
ASNAS2497 Internet Initiative Japan Inc.
Location Japan
Report completed2013-09-07 21:48:47 CET
StatusLoading report..
urlQuery Alerts No alerts detected


UserAgentMozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20101203 Firefox/3.6.13
Adobe Reader8.0

Intrusion Detection Systems

Suricata /w Emerging Threats Pro No alerts detected
Snort /w Sourcefire VRT No alerts detected

Recent reports on same IP/ASN/Domain

Last 4 reports on IP:

Date Alerts / IDS URL IP
2013-09-07 21:06:430 / 0http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/diary/archives/809.html119.82.26.130
2013-09-07 20:57:430 / 0http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/
2013-09-07 20:54:570 / 0http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/buy-levitra-professional-20mg.html119.82.26.130
2013-09-07 20:50:350 / 0http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/

Last 6 reports on ASN: AS2497 Internet Initiative Japan Inc.

Date Alerts / IDS URL IP
2012-10-27 14:42:590 / 1http://mikachan.sourceforge.jp/
2012-11-08 01:30:230 / 1http://www.jaish.gr.jp/
2012-11-08 23:11:330 / 0http://theloveshackpack.com210.148.55.66
2012-11-11 06:36:410 / 2http://zai.money.jp.msn.com202.238.151.24
2012-11-11 06:37:100 / 3http://ozmall.jp.msn.com202.32.37.148
2012-11-11 06:40:100 / 0http://card.jp.msn.com/


Executed Scripts (7)

Executed Evals (2)

#1 JavaScript::Eval (size: 6583, repeated: 1)

if (typeof deconcept == "undefined") {
    var deconcept = new Object()
if (typeof deconcept.util == "undefined") {
    deconcept.util = new Object()
if (typeof deconcept.SWFObjectUtil == "undefined") {
    deconcept.SWFObjectUtil = new Object()
deconcept.SWFObject = function(_1, id, w, h, _5, c, _7, _8, _9, _a) {
    if (!document.getElementById) {
    this.DETECT_KEY = _a ? _a : "detectflash";
    this.skipDetect = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter(this.DETECT_KEY);
    this.params = new Object();
    this.variables = new Object();
    this.attributes = new Array();
    if (_1) {
        this.setAttribute("swf", _1)
    if (id) {
        this.setAttribute("id", id)
    if (w) {
        this.setAttribute("width", w)
    if (h) {
        this.setAttribute("height", h)
    if (_5) {
        this.setAttribute("version", new deconcept.PlayerVersion(_5.toString().split(".")))
    this.installedVer = deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion();
    if (!window.opera && document.all && this.installedVer.major > 7) {
        deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload = true
    if (c) {
        this.addParam("bgcolor", c)
    var q = _7 ? _7 : "high";
    this.addParam("quality", q);
    this.setAttribute("useExpressInstall", false);
    this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall", false);
    var _c = (_8) ? _8 : window.location;
    this.setAttribute("xiRedirectUrl", _c);
    this.setAttribute("redirectUrl", "");
    if (_9) {
        this.setAttribute("redirectUrl", _9)
deconcept.SWFObject.prototype = {
    useExpressInstall: function(_d) {
        this.xiSWFPath = !_d ? "expressinstall.swf" : _d;
        this.setAttribute("useExpressInstall", true)
    setAttribute: function(_e, _f) {
        this.attributes[_e] = _f
    getAttribute: function(_10) {
        return this.attributes[_10]
    addParam: function(_11, _12) {
        this.params[_11] = _12
    getParams: function() {
        return this.params
    addVariable: function(_13, _14) {
        this.variables[_13] = _14
    getVariable: function(_15) {
        return this.variables[_15]
    getVariables: function() {
        return this.variables
    getVariablePairs: function() {
        var _16 = new Array();
        var key;
        var _18 = this.getVariables();
        for (key in _18) {
            _16[_16.length] = key + "=" + _18[key]
        return _16
    getSWFHTML: function() {
        var _19 = "";
        if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
            if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
                this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "PlugIn");
                this.setAttribute("swf", this.xiSWFPath)
            _19 = "<embed type=\"application/x-shockwave-flash\" src=\"" + this.getAttribute("swf") + "\" width=\"" + this.getAttribute("width") + "\" height=\"" + this.getAttribute("height") + "\" style=\"" + this.getAttribute("style") + "\"";
            _19 += " id=\"" + this.getAttribute("id") + "\" name=\"" + this.getAttribute("id") + "\" ";
            var _1a = this.getParams();
            for (var key in _1a) {
                _19 += [key] + "=\"" + _1a[key] + "\" "
            var _1c = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
            if (_1c.length > 0) {
                _19 += "flashvars=\"" + _1c + "\""
            _19 += "/>"
        } else {
            if (this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall")) {
                this.addVariable("MMplayerType", "ActiveX");
                this.setAttribute("swf", this.xiSWFPath)
            _19 = "<object id=\"" + this.getAttribute("id") + "\" classid=\"clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000\" width=\"" + this.getAttribute("width") + "\" height=\"" + this.getAttribute("height") + "\" style=\"" + this.getAttribute("style") + "\">";
            _19 += "<param name=\"movie\" value=\"" + this.getAttribute("swf") + "\" />";
            var _1d = this.getParams();
            for (var key in _1d) {
                _19 += "<param name=\"" + key + "\" value=\"" + _1d[key] + "\" />"
            var _1f = this.getVariablePairs().join("&");
            if (_1f.length > 0) {
                _19 += "<param name=\"flashvars\" value=\"" + _1f + "\" />"
            _19 += "</object>"
        return _19
    write: function(_20) {
        if (this.getAttribute("useExpressInstall")) {
            var _21 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6, 0, 65]);
            if (this.installedVer.versionIsValid(_21) && !this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))) {
                this.setAttribute("doExpressInstall", true);
                this.addVariable("MMredirectURL", escape(this.getAttribute("xiRedirectUrl")));
                document.title = document.title.slice(0, 47) + " - Flash Player Installation";
                this.addVariable("MMdoctitle", document.title)
        if (this.skipDetect || this.getAttribute("doExpressInstall") || this.installedVer.versionIsValid(this.getAttribute("version"))) {
            var n = (typeof _20 == "string") ? document.getElementById(_20) : _20;
            n.innerHTML = this.getSWFHTML();
            return true
        } else {
            if (this.getAttribute("redirectUrl") != "") {
        return false
deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.getPlayerVersion = function() {
    var _23 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([0, 0, 0]);
    if (navigator.plugins && navigator.mimeTypes.length) {
        var x = navigator.plugins["Shockwave Flash"];
        if (x && x.description) {
            _23 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion(x.description.replace(/([a-zA-Z]|\s)+/, "").replace(/(\s+r|\s+b[0-9]+)/, ".").split("."))
    } else {
        if (navigator.userAgent && navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows CE") >= 0) {
            var axo = 1;
            var _26 = 3;
            while (axo) {
                try {
                    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash." + _26);
                    _23 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([_26, 0, 0])
                } catch (e) {
                    axo = null
        } else {
            try {
                var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.7")
            } catch (e) {
                try {
                    var axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash.6");
                    _23 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion([6, 0, 21]);
                    axo.AllowScriptAccess = "always"
                } catch (e) {
                    if (_23.major == 6) {
                        return _23
                try {
                    axo = new ActiveXObject("ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash")
                } catch (e) {}
            if (axo != null) {
                _23 = new deconcept.PlayerVersion(axo.GetVariable("$version").split(" ")[1].split(","))
    return _23
deconcept.PlayerVersion = function(_29) {
    this.major = _29[0] != null ? parseInt(_29[0]) : 0;
    this.minor = _29[1] != null ? parseInt(_29[1]) : 0;
    this.rev = _29[2] != null ? parseInt(_29[2]) : 0
deconcept.PlayerVersion.prototype.versionIsValid = function(fv) {
    if (this.major < fv.major) {
        return false
    if (this.major > fv.major) {
        return true
    if (this.minor < fv.minor) {
        return false
    if (this.minor > fv.minor) {
        return true
    if (this.rev < fv.rev) {
        return false
    return true
deconcept.util = {
    getRequestParameter: function(_2b) {
        var q = document.location.search || document.location.hash;
        if (_2b == null) {
            return q
        if (q) {
            var _2d = q.substring(1).split("&");
            for (var i = 0; i < _2d.length; i++) {
                if (_2d[i].substring(0, _2d[i].indexOf("=")) == _2b) {
                    return _2d[i].substring((_2d[i].indexOf("=") + 1))
        return ""
deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs = function() {
    var _2f = document.getElementsByTagName("OBJECT");
    for (var i = _2f.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        _2f[i].style.display = "none";
        for (var x in _2f[i]) {
            if (typeof _2f[i][x] == "function") {
                _2f[i][x] = function() {}
if (deconcept.SWFObject.doPrepUnload) {
    if (!deconcept.unloadSet) {
        deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload = function() {
            __flash_unloadHandler = function() {};
            __flash_savedUnloadHandler = function() {};
            window.attachEvent("onunload", deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.cleanupSWFs)
        window.attachEvent("onbeforeunload", deconcept.SWFObjectUtil.prepUnload);
        deconcept.unloadSet = true
if (!document.getElementById && document.all) {
    document.getElementById = function(id) {
        return document.all[id]
var getQueryParamValue = deconcept.util.getRequestParameter;
var FlashObject = deconcept.SWFObject;
var SWFObject = deconcept.SWFObject;

#2 JavaScript::Eval (size: 73632, repeated: 1)

var MooTools = {
    version: '1.11'

function $defined(obj) {
    return (obj != undefined)

function $type(obj) {
    if (!$defined(obj)) return false;
    if (obj.htmlElement) return 'element';
    var type = typeof obj;
    if (type == 'object' && obj.nodeName) {
        switch (obj.nodeType) {
        case 1:
            return 'element';
        case 3:
            return (/\S/).test(obj.nodeValue) ? 'textnode' : 'whitespace'
    if (type == 'object' || type == 'function') {
        switch (obj.constructor) {
        case Array:
            return 'array';
        case RegExp:
            return 'regexp';
        case Class:
            return 'class'
        if (typeof obj.length == 'number') {
            if (obj.item) return 'collection';
            if (obj.callee) return 'arguments'
    return type

function $merge() {
    var mix = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
        for (var property in arguments[i]) {
            var ap = arguments[i][property];
            var mp = mix[property];
            if (mp && $type(ap) == 'object' && $type(mp) == 'object') mix[property] = $merge(mp, ap);
            else mix[property] = ap
    return mix
var $extend = function() {
        var args = arguments;
        if (!args[1]) args = [this, args[0]];
        for (var property in args[1]) args[0][property] = args[1][property];
        return args[0]
var $native = function() {
        for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
            arguments[i].extend = function(props) {
                for (var prop in props) {
                    if (!this.prototype[prop]) this.prototype[prop] = props[prop];
                    if (!this[prop]) this[prop] = $native.generic(prop)
$native.generic = function(prop) {
    return function(bind) {
        return this.prototype[prop].apply(bind, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1))
$native(Function, Array, String, Number);

function $chk(obj) {
    return !!(obj || obj === 0)

function $pick(obj, picked) {
    return $defined(obj) ? obj : picked

function $random(min, max) {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1) + min)

function $time() {
    return new Date().getTime()

function $clear(timer) {
    return null
var Abstract = function(obj) {
        obj = obj || {};
        obj.extend = $extend;
        return obj
var Window = new Abstract(window);
var Document = new Abstract(document);
document.head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
window.xpath = !! (document.evaluate);
if (window.ActiveXObject) window.ie = window[window.XMLHttpRequest ? 'ie7' : 'ie6'] = true;
else if (document.childNodes && !document.all && !navigator.taintEnabled) window.webkit = window[window.xpath ? 'webkit420' : 'webkit419'] = true;
else if (document.getBoxObjectFor != null) window.gecko = true;
window.khtml = window.webkit;
Object.extend = $extend;
if (typeof HTMLElement == 'undefined') {
    var HTMLElement = function() {};
    if (window.webkit) document.createElement("iframe");
    HTMLElement.prototype = (window.webkit) ? window["[[DOMElement.prototype]]"] : {}
HTMLElement.prototype.htmlElement = function() {};
if (window.ie6) try {
    document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)
} catch (e) {};
var Class = function(properties) {
        var klass = function() {
                return (arguments[0] !== null && this.initialize && $type(this.initialize) == 'function') ? this.initialize.apply(this, arguments) : this
        $extend(klass, this);
        klass.prototype = properties;
        klass.constructor = Class;
        return klass
Class.empty = function() {};
Class.prototype = {
    extend: function(properties) {
        var proto = new this(null);
        for (var property in properties) {
            var pp = proto[property];
            proto[property] = Class.Merge(pp, properties[property])
        return new Class(proto)
    implement: function() {
        for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) $extend(this.prototype, arguments[i])
Class.Merge = function(previous, current) {
    if (previous && previous != current) {
        var type = $type(current);
        if (type != $type(previous)) return current;
        switch (type) {
        case 'function':
            var merged = function() {
                    this.parent = arguments.callee.parent;
                    return current.apply(this, arguments)
            merged.parent = previous;
            return merged;
        case 'object':
            return $merge(previous, current)
    return current
var Chain = new Class({
    chain: function(fn) {
        this.chains = this.chains || [];
        return this
    callChain: function() {
        if (this.chains && this.chains.length) this.chains.shift().delay(10, this)
    clearChain: function() {
        this.chains = []
var Events = new Class({
    addEvent: function(type, fn) {
        if (fn != Class.empty) {
            this.$events = this.$events || {};
            this.$events[type] = this.$events[type] || [];
        return this
    fireEvent: function(type, args, delay) {
        if (this.$events && this.$events[type]) {
            this.$events[type].each(function(fn) {
                    'bind': this,
                    'delay': delay,
                    'arguments': args
            }, this)
        return this
    removeEvent: function(type, fn) {
        if (this.$events && this.$events[type]) this.$events[type].remove(fn);
        return this
var Options = new Class({
    setOptions: function() {
        this.options = $merge.apply(null, [this.options].extend(arguments));
        if (this.addEvent) {
            for (var option in this.options) {
                if ($type(this.options[option] == 'function') && (/^on[A-Z]/).test(option)) this.addEvent(option, this.options[option])
        return this
    forEach: function(fn, bind) {
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)
    filter: function(fn, bind) {
        var results = [];
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) results.push(this[i])
        return results
    map: function(fn, bind) {
        var results = [];
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) results[i] = fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this);
        return results
    every: function(fn, bind) {
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (!fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return false
        return true
    some: function(fn, bind) {
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length; i < j; i++) {
            if (fn.call(bind, this[i], i, this)) return true
        return false
    indexOf: function(item, from) {
        var len = this.length;
        for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, len + from) : from || 0; i < len; i++) {
            if (this[i] === item) return i
        return -1
    copy: function(start, length) {
        start = start || 0;
        if (start < 0) start = this.length + start;
        length = length || (this.length - start);
        var newArray = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) newArray[i] = this[start++];
        return newArray
    remove: function(item) {
        var i = 0;
        var len = this.length;
        while (i < len) {
            if (this[i] === item) {
                this.splice(i, 1);
            } else {
        return this
    contains: function(item, from) {
        return this.indexOf(item, from) != -1
    associate: function(keys) {
        var obj = {},
            length = Math.min(this.length, keys.length);
        for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) obj[keys[i]] = this[i];
        return obj
    extend: function(array) {
        for (var i = 0, j = array.length; i < j; i++) this.push(array[i]);
        return this
    merge: function(array) {
        for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) this.include(array[i]);
        return this
    include: function(item) {
        if (!this.contains(item)) this.push(item);
        return this
    getRandom: function() {
        return this[$random(0, this.length - 1)] || null
    getLast: function() {
        return this[this.length - 1] || null
Array.prototype.each = Array.prototype.forEach;
Array.each = Array.forEach;

function $A(array) {
    return Array.copy(array)

function $each(iterable, fn, bind) {
    if (iterable && typeof iterable.length == 'number' && $type(iterable) != 'object') {
        Array.forEach(iterable, fn, bind)
    } else {
        for (var name in iterable) fn.call(bind || iterable, iterable[name], name)
Array.prototype.test = Array.prototype.contains;
    test: function(regex, params) {
        return (($type(regex) == 'string') ? new RegExp(regex, params) : regex).test(this)
    toInt: function() {
        return parseInt(this, 10)
    toFloat: function() {
        return parseFloat(this)
    camelCase: function() {
        return this.replace(/-\D/g, function(match) {
            return match.charAt(1).toUpperCase()
    hyphenate: function() {
        return this.replace(/\w[A-Z]/g, function(match) {
            return (match.charAt(0) + '-' + match.charAt(1).toLowerCase())
    capitalize: function() {
        return this.replace(/\b[a-z]/g, function(match) {
            return match.toUpperCase()
    trim: function() {
        return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '')
    clean: function() {
        return this.replace(/\s{2,}/g, ' ').trim()
    rgbToHex: function(array) {
        var rgb = this.match(/\d{1,3}/g);
        return (rgb) ? rgb.rgbToHex(array) : false
    hexToRgb: function(array) {
        var hex = this.match(/^#?(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})(\w{1,2})$/);
        return (hex) ? hex.slice(1).hexToRgb(array) : false
    contains: function(string, s) {
        return (s) ? (s + this + s).indexOf(s + string + s) > -1 : this.indexOf(string) > -1
    escapeRegExp: function() {
        return this.replace(/([.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, '\\$1')
    rgbToHex: function(array) {
        if (this.length < 3) return false;
        if (this.length == 4 && this[3] == 0 && !array) return 'transparent';
        var hex = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            var bit = (this[i] - 0).toString(16);
            hex.push((bit.length == 1) ? '0' + bit : bit)
        return array ? hex : '#' + hex.join('')
    hexToRgb: function(array) {
        if (this.length != 3) return false;
        var rgb = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            rgb.push(parseInt((this[i].length == 1) ? this[i] + this[i] : this[i], 16))
        return array ? rgb : 'rgb(' + rgb.join(',') + ')'
    create: function(options) {
        var fn = this;
        options = $merge({
            'bind': fn,
            'event': false,
            'arguments': null,
            'delay': false,
            'periodical': false,
            'attempt': false
        }, options);
        if ($chk(options.arguments) && $type(options.arguments) != 'array') options.arguments = [options.arguments];
        return function(event) {
            var args;
            if (options.event) {
                event = event || window.event;
                args = [(options.event === true) ? event : new options.event(event)];
                if (options.arguments) args.extend(options.arguments)
            } else args = options.arguments || arguments;
            var returns = function() {
                    return fn.apply($pick(options.bind, fn), args)
            if (options.delay) return setTimeout(returns, options.delay);
            if (options.periodical) return setInterval(returns, options.periodical);
            if (options.attempt) try {
                return returns()
            } catch (err) {
                return false
            return returns()
    pass: function(args, bind) {
        return this.create({
            'arguments': args,
            'bind': bind
    attempt: function(args, bind) {
        return this.create({
            'arguments': args,
            'bind': bind,
            'attempt': true
    bind: function(bind, args) {
        return this.create({
            'bind': bind,
            'arguments': args
    bindAsEventListener: function(bind, args) {
        return this.create({
            'bind': bind,
            'event': true,
            'arguments': args
    delay: function(delay, bind, args) {
        return this.create({
            'delay': delay,
            'bind': bind,
            'arguments': args
    periodical: function(interval, bind, args) {
        return this.create({
            'periodical': interval,
            'bind': bind,
            'arguments': args
    toInt: function() {
        return parseInt(this)
    toFloat: function() {
        return parseFloat(this)
    limit: function(min, max) {
        return Math.min(max, Math.max(min, this))
    round: function(precision) {
        precision = Math.pow(10, precision || 0);
        return Math.round(this * precision) / precision
    times: function(fn) {
        for (var i = 0; i < this; i++) fn(i)
var Element = new Class({
    initialize: function(el, props) {
        if ($type(el) == 'string') {
            if (window.ie && props && (props.name || props.type)) {
                var name = (props.name) ? ' name="' + props.name + '"' : '';
                var type = (props.type) ? ' type="' + props.type + '"' : '';
                delete props.name;
                delete props.type;
                el = '<' + el + name + type + '>'
            el = document.createElement(el)
        el = $(el);
        return (!props || !el) ? el : el.set(props)
var Elements = new Class({
    initialize: function(elements) {
        return (elements) ? $extend(elements, this) : this
Elements.extend = function(props) {
    for (var prop in props) {
        this.prototype[prop] = props[prop];
        this[prop] = $native.generic(prop)

function $(el) {
    if (!el) return null;
    if (el.htmlElement) return Garbage.collect(el);
    if ([window, document].contains(el)) return el;
    var type = $type(el);
    if (type == 'string') {
        el = document.getElementById(el);
        type = (el) ? 'element' : false
    if (type != 'element') return null;
    if (el.htmlElement) return Garbage.collect(el);
    if (['object', 'embed'].contains(el.tagName.toLowerCase())) return el;
    $extend(el, Element.prototype);
    el.htmlElement = function() {};
    return Garbage.collect(el)
document.getElementsBySelector = document.getElementsByTagName;

function $$() {
    var elements = [];
    for (var i = 0, j = arguments.length; i < j; i++) {
        var selector = arguments[i];
        switch ($type(selector)) {
        case 'element':
        case 'boolean':
        case false:
        case 'string':
            selector = document.getElementsBySelector(selector, true);
    return $$.unique(elements)
$$.unique = function(array) {
    var elements = [];
    for (var i = 0, l = array.length; i < l; i++) {
        if (array[i].$included) continue;
        var element = $(array[i]);
        if (element && !element.$included) {
            element.$included = true;
    for (var n = 0, d = elements.length; n < d; n++) elements[n].$included = null;
    return new Elements(elements)
Elements.Multi = function(property) {
    return function() {
        var args = arguments;
        var items = [];
        var elements = true;
        for (var i = 0, j = this.length, returns; i < j; i++) {
            returns = this[i][property].apply(this[i], args);
            if ($type(returns) != 'element') elements = false;
        return (elements) ? $$.unique(items) : items
Element.extend = function(properties) {
    for (var property in properties) {
        HTMLElement.prototype[property] = properties[property];
        Element.prototype[property] = properties[property];
        Element[property] = $native.generic(property);
        var elementsProperty = (Array.prototype[property]) ? property + 'Elements' : property;
        Elements.prototype[elementsProperty] = Elements.Multi(property)
    set: function(props) {
        for (var prop in props) {
            var val = props[prop];
            switch (prop) {
            case 'styles':
            case 'events':
                if (this.addEvents) this.addEvents(val);
            case 'properties':
                this.setProperty(prop, val)
        return this
    inject: function(el, where) {
        el = $(el);
        switch (where) {
        case 'before':
            el.parentNode.insertBefore(this, el);
        case 'after':
            var next = el.getNext();
            if (!next) el.parentNode.appendChild(this);
            else el.parentNode.insertBefore(this, next);
        case 'top':
            var first = el.firstChild;
            if (first) {
                el.insertBefore(this, first);
        return this
    injectBefore: function(el) {
        return this.inject(el, 'before')
    injectAfter: function(el) {
        return this.inject(el, 'after')
    injectInside: function(el) {
        return this.inject(el, 'bottom')
    injectTop: function(el) {
        return this.inject(el, 'top')
    adopt: function() {
        var elements = [];
        $each(arguments, function(argument) {
            elements = elements.concat(argument)
        return this
    remove: function() {
        return this.parentNode.removeChild(this)
    clone: function(contents) {
        var el = $(this.cloneNode(contents !== false));
        if (!el.$events) return el;
        el.$events = {};
        for (var type in this.$events) el.$events[type] = {
            'keys': $A(this.$events[type].keys),
            'values': $A(this.$events[type].values)
        return el.removeEvents()
    replaceWith: function(el) {
        el = $(el);
        this.parentNode.replaceChild(el, this);
        return el
    appendText: function(text) {
        return this
    hasClass: function(className) {
        return this.className.contains(className, ' ')
    addClass: function(className) {
        if (!this.hasClass(className)) this.className = (this.className + ' ' + className).clean();
        return this
    removeClass: function(className) {
        this.className = this.className.replace(new RegExp('(^|\\s)' + className + '(?:\\s|$)'), '$1').clean();
        return this
    toggleClass: function(className) {
        return this.hasClass(className) ? this.removeClass(className) : this.addClass(className)
    setStyle: function(property, value) {
        switch (property) {
        case 'opacity':
            return this.setOpacity(parseFloat(value));
        case 'float':
            property = (window.ie) ? 'styleFloat' : 'cssFloat'
        property = property.camelCase();
        switch ($type(value)) {
        case 'number':
            if (!['zIndex', 'zoom'].contains(property)) value += 'px';
        case 'array':
            value = 'rgb(' + value.join(',') + ')'
        this.style[property] = value;
        return this
    setStyles: function(source) {
        switch ($type(source)) {
        case 'object':
            Element.setMany(this, 'setStyle', source);
        case 'string':
            this.style.cssText = source
        return this
    setOpacity: function(opacity) {
        if (opacity == 0) {
            if (this.style.visibility != "hidden") this.style.visibility = "hidden"
        } else {
            if (this.style.visibility != "visible") this.style.visibility = "visible"
        if (!this.currentStyle || !this.currentStyle.hasLayout) this.style.zoom = 1;
        if (window.ie) this.style.filter = (opacity == 1) ? '' : "alpha(opacity=" + opacity * 100 + ")";
        this.style.opacity = this.$tmp.opacity = opacity;
        return this
    getStyle: function(property) {
        property = property.camelCase();
        var result = this.style[property];
        if (!$chk(result)) {
            if (property == 'opacity') return this.$tmp.opacity;
            result = [];
            for (var style in Element.Styles) {
                if (property == style) {
                    Element.Styles[style].each(function(s) {
                        var style = this.getStyle(s);
                        result.push(parseInt(style) ? style : '0px')
                    }, this);
                    if (property == 'border') {
                        var every = result.every(function(bit) {
                            return (bit == result[0])
                        return (every) ? result[0] : false
                    return result.join(' ')
            if (property.contains('border')) {
                if (Element.Styles.border.contains(property)) {
                    return ['Width', 'Style', 'Color'].map(function(p) {
                        return this.getStyle(property + p)
                    }, this).join(' ')
                } else if (Element.borderShort.contains(property)) {
                    return ['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'].map(function(p) {
                        return this.getStyle('border' + p + property.replace('border', ''))
                    }, this).join(' ')
            if (document.defaultView) result = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(property.hyphenate());
            else if (this.currentStyle) result = this.currentStyle[property]
        if (window.ie) result = Element.fixStyle(property, result, this);
        if (result && property.test(/color/i) && result.contains('rgb')) {
            return result.split('rgb').splice(1, 4).map(function(color) {
                return color.rgbToHex()
            }).join(' ')
        return result
    getStyles: function() {
        return Element.getMany(this, 'getStyle', arguments)
    walk: function(brother, start) {
        brother += 'Sibling';
        var el = (start) ? this[start] : this[brother];
        while (el && $type(el) != 'element') el = el[brother];
        return $(el)
    getPrevious: function() {
        return this.walk('previous')
    getNext: function() {
        return this.walk('next')
    getFirst: function() {
        return this.walk('next', 'firstChild')
    getLast: function() {
        return this.walk('previous', 'lastChild')
    getParent: function() {
        return $(this.parentNode)
    getChildren: function() {
        return $$(this.childNodes)
    hasChild: function(el) {
        return !!$A(this.getElementsByTagName('*')).contains(el)
    getProperty: function(property) {
        var index = Element.Properties[property];
        if (index) return this[index];
        var flag = Element.PropertiesIFlag[property] || 0;
        if (!window.ie || flag) return this.getAttribute(property, flag);
        var node = this.attributes[property];
        return (node) ? node.nodeValue : null
    removeProperty: function(property) {
        var index = Element.Properties[property];
        if (index) this[index] = '';
        else this.removeAttribute(property);
        return this
    getProperties: function() {
        return Element.getMany(this, 'getProperty', arguments)
    setProperty: function(property, value) {
        var index = Element.Properties[property];
        if (index) this[index] = value;
        else this.setAttribute(property, value);
        return this
    setProperties: function(source) {
        return Element.setMany(this, 'setProperty', source)
    setHTML: function() {
        this.innerHTML = $A(arguments).join('');
        return this
    setText: function(text) {
        var tag = this.getTag();
        if (['style', 'script'].contains(tag)) {
            if (window.ie) {
                if (tag == 'style') this.styleSheet.cssText = text;
                else if (tag == 'script') this.setProperty('text', text);
                return this
            } else {
                return this.appendText(text)
        this[$defined(this.innerText) ? 'innerText' : 'textContent'] = text;
        return this
    getText: function() {
        var tag = this.getTag();
        if (['style', 'script'].contains(tag)) {
            if (window.ie) {
                if (tag == 'style') return this.styleSheet.cssText;
                else if (tag == 'script') return this.getProperty('text')
            } else {
                return this.innerHTML
        return ($pick(this.innerText, this.textContent))
    getTag: function() {
        return this.tagName.toLowerCase()
    empty: function() {
        return this.setHTML('')
Element.fixStyle = function(property, result, element) {
    if ($chk(parseInt(result))) return result;
    if (['height', 'width'].contains(property)) {
        var values = (property == 'width') ? ['left', 'right'] : ['top', 'bottom'];
        var size = 0;
        values.each(function(value) {
            size += element.getStyle('border-' + value + '-width').toInt() + element.getStyle('padding-' + value).toInt()
        return element['offset' + property.capitalize()] - size + 'px'
    } else if (property.test(/border(.+)Width|margin|padding/)) {
        return '0px'
    return result
Element.Styles = {
    'border': [],
    'padding': [],
    'margin': []
['Top', 'Right', 'Bottom', 'Left'].each(function(direction) {
    for (var style in Element.Styles) Element.Styles[style].push(style + direction)
Element.borderShort = ['borderWidth', 'borderStyle', 'borderColor'];
Element.getMany = function(el, method, keys) {
    var result = {};
    $each(keys, function(key) {
        result[key] = el[method](key)
    return result
Element.setMany = function(el, method, pairs) {
    for (var key in pairs) el[method](key, pairs[key]);
    return el
Element.Properties = new Abstract({
    'class': 'className',
    'for': 'htmlFor',
    'colspan': 'colSpan',
    'rowspan': 'rowSpan',
    'accesskey': 'accessKey',
    'tabindex': 'tabIndex',
    'maxlength': 'maxLength',
    'readonly': 'readOnly',
    'frameborder': 'frameBorder',
    'value': 'value',
    'disabled': 'disabled',
    'checked': 'checked',
    'multiple': 'multiple',
    'selected': 'selected'
Element.PropertiesIFlag = {
    'href': 2,
    'src': 2
Element.Methods = {
    Listeners: {
        addListener: function(type, fn) {
            if (this.addEventListener) this.addEventListener(type, fn, false);
            else this.attachEvent('on' + type, fn);
            return this
        removeListener: function(type, fn) {
            if (this.removeEventListener) this.removeEventListener(type, fn, false);
            else this.detachEvent('on' + type, fn);
            return this
var Garbage = {
    elements: [],
    collect: function(el) {
        if (!el.$tmp) {
            el.$tmp = {
                'opacity': 1
        return el
    trash: function(elements) {
        for (var i = 0, j = elements.length, el; i < j; i++) {
            if (!(el = elements[i]) || !el.$tmp) continue;
            if (el.$events) el.fireEvent('trash').removeEvents();
            for (var p in el.$tmp) el.$tmp[p] = null;
            for (var d in Element.prototype) el[d] = null;
            Garbage.elements[Garbage.elements.indexOf(el)] = null;
            el.htmlElement = el.$tmp = el = null
    empty: function() {
window.addListener('beforeunload', function() {
    window.addListener('unload', Garbage.empty);
    if (window.ie) window.addListener('unload', CollectGarbage)
var Event = new Class({
    initialize: function(event) {
        if (event && event.$extended) return event;
        this.$extended = true;
        event = event || window.event;
        this.event = event;
        this.type = event.type;
        this.target = event.target || event.srcElement;
        if (this.target.nodeType == 3) this.target = this.target.parentNode;
        this.shift = event.shiftKey;
        this.control = event.ctrlKey;
        this.alt = event.altKey;
        this.meta = event.metaKey;
        if (['DOMMouseScroll', 'mousewheel'].contains(this.type)) {
            this.wheel = (event.wheelDelta) ? event.wheelDelta / 120 : -(event.detail || 0) / 3
        } else if (this.type.contains('key')) {
            this.code = event.which || event.keyCode;
            for (var name in Event.keys) {
                if (Event.keys[name] == this.code) {
                    this.key = name;
            if (this.type == 'keydown') {
                var fKey = this.code - 111;
                if (fKey > 0 && fKey < 13) this.key = 'f' + fKey
            this.key = this.key || String.fromCharCode(this.code).toLowerCase()
        } else if (this.type.test(/(click|mouse|menu)/)) {
            this.page = {
                'x': event.pageX || event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft,
                'y': event.pageY || event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop
            this.client = {
                'x': event.pageX ? event.pageX - window.pageXOffset : event.clientX,
                'y': event.pageY ? event.pageY - window.pageYOffset : event.clientY
            this.rightClick = (event.which == 3) || (event.button == 2);
            switch (this.type) {
            case 'mouseover':
                this.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event.fromElement;
            case 'mouseout':
                this.relatedTarget = event.relatedTarget || event.toElement
        return this
    stop: function() {
        return this.stopPropagation().preventDefault()
    stopPropagation: function() {
        if (this.event.stopPropagation) this.event.stopPropagation();
        else this.event.cancelBubble = true;
        return this
    preventDefault: function() {
        if (this.event.preventDefault) this.event.preventDefault();
        else this.event.returnValue = false;
        return this
Event.fix = {
    relatedTarget: function() {
        if (this.relatedTarget && this.relatedTarget.nodeType == 3) this.relatedTarget = this.relatedTarget.parentNode
    relatedTargetGecko: function() {
        try {
        } catch (e) {
            this.relatedTarget = this.target
Event.prototype.fixRelatedTarget = (window.gecko) ? Event.fix.relatedTargetGecko : Event.fix.relatedTarget;
Event.keys = new Abstract({
    'enter': 13,
    'up': 38,
    'down': 40,
    'left': 37,
    'right': 39,
    'esc': 27,
    'space': 32,
    'backspace': 8,
    'tab': 9,
    'delete': 46
Element.Methods.Events = {
    addEvent: function(type, fn) {
        this.$events = this.$events || {};
        this.$events[type] = this.$events[type] || {
            'keys': [],
            'values': []
        if (this.$events[type].keys.contains(fn)) return this;
        var realType = type;
        var custom = Element.Events[type];
        if (custom) {
            if (custom.add) custom.add.call(this, fn);
            if (custom.map) fn = custom.map;
            if (custom.type) realType = custom.type
        if (!this.addEventListener) fn = fn.create({
            'bind': this,
            'event': true
        return (Element.NativeEvents.contains(realType)) ? this.addListener(realType, fn) : this
    removeEvent: function(type, fn) {
        if (!this.$events || !this.$events[type]) return this;
        var pos = this.$events[type].keys.indexOf(fn);
        if (pos == -1) return this;
        var key = this.$events[type].keys.splice(pos, 1)[0];
        var value = this.$events[type].values.splice(pos, 1)[0];
        var custom = Element.Events[type];
        if (custom) {
            if (custom.remove) custom.remove.call(this, fn);
            if (custom.type) type = custom.type
        return (Element.NativeEvents.contains(type)) ? this.removeListener(type, value) : this
    addEvents: function(source) {
        return Element.setMany(this, 'addEvent', source)
    removeEvents: function(type) {
        if (!this.$events) return this;
        if (!type) {
            for (var evType in this.$events) this.removeEvents(evType);
            this.$events = null
        } else if (this.$events[type]) {
            this.$events[type].keys.each(function(fn) {
                this.removeEvent(type, fn)
            }, this);
            this.$events[type] = null
        return this
    fireEvent: function(type, args, delay) {
        if (this.$events && this.$events[type]) {
            this.$events[type].keys.each(function(fn) {
                    'bind': this,
                    'delay': delay,
                    'arguments': args
            }, this)
        return this
    cloneEvents: function(from, type) {
        if (!from.$events) return this;
        if (!type) {
            for (var evType in from.$events) this.cloneEvents(from, evType)
        } else if (from.$events[type]) {
            from.$events[type].keys.each(function(fn) {
                this.addEvent(type, fn)
            }, this)
        return this
Element.Events = new Abstract({
    'mouseenter': {
        type: 'mouseover',
        map: function(event) {
            event = new Event(event);
            if (event.relatedTarget != this && !this.hasChild(event.relatedTarget)) this.fireEvent('mouseenter', event)
    'mouseleave': {
        type: 'mouseout',
        map: function(event) {
            event = new Event(event);
            if (event.relatedTarget != this && !this.hasChild(event.relatedTarget)) this.fireEvent('mouseleave', event)
    'mousewheel': {
        type: (window.gecko) ? 'DOMMouseScroll' : 'mousewheel'
Element.NativeEvents = ['click', 'dblclick', 'mouseup', 'mousedown', 'mousewheel', 'DOMMouseScroll', 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'mousemove', 'keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup', 'load', 'unload', 'beforeunload', 'resize', 'move', 'focus', 'blur', 'change', 'submit', 'reset', 'select', 'error', 'abort', 'contextmenu', 'scroll'];
    bindWithEvent: function(bind, args) {
        return this.create({
            'bind': bind,
            'arguments': args,
            'event': Event
    filterByTag: function(tag) {
        return new Elements(this.filter(function(el) {
            return (Element.getTag(el) == tag)
    filterByClass: function(className, nocash) {
        var elements = this.filter(function(el) {
            return (el.className && el.className.contains(className, ' '))
        return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements)
    filterById: function(id, nocash) {
        var elements = this.filter(function(el) {
            return (el.id == id)
        return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements)
    filterByAttribute: function(name, operator, value, nocash) {
        var elements = this.filter(function(el) {
            var current = Element.getProperty(el, name);
            if (!current) return false;
            if (!operator) return true;
            switch (operator) {
            case '=':
                return (current == value);
            case '*=':
                return (current.contains(value));
            case '^=':
                return (current.substr(0, value.length) == value);
            case '$=':
                return (current.substr(current.length - value.length) == value);
            case '!=':
                return (current != value);
            case '~=':
                return current.contains(value, ' ')
            return false
        return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements)

function $E(selector, filter) {
    return ($(filter) || document).getElement(selector)

function $ES(selector, filter) {
    return ($(filter) || document).getElementsBySelector(selector)
$$.shared = {
    'regexp': /^(\w*|\*)(?:#([\w-]+)|\.([\w-]+))?(?:\[(\w+)(?:([!*^$]?=)["']?([^"'\]]*)["']?)?])?$/,
    'xpath': {
        getParam: function(items, context, param, i) {
            var temp = [context.namespaceURI ? 'xhtml:' : '', param[1]];
            if (param[2]) temp.push('[@id="', param[2], '"]');
            if (param[3]) temp.push('[contains(concat(" ", @class, " "), " ', param[3], ' ")]');
            if (param[4]) {
                if (param[5] && param[6]) {
                    switch (param[5]) {
                    case '*=':
                        temp.push('[contains(@', param[4], ', "', param[6], '")]');
                    case '^=':
                        temp.push('[starts-with(@', param[4], ', "', param[6], '")]');
                    case '$=':
                        temp.push('[substring(@', param[4], ', string-length(@', param[4], ') - ', param[6].length, ' + 1) = "', param[6], '"]');
                    case '=':
                        temp.push('[@', param[4], '="', param[6], '"]');
                    case '!=':
                        temp.push('[@', param[4], '!="', param[6], '"]')
                } else {
                    temp.push('[@', param[4], ']')
            return items
        getItems: function(items, context, nocash) {
            var elements = [];
            var xpath = document.evaluate('.//' + items.join('//'), context, $$.shared.resolver, XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE, null);
            for (var i = 0, j = xpath.snapshotLength; i < j; i++) elements.push(xpath.snapshotItem(i));
            return (nocash) ? elements : new Elements(elements.map($))
    'normal': {
        getParam: function(items, context, param, i) {
            if (i == 0) {
                if (param[2]) {
                    var el = context.getElementById(param[2]);
                    if (!el || ((param[1] != '*') && (Element.getTag(el) != param[1]))) return false;
                    items = [el]
                } else {
                    items = $A(context.getElementsByTagName(param[1]))
            } else {
                items = $$.shared.getElementsByTagName(items, param[1]);
                if (param[2]) items = Elements.filterById(items, param[2], true)
            if (param[3]) items = Elements.filterByClass(items, param[3], true);
            if (param[4]) items = Elements.filterByAttribute(items, param[4], param[5], param[6], true);
            return items
        getItems: function(items, context, nocash) {
            return (nocash) ? items : $$.unique(items)
    resolver: function(prefix) {
        return (prefix == 'xhtml') ? 'http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml' : false
    getElementsByTagName: function(context, tagName) {
        var found = [];
        for (var i = 0, j = context.length; i < j; i++) found.extend(context[i].getElementsByTagName(tagName));
        return found
$$.shared.method = (window.xpath) ? 'xpath' : 'normal';
Element.Methods.Dom = {
    getElements: function(selector, nocash) {
        var items = [];
        selector = selector.trim().split(' ');
        for (var i = 0, j = selector.length; i < j; i++) {
            var sel = selector[i];
            var param = sel.match($$.shared.regexp);
            if (!param) break;
            param[1] = param[1] || '*';
            var temp = $$.shared[$$.shared.method].getParam(items, this, param, i);
            if (!temp) break;
            items = temp
        return $$.shared[$$.shared.method].getItems(items, this, nocash)
    getElement: function(selector) {
        return $(this.getElements(selector, true)[0] || false)
    getElementsBySelector: function(selector, nocash) {
        var elements = [];
        selector = selector.split(',');
        for (var i = 0, j = selector.length; i < j; i++) elements = elements.concat(this.getElements(selector[i], true));
        return (nocash) ? elements : $$.unique(elements)
    getElementById: function(id) {
        var el = document.getElementById(id);
        if (!el) return false;
        for (var parent = el.parentNode; parent != this; parent = parent.parentNode) {
            if (!parent) return false
        return el
    getElementsByClassName: function(className) {
        return this.getElements('.' + className)
    getValue: function() {
        switch (this.getTag()) {
        case 'select':
            var values = [];
            $each(this.options, function(option) {
                if (option.selected) values.push($pick(option.value, option.text))
            return (this.multiple) ? values : values[0];
        case 'input':
            if (!(this.checked && ['checkbox', 'radio'].contains(this.type)) && !['hidden', 'text', 'password'].contains(this.type)) break;
        case 'textarea':
            return this.value
        return false
    getFormElements: function() {
        return $$(this.getElementsByTagName('input'), this.getElementsByTagName('select'), this.getElementsByTagName('textarea'))
    toQueryString: function() {
        var queryString = [];
        this.getFormElements().each(function(el) {
            var name = el.name;
            var value = el.getValue();
            if (value === false || !name || el.disabled) return;
            var qs = function(val) {
                    queryString.push(name + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val))
            if ($type(value) == 'array') value.each(qs);
            else qs(value)
        return queryString.join('&')
    scrollTo: function(x, y) {
        this.scrollLeft = x;
        this.scrollTop = y
    getSize: function() {
        return {
            'scroll': {
                'x': this.scrollLeft,
                'y': this.scrollTop
            'size': {
                'x': this.offsetWidth,
                'y': this.offsetHeight
            'scrollSize': {
                'x': this.scrollWidth,
                'y': this.scrollHeight
    getPosition: function(overflown) {
        overflown = overflown || [];
        var el = this,
            left = 0,
            top = 0;
        do {
            left += el.offsetLeft || 0;
            top += el.offsetTop || 0;
            el = el.offsetParent
        } while (el);
        overflown.each(function(element) {
            left -= element.scrollLeft || 0;
            top -= element.scrollTop || 0
        return {
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    getTop: function(overflown) {
        return this.getPosition(overflown).y
    getLeft: function(overflown) {
        return this.getPosition(overflown).x
    getCoordinates: function(overflown) {
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            'left': position.x,
            'top': position.y
        obj.right = obj.left + obj.width;
        obj.bottom = obj.top + obj.height;
        return obj
Element.Events.domready = {
    add: function(fn) {
        if (window.loaded) {
        var domReady = function() {
                if (window.loaded) return;
                window.loaded = true;
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                if (['loaded', 'complete'].contains(document.readyState)) domReady()
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                document.write('<script id="ie_ready" defer src="' + src + '"><\/script>');
                $('ie_ready').onreadystatechange = function() {
                    if (this.readyState == 'complete') domReady()
        } else {
            window.addListener("load", domReady);
            document.addListener("DOMContentLoaded", domReady)
window.onDomReady = function(fn) {
    return this.addEvent('domready', fn)
    getWidth: function() {
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        return document.documentElement.clientWidth
    getHeight: function() {
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        return document.documentElement.clientHeight
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var Fx = {};
Fx.Base = new Class({
    options: {
        onStart: Class.empty,
        onComplete: Class.empty,
        onCancel: Class.empty,
        transition: function(p) {
            return -(Math.cos(Math.PI * p) - 1) / 2
        duration: 500,
        unit: 'px',
        wait: true,
        fps: 50
    initialize: function(options) {
        this.element = this.element || null;
        if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this)
    step: function() {
        var time = $time();
        if (time < this.time + this.options.duration) {
            this.delta = this.options.transition((time - this.time) / this.options.duration);
        } else {
            this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.element, 10);
    set: function(to) {
        this.now = to;
        return this
    setNow: function() {
        this.now = this.compute(this.from, this.to)
    compute: function(from, to) {
        return (to - from) * this.delta + from
    start: function(from, to) {
        if (!this.options.wait) this.stop();
        else if (this.timer) return this;
        this.from = from;
        this.to = to;
        this.change = this.to - this.from;
        this.time = $time();
        this.timer = this.step.periodical(Math.round(1000 / this.options.fps), this);
        this.fireEvent('onStart', this.element);
        return this
    stop: function(end) {
        if (!this.timer) return this;
        this.timer = $clear(this.timer);
        if (!end) this.fireEvent('onCancel', this.element);
        return this
    custom: function(from, to) {
        return this.start(from, to)
    clearTimer: function(end) {
        return this.stop(end)
Fx.Base.implement(new Chain, new Events, new Options);
Fx.CSS = {
    select: function(property, to) {
        if (property.test(/color/i)) return this.Color;
        var type = $type(to);
        if ((type == 'array') || (type == 'string' && to.contains(' '))) return this.Multi;
        return this.Single
    parse: function(el, property, fromTo) {
        if (!fromTo.push) fromTo = [fromTo];
        var from = fromTo[0],
            to = fromTo[1];
        if (!$chk(to)) {
            to = from;
            from = el.getStyle(property)
        var css = this.select(property, to);
        return {
            'from': css.parse(from),
            'to': css.parse(to),
            'css': css
Fx.CSS.Single = {
    parse: function(value) {
        return parseFloat(value)
    getNow: function(from, to, fx) {
        return fx.compute(from, to)
    getValue: function(value, unit, property) {
        if (unit == 'px' && property != 'opacity') value = Math.round(value);
        return value + unit
Fx.CSS.Multi = {
    parse: function(value) {
        return value.push ? value : value.split(' ').map(function(v) {
            return parseFloat(v)
    getNow: function(from, to, fx) {
        var now = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) now[i] = fx.compute(from[i], to[i]);
        return now
    getValue: function(value, unit, property) {
        if (unit == 'px' && property != 'opacity') value = value.map(Math.round);
        return value.join(unit + ' ') + unit
Fx.CSS.Color = {
    parse: function(value) {
        return value.push ? value : value.hexToRgb(true)
    getNow: function(from, to, fx) {
        var now = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < from.length; i++) now[i] = Math.round(fx.compute(from[i], to[i]));
        return now
    getValue: function(value) {
        return 'rgb(' + value.join(',') + ')'
Fx.Style = Fx.Base.extend({
    initialize: function(el, property, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
        this.property = property;
    hide: function() {
        return this.set(0)
    setNow: function() {
        this.now = this.css.getNow(this.from, this.to, this)
    set: function(to) {
        this.css = Fx.CSS.select(this.property, to);
        return this.parent(this.css.parse(to))
    start: function(from, to) {
        if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this;
        var parsed = Fx.CSS.parse(this.element, this.property, [from, to]);
        this.css = parsed.css;
        return this.parent(parsed.from, parsed.to)
    increase: function() {
        this.element.setStyle(this.property, this.css.getValue(this.now, this.options.unit, this.property))
    effect: function(property, options) {
        return new Fx.Style(this, property, options)
Fx.Styles = Fx.Base.extend({
    initialize: function(el, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
    setNow: function() {
        for (var p in this.from) this.now[p] = this.css[p].getNow(this.from[p], this.to[p], this)
    set: function(to) {
        var parsed = {};
        this.css = {};
        for (var p in to) {
            this.css[p] = Fx.CSS.select(p, to[p]);
            parsed[p] = this.css[p].parse(to[p])
        return this.parent(parsed)
    start: function(obj) {
        if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this;
        this.now = {};
        this.css = {};
        var from = {},
            to = {};
        for (var p in obj) {
            var parsed = Fx.CSS.parse(this.element, p, obj[p]);
            from[p] = parsed.from;
            to[p] = parsed.to;
            this.css[p] = parsed.css
        return this.parent(from, to)
    increase: function() {
        for (var p in this.now) this.element.setStyle(p, this.css[p].getValue(this.now[p], this.options.unit, p))
    effects: function(options) {
        return new Fx.Styles(this, options)
Fx.Elements = Fx.Base.extend({
    initialize: function(elements, options) {
        this.elements = $$(elements);
    setNow: function() {
        for (var i in this.from) {
            var iFrom = this.from[i],
                iTo = this.to[i],
                iCss = this.css[i],
                iNow = this.now[i] = {};
            for (var p in iFrom) iNow[p] = iCss[p].getNow(iFrom[p], iTo[p], this)
    set: function(to) {
        var parsed = {};
        this.css = {};
        for (var i in to) {
            var iTo = to[i],
                iCss = this.css[i] = {},
                iParsed = parsed[i] = {};
            for (var p in iTo) {
                iCss[p] = Fx.CSS.select(p, iTo[p]);
                iParsed[p] = iCss[p].parse(iTo[p])
        return this.parent(parsed)
    start: function(obj) {
        if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this;
        this.now = {};
        this.css = {};
        var from = {},
            to = {};
        for (var i in obj) {
            var iProps = obj[i],
                iFrom = from[i] = {},
                iTo = to[i] = {},
                iCss = this.css[i] = {};
            for (var p in iProps) {
                var parsed = Fx.CSS.parse(this.elements[i], p, iProps[p]);
                iFrom[p] = parsed.from;
                iTo[p] = parsed.to;
                iCss[p] = parsed.css
        return this.parent(from, to)
    increase: function() {
        for (var i in this.now) {
            var iNow = this.now[i],
                iCss = this.css[i];
            for (var p in iNow) this.elements[i].setStyle(p, iCss[p].getValue(iNow[p], this.options.unit, p))
Fx.Scroll = Fx.Base.extend({
    options: {
        overflown: [],
        offset: {
            'x': 0,
            'y': 0
        wheelStops: true
    initialize: function(element, options) {
        this.now = [];
        this.element = $(element);
        this.bound = {
            'stop': this.stop.bind(this, false)
        if (this.options.wheelStops) {
            this.addEvent('onStart', function() {
                document.addEvent('mousewheel', this.bound.stop)
            this.addEvent('onComplete', function() {
                document.removeEvent('mousewheel', this.bound.stop)
    setNow: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) this.now[i] = this.compute(this.from[i], this.to[i])
    scrollTo: function(x, y) {
        if (this.timer && this.options.wait) return this;
        var el = this.element.getSize();
        var values = {
            'x': x,
            'y': y
        for (var z in el.size) {
            var max = el.scrollSize[z] - el.size[z];
            if ($chk(values[z])) values[z] = ($type(values[z]) == 'number') ? values[z].limit(0, max) : max;
            else values[z] = el.scroll[z];
            values[z] += this.options.offset[z]
        return this.start([el.scroll.x, el.scroll.y], [values.x, values.y])
    toTop: function() {
        return this.scrollTo(false, 0)
    toBottom: function() {
        return this.scrollTo(false, 'full')
    toLeft: function() {
        return this.scrollTo(0, false)
    toRight: function() {
        return this.scrollTo('full', false)
    toElement: function(el) {
        var parent = this.element.getPosition(this.options.overflown);
        var target = $(el).getPosition(this.options.overflown);
        return this.scrollTo(target.x - parent.x, target.y - parent.y)
    increase: function() {
        this.element.scrollTo(this.now[0], this.now[1])
Fx.Slide = Fx.Base.extend({
    options: {
        mode: 'vertical'
    initialize: function(el, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
        this.wrapper = new Element('div', {
            'styles': $extend(this.element.getStyles('margin'), {
                'overflow': 'hidden'
        this.element.setStyle('margin', 0);
        this.now = [];
        this.open = true;
        this.addEvent('onComplete', function() {
            this.open = (this.now[0] === 0)
        if (window.webkit419) this.addEvent('onComplete', function() {
            if (this.open) this.element.remove().inject(this.wrapper)
    setNow: function() {
        for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) this.now[i] = this.compute(this.from[i], this.to[i])
    vertical: function() {
        this.margin = 'margin-top';
        this.layout = 'height';
        this.offset = this.element.offsetHeight
    horizontal: function() {
        this.margin = 'margin-left';
        this.layout = 'width';
        this.offset = this.element.offsetWidth
    slideIn: function(mode) {
        this[mode || this.options.mode]();
        return this.start([this.element.getStyle(this.margin).toInt(), this.wrapper.getStyle(this.layout).toInt()], [0, this.offset])
    slideOut: function(mode) {
        this[mode || this.options.mode]();
        return this.start([this.element.getStyle(this.margin).toInt(), this.wrapper.getStyle(this.layout).toInt()], [-this.offset, 0])
    hide: function(mode) {
        this[mode || this.options.mode]();
        this.open = false;
        return this.set([-this.offset, 0])
    show: function(mode) {
        this[mode || this.options.mode]();
        this.open = true;
        return this.set([0, this.offset])
    toggle: function(mode) {
        if (this.wrapper.offsetHeight == 0 || this.wrapper.offsetWidth == 0) return this.slideIn(mode);
        return this.slideOut(mode)
    increase: function() {
        this.element.setStyle(this.margin, this.now[0] + this.options.unit);
        this.wrapper.setStyle(this.layout, this.now[1] + this.options.unit)
Fx.Transition = function(transition, params) {
    params = params || [];
    if ($type(params) != 'array') params = [params];
    return $extend(transition, {
        easeIn: function(pos) {
            return transition(pos, params)
        easeOut: function(pos) {
            return 1 - transition(1 - pos, params)
        easeInOut: function(pos) {
            return (pos <= 0.5) ? transition(2 * pos, params) / 2 : (2 - transition(2 * (1 - pos), params)) / 2
Fx.Transitions = new Abstract({
    linear: function(p) {
        return p
Fx.Transitions.extend = function(transitions) {
    for (var transition in transitions) {
        Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(transitions[transition]);
Fx.Transitions.compat = function(transition) {
    ['In', 'Out', 'InOut'].each(function(easeType) {
        Fx.Transitions[transition.toLowerCase() + easeType] = Fx.Transitions[transition]['ease' + easeType]
    Pow: function(p, x) {
        return Math.pow(p, x[0] || 6)
    Expo: function(p) {
        return Math.pow(2, 8 * (p - 1))
    Circ: function(p) {
        return 1 - Math.sin(Math.acos(p))
    Sine: function(p) {
        return 1 - Math.sin((1 - p) * Math.PI / 2)
    Back: function(p, x) {
        x = x[0] || 1.618;
        return Math.pow(p, 2) * ((x + 1) * p - x)
    Bounce: function(p) {
        var value;
        for (var a = 0, b = 1; 1; a += b, b /= 2) {
            if (p >= (7 - 4 * a) / 11) {
                value = -Math.pow((11 - 6 * a - 11 * p) / 4, 2) + b * b;
        return value
    Elastic: function(p, x) {
        return Math.pow(2, 10 * --p) * Math.cos(20 * p * Math.PI * (x[0] || 1) / 3)
['Quad', 'Cubic', 'Quart', 'Quint'].each(function(transition, i) {
    Fx.Transitions[transition] = new Fx.Transition(function(p) {
        return Math.pow(p, [i + 2])
var Drag = {};
Drag.Base = new Class({
    options: {
        handle: false,
        unit: 'px',
        onStart: Class.empty,
        onBeforeStart: Class.empty,
        onComplete: Class.empty,
        onSnap: Class.empty,
        onDrag: Class.empty,
        limit: false,
        modifiers: {
            x: 'left',
            y: 'top'
        grid: false,
        snap: 6
    initialize: function(el, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
        this.handle = $(this.options.handle) || this.element;
        this.mouse = {
            'now': {},
            'pos': {}
        this.value = {
            'start': {},
            'now': {}
        this.bound = {
            'start': this.start.bindWithEvent(this),
            'check': this.check.bindWithEvent(this),
            'drag': this.drag.bindWithEvent(this),
            'stop': this.stop.bind(this)
        if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this)
    attach: function() {
        this.handle.addEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start);
        return this
    detach: function() {
        this.handle.removeEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start);
        return this
    start: function(event) {
        this.fireEvent('onBeforeStart', this.element);
        this.mouse.start = event.page;
        var limit = this.options.limit;
        this.limit = {
            'x': [],
            'y': []
        for (var z in this.options.modifiers) {
            if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue;
            this.value.now[z] = this.element.getStyle(this.options.modifiers[z]).toInt();
            this.mouse.pos[z] = event.page[z] - this.value.now[z];
            if (limit && limit[z]) {
                for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
                    if ($chk(limit[z][i])) this.limit[z][i] = ($type(limit[z][i]) == 'function') ? limit[z][i]() : limit[z][i]
        if ($type(this.options.grid) == 'number') this.options.grid = {
            'x': this.options.grid,
            'y': this.options.grid
        document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
        document.addListener('mouseup', this.bound.stop);
        this.fireEvent('onStart', this.element);
    check: function(event) {
        var distance = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(event.page.x - this.mouse.start.x, 2) + Math.pow(event.page.y - this.mouse.start.y, 2)));
        if (distance > this.options.snap) {
            document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
            document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.drag);
            this.fireEvent('onSnap', this.element)
    drag: function(event) {
        this.out = false;
        this.mouse.now = event.page;
        for (var z in this.options.modifiers) {
            if (!this.options.modifiers[z]) continue;
            this.value.now[z] = this.mouse.now[z] - this.mouse.pos[z];
            if (this.limit[z]) {
                if ($chk(this.limit[z][1]) && (this.value.now[z] > this.limit[z][1])) {
                    this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][1];
                    this.out = true
                } else if ($chk(this.limit[z][0]) && (this.value.now[z] < this.limit[z][0])) {
                    this.value.now[z] = this.limit[z][0];
                    this.out = true
            if (this.options.grid[z]) this.value.now[z] -= (this.value.now[z] % this.options.grid[z]);
            this.element.setStyle(this.options.modifiers[z], this.value.now[z] + this.options.unit)
        this.fireEvent('onDrag', this.element);
    stop: function() {
        document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.check);
        document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.drag);
        document.removeListener('mouseup', this.bound.stop);
        this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.element)
Drag.Base.implement(new Events, new Options);
    makeResizable: function(options) {
        return new Drag.Base(this, $merge({
            modifiers: {
                x: 'width',
                y: 'height'
        }, options))
Drag.Move = Drag.Base.extend({
    options: {
        droppables: [],
        container: false,
        overflown: []
    initialize: function(el, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
        this.droppables = $$(this.options.droppables);
        this.container = $(this.options.container);
        this.position = {
            'element': this.element.getStyle('position'),
            'container': false
        if (this.container) this.position.container = this.container.getStyle('position');
        if (!['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.element)) this.position.element = 'absolute';
        var top = this.element.getStyle('top').toInt();
        var left = this.element.getStyle('left').toInt();
        if (this.position.element == 'absolute' && !['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.container)) {
            top = $chk(top) ? top : this.element.getTop(this.options.overflown);
            left = $chk(left) ? left : this.element.getLeft(this.options.overflown)
        } else {
            top = $chk(top) ? top : 0;
            left = $chk(left) ? left : 0
            'top': top,
            'left': left,
            'position': this.position.element
    start: function(event) {
        this.overed = null;
        if (this.container) {
            var cont = this.container.getCoordinates();
            var el = this.element.getCoordinates();
            if (this.position.element == 'absolute' && !['relative', 'absolute', 'fixed'].contains(this.position.container)) {
                this.options.limit = {
                    'x': [cont.left, cont.right - el.width],
                    'y': [cont.top, cont.bottom - el.height]
            } else {
                this.options.limit = {
                    'y': [0, cont.height - el.height],
                    'x': [0, cont.width - el.width]
    drag: function(event) {
        var overed = this.out ? false : this.droppables.filter(this.checkAgainst, this).getLast();
        if (this.overed != overed) {
            if (this.overed) this.overed.fireEvent('leave', [this.element, this]);
            this.overed = overed ? overed.fireEvent('over', [this.element, this]) : null
        return this
    checkAgainst: function(el) {
        el = el.getCoordinates(this.options.overflown);
        var now = this.mouse.now;
        return (now.x > el.left && now.x < el.right && now.y < el.bottom && now.y > el.top)
    stop: function() {
        if (this.overed && !this.out) this.overed.fireEvent('drop', [this.element, this]);
        else this.element.fireEvent('emptydrop', this);
        return this
    makeDraggable: function(options) {
        return new Drag.Move(this, options)
var XHR = new Class({
    options: {
        method: 'post',
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        onSuccess: Class.empty,
        onFailure: Class.empty,
        urlEncoded: true,
        encoding: 'utf-8',
        autoCancel: false,
        headers: {}
    setTransport: function() {
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        return this
    initialize: function(options) {
        this.options.isSuccess = this.options.isSuccess || this.isSuccess;
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        } catch (e) {};
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    onSuccess: function() {
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    send: function(url, data) {
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        this.running = true;
        if (data && this.options.method == 'get') {
            url = url + (url.contains('?') ? '&' : '?') + data;
            data = null
        this.transport.open(this.options.method.toUpperCase(), url, this.options.async);
        this.transport.onreadystatechange = this.onStateChange.bind(this);
        if ((this.options.method == 'post') && this.transport.overrideMimeType) this.setHeader('Connection', 'close');
        $extend(this.headers, this.options.headers);
        for (var type in this.headers) try {
            this.transport.setRequestHeader(type, this.headers[type])
        } catch (e) {};
        this.transport.send($pick(data, null));
        return this
    cancel: function() {
        if (!this.running) return this;
        this.running = false;
        this.transport.onreadystatechange = Class.empty;
        return this
XHR.implement(new Chain, new Events, new Options);
var Ajax = XHR.extend({
    options: {
        data: null,
        update: null,
        onComplete: Class.empty,
        evalScripts: false,
        evalResponse: false
    initialize: function(url, options) {
        this.addEvent('onSuccess', this.onComplete);
        this.options.data = this.options.data || this.options.postBody;
        if (!['post', 'get'].contains(this.options.method)) {
            this._method = '_method=' + this.options.method;
            this.options.method = 'post'
        this.setHeader('X-Requested-With', 'XMLHttpRequest');
        this.setHeader('Accept', 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*');
        this.url = url
    onComplete: function() {
        if (this.options.update) $(this.options.update).empty().setHTML(this.response.text);
        if (this.options.evalScripts || this.options.evalResponse) this.evalScripts();
        this.fireEvent('onComplete', [this.response.text, this.response.xml], 20)
    request: function(data) {
        data = data || this.options.data;
        switch ($type(data)) {
        case 'element':
            data = $(data).toQueryString();
        case 'object':
            data = Object.toQueryString(data)
        if (this._method) data = (data) ? [this._method, data].join('&') : this._method;
        return this.send(this.url, data)
    evalScripts: function() {
        var script, scripts;
        if (this.options.evalResponse || (/(ecma|java)script/).test(this.getHeader('Content-type'))) scripts = this.response.text;
        else {
            scripts = [];
            var regexp = /<script[^>]*>([\s\S]*?)<\/script>/gi;
            while ((script = regexp.exec(this.response.text))) scripts.push(script[1]);
            scripts = scripts.join('\n')
        if (scripts)(window.execScript) ? window.execScript(scripts) : window.setTimeout(scripts, 0)
    getHeader: function(name) {
        try {
            return this.transport.getResponseHeader(name)
        } catch (e) {};
        return null
Object.toQueryString = function(source) {
    var queryString = [];
    for (var property in source) queryString.push(encodeURIComponent(property) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(source[property]));
    return queryString.join('&')
    send: function(options) {
        return new Ajax(this.getProperty('action'), $merge({
            data: this.toQueryString()
        }, options, {
            method: 'post'
var Cookie = new Abstract({
    options: {
        domain: false,
        path: false,
        duration: false,
        secure: false
    set: function(key, value, options) {
        options = $merge(this.options, options);
        value = encodeURIComponent(value);
        if (options.domain) value += '; domain=' + options.domain;
        if (options.path) value += '; path=' + options.path;
        if (options.duration) {
            var date = new Date();
            date.setTime(date.getTime() + options.duration * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
            value += '; expires=' + date.toGMTString()
        if (options.secure) value += '; secure';
        document.cookie = key + '=' + value;
        return $extend(options, {
            'key': key,
            'value': value
    get: function(key) {
        var value = document.cookie.match('(?:^|;)\\s*' + key.escapeRegExp() + '=([^;]*)');
        return value ? decodeURIComponent(value[1]) : false
    remove: function(cookie, options) {
        if ($type(cookie) == 'object') this.set(cookie.key, '', $merge(cookie, {
            duration: -1
        else this.set(cookie, '', $merge(options, {
            duration: -1
var Json = {
    toString: function(obj) {
        switch ($type(obj)) {
        case 'string':
            return '"' + obj.replace(/(["\\])/g, '\\$1') + '"';
        case 'array':
            return '[' + obj.map(Json.toString).join(',') + ']';
        case 'object':
            var string = [];
            for (var property in obj) string.push(Json.toString(property) + ':' + Json.toString(obj[property]));
            return '{' + string.join(',') + '}';
        case 'number':
            if (isFinite(obj)) break;
        case false:
            return 'null'
        return String(obj)
    evaluate: function(str, secure) {
        return (($type(str) != 'string') || (secure && !str.test(/^("(\\.|[^"\\\n\r])*?"|[,:{}\[\]0-9.\-+Eaeflnr-u \n\r\t])+?$/))) ? null : eval('(' + str + ')')
Json.Remote = XHR.extend({
    initialize: function(url, options) {
        this.url = url;
        this.addEvent('onSuccess', this.onComplete);
        this.setHeader('X-Request', 'JSON')
    send: function(obj) {
        return this.parent(this.url, 'json=' + Json.toString(obj))
    onComplete: function() {
        this.fireEvent('onComplete', [Json.evaluate(this.response.text, this.options.secure)])
var Asset = new Abstract({
    javascript: function(source, properties) {
        properties = $merge({
            'onload': Class.empty
        }, properties);
        var script = new Element('script', {
            'src': source
            'load': properties.onload,
            'readystatechange': function() {
                if (this.readyState == 'complete') this.fireEvent('load')
        delete properties.onload;
        return script.setProperties(properties).inject(document.head)
    css: function(source, properties) {
        return new Element('link', $merge({
            'rel': 'stylesheet',
            'media': 'screen',
            'type': 'text/css',
            'href': source
        }, properties)).inject(document.head)
    image: function(source, properties) {
        properties = $merge({
            'onload': Class.empty,
            'onabort': Class.empty,
            'onerror': Class.empty
        }, properties);
        var image = new Image();
        image.src = source;
        var element = new Element('img', {
            'src': source
        ['load', 'abort', 'error'].each(function(type) {
            var event = properties['on' + type];
            delete properties['on' + type];
            element.addEvent(type, function() {
                this.removeEvent(type, arguments.callee);
        if (image.width && image.height) element.fireEvent('load', element, 1);
        return element.setProperties(properties)
    images: function(sources, options) {
        options = $merge({
            onComplete: Class.empty,
            onProgress: Class.empty
        }, options);
        if (!sources.push) sources = [sources];
        var images = [];
        var counter = 0;
        sources.each(function(source) {
            var img = new Asset.image(source, {
                'onload': function() {
                    options.onProgress.call(this, counter);
                    if (counter == sources.length) options.onComplete()
        return new Elements(images)
var Hash = new Class({
    length: 0,
    initialize: function(object) {
        this.obj = object || {};
    get: function(key) {
        return (this.hasKey(key)) ? this.obj[key] : null
    hasKey: function(key) {
        return (key in this.obj)
    set: function(key, value) {
        if (!this.hasKey(key)) this.length++;
        this.obj[key] = value;
        return this
    setLength: function() {
        this.length = 0;
        for (var p in this.obj) this.length++;
        return this
    remove: function(key) {
        if (this.hasKey(key)) {
            delete this.obj[key];
        return this
    each: function(fn, bind) {
        $each(this.obj, fn, bind)
    extend: function(obj) {
        $extend(this.obj, obj);
        return this.setLength()
    merge: function() {
        this.obj = $merge.apply(null, [this.obj].extend(arguments));
        return this.setLength()
    empty: function() {
        this.obj = {};
        this.length = 0;
        return this
    keys: function() {
        var keys = [];
        for (var property in this.obj) keys.push(property);
        return keys
    values: function() {
        var values = [];
        for (var property in this.obj) values.push(this.obj[property]);
        return values

function $H(obj) {
    return new Hash(obj)
Hash.Cookie = Hash.extend({
    initialize: function(name, options) {
        this.name = name;
        this.options = $extend({
            'autoSave': true
        }, options || {});
    save: function() {
        if (this.length == 0) {
            Cookie.remove(this.name, this.options);
            return true
        var str = Json.toString(this.obj);
        if (str.length > 4096) return false;
        Cookie.set(this.name, str, this.options);
        return true
    load: function() {
        this.obj = Json.evaluate(Cookie.get(this.name), true) || {};
Hash.Cookie.Methods = {};
['extend', 'set', 'merge', 'empty', 'remove'].each(function(method) {
    Hash.Cookie.Methods[method] = function() {
        Hash.prototype[method].apply(this, arguments);
        if (this.options.autoSave) this.save();
        return this
var Color = new Class({
    initialize: function(color, type) {
        type = type || (color.push ? 'rgb' : 'hex');
        var rgb, hsb;
        switch (type) {
        case 'rgb':
            rgb = color;
            hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb();
        case 'hsb':
            rgb = color.hsbToRgb();
            hsb = color;
            rgb = color.hexToRgb(true);
            hsb = rgb.rgbToHsb()
        rgb.hsb = hsb;
        rgb.hex = rgb.rgbToHex();
        return $extend(rgb, Color.prototype)
    mix: function() {
        var colors = $A(arguments);
        var alpha = ($type(colors[colors.length - 1]) == 'number') ? colors.pop() : 50;
        var rgb = this.copy();
        colors.each(function(color) {
            color = new Color(color);
            for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) rgb[i] = Math.round((rgb[i] / 100 * (100 - alpha)) + (color[i] / 100 * alpha))
        return new Color(rgb, 'rgb')
    invert: function() {
        return new Color(this.map(function(value) {
            return 255 - value
    setHue: function(value) {
        return new Color([value, this.hsb[1], this.hsb[2]], 'hsb')
    setSaturation: function(percent) {
        return new Color([this.hsb[0], percent, this.hsb[2]], 'hsb')
    setBrightness: function(percent) {
        return new Color([this.hsb[0], this.hsb[1], percent], 'hsb')

function $RGB(r, g, b) {
    return new Color([r, g, b], 'rgb')

function $HSB(h, s, b) {
    return new Color([h, s, b], 'hsb')
    rgbToHsb: function() {
        var red = this[0],
            green = this[1],
            blue = this[2];
        var hue, saturation, brightness;
        var max = Math.max(red, green, blue),
            min = Math.min(red, green, blue);
        var delta = max - min;
        brightness = max / 255;
        saturation = (max != 0) ? delta / max : 0;
        if (saturation == 0) {
            hue = 0
        } else {
            var rr = (max - red) / delta;
            var gr = (max - green) / delta;
            var br = (max - blue) / delta;
            if (red == max) hue = br - gr;
            else if (green == max) hue = 2 + rr - br;
            else hue = 4 + gr - rr;
            hue /= 6;
            if (hue < 0) hue++
        return [Math.round(hue * 360), Math.round(saturation * 100), Math.round(brightness * 100)]
    hsbToRgb: function() {
        var br = Math.round(this[2] / 100 * 255);
        if (this[1] == 0) {
            return [br, br, br]
        } else {
            var hue = this[0] % 360;
            var f = hue % 60;
            var p = Math.round((this[2] * (100 - this[1])) / 10000 * 255);
            var q = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * f)) / 600000 * 255);
            var t = Math.round((this[2] * (6000 - this[1] * (60 - f))) / 600000 * 255);
            switch (Math.floor(hue / 60)) {
            case 0:
                return [br, t, p];
            case 1:
                return [q, br, p];
            case 2:
                return [p, br, t];
            case 3:
                return [p, q, br];
            case 4:
                return [t, p, br];
            case 5:
                return [br, p, q]
        return false
var Scroller = new Class({
    options: {
        area: 20,
        velocity: 1,
        onChange: function(x, y) {
            this.element.scrollTo(x, y)
    initialize: function(element, options) {
        this.element = $(element);
        this.mousemover = ([window, document].contains(element)) ? $(document.body) : this.element
    start: function() {
        this.coord = this.getCoords.bindWithEvent(this);
        this.mousemover.addListener('mousemove', this.coord)
    stop: function() {
        this.mousemover.removeListener('mousemove', this.coord);
        this.timer = $clear(this.timer)
    getCoords: function(event) {
        this.page = (this.element == window) ? event.client : event.page;
        if (!this.timer) this.timer = this.scroll.periodical(50, this)
    scroll: function() {
        var el = this.element.getSize();
        var pos = this.element.getPosition();
        var change = {
            'x': 0,
            'y': 0
        for (var z in this.page) {
            if (this.page[z] < (this.options.area + pos[z]) && el.scroll[z] != 0) change[z] = (this.page[z] - this.options.area - pos[z]) * this.options.velocity;
            else if (this.page[z] + this.options.area > (el.size[z] + pos[z]) && el.scroll[z] + el.size[z] != el.scrollSize[z]) change[z] = (this.page[z] - el.size[z] + this.options.area - pos[z]) * this.options.velocity
        if (change.y || change.x) this.fireEvent('onChange', [el.scroll.x + change.x, el.scroll.y + change.y])
Scroller.implement(new Events, new Options);
var Slider = new Class({
    options: {
        onChange: Class.empty,
        onComplete: Class.empty,
        onTick: function(pos) {
            this.knob.setStyle(this.p, pos)
        mode: 'horizontal',
        steps: 100,
        offset: 0
    initialize: function(el, knob, options) {
        this.element = $(el);
        this.knob = $(knob);
        this.previousChange = -1;
        this.previousEnd = -1;
        this.step = -1;
        this.element.addEvent('mousedown', this.clickedElement.bindWithEvent(this));
        var mod, offset;
        switch (this.options.mode) {
        case 'horizontal':
            this.z = 'x';
            this.p = 'left';
            mod = {
                'x': 'left',
                'y': false
            offset = 'offsetWidth';
        case 'vertical':
            this.z = 'y';
            this.p = 'top';
            mod = {
                'x': false,
                'y': 'top'
            offset = 'offsetHeight'
        this.max = this.element[offset] - this.knob[offset] + (this.options.offset * 2);
        this.half = this.knob[offset] / 2;
        this.getPos = this.element['get' + this.p.capitalize()].bind(this.element);
        this.knob.setStyle('position', 'relative').setStyle(this.p, -this.options.offset);
        var lim = {};
        lim[this.z] = [-this.options.offset, this.max - this.options.offset];
        this.drag = new Drag.Base(this.knob, {
            limit: lim,
            modifiers: mod,
            snap: 0,
            onStart: function() {
            onDrag: function() {
            onComplete: function() {
        if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this)
    set: function(step) {
        this.step = step.limit(0, this.options.steps);
        this.fireEvent('onTick', this.toPosition(this.step));
        return this
    clickedElement: function(event) {
        var position = event.page[this.z] - this.getPos() - this.half;
        position = position.limit(-this.options.offset, this.max - this.options.offset);
        this.step = this.toStep(position);
        this.fireEvent('onTick', position)
    draggedKnob: function() {
        this.step = this.toStep(this.drag.value.now[this.z]);
    checkStep: function() {
        if (this.previousChange != this.step) {
            this.previousChange = this.step;
            this.fireEvent('onChange', this.step)
    end: function() {
        if (this.previousEnd !== this.step) {
            this.previousEnd = this.step;
            this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.step + '')
    toStep: function(position) {
        return Math.round((position + this.options.offset) / this.max * this.options.steps)
    toPosition: function(step) {
        return this.max * step / this.options.steps
Slider.implement(new Events);
Slider.implement(new Options);
var SmoothScroll = Fx.Scroll.extend({
    initialize: function(options) {
        this.parent(window, options);
        this.links = (this.options.links) ? $$(this.options.links) : $$(document.links);
        var location = window.location.href.match(/^[^#]*/)[0] + '#';
        this.links.each(function(link) {
            if (link.href.indexOf(location) != 0) return;
            var anchor = link.href.substr(location.length);
            if (anchor && $(anchor)) this.useLink(link, anchor)
        }, this);
        if (!window.webkit419) this.addEvent('onComplete', function() {
            window.location.hash = this.anchor
    useLink: function(link, anchor) {
        link.addEvent('click', function(event) {
            this.anchor = anchor;
var Sortables = new Class({
    options: {
        handles: false,
        onStart: Class.empty,
        onComplete: Class.empty,
        ghost: true,
        snap: 3,
        onDragStart: function(element, ghost) {
            ghost.setStyle('opacity', 0.7);
            element.setStyle('opacity', 0.7)
        onDragComplete: function(element, ghost) {
            element.setStyle('opacity', 1);
    initialize: function(list, options) {
        this.list = $(list);
        this.elements = this.list.getChildren();
        this.handles = (this.options.handles) ? $$(this.options.handles) : this.elements;
        this.bound = {
            'start': [],
            'moveGhost': this.moveGhost.bindWithEvent(this)
        for (var i = 0, l = this.handles.length; i < l; i++) {
            this.bound.start[i] = this.start.bindWithEvent(this, this.elements[i])
        if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this);
        this.bound.move = this.move.bindWithEvent(this);
        this.bound.end = this.end.bind(this)
    attach: function() {
        this.handles.each(function(handle, i) {
            handle.addEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start[i])
        }, this)
    detach: function() {
        this.handles.each(function(handle, i) {
            handle.removeEvent('mousedown', this.bound.start[i])
        }, this)
    start: function(event, el) {
        this.active = el;
        this.coordinates = this.list.getCoordinates();
        if (this.options.ghost) {
            var position = el.getPosition();
            this.offset = event.page.y - position.y;
            this.trash = new Element('div').inject(document.body);
            this.ghost = el.clone().inject(this.trash).setStyles({
                'position': 'absolute',
                'left': position.x,
                'top': event.page.y - this.offset
            document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.moveGhost);
            this.fireEvent('onDragStart', [el, this.ghost])
        document.addListener('mousemove', this.bound.move);
        document.addListener('mouseup', this.bound.end);
        this.fireEvent('onStart', el);
    moveGhost: function(event) {
        var value = event.page.y - this.offset;
        value = value.limit(this.coordinates.top, this.coordinates.bottom - this.ghost.offsetHeight);
        this.ghost.setStyle('top', value);
    move: function(event) {
        var now = event.page.y;
        this.previous = this.previous || now;
        var up = ((this.previous - now) > 0);
        var prev = this.active.getPrevious();
        var next = this.active.getNext();
        if (prev && up && now < prev.getCoordinates().bottom) this.active.injectBefore(prev);
        if (next && !up && now > next.getCoordinates().top) this.active.injectAfter(next);
        this.previous = now
    serialize: function(converter) {
        return this.list.getChildren().map(converter ||
        function(el) {
            return this.elements.indexOf(el)
        }, this)
    end: function() {
        this.previous = null;
        document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.move);
        document.removeListener('mouseup', this.bound.end);
        if (this.options.ghost) {
            document.removeListener('mousemove', this.bound.moveGhost);
            this.fireEvent('onDragComplete', [this.active, this.ghost])
        this.fireEvent('onComplete', this.active)
Sortables.implement(new Events, new Options);
var Tips = new Class({
    options: {
        onShow: function(tip) {
            tip.setStyle('visibility', 'visible')
        onHide: function(tip) {
            tip.setStyle('visibility', 'hidden')
        maxTitleChars: 30,
        showDelay: 100,
        hideDelay: 100,
        className: 'tool',
        offsets: {
            'x': 16,
            'y': 16
        fixed: false
    initialize: function(elements, options) {
        this.toolTip = new Element('div', {
            'class': this.options.className + '-tip',
            'styles': {
                'position': 'absolute',
                'top': '0',
                'left': '0',
                'visibility': 'hidden'
        this.wrapper = new Element('div').inject(this.toolTip);
        $$(elements).each(this.build, this);
        if (this.options.initialize) this.options.initialize.call(this)
    build: function(el) {
        el.$tmp.myTitle = (el.href && el.getTag() == 'a') ? el.href.replace('http://', '') : (el.rel || false);
        if (el.title) {
            var dual = el.title.split('::');
            if (dual.length > 1) {
                el.$tmp.myTitle = dual[0].trim();
                el.$tmp.myText = dual[1].trim()
            } else {
                el.$tmp.myText = el.title
        } else {
            el.$tmp.myText = false
        if (el.$tmp.myTitle && el.$tmp.myTitle.length > this.options.maxTitleChars) el.$tmp.myTitle = el.$tmp.myTitle.substr(0, this.options.maxTitleChars - 1) + "&hellip;";
        el.addEvent('mouseenter', function(event) {
            if (!this.options.fixed) this.locate(event);
            else this.position(el)
        if (!this.options.fixed) el.addEvent('mousemove', this.locate.bindWithEvent(this));
        var end = this.end.bind(this);
        el.addEvent('mouseleave', end);
        el.addEvent('trash', end)
    start: function(el) {
        if (el.$tmp.myTitle) {
            this.title = new Element('span').inject(new Element('div', {
                'class': this.options.className + '-title'
        if (el.$tmp.myText) {
            this.text = new Element('span').inject(new Element('div', {
                'class': this.options.className + '-text'
        this.timer = this.show.delay(this.options.showDelay, this)
    end: function(event) {
        this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.hideDelay, this)
    position: function(element) {
        var pos = element.getPosition();
            'left': pos.x + this.options.offsets.x,
            'top': pos.y + this.options.offsets.y
    locate: function(event) {
        var win = {
            'x': window.getWidth(),
            'y': window.getHeight()
        var scroll = {
            'x': window.getScrollLeft(),
            'y': window.getScrollTop()
        var tip = {
            'x': this.toolTip.offsetWidth,
            'y': this.toolTip.offsetHeight
        var prop = {
            'x': 'left',
            'y': 'top'
        for (var z in prop) {
            var pos = event.page[z] + this.options.offsets[z];
            if ((pos + tip[z] - scroll[z]) > win[z]) pos = event.page[z] - this.options.offsets[z] - tip[z];
            this.toolTip.setStyle(prop[z], pos)
    show: function() {
        if (this.options.timeout) this.timer = this.hide.delay(this.options.timeout, this);
        this.fireEvent('onShow', [this.toolTip])
    hide: function() {
        this.fireEvent('onHide', [this.toolTip])
Tips.implement(new Events, new Options);
var Group = new Class({
    initialize: function() {
        this.instances = $A(arguments);
        this.events = {};
        this.checker = {}
    addEvent: function(type, fn) {
        this.checker[type] = this.checker[type] || {};
        this.events[type] = this.events[type] || [];
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            instance.addEvent(type, this.check.bind(this, [type, instance, i]))
        }, this);
        return this
    check: function(type, instance, i) {
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            return this.checker[type][j] || false
        }, this);
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        this.events[type].each(function(event) {
            event.call(this, this.instances, instance)
        }, this)
var Accordion = Fx.Elements.extend({
    options: {
        onActive: Class.empty,
        onBackground: Class.empty,
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        show: false,
        height: true,
        width: false,
        opacity: true,
        fixedHeight: false,
        fixedWidth: false,
        wait: false,
        alwaysHide: false
    initialize: function() {
        var options, togglers, elements, container;
        $each(arguments, function(argument, i) {
            switch ($type(argument)) {
            case 'object':
                options = argument;
            case 'element':
                container = $(argument);
                var temp = $$(argument);
                if (!togglers) togglers = temp;
                else elements = temp
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    addSection: function(toggler, element, pos) {
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        if (!test) {
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        return this
    display: function(index) {
        index = ($type(index) == 'element') ? this.elements.indexOf(index) : index;
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        this.elements.each(function(el, i) {
            obj[i] = {};
            var hide = (i != index) || (this.options.alwaysHide && (el.offsetHeight > 0));
            this.fireEvent(hide ? 'onBackground' : 'onActive', [this.togglers[i], el]);
            for (var fx in this.effects) obj[i][fx] = hide ? 0 : el[this.effects[fx]]
        }, this);
        return this.start(obj)
    showThisHideOpen: function(index) {
        return this.display(index)
Fx.Accordion = Accordion;

Executed Writes (11)

#1 JavaScript::Write (size: 179, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/231.html" target>M_`krWïóÞóé¤Öé¤Ö°ÃºHL©òzš</a>&nbsp;2013.08.21</li>

#2 JavaScript::Write (size: 140, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/243.html" target>M_`krW áÇ£¢Å1ô°</a>&nbsp;2013.08.27</li>

#3 JavaScript::Write (size: 193, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/246.html" target>M_`krWSOLIVOXLáPšFC¤ÙóÈ ËnTMR“U“mŠ2013

#4 JavaScript::Write (size: 155, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/253.html" target>JAPAN POPCULTURE CARNIVAL 2013 in MATSUDOkúLzš!</a>&nbsp;2013.08.14</li>

#5 JavaScript::Write (size: 179, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/258.html" target>JAM Project3tvŠnªê¸Êë¢ëÐ࿤Èëzš</a>&nbsp;2013.08.13</li>

#6 JavaScript::Write (size: 85, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/259.html" target>Lapis Lazuli

#7 JavaScript::Write (size: 126, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/260.html" target>¤ÙóÈúÅ1</a>&nbsp;2013.09.03</li>

#8 JavaScript::Write (size: 129, repeated: 1)

	<li><a href="http://kitadani-hiroshi.com/news/archives/262.html" target>áÇ£¢Å1ô°</a>&nbsp;2013.09.06</li>

#9 JavaScript::Write (size: 6, repeated: 1)


#10 JavaScript::Write (size: 528, repeated: 1)

<object codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=7,0,19,0" width="100%" height="630" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" ><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /> <param name="movie" value="img/index/index12.swf" /> <param name="quality" value="high" /> <embed width="100%" height="630" wmode="transparent" src="img/index/index12.swf" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"  ></embed></object>

#11 JavaScript::Write (size: 19, repeated: 1)

<ul id="headline">

HTTP Transactions (21)

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