder | Declared dead by developer 200304. Used Imlib2, aimed for ICCCM compliance. BSD License. |
piewm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.04 | 20060314 | 20130617 | tvtwm modified to use pie menus - an early rudimentary implementation of mouse gestures. | |
Pixie |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Johan "Owl" Ceuppens | This isn't quite a window manager. It's a library for creating WMs. Gone 404 ~2012-02. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
SVN | 20130618 | Peter Liljenberg | "Pointless Window Manager." Written in Python. "This is not a window manager for non-programmers" (Freshmeat comment). No decorations. It is both a set of classes for implementing a WM, and a WM. Some activity 200911. | |
Puppet |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3 | 20080213 | 20130617 | Stephen Tse, Roman Kennke | The (minimalist, no decorations) WM for the Escher Java Library for X Windows, downloaded as a part of Escher. Version number is for Escher. |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Tuomo Valkonen | "The first tabbing window manager." The author moved on to Ion, and then left open source entirely - his website is now down. Ion can also be compiled to behave like PWM. 2003 Review | ||
PycaWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2 | 20090301 | 20130619 | Vincent Rasneur, Anaël Verrier. | Written in Python. GPLv3. |
Pyro Desktop |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Alex Graveley | Firefox extension (for 3.0x?) that turns the browser into a WM and web desktop. Their website doesn't make it clear: you need a compositing window manager or this won't work. Worked very poorly on my machine circa 2007. Page had DB errors 2011-01 to 2012-09. | ||
PyWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1-1-a4-1 | 20060417 | 20130617 | orig. David Mcnab, now Elmo Mäntynen. | A modification of FLWM scriptable in Python. Author says it's a very early version. I also doubt it would work with any current version of Python. |
qlwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4.3 | 20080821 | 20130817 | Alexander Linden | Based on Qt, written in C++. Window decorations are Fluxbox-like. Switches readily between traditional, tiling, and full screen modes. I quite like it, but it has heavy memory demands because of its use of Qt (if you use GNOME or KDE already this will hardly be an issue for you). Review of 4.1. |
Qtile |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.6 | 20130511 | 20130619 | Aldo Cortesi | Written in Python, tiling, screenshot suggests strong similarities to wmii/dwm. MIT license. |
quarkwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3_200710022054 | 20071002 | 20130619 | FC | Keyboard-driven, some similarities to Ratpoison. The source code appears to be totally uncommented. |
qvwm |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
30042007 | 20070430 | 20130817 | orig. Kenichi Kourai. 2007 onward: "ali vardar," Jim "jserv" Huang, Mitch "mjd" Davis. | Windows 95-alike. Written from scratch in C++. Website died ~2012-11, now pointing to a more recently modified version maintained by ... someone else. 2003 Review |
Ratpoison |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.4.6 | 20130407 | 20130817 | Shawn Betts | Tiling keyboard-driven minimalist WM with emacs- and screen-like key bindings. 2003 Review |
rio |
[homepage] [Freshmeat] [Wikipedia] |
20130320 | 20130320 | 20130619 | Russ Cox | Derived from 9wm, and intended to be more like Bell's original Rio. Wikipedia article relates to Bell Lab's Plan 9's original rio, but mentions this one. To get the source you have to search links to download the whole of "Plan 9 From User Space" (plan9port, 20+MB). The date I give is for the most recent release of plan9port. |
ROX Desktop |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Not a WM: ROX is a file manager imitating the RISC OS GUI that manages your desktop on top of a WM (currently OroboROX). Vanished ~2013-01. | |||
rpx |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.1 | 20100202 | 20130719 | Thien-Thi Nguyen |
"[A] port of ratpoison to Guile 1.4.x Scheme," "RatPoison eXhumed." Requires ttn-do (presumably a product of the same author, whose initials are TTN). |
s3d |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.2 | 20110501 | 20130621 | Simon Wunderlich | s3d "is a 3d network display server which can be used as 3d desktop enviroment." Not currently easy to build (v0.2.1.1). |
Sapphire |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | 20130818 | Frank Hale | "Sapphire" and aewm++ are different variants of the same project by the same author, but development on Sapphire has stopped. The homepage appears deliberately blank since ~200706? 2003 Review | |
Sawfish |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.9.1 | 20120901 | 20130818 | Formerly titled "sawmill." Highly scriptable through a LISP derivative. Was for some time the WM of GNOME. Dead 2003-2006, now in active development again. | |
screen |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4.0.3 | 20080807 | 20130818 | Originally Oliver Laumann, more recently Wayne Davison, Juergen Weigert and Michael Schroeder. | Screen is a text-based application that multiplexes a terminal between applications. |
scrotwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
Marco Peereboom, Ryan Thomas McBride, Darrin Chandler | Former name of spectrwm - see that entry. | |||
spectrwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.3.0 | 20130429 | 20130818 | Marco Peereboom, Ryan Thomas McBride, Darrin Chandler | Formerly "scrotwm." "... largely inspired by xmonad and dwm," borrows code from dwm, written in C. Tiling. ISC license. Source is in git, previously available tarballs seem to have vanished. |
scwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] | | 20000312 | 20130718 | Greg J. Badros, Maciej Stachowiak, et al. | "Scheme Constraints" WM. Configurable with a Guile Scheme language. |
SithWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.2.3 | 20080425 | 20130623 | Øyvind "Darth olr" Røtvold | "Keyboard-driven," "minimalist." Based on evilwm: different (better, in my view) key bindings, new menu, functionality. |
SkatOSWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.0 | 20050113 | 20130818 | Bodo Giannone | "SkatOSWM is a very small window manager which centers all new windows on the screen. This is the only supported feature. Perhaps it is very oversized to even name it a window manager..." |
SmallWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20111122 | 20130818 | Adam Marchetti | "SmallWM is an extended version of TinyWM, made for actual desktop use." Public Domain. Nick Welsh's TinyWM is something of a classic at 50 lines of code, this is interesting. |
Spook |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Nick Welch | By the author of TinyWM and whimsy. X/MIT license. Written in C++, based on aewm. Sounded interesting, but: "The thing runs and works with few crashes/etc., but it's not even worthy of calling alpha" and he's declared it abandoned. Code infrequently (never?) available from repository. | ||
Stumpwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.9.7 | 20100523 | 20130908 | Shawn Betts? | Tiling (similarities to Ratpoison) minimalist WM. Requires a lisp environment (which uses as lot of memory), and a strong knowledge of lisp seems to be a pre-requisite. 2003 Review |
subtle |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.11.3224-xi | 20120620 | 20130908 | Christoph Kappel | Tiling WM, behaviour based on Wily/ACME. Original code base was aewm, now fully rewritten. Configurable with Ruby (was Lua until about 200809). |
Sugar |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
13.2.0 | 2013-07-17 | 20130908 | "The OLPC Team" | Not a WM. The interface for the OLPC, written in Python. Runs on top of Matchbox. Seems to include instructions for building and using it on many distros. Fetch and build is done with jbuild, which obscures the current version, and it doesn't look easy. |
swm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
? | 19930929 | 20130908 | Tom LaStrange | Solbourne WM. First WM with a virtual desktop, 1989. Also had some session management. Homepage linked here points to an old tarball at xwinman.org which was bundled in 1993 but first put out to the public in 1989. The author, Tom LaStrange, previously wrote TWM. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2012-03-21 | 20120321 | 20130818 | Adam Purkrt | "... animating, TeX-like decorating (window, decorations, buttons etc. are treated as vboxes/hboxes) ..." First called "Simple" then "Spartan" (2012-04), then "S Window Manager." Website showing broken PHP since 2013-03. |
sWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.3.4c | 20040624 | 20130908 | Robert Sperling | Small WM. Based on aewm, tries for ICCCM and GNOME compliance. |
TAL/wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Nolan Liebert | Originally based on dwm code. "The goal [was] to be even more minimal and equally as customizable." MIT License. Author (dwemo, AntiWM) says he's not going to maintain TAL/wm "as I really don't think we need more forks of dwm anymore." Source code vanished 200907. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [wikipedia] |
not available | While the site still exists (2013-05), this Brazilian Windows XP imitator has vanished. | |||
tekwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
19891122 | 19891122 | 20130908 | Glenn Widener | "Homepage" is an archive page at xwinman.org. Written for Tektronix equipment, based on awm. |
TinyWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [wikipedia] |
1.3 | 20050310 | 20130807 | Nick Welch | 50 lines of C code, also available in Python. Also the author of Whimsy. Review |
tmux |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.8 | 20130326 | 20130908 | Nicholas Marriott | BSD-licensed, terminal multiplexer (ie. similar to "screen" but newer). |
Toy'd |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
SVN | 20070216 | 20130918 | Mathieu De Kermadec, Germain Gaudart, Kenfe-Mickael Laventure, Matthieu Martin, Arnaud Vallat, Laurent Malvert, Ting-Ann Lin | "Built on top of Aoof-Wm, an advanced object oriented framework ..." Meant to be portable across OSes. "There is no window manager yet, we are currently re-designing it." Rigor mortis is setting in: the old domain name is dead, files available by SVN only when there used to be packages. |
treewm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.4.5 | 20030915 | 20130623 | Thomas Jäger | "The user can create desktops which can themselves contain windows and desktops." Not intuitive. |
Trinity Desktop Environment |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] | SRU | 20130721 | 20130918 | Timothy Pearson et al | TDE is a continuation of KDE3, forked from v3.5. Pearson (the author) was the 3.x coordinator of Kubuntu releases. |
tritium |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3.5 | 20080613 | 20130623 | Mike O'Connor | "tritium is a tiling/tabbed window manager for the X Window System inspired by the Ion window manager. It was written completely from scratch in python and shares no actual code with Ion." Based on PLWM. |
TrsWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.5.2 | 20040106 | 20130918 | Yaroslav "Yarick" Rastrigin | Based on Ion, manage windows with the keyboard. Source tarball link broken (20080316), but you can download the source rpm and extract the tarball from that. 2003 Review |
True3D*Shell |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.4 | 20070622 | 20130719 | Riccardo Pompeo | "True3D*Shell is an open source 3D desktop environment ... experience 3D browsing in a virtual reality universe ..." but does it manage windows? Written in C++ (with Eclipse). "Download" link broken, look further down for source. |
tsubasa |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1 | 20070405 | 20130623 | Nicolas Centa | "It is written in C++, mostly using safe programming techniques, uses midtalk and gtkmm. ... It is recommanded that you use Xephyr in order to test tsubasa, as it is not very stable at the moment." |
tvtwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
patchlevel 11 | 19950209 | 20130623 | Chris Ross, orig. Tom LaStrange | Tom's Virtual Tab WM (the virtual desktop is a viewport to one large area) version of TWM. The "homepage" listed is a direct link to a .tar.gz archive at X.org. |
twin |
[homepage] [freecode] [wikipedia] |
0.6.2 | 20120224 | 20130929 | Massimiliano Ghilardi | twin is a text-based WM for the console or terminal. I've had trouble getting it to compile and/or behave recently (2008), although I used to use it heavily. |
Twindy |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.02 | 20120823 | 20130623 | Niall Moody | "Inspired by Tracktion, the multitrack audio editor/sequencer." Version 1.00 was intended to be the "final," last release, but he's continued occasional updates. Language: C++. Review of version 0.45b. Notes |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.0.6-1 (Debian testing) | 20130807 | Tom LaStrange | "Tom's" or "Tab" WM, although not tabbed in the modern sense of grouping. Old, usually very stable. Not developed, just maintained. Date and version are from Debian packages. 2003 Review | |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.2.11 | 20130504 | 20130807 | Christian Ruppert | Unix Desktop Environment. "uwm" package under Debian testing. Unusual design. |
UnWimp |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130807 | Clive Crous | From one of the authors of EvilPoison. He said 'It "steals" concepts/ideas from treewm, Ratpoison and wmii to become what it will be.' Website is frequently broken, project appears abandoned. | |
uwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
? | 19970213 | 20130918 | Digital Equipment Corporation, M. Gancarz, Loretta Guarino Reid. | "Universal" WM, or "Ultrix" WM, depending on who you ask. "Very outdated, but is an excellent example of how to do simple window manager functions." Comment and source archive are from xwinman.org. |
μwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.30 | 20111109 | 20130929 | "Johns johns98@gmx.net" | Written in C, stacking, very few dependencies, GPL3. Looks like it includes everything most people expect: menu, multiple desktops, themes, toolbar, etc. |
Velox |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.3 | 20100214 | 20130807 | Michael Forney | Inspired by awesome, xmonad, dwm. Configured with YAML. |
Vtwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
5.4.7 | 20050628 | 20130807 | Tom LaStrange et al. | Extends TWM with a large (single) virtual desktop - like tvtwm. The snapshot file shows activity 201003. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.1.3 | 20091104 | 20130818 | Bryan Christ | Oh. My. God. There's competition for twin!!! "Viper Window Manager (VWM) is a lightweight, extensible window manager for the console." Lighter than twin, and works well (v1.2.0?). |
w9wm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.4.2 | 20041223 | 20130609 | Benjamin Drieu. Based on David Hogan's 9wm. | Adds virtual desktops to 9wm. 2003 Review |
Waimea |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.4.0 | 20021105 | 20130929 | David Reveman | Some code from Blackbox but not a fork, eye candy added. There was some development in 2004, no stable code produced: newer homepage at freedesktop.org. |
WeeWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.2 | 20030707 | 20130807 | flashcode AT flashtux DOT org, xahlexx AT weeland DOT org, bounga AT altern DOT org. | Small, keyboard-oriented. |
Whim |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2399 | 20090419 | 20130609 | George Peter Staplin | "Written in Tcl ... utilizes Tk, and optionally Tile." It seems to build it you need to download "megapkg," and version numbers and dates are sometimes from that package, sometimes from a Whim package. It is apparently able to run on the Nokia N770. |
Whimsy |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1a1 | 20080713 | 20130609 | Nick Welch | "Whimsy is a highly hackable window manager written in Python. It is currently in a alpha phase and is marginally suitable for use." By the author of TinyWM. Licence is "public domain." |
wimpwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.1.1 | 20011021 | 20130623 | Martin Grabmüller | Limited decorations, small. Requires Sizzle Scheme interpreter. "... heavily inspired by aewm ... key bindings are taken from evilwm ... style of window resizing came from TWM." |
Wind |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.4 | 20110119 | 20130623 | Johan Veenhuizen | "Overlapping window management ... click-to-...focus ... implements most parts of ICCCM and EWMH/NetWM." MIT/X license. Very basic appearance (as of 1.0). Task bar with pager, menu, clock, window list. Virtual desktops, no minimize. |
Window Manager From Scratch (WMFS) |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git or snapshot | 20130718 | Martin Duquesnoy (primary) plus contributors | "The goal of this project is to make a very basic, lightweight and dynamic WM." Tiling, BSD license, not currently stable. | |
WindowLab |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.40 | 20100404 | 20130617 | Nick Gravgaard | Based in part on 9wm and partly inspired by the Amiga Workbench. No virtual desktops, apparently not Xinerama-aware. 2003 Review |
Window Maker |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.95.4 | 20130103 | 20130807 | Alfredo Kojima, Dan Pascu. | Emulates NeXT's GUI. More or less abandoned, see Wmaker-crm for a maintenance fork. 2012-02: being developed again. 2003 Review |
wingo |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130603 | 20130609 | Andrew Gallant. | Written in Go. Tiling and stacking multiheaded. Openbox meets xmonad? |
Wizard Desktop |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
10June2013 | 20130610 | 20130617 | Andrew Waidler | Tabbed and tiling, based on awesome and Ion, written with Java Swing and LGPL-3.0-licensed. |
wm2 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4 | 19970321 | 20130617 | Chris Cannam | Minimalist but looks great - unusual. With vertical title bars. If you want virtual desktops, see wmx. 2003 Review |
Wmaker-crm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.95.4 | 2013-01-03 | 20130617 | Many. | Fork of the last known CVS version of Window Maker from 2005. Nice to see this well known WM maintained. |
wmG |
[freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Scott "Reeve" Barnes | Intended to work with (a very old version of) GNOME. "This project is abandoned," site now dead. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
11 | 20091127 | 20130818 | Anselm R. Garbe | "Window Manager Improved", spawned wmii and dwm. Development has ceased. The "homepage" listed here is a download folder at suckless.org. |
wmii |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
3.9.2 | 20100610 | 20130719 | orig. Anselm R. Garbe, Kris Maglione - maintainer. | "Window Manager Improved 2". Primarily keyboard driven, tries to remain small. A personal favourite. Until 200711 they adamantly refused to support multi-monitor (Xinerama): not sure where that stands now. |
wmx |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
7 | 20090109 | 20130617 | Chris Cannam | Adds virtual desktops to wm2. For long-time users, v7 may break old menus, but is much easier to compile (v6pl1 was from 2001). 2003 Review Notes |
wwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
2.0 | 19990212 | 20130807 | Jörg Czeranski | Weird WM. Was intended as a OS prototype rather than a WM, and appears abandoned. |
XD640 |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3.1-1 | 20051120 | 20130718 | Jean-Marc Lienher | "Lightweight desktop environment and office suite ... Warning: ... early development stage!" Aiming at i486 66MHz 16MB, 640x480, BSD license, based on fltk. |
XFast |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.9 | 20080707 | 20130908 | "oxygenic" | Incorporates a window server and manager in one, intended for embedded systems. Forked from Xynth. |
xfwm |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
4.10 | 20120428 | 20130718 | Olivier Fourdan | WM for the XFCE project. "XFCE" once stood for "XForms Common Environment," as its behaviour was derived from that of Sun's CDE. 2003 Review |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Juan Jose Medina Olarte | From xwinman.org: "Xilicius Graphical Environment is ... optimized for programmers, laptops and fast users." Based on ideas from lwm and ACME, the Plan 9 editor/environment. The URL has been known to go away for long periods. | ||
XMonad |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.11 | 20121231 | 20130807 | Spencer Janssen, Don Stewart, Jason Creighton. | Rewrite and extension of dwm in Haskell. Includes Xinerama (which dwm does not). Tiling, keyboard-oriented. Haskell is a pain to install and work with under Debian. Recent versions of xmonad will rebuild themselves if you change the config file. |
xoat |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
git | 20130611 | 20130929 | Sean Pringle | "An obstinate, asymmetric, tiling, window manager for X." Same author as goomwwm. |
XPde |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | José León, Zeljan Rikalo, Jens Kühner, Valery Gabrusev. | XP-alike for Linux. "Desktop environment." Written in Kylix (discontinued proprietary Pascal variant). Domain expired 2011-09. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.1 | 20040826 | 20130807 | Marco Castelvecchio | "eXtreme Speed WM," based on evilwm, appears to add OSD and not much else. Download link is broken (200812), but go to sourceforge and search and you'll find it. |
XTags |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.5 | 20080420 | 20130807 | Claudio M. Alessi | Keyboard-driven, "implements tags for X11." Intended to be used with dvtm ... and no other WM. Interesting idea. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
CVS | 20130807 | Evgeny Zajcev (main), Richard Klinda, Alex Ott, Didier Verna, Steve Youngs. | "... XWEM is written entirely in Emacs Lisp and runs in XEmacs." Tiling. Yes, makes XEmacs your window manager. There was an xwem.org domain, but it lapsed: the site listed above seems to predate that, and may not have been updated in years. | |
Xynth |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Alper Akcan | X server replacement and desktop environment for embedded environment. LGPL. XFast is a GPL fork of this. There appears to be ongoing work on the project. Domain xynth.org dropped unceremoniously 200908. | ||
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
not available | Found at xwinman.org: "in an early state of development, [YAWM] aims to be portable, intuitive and fast." yawm.org was for sale, then dead, now (200810) purchased with holding page. yawm.sourceforge.net was empty until approx. 200810, now has a name and no files. | |||
YeahWM |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.3.5 | 20041125 | 20130807 | knorke_at_phrat.de | Based on evilwm and aewm with mildly BeOS-like appearance. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
0.0.5 | 20060419 | 20130817 | Thomas Coppi | "Zeta Desktop Environment." Window manager plus a couple tools. Version number is "zimwm". Objective C and Perl. Author considers it alpha. |
[homepage] [freecode] [Wikipedia] |
1.0.0 | 20020208 | 20130807 | Nils Gladitz | "First ZWM code release," now quite old. SDL-based. After a decade of nothing, "As of 2013-02-22, this project is no longer under active development." |