Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz - RK80530RY017256 (BX80530F1400256)
Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz specifications
General information |
Type | CPU / Microprocessor |
Market segment | Desktop |
Family | Intel Celeron |
CPU part numbers | RK80530RY017256 is an OEM/tray microprocessor BX80530F1400256 is a boxed microprocessor |
Frequency ? | 1400 MHz |
Bus speed ? | 100 MHz |
Clock multiplier ? | 14 |
Package | 370-pin Flip-Chip Pin Grid Array with integrated heatsink (FC-PGA2)
1.95" x 1.95" (4.95 cm x 4.95 cm) |
Socket | Socket 370 / PGA370 |
| S-spec numbers |
| Architecture / Microarchitecture |
Microarchitecture | P6 |
Processor core ? | Tualatin-256 |
Core steppings ? | A1 (SL64V, SL68G) B1 (SL6C6, SL6JU, SL6JV) tB1 (QID2, QKE0) |
CPUIDs | 6B1 (SL64V, SL68G) 6B4 (QID2, QKE0, SL6C6, SL6JU, SL6JV) |
Manufacturing process | 0.13 micron |
Data width | 32 bit |
The number of cores | 1 |
The number of threads | 1 |
Floating Point Unit | Integrated |
Level 1 cache size ? | 16 KB code
16 KB data |
Level 2 cache size ? | On-die 8-way set associative 256 KB |
Physical memory | 4 GB |
Features | - MMX instructions
- SSE / Streaming SIMD Extensions
Low power features | - AutoHALT state ?
- Stop Grant state ?
- Sleep state ?
- Deep Sleep state ?
| Electrical / Thermal parameters |
V core ? | 1.5V |
Maximum operating temperature ? | 72°C |
Minimum/Maximum power dissipation ? | 18 Watt (Deep sleep mode) / 33.9 Watt |
Notes on Intel RK80530RY017256 |
- The processor is usually marked as 1400/256/100/1.5
CPUs, related to Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz (RK80530RY017256)
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Q: Can I upgrade my Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz processor?
A: Probably yes. CPU compatibility is determined by your motherboard. Please check website for CPU support list for your board.
Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz Overclocking
Sorry, overclocking information is not available at this time.
Pictures (1)
1400/256/100/1.5 |
![Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz - RK80530RY017256 (BX80530F1400256)](/contents/138/394/427.mime4) |
CPU ID (3)
CPUID features of Intel Celeron 1400 MHz
NOTE: The CPU ID information below was taken from one CPU and
may include features that are not present in all different steppings of the
Intel Celeron 1400 MHz CPU.
Manufacturer: | Intel |
CPU Family: | Celeron |
Processor Number: | 1400 MHz |
Frequency: | 1403 MHz |
Part number: | RK80530RY017256 |
S-Spec Number: | QID2 |
Comment: | Qualification Sample |
Submitted by: | Neon_WA |
General information |
Vendor: | GenuineIntel |
Processor name (BIOS): | Intel(R) Celeron(TM) CPU 1400MHz |
Processor type: | Original OEM Processor |
CPUID signature: | 6B1 |
Family: | 6 (06h) |
Model: | 11 (0Bh) |
Stepping: | 1 (01h) |
TLB/Cache details: | Data TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 64 entries
Data TLB: 4-MB Pages, 4-way set associative, 8 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-KB Pages, 4-way set associative, 32 entries
Instruction TLB: 4-MB Pages, fully associative, 2 entries |
Cache: |
L1 data |
L1 instruction |
L2 |
Size: |
16 KB |
16 KB |
256 KB |
Associativity: |
4-way set associative |
4-way set associative |
8-way set associative |
Line size: |
32 bytes |
32 bytes |
32 bytes |
Instruction set extensions | Additional instructions |
Major features | Other features |
On-chip Floating Point Unit |
36-bit page-size extensions |
Debugging extensions |
Machine check architecture |
Machine check exception |
Memory-type range registers |
Model-specific registers |
Page attribute table |
Page global extension |
Page-size extensions (4MB pages) |
Physical address extensions |
Time stamp counter |
Virtual 8086-mode enhancements |
Comments (6)
You're welcome to post suggestions, corrections, your own personal
Intel Celeron 1.4 GHz review, or your experience with the microprocessor.
Please do not ask upgrade and troubleshooting questions, and do not start
It could go to 1833MHz, guaranteed
One year ago I had a 1.4GHz Celeron and I push it to 1862MHz (14X133) and 1.7V core voltage, worked stable but Prime 95 did not run more than 3 hours.
I have the system but its not functional and I coudn't make a CPU-Z screenshot.
ASUS TUSL2-C motherboard.
Here is hoping for a 133fsb overclock!
I just bought one of these off of ebay and am going to overclock it to 133fsb once my new heatsink and fan arrive. I am using it in a cheap BCM GT694VP which is built on the VIA VT82C694A chipset. I am using a cheap Lin Lin FCPGA to FCPGA2 adaptor and it works great, the bios reports a garbage speed but windows and CPU-Z both show the true 1.4ghz speed. Hopefully next week it will be 1.862. Just as a side note, anyone with an old Socket 370 board should try to upgrade to tualatin if their mobo supports it cause these bad boys are fast.
Intel Pentium and Celeron FC-PGA2 procs
If you know what your doing you can make a tualatin processor work in a regular FC-PGA motherboad with a few mods to motherboard or socket and a bios edit
I have one
My computer is from 1999, a Dell XPS-T450, which came with a 450 MHz PIII.
A few years later, I found the Powerleap upgrade, with the adaptor/1.4 GHz Celeron combination. Think I paid $130.
Most operations went about three times faster after installing the new processor. However, a greater, more dramatic improvement happened with Windows Explorer, which used to take 15 to 20 seconds to open, but now opens in about 3 or 4 seconds with the new Celeron.
These days, I spend a lot of time on, and I've upgraded my dreaming from Core-2-Duo to Core-2-Quad. While I dream about the purchase, my 1.4 GHz Celeron is doing fine (in 2007). I edit 300 MB audio files, slowly but surely, paired with 768 MB of speedy PC100 ram.
Video-editing gigabyte files will have to wait for the new computer.
I've also upgraded: the video card to 128 MB FX5200 with dual monitors and nvidia sosftware; USB 2.0 card; internal 80 GB and 160 GB hard drives and 500 GB external USB drive; Win XP Pro works fine (required getting rid of the stock DVD-ROM drive). Replaced the little fans on the FX5200 video card and Powerleap module this last year, and the computer is pretty quiet, again.
Ahhh nostalgia...
I hade one 1200Mhz and another 1400Mhz.
Mmmmmm... it was great time!
On Chaintech CT-6OJV.
Then I sold them both...
Good proc.
I still run it on Asus TUSL2-c boards. Works and works, but I could only overclock up to 1540 mhz. I believe the AGp or PCI components make trouble then :(
Other stuff: Ati 9600pro, SB-live, 2x40g Seagate, 512 MB Infineon Ram....