What Is A Free Annual Credit Report?
Your free annual credit report is a report you get to check once per year without an cost. You are given the opportunity to review any negative reports left on your personal credit file and also the details of the collectors that left this report against you. This can come in handy in case you relocated and forgot to forward your mail or for some reason you just did not receive a bill. This happens on many occasions and people are usually faced with a negative rating on their credit report.
Another benefit of checking your free annual credit report is so that you can contact your creditors and discuss how to settle these debts and restore your credit rating back to its previous glory. Also, Many people are not aware that they are victims of identity theft and end up stumbling across tons of fraudulent charges when they finally decide to check their credit report. But checking this late can make your life extremely difficult since you now have to dispute fraudulent charges.
Can A Free Annual Credit Report Save Me Money?
Depending on the actions you take yes a free annual credit report can help you save money on important purchases. Consider if you want to take out a loan but you have no idea what your credit score looks like. If you attempt to borrow money without looking at your report you can get denied or given a very scary interest rate. This also goes the same when you want to borrow money for big purchases likepurchasing a new home or buying a new vehicle for your family.
If you make an educated decision and review your free annual credit report before actually making a critical decision you could end up saving yourself countless amounts of money. If you catch any debt you forgot to pay off and settle that debt you could in fact be given a more favorable interest rate that you can pay off sooner. This applies to anything that you attempt to finance for. Even if you borrow money for personal loans or even new furniture for your home.
What If I Never Checked My Free Annual Credit Report?
If you have no taken the time to check your free annual credit report then now is a better time then ever. Thousands of people have their identities stolen ever year and they are not even aware of it. If you take the initiative and check your credit report then you can see if you have any fraudulent charges or anything you simply might have overlooked. Checking your credit report really only takes a few minutes of your time and you can get a clear piece of mind by doing this.
Its just simply not a good idea not to check your free annual credit report. It costs nothing to review and you can quickly check everything on your report in a matter of minutes. Everyone in their lives will eventually depend on using their credit report to make an important financial purchase. This is something you can regret years down the road and it is something that you can avoid today if you just simply fill out bits of information and read over your free annual credit report today.