
BREAKING… Fukushima Disaster Leaves Hundreds of Whales Radiated to Death

Fukushima Nuclear Plant

Fukushima Nuclear Plant

By National Report Staff

<National Report> On August 31st, four days ago the National Report ran the story… Fukushima Crisis Escalates Tons of Radioactive Waste Released into the Pacific Causes Ocean to Boil… http://wp.me/p3dd01-1QB. Since then we have been taking calls and emails from people all over the world wanting to confirm our story.

Two days after running the story we received an email from the World Nuclear Association, the mouthpiece of the nuclear industry who runs the website: www.world-nuclear-news.org, demanding we remove the story as it had resulted in a rush of people contacting this organization for more information. Per our policy however we refused to comply.

Workers at Fukushima Look at Leaking Nuclear Waste Escaping into Pacific Ocean

Workers at Fukushima Look at Leaking Nuclear Waste Escaping into Pacific Ocean

Due to the great deal of concerns and questions people have since the story broke and the fact that the world now knows that Japan has been anything but forthcoming with the truth the National Report sent it’s Editor-in-Chief Nigel Covington, to Fukushima to get to the bottom of the real Fukushima story.

New revelations coming out of Japan just days ago after the government took charge of this global emergency two years after the March 11, 2011 nuclear plant catastrophe it is clear that the government has intentionally failed to report the extent of the disaster to the people of the world. Nigel is in Fukushima now and we have received his first report on the disaster which follows.


<Fukushima> Reporting from the village of Fukushima I was shocked to find on my arrival that hundreds of whale carcasses were found along the beach early this morning which now extend up and down the shore as far as I can see.

The Scene Near Fukushima Today - Killed by Nuclear Radiation

The Scene Near Fukushima Today – Killed by Nuclear Radiation

The scene is absolutely devastating especially since no word of this latest crisis has been reported to the Japanese people or to the rest of the world. In fact the Japanese government has remained silent about today’s latest events.

Local residents claim they were told not to worry as the nuclear plant was brought under control shortly after the March 11, 2011 incident and there was little to no radiation concerns.

But what I’m hearing from experts and scientist here today is that they estimate 219,000 tons of nuclear waste has leaked into the Pacific Ocean over the past two years which up until 14 days ago TEPCO had kept a secret. After it was reported that at 300 tonnes (300 long tons; 330 short tons) of “heavily contaminated water” has been leaking from a storage tanks into the ocean daily. They also state the ground water in the region has been contaminated with high levels of radiation, but since the government stepped in to take control of the site relieving TEPCO the government has said little about the events taking place here.

It is an outrage for the government to remain silent. Two scientist I spoke to on the beach tell me maybe the government has been silent because no one can yet begin to image the impact this debacle will have locally as well as globally. Scientist on the site admit this is a major event but they too can only speculate on what will come tomorrow.

Nigel J. Covington III

What Next?

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212 Responses to "BREAKING… Fukushima Disaster Leaves Hundreds of Whales Radiated to Death"

  1. Tammy Imholt says:

    I don’t know whether to scream or cry?

    • Jolene Robbins says:

      I feel the same way:(…. They r killing all the animals & people:(

      • Maiko says:

        do you think that we like to kill animals and people???
        the cause is a natural disaster not humans or whatsoever…..this is not the first time a nuclear reactor exploded or spilled ..we ,the japanese people, are gentle and kind we live modestly . remember the march 11 earthquake??? it was a disaster but there was no panic,in buying foods or what ever…
        so please do not think that we like what is happening here…

        • TIM ROBBINS says:


          • Manicsloth says:

            Hey T-T-Timmy, calm yourself down and get a grip, take your caps lock off and join the human race for a while. You live in a country powered by these things so how about you shut up and deal with it. Angrily bashing out tirades in comment threads will do nothing. How about you go help clean it up? No? Then shut the hell up. It’s people like you who make this world intolerable not Maiko.

          • Dude says:

            Do you guys realize that this entire website is just a load of made up BS?

          • madeline says:

            manicscloth, that was stupid.

          • sharizzle says:

            Dude, where’s your brain?

          • Fired says:

            Dude is right. The previous report that the World Nuclear Association has asked this website to take down reported that the “death plume” would go from Japan to California in 3 1/2 hours. That’s 5000 miles, at a speed of 1428 miles per hour. That’s twice the speed of sound, use some basic math and common sense. This website may have some factual evidence here and there, but doctoring statistics to help validate their claims is doing more harm than good. These websites make more advertisement money the more visits they get. I remain extremely skeptical of anything published here.

        • Nick Bartle says:

          Maiko most of us know you guys had nothing to do with it,we know it was Tepco who is to blame and are Thoughts are with you…

        • veronique says:

          Gentle and kind! You are souless people. I am south african and your fellow country men are killing all our animals eg. Rhino and so forth. Born without a heart are what you people are about!

          • Megan says:

            Agreed Veronique … the rich and famous chinese are causing our poaching problem in SA … our poor rhino are dying so that they can drink the equivalent of our toenails ….

          • EJ says:

            I’m an American that just visited South Africa. So sad to see the crosses near St. Lucia that represent each rhino poached this year. Even at Bonamanzi Game Park, the horns of the few rhinos on the property are shaved to try to prevent poaching, yet they found one poached anyway. So sad.

          • Steve says:

            Stupid comment, Veronique.

          • Steve says:

            Very, very stupid.

          • Christina says:

            Not all Japanese/Chinese people are the same. Every single country does something horrible to animals. I am from America and we killed millions of farm animals daily in horrific ways. But I am Vegan, I am an animal rights advocate and I speak for those with no voice. Humans in general are the problem. Not a specific race.

          • madeline says:

            Megan’s comment is also right up there.

          • Judith Taylor says:

            Wrong country Veronique – the Japanese are NOT killing our rhino

          • chrisso says:

            Haha, Veronique…are you sure you are from SA not U-SA? Fukushima is in Japan, not in China.

            As radiation diffuses in water, it is very unlikely to be linked to Fukushima, why would they beach at the same time, same spot? It more looks to me as their navigation got distorted by some sort of boat/ propeller and they panicked. Radiation will trigger cancer in an organism, meaning whales of different size, age, weight will all die at a different point in time. Nonetheless it is a shocking catastrophe and something needs to be done very very soon.

            However in order to be taken seriously please always verify your sources and statements, you all remember the ICPP and global warming?

          • Katherine says:

            Wow, Veronique and Megan your comments are incredibly racist and ignorant. For one thing, it doesn’t seem like Megan knows that there is a difference between the Chinese and Japanese people (yikes). Veronique, you are making sweeping, ill informed generalizations about Japanese people that quite frankly make you look like an unintelligent bigot.

          • Tina says:

            I totally get why you feel that way. The Asians (and not just Japanese) are known for their brutal treatment of dogs and marine life – not to mention their thirst for illegal ivory, tortoise etc etc. As a society they completely suck … but it is dangerous to label all Japanese (etc) heartless, because they’re not.

          • Jerry says:

            Blame all for the action’s of a few? You might as well say it’s every the American’s fault for our goverment bombing Hiroshima. You are the one who sound’s souless, Veronique. I hear the South African’s believe they are tha master Race?

        • Mikaela says:

          Maiko I hear you with love. None of us wants this to happen.

        • Rose says:

          There is no reason to be defensive of Jolene’s comment. By “they” I am quite sure she meant those responsible for the Fukushima plant and not all Japanese. I am aware that there were workers who stayed at Fukushima to attempt to contain the disaster, at great risk to themselves, when they could have fled. They are heroes.

          To say that you are a kind and gentle people as a blanket statement is, however, naive. Please tell me what is happening in Taiji? Why is there not a greater response to this horrific slaughter from the Japanese people? And what of the Japanese whaling fleet defying international convention and continuing their merciless slaughter under the guise of being a “scientific” expedition? Thankfully they were far less successful this year due to an international presence thwarting their every evil move.

          Please do not tell me you are all gentle and kind.That is naive. Not all are gentle in kind here in Canada either. I can assure you.

        • Ben says:

          This is not a natural disaster, but a fail of tepco they didn’t responded good have no idea how to handle this, kept it secret for a long time, now after 2 years they can not lie anymore, And we all know how many dolphins are killed and sold at Taji all for big bucks and sold as whale meat, and also research in antartica killing whales are a big lie, Your goverment lie to his own people, that dolphin meat is full with mercury and is allowed to sell and to eat by Japan so they poisened there own

        • Megan says:

          You the Japanese, gentle and kind .. look at what is happening at Taiji. This was not a natural disaster … it was man made .. japanese made!!!! Nature had nothing to do with this radiation leak, some idiot didn’t do his job properly.

        • Carole says:

          Gentle and kind?? You obviously have not seen footage of Taiji. It is barbaric!

        • Nikki says:

          The government is not gentle nor kind however

        • Heather O'Shaughnessy says:

          There is no such thing as a natural disaster where man-made nuclear facilities are concerned. We are aware of the ultimate dangers of these facilities and men still choose to create them. This is a man-made problem! Caused by greedy men who choose to roll the dice when they know they haven’t got the ability to contain a meltdown when it happens!! Greed has caused this. There are safer ways to create electricity but they are more costly. This is the price of greed.

        • Mama D says:

          The cause was a natural disaster; however, the nuclear plant was not in compliance and failed on so many, many levels including 2 years after the fact. This is heartbreaking to the world. The Japanese Gov’t should have taken over and ensured better soundness of the plant! What’s happening today could have been avoided had the gov’t taken control and been honest!!! Too many animals and people are going to be harmed now because of holding back information and not being honest! This is what upsets me the most.

        • Mama D says:

          Come to think of it – Japanese whaling for research is a fraud! And look at Taiji. Really? I must restate my earlier post – The Japanese Gov’t is wracked with FRAUD and now the entire world including my fellow countrymen in Hawaii and California will be contaminated. The US needs to open a multi-billion if not trillion dollar lawsuit against Japan!

          • Paul says:

            Is this the American way Mama D….if you can not shoot them, sue them!! It would be wise for one to do some research concerning government FRAUD before declaring others are corrupt. In other words people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones We are all in this together…..lets stop pointing fingers as to who is to blame and constructively attempt to find solutions to the problems created by MAN.

          • Vera Anne says:

            What makes the U.S.so special? Canada, the entire planet, and all of humanity is affected by this tragedy. the U.S. should be suing themselves, Monsanto, and all of the poisoning by Big Oil, the Nuclear Industry, and too many other polluting entities to mention!

        • Misty says:

          You call your people “gentle and kind”?! You must’ve have been dreaming! What about the dolphin slaughter your people in Taiji are doing? Senseless killing for profit and your so-called right of passage. Wake up Maiko! Clearly you have been blinded.

          And yes the tsunami was a natural disaster but setting up a nuclear plant isn’t. Natural disasters occur and there’s no way to prevent it. So don’t put the blame on it. Had the nuclear plant not been there, this outrageous after effect wouldn’t happen.

        • Syd says:

          This was not a natural disaster. An earthquake did not cause the tsunami and the tsunami did not cause the nuclear meltdown. Read the ‘Fukushima report’ by Jim Stone and you will find out that it was an act of war.

        • phil says:

          r u a retard..the japs were told time and time again NOT to build there..this is not a NATURAL disaster ,, what a fucktard

        • why why why says:

          Looks like you met quota this year..

        • bj says:

          You miss the point here buddy..it is that they failed to report it to the international community! I have the right to know, so does the local ppl of Japan..and even the international community could help before all this got so worse ..wat abt the ppl who have been eating radiation infested fish and drinking contaminated water..they had a choice and your govt denied them of that and still is by keeping everything secret!

        • Mark says:

          You know, all you people who are bitching at the Japanese better take a good look at yourselves. Chances are, the power that’s powering your lights and the computer/phone you’re typing on is powered in some part by nuclear power. The same thing could happen in YOUR country too. Has everyone forgot the BP oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that has done an untold amount of damage to wildlife and the environment?

          Fact is, we all want our conveniences and point the finger elsewhere when something goes wrong. If you REALLY give a damn, why aren’t you protesting the use of nuclear power in YOUR country???? (Yes, I know there are a handful of countries that do not use nuclear power…but they may be buying it from other countries that do).

          So until you lazy ass whiners are ready to get up off your fat liberal butts and do something about pollutants and environmental destruction in your own back yard, don’t point fingers.

        • Lisa .. says:

          ‘the cause is a natural disaster not humans or whatsoever’ – You say this with a straight face .. ?? .. Who made the Nuclear Reactor .. ?? .. People, not nature .. !! .. Make sure you understand what you are writing before writing it .. !! ..

        • Catherine Todd says:

          Maiko, thank you for your kind and courteous response to the other person. I woul dnot have been able to be so polite! We know the Japanese people do not like killing, and this was a disaster over which the individual people had no control. It’s just a terrible event and I fear for the world now and everything in it. I hope we and the world can recover somehow.

        • jen says:

          Its not a natural cause this is the second time japans made history for the worse at that how horrible japan is horrible we need to be bombing them

        • Stephanie says:

          Natural Disaster? How on EARTH do you figure it is NATURAL? A nuclear reactor is not natural. Natural is fire, (created by nature, NOT man) flood, earthquake, tornado, hurricane…things PEOPLE had absolutely no hand in. A human built reactor cannot in any way be considered natural!

        • Ann says:

          Maiko, the Japanese people are not known to be gentle and kind nor are they thought to live modestly.
          The Japanese people hunt whales and kill them in the cruelest ways, now the Japanese people are killing whales by contaminating their home, the seas.
          At Taiji each year Japanese people herd 20000 magnificent dolphins into coves and bays and either trap them to be sold to marine mammal parks, or, if they have not been chosen for this fate, slaughter thousands upon thousands and use their flesh as meat. (much of it is contaminated with Mercury btw, so it may eventually kill those that eat it, I can only hope…)
          I have seen horrifying, sickening footage of this annual event and assure you the Japanese people filmed in this massacre including women and children were anything but gentle and kind.
          google it to see how gentle and kind some japanese people are…..
          A nuclear plant is not natural and the cause of this disaster is humans, in this case Japanese humans.
          It is not just Japan that has nuclear plants but it is Japan’s that this article is about.
          I do not say that Japan is the only country that cannot be described as gentle and kind but for you to make such a statement is very, very wrong.

        • Pop says:

          Idiot. Do you think they are doing a good job after two years?

        • steve says:

          natural disaster? maiko, you really are a moron. there’s nothing natural about it. it’s all made from man’s insatiable greed. and now the world gets to pay for it.

          • Ron says:

            How does providing power for people have anything to do with insatiable greed? At the time these plants were built all over the world they were considered the next great thing of the future in terms of safety and efficiency. After Chenobyl there should have been an international ban on nuk power plants, and legislation and procedures put into place to shut down plants world wide. After Fukushima there is still nothing being done.
            In fact, the Fukushima power plant situation WAS caused by a natural disaster. Since that day things have gone from bad to worse.
            To save our planet we all need to stop supporting companies that are ruthlessly plundering the earth.
            Will you stop buying gasoline? Will you boycott products from countries with little or no Green Poilcies? Will you buy only 100% naturally farmed produce?
            Honestly, I have to answer no to all of the above. I think most of us are the same. Words are easy to write. Actions are harder to carry out.
            By the way, I’ve lived in Japan for 10 years so the Fukushima situation is of great interest to me.

        • Maiko, I don’t believe that it is the Japanese people that some of the comments are referring to. They are talking about the corporate leaders, and of course, the biggest culprit of all is the news media for continuosly censoring what is truly happening at Fukushima. It is as though there is an almost total media blackout. Out hearts and prayers go out to the Japanese people. I lived in Japan from 1958-1961, and all my memories are GOOD ones…a lovely place, filled with lovely people.

        • Jlynn says:

          Its not about it being a natural disaster! Its about hiding the truth and allowing to problem to continue! Its about allowing the contaminated water to continue to flow into the ocean and under ground water sources killing animals and people. Its about keeping it a secret and lying instead of asking for help! Shame on the Japanese government!

        • Jean Oudy says:

          Maiko. I don’t think anyone is blaming the Japanese people. The Japanese Gov’t and TEPCO Power Corp are to blame. Yes there was an earthquake but when the Fukushima power plant was built scientists told them not to put the power plants in the basements or this very very disaster would happen. This is what people are so angry about. It was a very PREVENTABLE accident.

          • Jean Oudy says:

            A clarification. I meant the emergency power generators in the basement should have been placed at the top of the structure not in the basements where flooding had caused all this devastation.

        • Teri says:

          please explain to me how a Nuclear reactor exploding is a natural disaster

          A natural disaster is a major adverse event resulting from natural processes of the Earth; examples include floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geologic processes.

          the reactor was made by men so it is a MAN MADE DISASTER.

        • RealitySeeker says:

          You were lied to by your government! 3/11 is affecting the entire world and will continue to forever.

        • bill says:

          This should have been properly delt with the first time around and is not some thing you keep from people,they should be notified so they can prepare for it

        • Zardiw says:

          WHY did you build that thing so close to the Ocean…….are you MORONS? I personally have nothing against nuclear power……but that has to be the ULTIMATE STUPIDITY……….

          And Japanese are SECRETIVE BY NATURE…….they don’t want to ‘lose face’……BUT….GET REAL you IDIOTS……this is affecting the whole WORLD……and you all want to preserve your Fuk ing Pride?????


          • John says:

            Your an idiot if you have no problem with nuclear power. It is dangerous and deadly! Why use that type of power when there are alternatives you uneducated twit!

        • Austin says:

          its not the citizens fault over there. its the governments for not using all resources to contain it. Chernobyl was contained decades ago so why was this different? our technology has come a long way since then….

        • Gina Chronowicz says:

          I dare say the dolphins now being massacred at Taiji might disagree, but that aside, the point is that your Government have covered up the situation at the leaking reactor. To the detriment of the Japanese people, people of other nation’s and the whole environment.

          • Mark says:

            Gina, you don’t know this. It should not be a surprise that a vast Tsunami that killed huge numbers of people might harm a nuclear plant. Some support for their huge natural disaster would probably be more appropriate right?

        • Japanese Nuclear Monkey says:

          This is what Japanese usually doing that for their living standards. I have many Japanese ‘monkey’ friends. They have been very kind of everything that I need for… when you got to be Yodobashi Camera, known for its fame about kindest, reasonable, and shockingly good service at all, you would be thinking that there is no store like it. BUT…BUT BUT BUT. That’s all. They are like monkeys in Zoo. Only things that they can do is following someone in high-level position. Just last month I visited Osaka to see my friend and asked about ‘why Japanese are not afraid of being contaminated by nuclear activity? they forget the Nagasaki, Hiroshima?’ “Yes” he replied, “people easily forget…let eat some Yakiniku!!”

        • Mark says:

          Maiko, I don’t believe that anyone thinks badly of Japan for such a horrible disaster. Unfortunately some people believe that these are simple problems.

          I hope that Japan can resolve the problem and seeks help where it’s needed.

    • KEVINDBLANCH says:


    • William G says:

      Scream while you can….

    • Annette Hutcheson says:


    • In the United States we suffered a catastrophe in the Gulf because of British Petroleum did not have a disaster plan for one of the largest oil spills in the Gulf. The consequences have been horrific. And now in Japan, it does not appear that there has been an engineering team in the world with solid solutions. Yes, this is a global and international disaster and should be treated as such by all networks and media throughout the world.
      Japan, not only should be taking more measures themselves, but an immediate world effort needs to be made for engineering teams with nuclear experience to work toward solving this.

      I applaud the thorough reporting of this article and it’s efforts to reach a world with this critical news.

      • John says:

        There are solid plans but they don’t want to implement them due to the lobbyist’s greasing the pockets of them so called leaders of this country

    • henry says:

      these are long fin whales that beached in Australia in 2012, this entire article is a hoax once again.

      there have been no reports of whales containing fatal, let alone dangerous levels of radiation from this area.

      please stop reading articles on this fake website and sharing them

      • CanberraUniStudent says:

        It was actually New Zealand in 2010 … If you’re going to tell someone they are wrong at least get your facts right …

    • TINY says:

      maybe a lot of both, screaming and crying!!!!

    • Gina says:

      I’m feeling like both. : (

    • Laura says:

      Frankly I’m just scared. What is happening in our enviroment now and how is it going to effect our food chain?

    • paul says:

      its a fake article pilot whales in new Zealand 2010

  2. Olivia says:

    How do we protect ourselves? This is not good!

  3. Cassidy Pen Cassidy Pen says:

    At least the wales are cooked when they beach themselves. All the Japanese people need to do is decontaminate the meat.

  4. Japanese says:

    1st picture — Fukushima nuclear plant before an accident
    2nd picture — They are workers at Fukushima, but they don’t look at leaking nuclear waste escaping into the Pacific Ocean
    3rd picture — It isn’t in Fukushima probably

    • Jake Fox says:

      Proof please.

      • Dj says:

        Exactly… How can you prove it was taken at Fukushima? You can’t it’s just a photo

      • C.Guzman says:

        You can just do an image search on Google and you’ll learn that this picture is from some stranded whales in New Zealand in 2009.
        I wouldn’t trust the news on this website when they blatantly steal photos to make up stories.

      • Jeremy Andrews says:

        Nigel J. Covington III is not a real human being. He’s a front for right-wing/conservative propaganda. Anything to make the people distrust Obama and the Democrats is good enough to run on this site. It’s all psych warfare propaganda.

        • A Patriot says:

          No Jeremy Obama’s and the Dem’s actions make us not trust them. And fyi the progressives have the market cornered on spreading lies and propaganda with their full control of the msm. Wake up man. Stop drinking the kool-aid. Sheep…smh.

          • Jeremy Andrews says:

            You’re not very bright, are you?

            Go to the main page and look at some of the other articles. On this blog This is a bad satire site. Like The Onion only not funny at all. They’re taking advantage of people too stupid to do their own fact-checking.

      • rob says:

        google search the image of the whales, the whales are actually beached in new zealand…this shit is a total lie.

    • Maiko says:

      there is no NEWS about some whales dying…if there was its on the news and TOP NEWS. but no news so that picture and this news is a hoax.
      how can you post a news like this when me or other japanese people don’t know about it or the dead whales???…

      • Ben says:

        i saw pictures of Fukushima where the sea is boiling big time don’t lie to yourself, this is a global disaster ,the hole pacific is radioactive till the USA already ,stop defending this the world is not stupid

      • Misty says:

        There’s nothing in your TOP NEWS because your own government is freakin blocking it! They’ve blocked news about Taiji and surely they’ll have no problem blocking news for this too.

  5. I surly hope this is not another of your distasteful hoaxes. It is a tragedy of epic proportion if this is true. A show on NPR today concluded there is no danger from the radiation to america citizens thus far. I could not believe what I was hearing from the so-called experts . Of course we are in danger. No levels of radiation are safe levels! Hundreds of tons of uncontrolled and contaminated water seeping secretly into the ocean is an evil beyond comprehension!

    • Jake Fox says:

      Will nobody’s dead yet right? — If you believe they’ve run hoax’s in the past then why would you accept this story as fact?

    • John Whiting says:

      “No levels of radiation are safe levels!”

      Very true. The least bit of radiation can kill you. Even now, the carbon 14 in your body is giving you cancer. And the small chunks of radioactive material in your smoke detector can be lethal. So can chest x-rays and traveling in high-altitude aircraft like jetliners.

      That’s why scientists are researching ways to turn off the sun, one of our largest sources of radiation. They also hope to find ways of getting rid of all natural radiation sources here on Earth, such as radon, uranium, carbon 14, coal ash, radium, and any television set that still uses a cathode ray tube. However, they still haven’t figured out how to get rid of cosmic rays, which penetrate even our magnetosphere without problem.

      The good news is that once scientists learn to turn off the sun, they will have also solved the problem of man-made global warming.

      • Nora says:

        You’ve just scienced the shit out of them. Right on.

      • Vicki Johnston says:

        Well said John…thank you and shine on! ;)

      • A Patriot says:

        Are you freaking kidding man?? You have to be because no one can be that incredibly stupid to believe the sun can be turned off lmao! And as for manmade global warming apparently the reports of temps leveling off and dropping slightly over the last decade never made it to your ears. I guess the ice ages and warming periods that have been happening since the beginning of time here on earth are manmade too huh? You people never cease to amaze me with your “science” lmao!

      • A Patriot says:

        The bad news is IF they ever could turn off the sun everything on earth would wither and die. Seriously man?

      • Brian Bradshaw says:

        “The whole universe was in a hot, dense state…..”

      • tweety says:

        Somebody knows their facts! Great point of view John. Some people really have no idea about these things.

    • Janet says:

      Americans will see the results of this most likely in babies born on the west coast in the near future. Radiation levels in cow’s milk has increased by 35% since the melt down. That is pretty high up the food chain already. Fruits and vegetables grown in California are heating up. And fish from the Pacific, especially blue fin tuna, yeah you don’t want to eat that.

    • paul says:

      its a fake article pilot whales in new Zealand 2010

  6. Wendy Gibson says:

    Re comments that the photos are not accurate. Sometimes photos are just used to give context to an article. Often they are not of the actual incident itself however that doesn’t mean that the article & information in it is false or inaccurate. I would like to get more info on this.

    • CanberraUniStudent says:

      But they have captioned the photos saying that they are things that they are not. That is misleading and not an OK thing to do. The photo of the wales was taken in New Zealand in 2010 – why would they use it here if they weren’t trying to pass it off as being proof of their story? This is horrible journalism.

  7. Hero says:

    We’ll see how this story pans out … but meanwhile let’s not forget which USA mega-corporation designed and built these reactors – thank you GE for bringing the good things to life – like a global radiation catastrophe.




  8. This should be addressed by the UN about sending in experts to do something about this. Why hasn’t this gotten to be an international disaster and the countries that can help given the opportunity. Doesn’t make much sense to me t let this go on and on. But no one seems to be paying attention.

    • Jake Fox says:

      Evelyn Glover is the only person posting who makes a point. Why aren’t the government’s of the world doing something, and why hasn’t the UN become involved? Perhaps if this is a parody story then congrats to you Evelyn for reading between the lines and locating that which all other before you missed… how cares if this is real? Maybe the point is why for 2 years has Japan and every other world gov’t dismissed Fukushima as a non-event?

      • CanberraUniStudent says:

        Perhaps it hasn’t been declared a global crisis because it is not necessarily true? I know that the photo of the Wales was taken in New Zealand in 2010 not in Japan in 2013 so people shouldn’t believe things so easily. DO SOME RESEARCH OF YOUR OWN PEOPLE DON’T JUST BELIEVE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE SAY!

      • Vicki Johnston says:

        Yes Jake…exactly!

    • Vicki Johnston says:

      Thanks Evelyn :)

  9. radioredrafts says:

    Mother Nature is going to spank our collective @$$.

  10. brit says:

    Of course they knew the water was being compromised. How do you not notice a two year leak. Shut their lying asses DOWN. What’s wrong with the world???

  11. Jessic Lyn says:

    If this makes you mad, then wait until you find out that the Japanese violently hunt, murder, and slaughter up to 2,000 dolphins and small whales every year in Taiji, Japan. The killing season just begun on September 1 and will last 6 months. Visit TheCoveMovie.com, SaveJapanDolphins.org, and SeaShepherd.org and educate yourselves!!

  12. Julie Someone says:

    Nuclear waste and bomb chemicals ruin the land and ruin dna for over 25,000 years then degrade to lead I ehard…. it should of NEVER of been created. Pray a scientist comes forward with a way to neutralize radiation….too many of them and they are too much of a threat to all of life in every way they were warned by people and they wouldn’t listen you are ruining our earth, our water they want you conserve water you know why because of the thousands of gallons per second polluted by the flouride and nuclear industry….

  13. Dj says:

    Everybody keeps wanting to blame it on somebody… It’s an accident!!

    • Eric says:

      This may have been an “accident” but the problem was poor planning and design. Why build a nuclear plant on the sea line in an area known for earthquakes with a history of tsunamis? The generators were placed in the wrong location. The whole thing was wrong from the beginning. Nuclear plants should be strategically placed to help insure against this type of disaster. Of course the Japanese people are not responsible for the natural elements that lead to this but are for allowing such a horrible placement of a very dangerous power source. The Japanese culture of avoiding shame is now causing lies, misinformation and lack of true action. Suck it up Japan, your stupidity has f***ed the world.

  14. dakota says:

    the TEPCO executives need to be lined up in front of a firing squad. They do not deserve to live, they have DEVASTATED our planet and this CANNOT be fixed. It is only going to get much worse.

  15. William T William says:

    This is a joke website, right?

  16. Pirate says:

    I wonder if it is at all possible that the energy and powers that reside in the planets oceans could break down the Radiation into a more complex matter that might could even benefit the planet, there is a lot our planet has gone through, is going through and will continue to go through, time cycles, solar activity, human beings. Moving into a new era of time and thought, our interconnectedness, being and intelligence has in my mind increased drastically, movements for peace and liberation all around the world are showing us that we’re done with old world politics and bullshizza, and ready if not wanting a change of attitude or belief that doesn’t revolve around money and old world gods and religions. Without bringing Religion into the mix, because we all know where that discussion/debate will take us, and without bringing God into this discussion or at least not the old world God as a single individual spiritual being that watches over us and steps in when it feels just…
    Is it entirely or at all possible that our planet being the living breathing changing organism that it is (breathing without I big set of lungs mind you) might it not have its own form of consciousness no matter how minuscule or grand, a consciousness that might have a better understanding or plan than the ants that think they know everything do (the ants in this discussion will be played by the humans that think they know everything, especially the ones the read an ancient book they think god wrote, awwww cute little innocent know-it-alls) who’s to say that this wasn’t the plan along, if your open minded it might give you something to think about, but don’t believe it til it’s proven and told to you by the government, after all it did come from the mind of a know-it-all human

  17. jessy sandoval says:

    They fucked us all up with this !!

  18. C.Guzman says:

    Do an image search on Google and you’ll learn that the picture
    “The Scene Near Fukushima Today – Killed by Nuclear Radiation”
    is from some stranded whales in New Zealand in 2009.
    I wouldn’t trust the news on this website when they blatantly steal photos to make up stories.
    Also the text is a bunch of B.S.

  19. Stace says:

    They need to fucking stop this planetary disaster!!!!

  20. Hohum says:

    I’m not sure if this photo is ridgydidge. The people on the beach don’t appear to be wearing any protective clothing. I thought anyone within the zone would have to wear protective clothing…
    Hey, I don’t doubt for a minute that the radiation is damaging the environment but I don’t think this photo is genuine.

  21. john says:

    Is it really an accident? were now uncovering Data that suggestes that the HARRP can trigger earth quakes very accurate manner .chemtrails were also debunked on NPR and the data is conclusive that they are doing this and many here are sick in Ca !! we are losing our trees bt the week here …chemtrails are destroying the ozone..look at recent tests at Geo enunneging .org..we are suppose to have 5% UV’s UVM’s and we have 70% here now ! no one is talking about this and they hacked this site !! check it out !!http://12160.info/video/leuren-moret-fukushima-haarp-nuclear-attack-by-cia-doe-bp-for

    • A Patriot says:

      That’s all true and I’ll take it a step further. I read somewhere an insider testimony that Japan was about to tell the international banking cabal to go pound sand and about to get off the fiat currency scam and go to a gold backed currency. The cabal used HAARP to cause the earthquake knowing it would send a tsunami their way. It was a warning that got out of hand quickly. They also have EMP technology that if used would terminate the electrical grid permanently. At least until it can be rebuilt. If that happens near a nuke plant this same thing will happen because the coolant is generated electrically and the backup generators run on diesel which will stop being delivered at some point because an EMP burst would fry cars and trucks as well as everything electrical. An EMP burst could set us back a couple hundred years and this technology is in the hands of sociopaths. God help us.

  22. Linda Menzies says:

    The picture of the dead whales is from 2010 CNN article of dead whales in New Zealand…WTF are you doing man??? Be honest!!

  23. George says:

    See what Dr. Helen Caldicott says on the issue.

  24. Christine says:

    This picture looks like pilot whales. They do swim by Japan this time of year, which is why the Taiji hunt just started – they hunt pilot whales as well as dolphins. Dead whales on a beach looks the same no matter where it happens, so could be New Zealand, or could as well be Fukushima.

  25. Cameron says:

    Scrutinize the photo, Christine. Circuitous discourse is a distraction from the relevant issue.

    • Shelly says:

      Reporting from the City of Fukushima… More than 2 hours inland from the coast.
      Can you please name the area of Fukushima that this photo was taken?

  26. notta fool likeyou says:

    this is a joke site people. read some of their headlines.
    1- ie hunter s. thompson still alive.
    2- obama auctioning off seized marijuana. etc etc.

    also, there are no local residents in the village of fukishima, there are no locals for 50 kms. the place is closed. only scientists and clean up workers are allowed.

    this site is funny… laugh at it.

    though it is very sick humor… i am not laughing.

  27. Jub Gau says:

    As Japanese person born and living in United States I ask several things please.
    1. Stop blaming me for this is not my fault
    2. Japanese culture mean head of big bang factory commit hari kiri so justice has already been done. There will always be more whales and dolphins so stop moaning.
    3. If your immigration policy tighter I could have been born in Japan where I understand language culture and customs and not here surrounded by iriots
    Thank you.

    • gorja says:

      Stop moaning?… Idiotic sentiment

      • Megan says:

        Jab Gau I did not blame you, firstly and secondly we the japanese are killing them faster than they can breed, there are only 60 pink dolphins left in the world … Whydo you not rather try and educate your own people about conservation, something they know nothing about.

  28. amy gibson says:

    I am horrified. I hope action is taken against the government. Where is sky news?

  29. only whales? why, what about al the sharks, tuna, jullies and so many other ocean life. why are they not showing up? just curious?

  30. Jen says:

    And what’s worse…..
    more then this are killed every year in their whaling industry!

  31. Robert says:

    This world is deteriorating right before our eyes. God help us..

  32. Monica Vee says:

    WHY do we think it’s okay to destroy everything – and take all the other Earthlings with us? Worst species EVER.

  33. andy says:

    the nuclear plant site is small on the picture and why was it not contained properly after the incident.

  34. susan says:

    Please I have not heard this on the news this must be seen . We cant allow this to continue..!!!

  35. Steve says:


  36. Bush Whacker says:

    Pathological liars and incompetents, those TEPCO criminals should be executed for crimes against nature and humanity.

  37. Rudy Preston says:

    lies lies lies

  38. NL says:

    I live in British Columbia. Canada this summer our fishing was cut short because of warm waters affecting the fish breeding : it takes four years for fish species numbers to increase and in the fraser valley region i seen a picture of a fish that was covered in large red gashes like burns and in a remote area(skookemchuck /skatine past whistler) people were getting sick in large numbers like gastroenteritis symptoms but what makes that area unique is it is an area that relies on fishing to feed their families during the summer because they have to travel 2+ hours to get to the nearest store/gas stations, and they drink only spring water

  39. Jaclyn says:

    I want those responsible to know they are the scum of this earth. They have now damned so many to an early death. Such pain and suffering still to occur because of such STUPIDITY. I’m sooooo upset. I can not believe this is the case. Not telling the world what really happened and is still happening. This will effect my children and I’m furious. If I had the power in my hands more action would be taken. In death I will have words with those idiots involved.

  40. BMDC says:

    You’re ALL fucking retarded. This is fake. Learn to use google.

  41. Ross P. says:

    Too bad it made godzilla leave :(

  42. tresha says:

    We are all a part of the human race and this disaster will eventually effect all of us! Instead lashing out at one another and pointing fingers to blame, why not be a part of the solution (if at all possible) and assist in trying to find answers to remove the disaster. Also, be informative to help others with knowledge on how to protect oneself and loved ones from radiation posioing! There a magnitude of problems facing the human race worldwide so join in humanitary efforts to survive all. Give encouragement and hope to others instead of negative output!! MAY GOD SHOW HIS MERCY TOWARDS US ALL!!

  43. Marilyn says:

    OMG. You have got to stop the dolphin and porpoise killing going on right now in Taiji Japan . They have not found any for 2 days but 3 days ago they killed over 1,000 of them by shoving a metal rod into their spines to cause excruciating pain and torture on them so they die a slow death. Please stop the killing in Taiji, Japan, look it up.

  44. KevK says:

    This is bs- The picture of the whales is from 2010 AND WAS TAKEN IN NEW ZEALAND.

    Come on people- Just because it’s in an article on a website it doesn’t make it true!!!

  45. DOLTALERT says:

    Are you people f’n kidding me? This article and this entire site are utter bullsh*t. Fake news by real nutjobs.

  46. Moby says:

    Why are you using a picture of whales beached in NEW ZEALAND 2012??

    The story has just blown it’s credibility.

  47. Justin says:

    I don’t doubt that these whales have been affected by the criminally insane nuclear disaster at Fukushima. Nuclear power must be ended if the human race and the general environment is to survive long-term. However, it is important to report facts correctly, or else we who oppose nuclear power will seem as insincere as those pro-nuke people who have blinders on. The ocean at Fukushima was not and is not boiling. I repeat, the ocean at Fukushima was not and is not boiling. This kind of sensationalist nonsense is a huge negative for anti-nuclear forces.

  48. bob says:

    The image has been on the net at least since 2010, New Zealand. Not yesterday. Save the planet, kill yourself.pod to see people complain about taiji but fail to mention the brutality used in dolphin hunting in Solomon’s, Ecuador, Us, and other places, yes do your research, ignorant people, I think the suffering a whale goes through when indigenous hunters kill one is more than commercial methods, is japan the only nation, no, do your research again. Should we tell the indigenous to stop hunting? No it’s their livelihood. How are they different? So what they have been doing it for thousands of years compared to hundreds? Endstate is, if you’re not prepared to be a part of the solution, stop bitching about the problem. Give the people options for a change in livelyhood, real options. Can’t tell a town of 10000 all to start to become farmers, when they have no land. Oh, stop breeding BTW.

  49. Anonymous says:

    Great job, stupid Asians. Just as bad as Americans.

    • J says:

      WTF…..seriously? It’s fricken 2013 and you still have the audacity to call a whole race stupid?

      Like are you even educated? Have you even traveled outside of your city?

  50. Kerri says:

    The Japan govt puts no value on any living beings including humans. What they get away with is absurd! They need to be stopped now!

  51. Lau says:

    If this has been going on for 2 years, it´s absolute government negligence not a Natural disaster- Or is it then a permanent Natural disaster which occures 24/7 for 2 years and nobody does anything about? How could they have possibly remained silent about such delicate matter for such a long time?
    I fear for the future of our beautiful Planet.

  52. veritus says:

    Fake article. The image of dead whales are taken from CNN’s report in New Zealand.

    See “Dozens of whales die after 58 are stranded on New Zealand beach”.

  53. zack says:

    Its not funny to see the whales like that but when I see those people standing near the nuclear water like that it is funny

  54. crankstart says:

    WOW, is there a single soul on this site that even realizes it is a satire site?

    Made up news for the sake of humour… no, no one… ok, back under your rocks please before the real world finds ya…

  55. passerby says:

    I just want to know the exact place where the photo (scene near Fukushima) was taken.

  56. crella says:

    Supposedly ‘reported from Fukushima’ while using a photo of dead whales in New Zealand from two years ago. Forgot to take your camera to Japan?

  57. Camilla says:

    So, I am totally against nuclear power and this disaster is a travesty to the world. But I have one question. If this picture of the whales is really legit…why are there a whole bunch of people standing in the water in the back ground of the picture? Just sayin.

  58. Alt Saint says:

    Humanity is the Devil……Period!

  59. Clayton says:

    Peace is guys.
    Japan doesn’t want this happening either.
    no one does.
    They went through the earthquake and tsunami, and you insult them for that?
    Those who do, are probably the worst.
    Just sayin’ hatin’ sayin’ hatin’, and just want to put others below you.

    We all want to live. We all want peace.
    We can understand each other.

  60. D. Sisco says:

    It is not the Japanese people to blame but TEPCO and the operaters of the nuclear plant that are to blame for not seeking worldwide expertise immediately and hiding the true facts from the world while this disaster continued-and continues-to poison not only their own people but all the people worldwide as well as the air, the seas, and all flora and fauna of the world! God be with all of us.

  61. Myolth Martin says:

    Devastating regardless of where it is.

  62. Shun Ferguson says:

    This article was totally fabricated.
    The death of those whales are nothing to do with radiation.
    Is anyone can read the part on this article proving that those whales were died because of the radiation?
    This is intentionally fabricated the truth.
    Those whales beaching are happened almost every year since long years ago, not only after the tsunami and earthquake 2 years ago.
    This is very dangerous article to mislead the innocent people.
    Sea Shepherd and that type of emotional people becomes crazy when it comes about the whales as cult religion.

  63. Guy Hilliard says:

    This is very scary major global problems will follow.

  64. Chill with all that says:

    All apart of the plan to kill of 90% of human race on this globe… mean while they side track you with talks of war. Which by the way don’t you think it’s funny all this came to surface at the same time????

  65. Davina says:

    The creator is trying to tell us something if we ever stop and listen we will know why? Really people those who specify a group that causes something is selfish. We as humans bleed the same color and doing this to our Mother Earth together. Wake up and listen

  66. Mike says:

    The nuclear industry lies 100% of the time.

  67. Han G Thesobs says:

    Really… 1st Red Flag about this site is having Palin and Cruz on top of it…. BOTH apparently lie for a living…(According to FACT-checkers everywhere, so you can’t believe anything they say since they lie so much) The fact that this site has them on TOP = You can’t believe this site’s integrity. Proof? They’ve been caught telling HUGE lies before… = NO FACT-CHECKING, EXACTLY what Palin and Cruz are so well known for.

  68. MagicJickJack says:

    It is all LIES. This picture was taken in NEW ZEALAND in 2010 of beached whales

  69. Truth and lies says:

    This photo was taken in New Zealand in August 2010 .

  70. llo says:

    TAIJI Japan would have to be googled if you are not aware of what is going on there – those of you who cannot make the link.

  71. Camilla says:

    yep…thought so. If this picture was really legit…there wouldnt be a whole bunch of people standing in the water in the back ground of the picture. Lets get real.

  72. Ann says:

    If this pic was legit – wouldn’t those kind hearted Japanese be down there on the beach with their sushi kits… Isn’t that how they like their whales ? D E A D

  73. Clayton says:

    and how is it any different to killing cows, chickens, fish or sheep to eat??
    or are you saying that larger animals have more worth in living??

  74. Nigel Covington Nigel Covington says:

    Clayton grow a brain. KILLING ANYTHING WITH NUCLEAR RADIATION is bad for all living things you simpleton.

  75. Nigel Covington Nigel Covington says:

    Ann – Dead yes, not radiated.

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