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What is the Hair Loss Product Profollica?

Hair loss, or Male Pattern baldness, as its most common cause, today perhaps affects more men than it ever did. The reasons for this condition are many and varied, but the main culprit can be traced to a hormone called dihydrotestosterone, or simply DHT. This hormone, similar to the all-important (well, for men at least) testosterone attacks the hair follicles among the rest (it can also be present in your prostate or testicles and cause prostate cancer).
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How Profollica Helped Me Keep My Hair Own

There are certainly quite a few worse things that can happen to a man than if he suffers from hair loss, but I would dare the person who thinks that to say that in the my face about a year ago, when I started to lose mine. At first, it started with a little thinner hair around the temples. Then it went further and further until it was quite visible. I was really devastated and became seriously depressed, which showed at my work and at how I communicated with others.
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What Makes Profollica so Effective

Every good medical product, whether it is for treating a headache, an antidepressant, or for treating male pattern baldness, like is the case with Profollica, needs to have good and safe ingredients to be considered worthy by the consumers to be bought and by the doctors to be recommended. Because, if it isn’t than the life of that product on the market will be really short.
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Profollica - What do the People Say About it? 

“I tried Propecia before Profollica because that was what my doctor recommended me. It turned out that it is not always a good idea to listen to your doctor. Then I started using Profollica and, it delivered just what it promised. Of course, I still use it, there’s a lot more hair to be re-grown on my head. I want to have a full scalp once again and I know that I will manage that with the help of Profollica”
Sven, Oslo
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