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View Important Announcement A few nights ago, I held an impromptu, livestreamed PMQ/Q&A session.You can find it here
(and be sure to subscribe!). For a list of questions answered/discussed, go here . This Q&A was quite a bit different because I gave live audio responses to questions posted in the thread. The goal was to answer more questions, more quickly, and not skip over questions that would require a long written response. It had a few kinks but worked pretty well, and it's likely I'll switch to this format for future Q&A's.
>[HorribleSubs] Majestic Prince - 23 [720p].mkv >>
no, but next week is the last episode >>
Damn, not gonna be able to watch this for at least 12 hours. >>
I just realised nothing has happened for like 10 episodes. I hope something happens soon. But it probably won't. >>
Nice quality control you have there, guys. >>
>>93253201 Every anime original in recent years have been dragging things like never before.>>
Jake the Horse
No. 93253466 >>93253201 Lots of stuff has happened. What do you count as "happening"?>>
FUCK, they granted my Blue vs Jiart except it wasn't a personal one on one for a lengthy period with a FULL BURST. DAMN IT! >>
>we need to ram the rose into the portal We saw that coming R.I.P daddy>>
Are they really only going to let Red awaken? I guess this leaves room for a second season. >>
>>93254580 >Red awakens >Red dies >Second season Maybe. >>
>>93254580 You make it sound like any of the other units get a FBM>>
>>93253641 >Mfw Jiart wrecked Asagi's shit like no tomorrow >>
>>93254925 Just you wait until Asagi pilots Red 5 and does Trans Full Burst>>
>>93255092 >Implying that's going to happen >mfw Delusional as fuck asagifags MJP pls go>>
>>93255092 Even if Asagi did get Red 5, it wouldn't help. Chances are, he may not be able to use the FBM mode. And he isn't as good of a pilot as Izuru is.>>
>>93254956 Well, hello there new wallpaper for my laptop.>>
>>93255129 >outing yourself as a Wulgaru sympathizer
Almost as bad as Zeek scum>>
>>93255220 I'd rather be a zeek than some feddie shitstain>>
W-Why's onii-chan smiling?? >>
>>93255312 probably because they end up destroying the gate? Did you not see everyone cheering in the PV?>>
I know it won't happen, but I really want a awakened red+blue vs Jiart, would be so cool and heartwarming at the same time. But damn Izuru is collecting deathflags like a true doberman. >>
if Commander Simon was my dad things would be different around here >>
>>93255312 Last moment of smiling, right before one's death>>
>>93255395 Yeah, but it won't happen, they went full special snowflake with Izuru this episode. Kind of shame since it's the teamplay that's the past part of the series.>>
>>93255514 The teamplay this episode was GLORIOUS>Ange and Indian vs red boss >Tamaki propulsing while Asagi does the whirlwind sword shield The second one was particularly great.>>
Where do you think this guy is going? Getting his MS for a 2v2 vs the brothers? >>
Completely a married couple >>
>>93255745 Not sure if my penis would be able to handle this.>>
Damn I thought Izuru was gonna confess to Rin Rin for a second! Would've been laughing to no end if ithat actually happened >>
>>93256114 no Izuru just said that he loved everyone and wanted to fight to their sake He started by saying that he loved Rin-Rin out of nowhere, then went off a list saying the same thing about everyone else.>>
Jake the Pony
No. 93256323 >>93256232 I thought he was going to say "I love you" to shock the midget into dropping the leash, and he was going to high-tail it to Red-5 and blast his way out of the hangar.>>
>>93256232 It would have been dumb, and out of left field.>>
>>93256014 Too bad he has triggered the strongest death flag>>
>>93256387 >blushing means you accept someone's feelings it's called being embarrased>>
people...are still watching this? >>
>>93256014 She'll be sucking something bigger than a lollipop tonight>>
Jake the Peony
No. 93256465 >>93256362 This show appears to have quite the delay in redeeming deathflags. Watch as he stays alive through all this
and randomly bite it halfway through season 2. >>
Jake the Donkey Show
No. 93256570 >>93256503 >MLP invented ponies Kill yourself.>>
>>93256488 The way he said 'Kei' when he was telling everyone how much of a slut he was sounded extra-caring. So I'll take that as a win and run.>>
>>93256488 >Izuru calls out to Onii-chan and Teoria. Suck it, Keifags.>>
>>93256438 What's with you all of a sudden? If you're comparing SnK to MJP you should know there aren't many things in common between these two.>>
>>93256648 Yeah, I was wondering why he said it in that tone. It sounded weird compared to everyone elses>>
Hey guys, is this anime much worst than Gundam Seed? the art style looks the same shit. >>
>>93256689 Because they're his actual family members? Of course he cares about them the most and would say something like that. I don't see how Keifags have anything to do with this. I think you mean shipperfags>>
>>93256845 >Implying she isn't best girl >Implying she isn't sweet as fuck I would gladly eat her cake. No second thoughts.>>
>>93256775 He doesn't know Teoria's his mother though.>>
>>93256893 She's so sweet I'll die from sugarpoisoning>>
>>93256916 Still doesn't change the fact that they are still family, so he obviously has a stronger connection to them than everyone else. I still fail to see what Keifags have to do with this. I think you mean shipperfags>>
Asagi gave a rather sad smile in the preview. >>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93258412 This episode was insane. I can't even begin to imagine how they'll top it, but I know they will. >>
>>93258412 IMO: episode 14 was the best episode in the show thus far>>
>Finally get Blue 1 vs Jiart duel
>Blue 1 at less then 3% power
>>93258710 That was just energy levels; the amount of time he could fight. Even if he was at full power, it would have been the same result.>>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93258880 >>93258587 14 was amazing as well. There were so many good scenes in the latest one though.
especially got me.>>
>I'm going to ram the gate with Star Rose! >>
>>93259076 He just needs to suck some souma out of the Captain when he gets back>>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93259162 >>93259076 Nope. Just you wait, Izuru, Asagi and all the other Rabbits will get back just fine. They'll celebrate with Kei's cake and die from extreme hyperglycemia.>>
>>93258789 Nah, I agree that Asagi would have probably still lost, but we would have gotten more fancy swordplay out of him if the unit was at full power.>>
Is next week the last episode? >>
>>93258710 W-Why won't they give us Team Rabbits FULL BURST?>>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93259669 >>93259490 Seems so.>>93259564 I thought for a second that Asagi was about to FULL BURST last episode, but instead it was him parrying with the orange spirals. I always wondering if those would do anything besides look neat on the design.>>
>>93253201 Dobermans died like 3 episodes ago. The final battle started like 1 or 2 episodes after. What do you mean by "nothing happened"?>>
>>93259416 The amount of energy has nothing to do with how strong or agile their units are, its just how long they can function before needing to recharge.>>
>>93259669 That was definitely a glimpse of what Blue 1 could really do.
But it's just a tease, I don't think anyone else is going to Full Burst in the last episode. That preview had a pretty happy tone to it, so either it's going to be a happy ending or someone or everyone is going to die horrible deaths.>>
My wishlist didn't come true. >>
>>93259908 And Jiart was still curbstomping Asagi while he still had power left.>>
Jake the Cell
No. 93260139 >>93260055 JIARRRRRT! LAMATAAAAA!>bright flash >shot to Teoria with closed eyes >>
Jake the Backpack
No. 93260359 >>93260288 I really don't want Asagi to die because the loli would be completely devastated.>>
>>93260288 Japan wants people to fuck their imoutos.>>
>>93260095 >we will never give Asagi credit for putting up a fight against Jiart >hurr durr >>
>>93260525 But he didn't out up much of a fight he got his hand and arm chopped off. Jiart was literally toying with him the whole time if you weren't paying attention>>
>>93260525 Asagi is great and all, but he really didn't do anything. Jiart only got serious when Fighting Izuru. He even stated that in the episode.>>
>>93258789 "have them restock and refuel" nah, it pertains to more then just that, which does adversely affect their performance when their weapons are being fucked over by attrition too>>
>>93260665 Asagi should've just pulled out his sword right then and there before that team attack attempt.>>
>mfw only Izuru gets the glorious one on one fights while the other Rabbits are stuck in team fights to show off how cool they are Not being main character is suffering.>>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93261398 >>93260139 We'll have a mecha equivalent of Spinzaku.>>
>>93261064 restock and Refuel as in resupplying them with ammo for their weapons and getting more energy. That has nothing to do with the quality of Asagi's melee quality>>
>>93261419 >quality of asagi's melee quality I meant quality of Asagi's melee oops>>
>>93261419 Never said it did, don't make strawman arguments. I said the issue was more then just his unit being low on energy to move around, it affects his weapons, which does have a factor on his performance when he has to tell Kei to cut off the power from one of his AHSMBs limbs to be able to move around. You miss the point completely.>>
>>93261345 Technically Asagi helped Izuru fight Klein, but it was 95% Izuru vs Klein, then Asagi came and help once Klein was on the ground>>
>>93261614 Asagi was fighting with Izuru against Klein even before he was pinned to the ground.>>
>>93261563 How am I strawmaning? I was talking about Asagi and his fight with Jiart, which was pretty much a melee fight. Of course their ranged weapons will suffer, they were all low on ammo. the original argument was about Asagi being able to fight and do better against Jiart if he was at full power, not whether the Rabbits were suffering due to being low on ammo or fuel. The latter was obvious seeing how it was stated in the fucking episode.>>
>>93261750 Hardly. Izuru was fighting Klein while Asagi was fighting Kleins grunts. After fighting the grunts, Asagi goes to fight Klein with Izuru, then instantly gets his arm blasted off and brushed aside. Other than stabbing the fuck out of Klein at the end of the fight, Asagi didn't do anything to Klein.>>
>>93261795 It has to do with his ability to actual move Blue-1, which was my entire point which you missed utterly. When it gets to the point that he's at "residual" levels, then it factors in as a negative variable performance in a melee fight or any other type of fight with Jiart.>>
Pokémon Trainer
No. 93261922 >>93261345 Ange would have had a one on one with Dolgana if the latter didn't keep evading/fleeing. Though it's more than likely he would have lost without Chandra's help.>>
>>93261893 the agility and speed of Blue 1 was fine until it reached the residual levels. he obviously can't move blue 1 as much when in the residual levels, but he wasn't fighting Jiart while in residual levels. He fought Jiart while low on energy, but Blue 1 was moving as it always did, even while low on power until it reached said residual levels.
the whole point of the original argument was whether or not Asagi would be able to beat Jiart if he he was at full power, not whether or not the units suffer while being low on energy.>>
>>93261922 Ange did have a 1 on 1 against Dolgana though>>
>>93261795 Didn't Ange say that his unit feels "heavy"? I would assume that means units low on energy are sluggish. Not that the result would be any different.>>
>>93261893 I guess one of the problems with the series is how we don't get much information about the mechas outside of harmonic levels and energy levels. The show spends most of the time on character interactions and fights, but never anything specific outside of high harmonics -> awakening -> possible personality overwrite and that's it. This show would have been better off with more episodes for world building, at least in the technology department. You can't have everything I guess.>>
>>93262107 Only Ange complained about that. I'm not sure, everyone else seemed fine, even while low on energy. Even in earlier episodes, the ASHMB low on power felt the same as the normally would if they had more energy>>
>>93262247 This is true, there's a lot of thing that are still left unexplained.>>
>>93261864 Let's recap:>Izuru is struggling worse against Klein then his first proper fight with Jiart >His unit is more banged up and worse for wear then any other time in the war so far >Asagi dispatches the remainder of Klein's bodyguards and personal squad >At this point Klein has Izuru pinned on the ground and is about to blow him away and finish him off till Izuru BARELY at the last second manages to move away and needs Tamaki and Asagi to distract him so he can move away >Klein starts dueling Red-5 and Blue-1 at this point >Smacks off Blue-1's arms and shoulder cannon, breaks Red-5's blade, and punches him to stagger him >About to blow up Izuru again, Asagi timely intervenes to throw off his aim and hit Klein in the back You really are NOT giving Asagi the credit he deserves here, for saving Izuru's life twice in that fight.>>93262059 >the whole point of the original argument was whether or not Asagi would be able to beat Jiart if he he was at full power, not whether or not the units suffer while being low on energy. Except I was never talking about Asagi beating Jiart and you kept missing this. only that he was handicapped in that fight. Which is what you keep missing on and making the weird strawmans about. In fact looking back at the Izuru + Asagi vs Klein fight, Asagi says the same shit verbatim: "This is bad, at this rate I'm going to run out of energy....!" Its a big deal.>>
That still doesn't change the fact that Asagi barely fought Klein. Once again, you're not listening to my original argument. I never said anything about Asagi not being helpful to Izuru. I specifically stated that other than stabbing Klein, he didn't do anything else to him. Also I never made any odd strawmans though. you obviously aren't the same person I was originally arguing with. On top of that, Yeah, Asagi complains about being low on energy all the time but his unit functions normally until it reaches residual levels, as I just said. It's obvious if you just pay attention to the units while they're in action. running low on energy is OBVIOUSLY a big deal. >>
Uncle Jiart was very cool. >>
>>93262643 >barely fought Klein >keeps attacking him in intervals with Izuru in the moments required to take them down Your definition of "barely" fighting someone is not part of the normal English vernacular, I can tell you that much.>>
Anyone else think Lumes will end up helping out Teoria? His line about "so you're doing this out of your own free will" made me think he either likes her or really respects her role >>
>>93262736 but Asagi BARELY did fight Klein. Izuru did most of the righting. Do you have poor reading comprehension? As I said before, I never said Asagi wasn't useful. I just said he barely fought Klein.>>
>>93262838 And you are wrong, because most of Izuru's fighting with Klein prior to that point would be by definition, worthless like your so quick to dismiss Asagi's contribution. Izuru was getting his ass-kicked by Klein the entire time till Asagi showed up. So your harping on bullshit here.>>
>>93262898 >>93262898 Sorry that i'm not sucking up to asagi like you are, I don't praise things that don't need praise int he first palce. And Izuru's fight with Klein was hardly worthless.>Izuru was getting his ass-kicked That's funny seeing how it's false. Maybe you should re watch the episode and stop being retarded>>
>>93262898 Not to mention that I never stated anything about the quality of Izuru's fight with Klein, only the fact that he fought Klein the most.
and you call me the straw man?>>
>>93262996 I'm not sucking up to anything here, needing to get saved twice by any standard is not "not getting one's ass kicked", Izuru was doing worse against Klein then his first fight with Jiart. Put on a trip so I can filter you at least, if your going to be this obstinate and stupid.>>
Lumes looks like he follows Jiart but there's a sneaky vibe to him, almost like he really can't stand Jiart but pretends to be him right hand guy until Teoria comes back, we've not seen what his role really is aside from hacking and figuring out Teoria is on Earth >>
>>93263032 >subject is Asagi and Izuru's fight with Klein How is that a strawman, autist?>>
>There are people who want to ruin Izuru's purity >>
>>93263121 The subject is whether or not Izuru fought Klein the most. Not how well he did or whether or not his fight was worthless. The subject is their fight, but I'm not arguing about how they were fighting.
>>93263066 You mention that Izuru got saved twice but only gave one example. What was the other time? Also, seeing how every struggled against Klein, I fail to see your argument in that post of yours.
>Izuru was doing worse against Klein then his first fight with Jiart. That's bullshit seeing how he actually put up a fight this time. Maybe you should re watch his first fight with Jiart, then watch his fight with Klein and try saying that again.>>
>one more episode >no blue awakening >no red + onii chan vs jiart + onii sama >>
Why has Tamaki gotten so much more awesome lately?>>93263311 Anon, it was always really gonna be about Izuru and Jiart. >>
Yo, like for a second, I thought she was going to be like "everybody stop fighting" but it was more like "All of you need to run now because we're about to blast the living hell out of you" >>
>>93263427 Hey, at least Ange called him by his name.
>>93263305 >The subject is whether or not Izuru fought Klein the most No it wasn't, you autistic little shit. The subject was you or the other idiot claiming Asagi "barely did" anything in the fight against Klein since it was brought up. Not about how much Izuru fought Klein, but how important Asagi's involvement in that fight was.>You mention that Izuru got saved twice but only gave one example. What was the other time? Are you retarded? I mentioned both examples. He was pinned to the ground and was about to get blown up even when he struggled free by the timely arrival of Asagi and Tamaki hitting Klein from behind the first time. The second time was Klein punching and staggering Izuru's Red-5 and preparing to blow him up again until Asagi starting attacking him in the back, throwing off his aim and flying back once he got distracted from Izuru.>Also, seeing how every struggled against Klein, I fail to see your argument in that post of yours.
English? I'm not claiming anyone would've had an easier time against Klein then Izuru did. I said that Izuru was doing worse in that fight then his duel with Jiart in episode 8. Klein wasn't fucking around, he was fucking the shit out of Izuru, which showed how managled Izuru's AHSMB was. The fact that he nearly killed Izuru twice if not for Asagi twice having to save Izuru from his fatal energy or whatever attacks is indicative his performance was worse in this fight. So yes, in this example you need to actually open your eyes and rewatch the episode.>>
Why is blue so much better than red? >>
Fuck. Can't await for the new episode. >>
This needs a second season. >>
>>93263627 Son, I love Blue but I like it better when Red and Blue are fighting together.>>
>>93264101 Blue-1's design > Red-5's design those two are my favorites. I have a feeling Asagi will get to put down Dolgana.Still wish we got to see Asagi vs Lutiel. >>
>>93264203 He might fight with archer, possibly. He's fully resupplied and got a new arm, plus he's near the gate.>>
I am dead tired. Sadly, I believe this will be the first time I miss the airing of MJP together with /a/.
And now when all the stuff are being resolved as well. >>
>>93264787 It's okay, next week will be our last time together.>>
>no one mentions how the cowardly Chinese and Belo-Russians abandoned the GDF Fucking Easterners>>
>>93265095 They are being smart, Africa pretty much got annihilated because they stayed behind>>
Did Asagi duel wield katanas after getting his arm replacement? >>
Remember when 2 cour shows had Twenty SIX episodes? >>
>>93255148 >>93265243 That's what I thought too, but when there was a close shot of Blue, it was his standard weaponry equipped.>>
What was Asagi doing on the thing? Some kind of super sword slicing shield? >>
Are we going to see Wings of Light next episode? >>
Episode was great, this is probably the most excited I've been for a next episode Better be a 2nd season >>
>>93265915 The black doberman is alive.The others' corpses are floating through empty space for eternity. >>
>>93263509 >No it wasn't, you autistic little shit. The subject was you or the other idiot claiming Asagi "barely did" anything in the fight against Klein since it was brought up. Not about how much Izuru fought Klein, but how important Asagi's involvement in that fight was. But it was, and Asagi did barely fight Klein. Maybe you're not remembering the fight properly. Go watch it again and come back to me.>Are you retarded? I mentioned both examples. He was pinned to the ground and was about to get blown up even when he struggled free by the timely arrival of Asagi and Tamaki hitting Klein from behind the first time. The second time was Klein punching and staggering Izuru's Red-5 and preparing to blow him up again until Asagi starting attacking him in the back, throwing off his aim and flying back once he got distracted from Izuru. My memory may be a little hazy, but i'm fairly certain that they were both trading fists with each other equally. I'll re watch it.> I said that Izuru was doing worse in that fight then his duel with Jiart in episode 8. Klein wasn't fucking around, he was fucking the shit out of Izuru, which showed how managled Izuru's AHSMB was. If you actually think that Izuru did better against Jiart than he did Against Klein, you're completely delusional and need to have your brain checked. Watch the fights again. Izuru got stomped by Jiart in episode 8. While fighting Klein, he actually put up a fight.>>
>>93265619 Protecting the makeshift missile from energy beams>>
>>93256305 Izuru confirmed for friendzoning everyone harder than Ao.>>
>>93266180 I bet he's gonna go missing.
He'll return in the second season.
>>93266454 If it's even announced. apparently there's an event on the 11'th of november. We might hear about a potential season 2 then>>
>>93254956 Damn I love Red 5's design. I really hope Izuru Doesn't die.>>
>>93266270 I loved the way she shouted "Izuru!?" Once he got put on the field. She was so utterly surprised.>>
>>93266454 He won't be able to beat Klein, so he'll push him through the gate instead before Star Rose crashes into it.Second season will reveal that he conquered the Wulgaru on the other side and became the new king. >>
>>93266611 >>93266640 I can't see Izuru beating Jiart either. Izuru has gotten better since episode 14, but I don't think it's so much better that he could end up beating Jiart 1 v 1, even with full burst.>>
>>93266640 Whoops. I meant Jiart. To be honest, I don't really know the Wulgaru names that well.>>93266730 In all seriousness, I can't see Izuru and Jiart's battle ending in just a 1 v 1. With Jiart's subordinate coming in, the other rabbits will probably come to support Izuru. And there's still the Emperor who hasn't shown up on the field himself. Though he could be saved for a second season.>>
>>93266800 >With Jiart's subordinate coming in, the other rabbits will probably come to support Izuru. I don't really think that would happen either. The rabbits are needed all over the field. I don't think they will all be able to help Izuru fight Jiart. Ange is busy fighting Dongala, Asagi and the others may have to fight elsewhere. If I had to guess, Teoria and maybe Daneel would help Izuru fight against Jiart seeing how they aren't doing anything at the moment.>>
>>93266800 Klein ht the ltitle guy with the purple mech that died Raba was the green one Dongala is the red one Lutia was the yellow one Lumes is the orange one>>
>>93267806 Yeah, my bad. Guess I don't have their names down either.>>
>>93266042 He's Indian you dunce. That's why his name is Dunka-Dunka.>>
Who has better tits Lutiel or Rika >>
So again, who will mark Asagi as their lamata? Dolgana or Lumes? >>
>>93270197 I don't think he's supposed to be ambiguously brown, I think he's supposed to be Indian. Isn't his name Chandra? And his fiancee looked pretty Indian to me.>>
Friendly reminder that Simon's surname is Gato. >>
>>93269906 Whichever one isn't dead. Rin-Rin still wins either way.>>
>>93270561 Even your mother thinks you have shit taste.>>
>>93270499 >Rin-Rin She's nice and all. But not best.>>
>>93270592 My mother is Teoria and MILF Tits > Slut Tits>>
>>93270652 Wow even Teoria thinks you have shit taste.>>
>>93270803 She saved his life by doing that, even if it wasn't her intent. She did it to be a caring waifu, and ended up saving him in the process.>>
Izuru prefers Rin-Rin over Kei-Kei >>
>>93270745 I'm thinking only Izuru, Jiart, and Simon will die. And maybe Jiart's brother and the general who blew up the laser, but who cares about them.>>
>>93270976 Don't you talk about Izuru and Asagi's mother like that you slut!>>
>>93271185 Kei doesn't have a mom. I can totally see it being Simon being a manslut between Teoria and Rin to have Asagi and Izuru. But Kei? She probably has more chances eating out Amane's pussy then being Rin's daughteru.>>
>>93271147 If anything, I would say that RinRin is Kei's mothrr.>>
>>93271240 >She probably has more chances eating out Amane's pussy then being Rin's daughteru Nope>>
>>93271240 >both Rin Rin and Kei have massive sweet tooth's >Rin Rin fucking loves lollypops >Kei's is so bad she can't tell when something is too sweet >Kei fucking loves cakes Connect the dots man.>>
>>93271327 >>93271252 >>93271185 Rin has even had a personal talk or connection with Kei. Aside from Izuru, she's closet to Asagi out of all the Rabbits.>>
>>93271364 Well I guess. But it's never her that initiates them. Asagi is always asking her shit>>
>>93271345 >genetic engineering can ratchet up a sweet tooth gene to Kei's level Science is truly a wonderful and terrible thing.>>
>>93271419 >both natural blondes >same eye colour I don't know man.>>
>>93271588 Kei's hair is more. Rown than is it blonde. Are you color blind?>>
>>93270383 >Simon Gato >dies ramming Star Rose into gate >Anavel Gato >dies ramming Neue Ziel into a Magellan-class battleship I sense a pattern in the Gatos here.>>
>>93271931 What if those JAV actresses...really were Rika, Amane, Rin, and Doctor chan? >>
Check out the site's new top page: >>
can someone please link me to the manga? >>
Will you cry if Uncle Jiart dies? >>
>we will never get to see high sync ratio Asagi using Blue-1's burst mode >>
What if MJP was a slice of life like this instead? >>
What if MJP was a slice of life BL instead? >>
>>93273767 I wouldn't. He may be moe, but I wouldn't want to ruin his purity. Look, but don't touch.>>
> .php?mode=medium&illust_id=38307208 So many Keis to choose from>>
> mode=s_tag_full&word=MJP100users%E5 %85%A5%E3%82%8A If you want the best of the MJP pixiv stuff>>
>>93274854 Is that an honest question? Of course I would.>>
There are a lot of Keifags on Pixiv >>
What does /a/ think about Purple 2? >>
>>93275092 All that cake goes straight to Kei's butt-
+ yotsuba
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