Pamyu.in has a page rank of 0 and an alexa traffic rank of 1013161. Based on several factors, we estimate the value of the domain name to be $1,975. |
| Worth: | $1,975 | | Host Name: | pamyu.in | | IP address: | | | Page Rank: | 0 | | Alexa Rank: | 1013161 |
This is a whois report for pamyu.in. The whois report is very important for verifying the ownership records of a domain name. It also gives you the email and physical addresses of the administrators of pamyu.in. |
Registrar: | INRegistry | URL: | http://whois.registry.in | Created: | 2012-04-21 | Changed: | 2013-05-03 | Expires: | 2015-04-21 | Status: | OK | NameServers: | ns1.value-domain.com ns2.value-domain.com | Owner: | Name: Ryuji Kamiyama Email: kamiyamaryuji @ gmail.com Phone: +81.8053024442 Address: 2-41-14-705 Kuramae Taito-ku Tokyo 111-0051 JP
| Admin: | Name: Ryuji Kamiyama Email: kamiyamaryuji @ gmail.com Phone: +81.8053024442 Address: 2-41-14-705 Kuramae Taito-ku Tokyo 111-0051 JP
| Tech: | Name: Ryuji Kamiyama Email: kamiyamaryuji @ gmail.com Phone: +81.8053024442 Address: 2-41-14-705 Kuramae Taito-ku Tokyo 111-0051 JP
Pamyu.in is located in .
The Reverse IP report shows which other domain names are hosted on the same IP address as pamyu.in. This is especially useful for shared hosting in which an IP address is shared by several domain names. |
Neighbors - Related Sites: 3 Domains On the IP Address .
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1 IP Addresses are used by pamyu.in which are as follows:
This is the HTTP headers report. HTTP headers show which server and technologies are used by pamyu.in. |
HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently | | Date | Sat, 11 May 2013 172732 GMT
| Server | Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
| Location | http//2ch.pamyusoku.com/
| Connection | close
| Content-Type | text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Above is the HTTP headers analysis. The server used by pamyu.in is Apache/2.2.15 (CentOS)
. |
This is the DNS analysis report. DNS records include the A, MX, NS and SOA records. These are the most important DNS records and show the IP addresses, mail servers and name servers used by pamyu.in. |
Host | Type | TTL | Value |
pamyu.in | A | 43200 | | pamyu.in | NS | 43200 | ns2.value-domain.com | pamyu.in | NS | 43200 | ns1.value-domain.com | pamyu.in | SOA | 43200 | Serial: 1368218388 Refresh: 16384 Retry: 2048 Expire: 1048576 MinimumTTL: 2560 PrimaryNameServer: ns1.value-domain.com Contact: hostmaster@pamyu.in
| pamyu.in | MX | | No MX Records! | |