``This is just a historical note about the C compiler microsoft sells. In the late 80's I was developing C programs under DOS using the Lattice C compiler. One day I got a letter from Lattice saying they were out of the C compiler business, I should contact microsoft for support. I found out that microsoft bought the compiler and exclusive rights to sell it from Lattice. The compiler got worse and worse after that. The main point is that microsoft could not create a C compiler from scratch, they had to buy one.''
This is just a historical note about the C compiler microsoft sells in the late 80's.
This is just a historical note about the C compiler microsoft sells. In the late 80's I was developing C programs under DOS using the Lattice C compiler.
某所で大活躍 FSplit(argv,fdir,fname,fext); f_name := FSearch(fname+fext,fdir); if f_name <> '' then begin assign(fp_in,f_name); {$i-} Reset(fp_in,1); {$i+} if IOresult <> 0 then pr_err(''); こんなソース
Originally named FPK-Pascal, the Free Pascal compiler is a 32 bit Turbo Pascal and Delphi compatible Pascal compiler for DOS, Linux, Win32, OS/2, FreeBSD, AmigaOS, MacOSX, MacOS classic and several other platforms