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View Important Announcement I think this is the second longest news post ever, so it's probably worth reading if you're an active user (and if you want to be put to sleep by my writing).
Anonymous Majestic Prince
No. 9659429 Dawn of the final day for MJP (didn't see a thread in the catalog) >>
Whoa, really? Pretty close to S2 >>
Do you guys think MJP killed mecha battles for awhile now? Or did it challenge them? >>
>>9659438 It taught that you can make good looking CGI battles with enough effort. I'll give it that.>>
Well cc0721 doesn't seem to be covering it today, guess we will have to wait for subs. >>
They're considering S2 but it's not confirmed for this winter or anything, right? Maybe they want to see how those grape commercials will do. >>
>>9659448 It looks like the channel got shut down. Luckily, subs don't take long for this show.>>
>>9659457 >They're considering S2 but it's not confirmed for this winter or anything, right? Correct.>>
>>9659457 Not for Winter. Maybe Spring. Maybe they will do what VVV did>>
Trying to catch the tail end on 89_1361122299029-41827777.htm >>
>>9659472 Count me down as happy that there's no spoilers for the last episode. Can't wait to go in to it fresh and then come here and chat with folks about it. Hoping it's crazy awesome. Though, there's a little piece of me that hopes it ends on a massive, massive cliffhanger. Like, Lumes piercing what looks like the cockpit of Blue 1 while Rose 3 gets in the line of fire of the Star Rose's cannons massive.>>
>>9659457 They're advertising grapes? That seems so... normal. Most anime advertises weird shit.>>
Apparently there will be an MJP game. >>
I guess this is the TRUE super mode. >>
>>9659555 I would buy that shit. So speculation time. You think that Izuru's condition was caused by fighting against the Juria system and not accepting the personality switch? It's the impression I got last episode.>>
>>9659537 Apparently the grape event or whatever did well.>>
>>9659608 It's because of Japanese Grape Culture. Basically all Japanese men are taught to be grapists.>>
>>9659615 Graping is a tradition in my family actually. Even kids are familiar with the basics of grape.>>
>>9659623 Typical male. Pretending that his genes aren't boiling with the desire to grape.>>
Looks like we will be having more core unit fun. >>
>>9659659 Mmmm. I'd grape the hell out of a core unit. ifyouknowwhaddimean>>
>this entire thread Wow check your privilege!! Cis scum!!!>>
>>9659457 >>9659457 They look good in colonial-style wear. Though I wouldn't drink grape juice made by them stepping on it. That's just not my fetish.>>
>>9659709 >implying you don't want that sweet grape juice. >>
>4 hours until episode release The fuck?>>9659457 Dang Tamaki looks cute there>>
>>9659714 You may like your grapes stepped upon, but I like my grapes freshly harvested and eaten straight. Not mushed into juice. Which reminds me, would Kei's woman juice taste sweet considering her food preference?>>
Well, as far as I can tell, everything ended well >>
>>9659729 It would probably send you into a diabetic coma or turn your tongue into a grape.>>
>>9659744 Guess I just need to bring an insulin injector and shoot just before eating her up. Problem solved. Now if the tongue turned into a grape though...>>
>>9659429 (OP) That's a real thing? I thought it was a Seed Destiny/Macross F crossover fan-art.>>
Relevant. s/2013-09-19/majestic-prince-anime- inspires-mecha-3d-cg-game >>
>>9659804 I'm surprised that's not a type of fruit drink in Japan yet.>>
>>9659811 I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SAYING ANON. I KNOW. But it's a new show, called MJP: Majestic Prince. Yes, the title is dumb. The show is actually pretty good. Really good, in fact. Even with all the Sunrise face. You should check it out.>>
>>9659804 We going full hentai now. So Kei's the key to bringing about the age of demons. All that's needed is for her dolphin genetics to awaken and embrace sex and rape and convert the weak.>>
>>9659826 That's funny. I guess the show's been pretty succesful, then?>>
>>9659832 My aren't we a little slow.>>
>>9659834 >and grape and convert the weak. ftfy>>
>>9659836 >I guess the show's been pretty succesful, then? I sure hope so.>>
>>9659842 Is it just grape soda with a novelty label or what?>>
>>9659834 >Kei as the Overfiend. That's one way to solve the Wulgaru genetic problem.>>
>>9659842 > Ha! I thought that was just a joke ad all this time. Gonna buy some.>>
>>9659862 It tastes better than it should. Now I'm hoping for Cream Soda; my actual favorite type of carbonated beverage. And easy enough to make a new pun out of.>>
>>9659854 The answer was there all along! ...Now I'm imagining a dominatrix Kei with a whip and everyone else on a chain leash sitting in the former Wulgaru king's chair.>> 74631 Raw first for a change >>
>>9659985 Crunchyroll is delaying the last ep. It won't be out for another 2-3 hours according to their site.>>
>>9660011 No all the drawfags in /m/ died off.>>
>>9660075 Izuru might have died. I doubt it though.>>
>>9660106 I actually think the Hiraiface compliments the clothing. Maybe they should get Hirai as a character designer for an anime with that kind of clothing.>>
>>9660130 Hiraiface would only ever look appropriate in an anime where every single character is a 2000 year old inanimate roman statue.>>
Besides kojima, who would You like to make the game? And what type of game, RTS, RPG,ZOE type shooter or a musou type? >>
>>9660370 Has to be ZoE style, which already has the "slaughter hundreds of drones per level" thing that Musou games have but with more movement in all 3 dimensions. The only other alternative is something akin to those Macross Frontier/30th games.>>
>>9660370 ZOE probaby. I guess I wouldn't mind an RPG game. Would not like a Musou type. As for an RTS well it depends I guess.>>
>>9660638 I'm torn between a straightforward Zoe shooter and a hybrid with Zoe gameplay and RPG elements like creating your own prince team and mech or roleplaying one of the rabbits. With armored core level customization.>>
Fantastic ending. Pit crews are still bros. >>
So did the ending feel conclusive or was it open ended? >>
>>9660735 Open ended. While the gate collapsed, the Wulgaru king believes the humans might be the key to their races evolution or something. Oh and 50% chance Jiart is dead.>>
>>9660751 So is it a decent ending point or not?>>
>>9660787 I enjoyed it quite a bit. Enough for a second series but they closed enough of the arcs to not be a complete cliff-hanger.Loved the music too. >>
>>9660795 Damnit, I can't wait till I get home from work. The wait is killing me. Did the Rabbits at least have more badass moments?>>
So did Asagi actually do anything? >>
>>9660824 Kill a lot of grunts. Killed two Wulgaru commanders with the team. Give orders competently in episode 8.>>
>>9660829 So he was worthless as usual and didn't do anything in the finale?
Cool, as suspected.>>
>>9660808 Ange and Chandra
helped to defend the Star Rose with Daneel.>>
>>9660841 How do the aforementioned accomplishments make him 'worthless'? Are you that "Asagi hasn't changed since episode 1" guy posting with a new approach in mind?>>
>>9660882 >Are you that "Asagi hasn't changed since episode 1" guy posting with a new approach in mind? How did you know?>>
>[HorribleSubs] Majestic Prince - 24 [720p].mkv 74717>>
>[HorribleSubs] Majestic Prince - 24 [720p].mkv Finally>>
>>9660882 Are you talking about that one anon from the last MJP thread who was comparing MJP to Seed and Destiny because Hirai face and claimed K-ON had better character development then Asagi or Izuru? Hell no.>>
Now to wait forever for the OST. >>
>>9659457 I'd squeeze Tamaki's grapes
more like watermelons, amirite? >>
>>9659623 >not tying little children and all of their immediate family to radiators and graping them in the mouth over and over >and over >and over >>
>>9661026 >not mindbreaking them until they beg you for it >>
It's decided. This will go down as a classic. >>
Now that it's over, I ask you, fellow /m/en. Does it hold up? Is it as good as the classics? A new take on an old concept? The same dribble we've been getting out of this genre? >>
>>9661107 No now shut up and let me enjoy the show and thread before shitposters arrive.>>
>>9661107 >Does it hold up? Yes
>Is it as good as the classics? Wouldn't go that far.
>A new take on an old concept? Something close to that yeah
>The same dribble we've been getting out of this genre? God no. I am going to miss such DRAMA-free characters.>>
>>9661099 It's a good show. But classic? I disagree.>>
>>9659441 Macross Frontier and Rebuild already proved that.>>
>>9661164 This is just like Coorie all over again!>>
Am I the only one who finds the ending to actually be rather bleak?>Humans repel Wulgaru at the cost of a entire colony, millions of misplaced refugee colonists and nearly their entire military virtually wiped out. >The Hero even if he is alive (which they hinted wasn't the case from his lack of response) would be severely crippled now. >Wulgaru on the other hand still have nigh unlimited forces on hand, two of their strongest generals are still alive. >Jiart may possibly still be alive and roaming the Solar System >Although they won all they've really done is bought time till another gate shows up. >>
I loved how straightforward this show was. It was a mecha show that actually wanted to be a mecha show first and foremost, it wasn't something else with mechs thrown in. Izuru was a fairly refreshing MC, the dynamic between the main cast members was great, and mecha designs were great and the battles looked surprisingly good, it actually made me think that CGI mechs might be okay. It's totally set up for a second season and I hope it gets one. >>
>>9661239 But the hyoomans managed to take out the immediate threat and stop the invasion, allowing them time to rebuild. The destruction of the gate at that time also stopped the invasion of earth and pretty much saved humanity from total annihilation. It's a heavy victory, but a victory nonetheless.>mfw
wings of light battle Also i note the lack of understanding and trying to reason with the wharrgarbl, instead focusing on trying not to die.>>
>>9661239 He didn't die, he moves his mouth at the end trying to make a smile. He's just probably super exhausted/injured.>>
Look at at that smile /m/. How could anyone take away his happiness. >>
>>9661239 >The Hero even if he is alive (which they hinted wasn't the case from his lack of response) would be severely crippled now.
They weren't clear if he lived or died?>>
>>9661239 >lack of response He visibly curled his lips upwards into a smile despite his state when everyone found him. Izuru's pretty much alive. Everything else, maybe, but humanity ultimately won and staved off annihilation. They'll likely hold them off long enough to rebuild as best as possible. Unrelated, I'm incredibly surprised at how relatively 'clean' this finale was. Yeah, we may be getting a second season, but it's about this time in many a mecha show that characters start biting the dust. The only definite casualty in the final battle was Lutiel. And maybe Jiart, but his fate is unconfirmed.>>
>>9661299 That's a grin or smirk, not a smile. Baka gaijen.>>
>>9661300 Kei was popping up death flags there, thought she'd bite it when jiart and izuru went full psycho. would have been one hell of an ironic twist if Izuru had accidentally offed Kei.>>
>>9661290 Yeah, that was an "I did it, I survived" smile.>>
>>9661300 There's no way they're dropping a star like Midorikawa if the show is getting a continuation. Also, he needs to have some sort of confrontation with Theoria.>>
Just watched the last episode, and... It was everything I hope it would be, and more. It was so satisfying. A rare bread indeed, this show is. A very well-executed old school mecha anime. So with that major cliffhanger, I guess season 2 is pretty much confirmed, eh? >>
If this is the end, I'll miss it>>9661333 They said "maybe" >>
>>9661099 Agreed. This is a very solid show that I'm sure will stand the test of time.>>
>>9661336 >They said "maybe" Fingers crossed then. Also, dat final fight:
we V2 & G Gundam
now! Also, the
that Commander Simon said, was he referring to Teoria ?>>
>>9661341 The woman who created the Juria-System with Teoria's help.I bet she's also Asagi and Izuru's mom. She transferred her consciousness in Red 5 We EVA now >>
>>9661358 So we didn't see or heard about
before that slip of tongue of Simon, right? Because I don't remember them referring to her before.>>
>>9661358 Izuru's mom was directly said to be Teoria though.>>
>>9661358 Asagi and Izuru don't have the same mom.>>
So is RED FIVE evil or something? >>
>>9661351 They apparently had some kind of Grape promotion event which did really well according to their Facebook.>>
>>9661372 Red Five is basic instincts to RIP AND TEAR. Not evil, just raw and dangerous if unrestrained.>>
After watching the finale, I have to say one thing. I'm disappointed that Izuru and Jiart's fight was so god damn long. It's not suspenseful that way it just gets boring when it's quick attack spam. There is no proper punch/counter-punch, so it wasn't actually all that interesting to me. Your own mileage may vary. The show ended well enough, though. >>
>>9661321 >Also, he needs to have some sort of confrontation with Theoria. It'll probably be Teoria telling him and Asagi that she's going to be their mother. Which reminds me; her relationship with Simon reminds me of Teela and the old man who developed the Goddess units in Pilot Candidate and also wasn't exactly healthy.>>
>>9661275 But the Frontier CGI is pretty good. Especially i the films.>>
>>9661378 That's good to hear.>mfw we have grapes to thank for the 2nd season of this show >>
I thought Juria was Teoria's mother. >>
>>9661366 As in bearing the fetus for 9 months? I doubt it.>>
>>9661410 Anon...The princes are born in Vats.>>
>>9661366 Except she's not according to the official chart?>>
>>9661410 (Simon DNA + Juria? DNA) + Vat Womb = Asagi (Simon DNA + Teoria DNA) + Vat Womb = Izuru The rest is speculation: (Rin DNA + Dolphin DNA) + Vat Womb = Kei (Busty Mechanic DNA + ??? DNA) + Vat Womb = Tamaki (Manly Mechanics' DNA x3) + Vat Womb = Suruga>>
>>9661432 Are we sure Tamaki's not the quasi-dolphin? Because it'd explain a few things about squid guts.>>
>>9661432 I'm pretty sure Simon would've told Asagi if Teoria was the female DNA used for him. I think we can rule out Teoria as being Asagi's mother.>>
>>9661438 Tamaki could've used Sperm Whale DNA; eats squid and can tolerate extreme pressures (where the elusive giant squids, their prey, lives).>>
>>9661440 Might want to read that again. Juria =/= Teoria.>>
>>9661432 The Manly Mechanics have to be combined with a Hawk or Raptor; it would explain how he became such a "featherweight" but have amazing accuracy at range.>>
THAT ENDING OH MY! This show has left me fully satisfied. >>
>>9661412 The wulgaru that defected but was killed.>>
>mfw no Blue, Gold, Purple, Rose awakening >>
>>9661384 shit gonna be uncomfortable for Izuru considering how badly he wants to hit that.>>
Dem eyes Maybe Simon has that eyegear because he's the same? >>
I literally cannot wait for this series to be in SRW. Dat ending >>
best part?
all dat tamaki melons >>
>Asagi in charge of being relevant >>
He finally fucking did it >>
Wait, did we ever get Teoria's mother's name? Is she Juria? Can I stop asking questions? >>
I would call these people my bros anyday >>
>>9661566 Juria and Teoria are two different people>>
>>9661572 different anon, but i have the perfect picture>>
>>9661566 >Can I stop asking questions? even if we have every answer, this will never happen.>>9661569 Jacked Ataru in season 2?>>
That was a nice show.
9/10, I'll miss it. >>
>>9659602 fighting against the Juria system, at least that's what i took away from it>>
>>9661382 I kind of agree. I do think they made some cool use of the wings of light a few times, having Izuru wrap Jiart in them as Jiart tore through them with his swords for instance, but there wasn't a huge amount of it that was really clear as more than back and forth slapping, especially towards the start before Izuru and Jiart transformed. I've found their fights to be a bit too quick to follow properly a lot though, and enjoy looking at the gifs afterward to make out what actually happened during some of the faster exchanges. The fight was still really enjoyable because of the emotion the show wrapped around it with everyone else trying to help Izuru survive and so on though. Delighted to see the show get a second show and set it up well with a few small scenes at the end. Nothing that felt like a cliffhanger or twist. Pretty sure this is my favorite mecha of the last few years now that it's wrapped up it's first season so well.>>
You know what? I loved this show. The characters are likable and the action was amazing. It never felt dragged out. Even the "filler" moments were used effectively to flesh out the characters (and Tamaki's "plot"). Doberman's death were handled really well. 10/10 waiting for season 2 and SRW >>
>>9659872 >hmmm a pun huh? how about Cream Shota?>>
>>9661570 He's not saying they weren't. He's saying that Teoria's mother may be Juria. She's been mentioned a few times in the show as having helped Teoria escape, but her ultimate fate has never been revealed beyond that.>>
Who would like to see Izuru's manga made into an anime. >>
>>9661607 My favorite part about the Doberman's death, if I can say I have a favorite about something sad, is that there was no sound for the pre-OP portion of the following episode beyond a little chuckle from Chandra after staring at the empty coffins for a minute and seeing Randy's porn stashed in there. Nice to see them give that solemn minute rather than playing for drama using it.>>9661709 Besides the fact that we don't actually know anything about the manga he's drawing, only one or two of his sketches - it's supposed to be pretty bad by everyone's account. He was only good after Red 5 affected him, and only for a few hours.>>
>>9661612 > Cream Shota Only anime nerds will get that though where Tentacle Grape sounds funny even to people who aren't in to anime so you can market it on sites for gamers and shit.>>
Apparently the OST will come out on December 18. >>
>>9661816 Right after Shin Mazinger Great-hen.>>
>>9661552 >More dodgy bosses Well at least we can upgrade accuracy now in SRW. Layzner bosses are always such a pain in the dick.>>
So when is the OST going to drop? I don't mean the openings and endings song, but the music played during the episodes. >>
Finally got to see it, and it was worth the wait. This has been one of the most enjoyable series in a long time for me, and it's been a while since I've had an anime that got me that pumped up at the end. Even if we don't get a second season I'm happy with what we got. >>
I enjoyed Ange's string of mistaken names for Jiart. Specially Potato. >>
I'm hoping that even though Izuru survived and conquered Red 5, the Walguru blood comes back to haunt him and makes him want to start hunting his prey. I thought that was nice to through in but I wanted him to notice he was becoming Jiart. >>
>>9662150 His genes were being destroyed when Red 5 had control. Now that he has control over it there are no side effects. Calling it now>>
>>9662150 Maybe he will need to live inside Red-5, like the player character from ZOE2>>
>>9661099 Man everyone was like vlavrave valve wihich is awesome! But this series is foking FANTASTIC!! it had some of the best fighting scenes I have seen in a long time!!>>
>>9662185 >foking It's ok man, this isn't gamefaqs. You can use the big boy words.>>
>>9661099 Maybe not classic, but it does need to go on recomendation lists.>>
>>9661239 You can tell they want a second season.>>
I was pleasantly surprised that Chandra (the last Doberman) survived. Hopefully if there is a 2nd season, it will show him settled down with his waifu and
twin sons named Randy and Patrick >>
>>9662098 Prince Tomato should be his name from now on.>>
>>9662220 ... I opened the gif and didn't even notice until you mentioned it. Holy fuck, it's Majestic Yamada.>>
>>9662225 That would be cool, except for one change.Pat is a girl. >>
>>9661239 >Wulgaru on the other hand still have nigh unlimited forces on hand, two of their strongest generals are still alive. But won't most of the remaining Wulgaru army die shortly because their supply of cartridges is cut off? Isn't that the whole reason they destroyed the gate? The King is pretty chill though, maybe he has a countermeasure.>>
>>9662268 I think Wulgaru live longer than humans. So whatever a short time for them is a longer time for us.>>
>>9662268 >maybe he has a countermeasure. Wait, he said "next path of evolution" or some shit like that. What if he's cool with where the humans are and letting them evolve as a separate branch from the wulgaru? It's stated that humanity was seeded, and the hunt is to collect genes, so maybe the genes of humanity are strong enough to prosper independent of the wulgaru collective and that's part of the big wulgaru plan? or maybe he'll just summon a really big hyperdimensional battleship and go hell-bent on harvesting every single piece of genetic material from the puny humans. WE WON'T KNOW UNTIL S2>>
>>9662296 >Implying Buff McHuge won't use the entire Wulgaru planetoid and transform it into a mecha. >>
So these are the niconico results >>
>>9662058 it's muscle twitch as his life fades away>>
>>9662356 I just see runes and numbers, captain.>>
>>9662356 >>9662368 >"How good was the episode?"
From the left: > # - Very Good - Pretty Good - Average - Not Very Good - Bad >>
While not a classic, this was a very fun show and I'd recommend it for viewing. Doesn't take itself too seriously but avoids becoming absolutely nonsensical. I'd rate it a 7 or 8 out of 10. 9 on a good day but probably around 8.5 is right. >>
>>9662268 That was assumed if the Wulgaru were trapped in the solar system AFTER the Gate was destroyed. They returned to their territories before that happened.>>
>>9662398 The one where Randy and Patrick died.>>
No. 9662429 Damn that last episode was really damn good. The CG of this show continued to impress. Really hope for a season 2.>>9661164 That was the most surprising thing of the show. >>
Can someone make a gift of
Red-5's core thrusting its arm through Jiart's unit? I actually yelled at that part. >>
>>9662428 it seems they are voting emotionally instead of objectively>>
>>9662296 I think it's something like the game "Destroy all Humans", where the Wulgaru gene pool has stagnated so they need fresh genes from the worlds they seeded to advance as a species. The fact that humanity managed to resist them proved that their genes are worth harvesting.>>
>>9662492 Anon pls, that post doesn't even exist yet.>>
this was a great series. best action in years. too bad too many people survived that battle. come on. >>
>>9662556 >too bad too many people survived that battle. They lost thousands during that battle.>>
>>9662569 Your complaint is.. what, the main characters don't die in the final episode? Is the show markedly improved by killing people off for the sake of killing people off?>>
>>9662576 no but when they spend a few episodes saying "if you pilot again you will die" and then setting up a big sacrifice for the commander... which amounts to nothing its a little detracting.>>
>>9662589 a show decides to make fun of death flags no one dies your point?>>
>>9662576 >Is the show markedly improved by killing people off for the sake of killing people off? It is if you have a show about a war where supposedly the good guys are losing with massive casualties and losses in both men and ship. The impact is lost if the writers and creators fail to show the consequences of the lost battles. Instead when it's glossed over, the war then loses any meaning and just becomes a glorified adventure. But I guess Tamaki and Kei's special day or Asagi and Izuru's interactions with their pit crews are more important overall.>>
>>9662600 It's like you completely missed the tone of the show.>>
>>9662604 yea like how no one has ever died in the series- oh wait.>>
>>9662600 Well, A) not a gritty war drama, and B) the protagonists are genetically engineered ubermensch with top-shelf alien-tech mechs; the "massive casualties and losses in men and ship" apply to the grunts off-camera.>>
>>9662645 Wasn't there an episode or two in which the main characters grieved over lost mooks? Pretty sure Izuru and Asagi were depressed over it for at least an episode. Also the parts where they deal with the pressure of having the entire worlds hope placed on them.>>
>>9662645 >the "massive casualties and losses in men and ship" apply to the grunts off-camera. Keeping the massive casualties and losses off-camera undermined the central story that it was a war and not just a cool boyhood adventure. Instead much of this anime felt like /a/'s favorite slice-of-life anime with mechs and service instead of a conflict where people were fighting for their right to exist.>>
>>9662659 That's true to some extent but the show is careful to tell us the numbers when it comes to fleet loss in the battles. They don't mean all that much because we don't know how many men are dying, but it's clear that the Earth is losing a lot of people and resources on the war.>>
>>9662659 But they're mentioned all the time. The entire first half of the show is everyone moaning about how hard their asses are getting kicked; not just Earth's in general, but the MC's as well. We get triangles on maps blinking and winking out, constant calls of however many percent of forces being annihilated or routed or forced to fall back, casualty figures, and so on.
The show doesn't introduce minor characters just to knock 'em off unceremoniously, and it doesn't come with a massively inflated cast for the purpose of having plenty of dorks to pump for muh drama so they can show how HIGH AND REAL THE STAKES ARE while keeping the important people completely safe. Are you seriously not going to be satisfied unless they parade a series of deaths (named, military, civilian, or otherwise) in front of you to underline the point that yes, Virginia, there is a war going on in this comedy series?>>
>>9661164 SPACE YAMADA!!! This was the most suprising part of the final episode.>>
>no one died I am perfectly fine with this. The way the show played out you really could feel the stakes of it all, and whether or not there would be more casualties or not was all up in the air still. It was to the point where I couldn't even be sure Izuru survived even though they found his core with everyone shouting happily. When Kei got wrecked earlier I got seriously worried. It managed to keep things tense, but right at the very, very end, it managed to finally break the tension and make you smile.>>
>>9662865 Something the show did well, I thought, was being at least somewhat believable with the outcomes of battles. The team wins and lives not because of the timely deployment of some new weapon that was first mentioned that episode, or one character soloing shit that they had built up as an actual threat to him, or "oh no a carrier ship on the ass-end of the system fired a shot at us, better run the fuck away instead of taking an extra second to stab this guy through the cockpit, because I CERTAINLY haven't been dodging these things all fight". Barring, like, one exception. It's fine to have characters who live through crazy odds. What determines whether they're invincible Jesuses like Kira or not is how believable their escapes are. MJP doesn't go for a lot of the easy clichés; most of the time, one member of the team is saved by SEVERAL OTHER members of the team in some combined effort. Outside of the final fight, anyone of the big bads that goes down does so to everyone at the same time, not one jerk whipping out a supermove. They're all 5v1s, if not even more loaded on the MJP's end from all the support staff.>>
Didn't Izuru knock back Jiart by expunging his core right into his face and then lock him by throwing said core onto him? >>
This getting into SRW is but inevitable, isn't it? >>
I bet Asagi
will be the new pilot of red 5.
Just kidding. But whether he can awaken is not because he isn't half Wulgaru. Juria system is something that the pilot needs to master in order to fully awaken. Watch Asagi be faster than Izuru in S2. >>
The way I see Izuru's survival thing? Think Folka and Ialdabaoth relationship. Ialdabaoth was draining Folka until Apotheosis happened. In a sense Izuru was no longer being controlled by Red 5's primal instinct and underwent "Apotheosis" with the new wings of light and all. >>
>>9662914 Ol' Midorikawa's voicing the prince of all rape aliens. It'll happen sooner or later.>>
Man, this was good and all, but all I was thinking was "Jiart better still be alive." That guy is fun as fuck. Last episode downgrade wins are my fetish >>
>>9662941 ...I suddenly see a Rival stage of all that bad? Raibaru Joe(Might Gaine): Let's settle this...Senpuuji Maito! Master Therion(Demonbane): Let's dance,, Daijuuji Kurou! Heero Yuy: Show me Relena's enemies, Epyon... Jiart: My Lamata, come and give me a satisfying battle! Masaki Andoh: SHUUUUUUUUUUUU! Li Xingke: Face me, ZERO! ...yes one of those does not belong, but can we blame the character?>>
>>9662957 Send it to Banpresto, they'll make it happen. They'll make it fucking happen>>
>>9662472 One of the notes at the bottom stated that there was some trouble during the streaming of Episode 19 as well as other episodes. Maybe the stream was just that bad on that day? Or, alternatively it was due to all the rage after the Dobermans sacrificed themselves ;_;7>>
>>9662503 My thoughts exactly too. Now that humanity has proven their superiority compared to other species by fighting back and managing to push back the Wulgaru, they probably decide that we are now worth the hunt.>>
I was expecting the other Rabbits would at least do something I always hate it when the "secondary" team members are getting their ass kicked until the main guy goes out and saves the day In the end of the day most of the other guys' contribution was killing grunts and providing support >>
>>9662973 Well, let's see. It took the whole team to kill one general, Klein. It took the whole team sans Izuru to kille another, Lutiel. It took Izuru what, four toe-to-toe duels (being saved by his companions a ton of times and nearly dying) as well as sacrificing his own machine to defeat Jiart?
Also it took Ange, Chandra, Teoria, Daneel and a combined fleet barrage to hold the general guy at bay. Wulgaru are tough, this wasn't a one-man show.>>
>>9662973 "Getting their ass kicked"? Aside from Izuru, the only one of all of them who took any measure of significant damage was Kei, and that was only because she rather blindly interrupted Izuru and Jiart's duel to get the former to stop fighting. And even then, she wasn't out of commission.>>
So... was Ange a boy or a girl? >>
>>9663024 concensus seems to be female, but Black 6's override personality is male.>>
>>9662914 The show appeared to have been designed with a checklist of 'Would fit into SRW' being ticked off in mind.>>
>>9662985 You're forgetting that Asagi almost lost Blue due to energy loss and got it's arms wrecked. And Tamaki got the her wings shorn off, both were by Jiart. Only one who didn't get some kind of damage was Yellow.>>
>>9662687 Now that I think about the Earth forces didn't seem to have that much of a numerical advantage on the Wulgaru by the end.>>
>>9663169 And they were still combat functional and not completely helpless. They didn't exist to job in the end.>>
Well, they are royally fucked now. >>
>>9663428 All that's missing is Jupiter in the background>>
>>9663264 And I'm glad they didn't job. I was dreading Kei and the others dying and pulling a Flay obi wan moment.>>
>>9663470 And in the next season they will be fighting with warp spawn. Imagine all of those chaos fleets, chsm's and daemons. I wonder how they will solve this?>>
>>9663470 Jupiter? The eye of terror isn't even that close.>>
>dat ending Wow, this was a complete waste of time.>>
>>9663518 Why does something have to end with a Kiss?>>
>>9663169 Ange didn't get damage and kick the old man's ass in this episode solo.>>
>>9662409 >Jiart is somehow stranded with the good guys and nicknamed Gelato, Potato and Tomato thanks to Ange >running gag will be getting pissed off and correcting the name >>
>>9663591 Come on. This was a top notch ending.>>
>>9663264 Sort of. They weren't useless by secondary character standards, but for once I'd like to see an anime where the squad actually acts like a squad and not as MC and his sidekicks. Like, there would still be a protagonist, but he wouldn't be the ace best pilot number one chosen one while his squadmates are just there to help him>>
>>9663721 For the two bosses the Rabbits killed. It was actually Suruga who landed the final blow on each of them. Izuru never finished off a boss himself.>>
>>9662600 >But I guess Tamaki and Kei's special day or Asagi and Izuru's interactions with their pit crews are more important overall. We need more Tamaki, also more Ataru bonding with his bros.>>
>>9663738 Oh, come on Izuru is the leader, the best pilot, Teoria's "son", the only one with a (double) hyper mode on his giant robot, the one who's chosen by the badass villain as his rival, the one who awakens the true julia system, the one who has go save the day when he's supposed to be on standby because he'll probably die if he pilots his robot again (surprise, he doesn't), etc. Suruga may have dealt the final blow since he was the one in charge of the big guns, but he'a obviously just there to support Izuru.>>
>>9662946 man, he may have one but Izuru got fucked up hard.>>
>>9663672 you forgot dueling Izuru in EVERYTHING and taking it way over the top. Ping pong episode is a go.>>
>>9663764 >the only one with a (double) hyper mode on his giant robot As far as we can tell, since he's the only one to have had synced that far, despite mentions that all five units use the same system and had similar potential, which is why they were such special snowflakes in the first place, even with the advent of mass-produced AHWhatever they're abbreviated as units. Asagi was the only other one to have reached a point where he triggered the start of a hyper mode, but retreated before it could go further. Izuru, as special a snowflake that he is, still understood teamwork, caring about how they would manage to attain victory rather than who got it. And of course Ataru, despite being considered a main character by the staff, would be support to Izuru and co; that's his entire fucking role.>>
>>9663672 >>9663710 More likely he'd display some sort of tsundere/yandere-like attitude to Izuru.>Just because humans saved me doesn't mean I'm on your side; one day I will defeat you and claim you as my lamata. And Izuru would just go "okay!".-
+ yotsuba
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