John Kerry Sports Two Black Eyes, Claims Hockey Injury, Not Cosmetic Surgery..

John Kerry's black eyes after having cosmetic surgery, which he denies.

John Kerry's black eyes after having cosmetic surgery, which he denies.

Kerry says that he received the two black eyes and possible broken nose playing hockey? I’m sorry, but that seems like a total lie!

I have watched a lot of hockey in my lifetime, and very rarely have I seen someone who looked as bad as John Kerry, sporting two black eyes and possibly a broken nose.
This seems to us to be much more like the healing of cosmetic surgery, than a sports injury.

If the injuries to John Kerry did happen while playing hockey, as they say, I’m sure they would have no problem talking about it, but they would not elaborate on the circumstances surrounding the injuries. (similar to when he got his Purple Hearts) So what are they hiding?

Senator John Kerry surprised a few people at the Boston Bruins Stanley Cup ceremony at the White House Monday afternoon.

The 68-year-old senator had two black eyes and a swollen nose.

His spokeswoman Whitney Smith told WBZ-TV Kerry broke his nose playing ice hockey recently.

Smith would not elaborate.

There has been no comment from Kerry yet.

Last year, Senator Kerry participated in the annual lawmakers versus lobbyists hockey game which raised over $100,000 for the Fort Dupont Ice Hockey Club and the Fort Dupont Ice Hockey Arena.

This year’s game will be held Sunday March 4.

Kerry played hockey throughout high school and college.

The Kerry camp is denying rumors saying that his black eyes are due to cosmetic surgery Kerry recently had performed, but we are definitely starting to believe the cosmetic surgery rumors!

Honestly, we really would not have cared about John Kerry’s two black eyes, if we didn’t feel that the Kerry camp was lying about how it happened. Now we really want to know why they felt the need to lie about it?

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