«Systemgates Ltd», hereinafter referred to as the Company, offers currency conversion (exchange) operations on the Forex market, CFD stocks, indexes and metals to any individual or corporate entity (hereinafter referred to as the Client) according to the procedure and on the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.
The Agreement becomes effective as of the date when the client opened a trading account and transferred funds to the Company's account(s) to ensure minimum trading deposit.
1. Payment Procedures.
2. Customer and Company Responsibilities.
3. Customer risk notice.
4. Terms of transactions.
5. Disputes, complaints and inquiries
6. Know your customer.
7. Communicating with clients.
8. Termination of the agreement.
9. Weltrade CLUB
10. ZuluTrade
11. Bonus 25%
12. Welcome Bonus $10
13. My Safe
14. Contest
Order - Client's request to the Company to open or close a position when the price reached the desired level.
Currency contract - currency pairs available for trade.
CFD contract - stocks available for trade.
Currency pair - Forex instrument based on the exchange rate of one currency vs another.
Financial instruments - currency pairs and CFD contracts available for trading.
Transaction - set of trading operations when funds are transferred from base currency into quote currency and back.
Hedged positions - equal long and short positions of the same instrument on the same trading account.
Open position - buy (sell) order not covered by the opposite sell (buy) order.
Marginal trade - arbitrage operations with currency and (or) CFD contracts that result in the volume of opened positions several times exceeding the amount of variable margin.
Lot - volume of an order.
Equity - current state of an account, calculated as balance + floating profit - floating loss.
Floating Profit/Loss - unfixed profit/loss on open positions with floating exchange rates.
Free Margin - funds in trading account used to open new positions, calculated as equity - margin.
Margin - necessary deposit amount to open orders, calculated as lot size * lot volume*current price/leverage and is equal to 0.5% (with 1:200 leverage) of the total amount of opened positions.
Margin Level - indicator of the state of an account, calculated as Equity / Margin*100%
Stop Out - automatic closing of open positions if your equity (balance + floating profit – floating loss) reaches 5% of your Margin. Stop Out is calculated according to the following formula: Equity/Margin*100%
Base currency - currency unit in which subaccount, all balances, fees, and payments are nominated and calculated.
Non-market quote - quotation (price level) inside a price gap, several price ticks close to each other in amount which form a price gap, appearance of quotation as a result of price noise, and a price level formed without any macroeconomic indicators which have substantial effect on the instrument's exchange rate.
Balance - amount in Client's or broker's secure trading account after closing the last transaction during any period of time.
Weltrade Station means licensed software used to make orders.
Spread - difference between buy and sell rate of a currency pair or CFD contract at a given moment.
Storage, Swap - cash held or added to Client's or broker's secure trading account for prolonging (carrying over) a position to the following day. From Wednesday to Thursday swaps are tripled.
Dealer - Company employee processing Client orders.
Company's business hours - time during which the Company's terminal processes orders with standard currency contracts and standard CFD contracts. This time represents a continuous period of time between 00:00 hours EET of Monday and 00:00 hours EET of Saturday. Order processing can be limited or unavailable from 00:00 hours EET till 00:05 hours EET daily from Monday till Friday due to special technical pricing procedures at the start of the new business day.
Buy rate (ASK) - rate at which the Client may buy a traded currency.
Sell rate (BID) - rate at which the Client may sell a traded currency.
1. Payment Procedures.
1.1. Client shall fund his trading account within 90 calendar days from the date of its opening in an amount not less definite terms for the type of account (minimum initial deposit).
1.2. The Company has the right to close/cancel an account with the balance less than 1 cent (one-hundredth of a US dollar), if the above account balance existed for more than 90 calendar days.
1.3. Client may withdraw funds from his trading account the amount not used to cover the margin, but not more then current balance.
1.4. Client places a cash withdrawal order using the Company website's interface. All the orders have to be confirmed by a unique confirmation code sent to the Client's registered email address. Company is not responsible for any third party access to the Client personal information and withdrawal orders. Once an order has been received, the withdrawal amount is deducted from the Client's trading account or safe box. All payments are final and are not to be returned.
1.5. The money will be transferred within five banking days after receiving a Client's order. The security service of the company has the right to hold the order up to 10 business days, previously having notified the client.
1.6. The Client will be given the Company's banking details to transfer funds to replenish his trading account via the Company's website, or may place an account replenishment order in electronic (placed using the Company website's interface) or written form.
1.7. When replenishing his account, the Client shall use the Company's current banking details received at the Company's website only and effective on the payment date. Current banking details mean details received within 24 (twenty four) hours prior to payment. The Company cannot be held responsible for the funds which the Client transferred to accounts and using banking details different from current, and does not offer search and refund of Client's payment and cannot credit these funds to Client's trading balance. Trading deposit replenishment orders may be issued, and current banking details may be received in the appropriate section of trader's office on the payment day.
1.8. Deposit/withdrawal fees are payable by the Client.
1.9. When replenishing trading account balance using electronic payment systems (WebMoney, Yandex Money, RBK Money and others), the Client can only order withdrawal using details of the payment system which was used to replenish the trading balance, and in the respective currency. In the event of withdrawal of cash received as a profit from trading operations, the withdrawal may be ordered via other payment systems.
1.10. When the trading account balance is replenished using direct bank transfer, funds will be credited within 2-5 days (after the transfer was actually credited to our account). The minimum replenishment amount is $500. Clients who replenish their account using direct bank transfer may order withdrawal only to the account from which the payment was made. A bank transfer fee applies (for international bank transfer).
1.11. In case the withdrawal is performed and the minimum lot volume has not been reached, the Company may apply a 2% commission to the withdrawal amount. The minimum lot volume equals to no less than 0.1% of the withdrawal amount, including only orders between the last and current withdrawal orders. For cents accounts the minimum lot volume is 100 times higher.
1.12. If you withdrawing funds from your account or My Safe, deposited before using credit card, earlier than 30 days after initial deposit (with the amount up to 500 USD) and earlier than 180 days after initial deposit (with the amount of 500 USD or more) , the security department of the company is entitled to request a color scan both sides of the card and passport holder. Then, these documents are transferred to the department risks of processing center, which determines whether it is possible to conclude the payment or to the bank account (USD) of card holder. The commission for the bank transfer is 50 USD.
1.13. Company reserves the right to reject a request for withdrawal in case of an explicit intention to exchange customer funds from one payment system to another.
1.14. Replenishing account balance using credit cards of third parties is prohibited.
2. Customer and Company Responsibilities.
2.1. Client is notified and agrees that the company cannot be held liable for client's actions or inactions during conversion operations. Responsibility for trade account standing is borne by the client.
2.2. Company reserves the right to amend this Agreement by notifying the client about it at least 2 business days prior to the effective date of these amendments. Posting the relevant information on the main page of the www.weltrade.com website for the period of at least 3 days is also considered a notification.
2.3. All powers and obligations of the company and the client represent a long-term commitment, which remains in force up until the company receives a client's notice of termination of this agreement or closing his trading account.
2.4. Company cannot be held responsible for non-fulfillment of any obligations involving quality of online communication of information to the client terminal or use of information, software, and interfaces of websites which do not belong to the company.
2.5. Client realizes that any market recommendations and information communicated to the client by the company, its representatives, or third parties do not constitute an offer to make operation/transaction.
2.6. Client realizes that any payments which client makes using the banking details received earlier than 24 hours prior to the payment time or not at the appropriate sections of the company website, which differ from the company's current banking details do not entail the company's liability or obligations concerning the search, refund or credit of this payment to the client's trading balance.
2.7. Client realizes that any actions committed by the client or third parties (through client's fault or with client's participation), which destabilize the company's business or performance of the company's services, equipment, or software may result in the company's denial (on the basis of private law) of servicing the client's current trading account and cancellation of all orders, with full refund of the initial deposit. Company must notify the client about the reasons for the above decision. Company also may deny this client a registration and servicing of a new trading account in the future.
2.8. The Client declares and guarantees that:
- Client is of sound mind and memory, of full age, and financially solvent
- Client is able to trade on Forex and CFD markets
- information which client provided to the company is true and correct
- Client shall notify company about any and all changes in this information within one day after the change took place
- the e-mail address stated by the client is not an e-mail address of general, group, or common use with third parties. Any and all notices, requests, complaints, and information received from this address are considered coming from the client and to be accurate.
2.9. Company may request from client a confirmation of accuracy of the personal account data due diligence and in the event of cash withdrawals. Company may require a notarized copy of the client's ID and the document proving his place of residence.
2.10. Client agrees to provide all documents and notices, procure registration of documents, and take all other actions which the company may deem necessary or desirable at own discretion in accordance with the Anti Money Laundering Policy
2.11. In case double registrations of the same client with different email addresses are revealed, the company has the right to cancel such additional registrations.
3. Customer risk notice.
3.1. Client understands that the risk of suffering trading losses may be quite significant. Client should analyze his financial capabilities before engaging in trading operations.
3.2. Client realizes that he may completely lose his all initial funds and any additional funds used when trading on the market.
3.3. Client agrees that the company cannot be held responsible for client's losses caused, directly or indirectly, by the government restrictions, restrictions of foreign exchange or market rules, suspension of trading, military operations, or other conditions usually called the ‘force majeure circumstances' which lie beyond the company's control.
3.4. Client was informed about additional risks associated with the specifics of functioning of e-trade systems and the problems of Internet communication nodes.
3.5. Client bears full responsibility for the risks associated with the storage of trading account access data, and must ensure that third parties cannot access the trade terminals. Client's losses and risks associated with the restoration of access to the trading account place no obligations on the company, other than to provide new access data to the client upon sufficient and unambiguous identification of the client as the holder of this account.
4. Terms of transactions.
4.1. The Client may issue only the following trading instructions using electronic access:
- OPEN – to open a position
- CLOSE – to close a position
- to place (delete, change) Stop Loss, Take Profit, Buy Limit, Buy Stop, Sell Limit, Sell Stop orders
The Company cannot accept and will automatically deny any other requests.
4.2. A confirmed request to open/close a position cannot be canceled, changed, or withdrawn.
4.3. Orders are executed at the Bid / Ask prices proposed by the Client, which he sees in the window of сlient's trading terminal. During trading session client may select a desired operation and place a price confirmation inquiry with the dealer. Company reserves the right to increase declared spreads during excessive market volatility and/or insufficient market liquidity.
4.4. If the price has changed while the inquiry was processed, or in the event of increase of market volatility dealer may offer the client a new price, in which case the dealer's response time may increase until the price will be certain.
4.5. Dealer may decline the Client's instruction to open a position, if the free margin is lesser than the margin required to secure this position.
4.6. All trading orders are executed at the best available market price when the order price level is reached in the market. The Company reserves the right to reject order execution if current market situation does not correspond to order conditions at the moment of execution. The Company reserves the right not to execute an order or revise an order opening (closing) price based on the first tick at the opening of a trading session, and in the event of a technical failure of the trading platform, which affected the financial instrument quotation flow, or other technical failures.
4.7. When market is opened, CFD stocks listed in DOW JONES database and index stocks, all trading orders are executed at the best available market price when the order price level is reached in the market. The Company reserves the right to reject order execution if current market situation does not correspond to order conditions at the moment of execution.
4.8. Client cannot change or delete current and pending orders, if price has reached the order execution level.
4.9. Open positions at the client's account may be forcibly closed (Stop Out) when the margin level reaches 5% (five percent). However, if there are more than three open positions, company reserves right to close the most unprofitable orders when the margin level reaches 20% (twenty percent) to avoid negative balance on the fast (volatile) market.
4.10. Company may suspend its operations or revise client's orders for the following reasons: failures on part of Internet access providers, failures in information flows, hacker attacks, and other illegal actions against the company's servers and equipment, force majeure circumstances, and suspension of trading on financial markets which concerns financial instruments used by the Company.
4.11. Company may revise (change) a trading operation upon discovery of software malfunction within 5 trading sessions after malfunction was discovered. In this case, client will be provided data concerning history of at least 2 independent quotation sources.
4.12. Client bears full responsibility for his trading operations using additional functions of the client trade terminal, such as Trailing Stop or Expert Advisor. These functions and their performance and characteristics directly depend on the client trade terminal and cannot be controlled by the company's server.
4.13. Company may change spread amount and parameters of Limit & Stop levels for orders for certain financial instruments at nighttime and during periods of low market volatility.
4.14. Company reserves the right to decline services for the client, if his orders last less than 2 minutes.
4.15. Company may increase the Limit & Stop level for Forex instrument orders for up to 30 pips for the period of release of important economic news. The level changes take effect at least 15 minutes prior to the news release time.
4.16. Maximum orders' volume at all trading accounts with 1:500 leverage is 5 lots.
4.17. The Company reserves the right to cancel the orders and refuse services if:
a) the number of orders in most of its mass hedged by counter-orders earlier than in 2 minutes;
b) Client's intentions directed only to open / close trading orders using old / not existing prices;
c) identified fraud attempts to make profit using particularities of trading conditions and trading equipment.
4.18. The company has the right to cancel client pending orders, if client didn't perform any trading activity during the period of 3 month.
4.19. The Company reserves the right to limit maximum amount of active orders on client's account.
5. Disputes, complaints and inquiries.
5.1. The parties will try to settle all disputes by negotiation and correspondence. The company may accept client's complaints for review, if these complaints were stated in writing and received within three calendar days after the dispute occurrence date.
5.2. Client's all inquiries will be considered official and regarded as written inquiries, if these inquiries were placed via the Company's website interface, by e-mail sent to the addresses of the company's services concerned, or by regular mail. Inquiries placed using online communication programs, such as ICQ or similar, cannot be considered written inquiries.
5.3. The company will review client's complaints within ten business days after receiving from the client all necessary and sufficient information which concerns this complaint and is indispensable to settle it.
5.4. In the event of disagreements concerning client's operations or the state of his trading account, the parties will review the protocols of client's operations using company's data.
5.5. If the client will breach any of the above paragraphs, the company reserves the right to deny the client its services and make a refund of the client's deposit. Termination of service and refund of the deposit will come into effect upon expiration of 5 banking days after the client was sent a notice via internal mail of the trade terminal or by e-mail provided at the time of registration of trading account.
5.6. In case of failure to reach an agreement through negotiations and correspondence within 3 (three) months from the date of the emergence of a dispute its further consideration will be directed towards the justiciability in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Seychelles.
6. Know your customer.
6.1. The company has the right to request the customer to confirm his identity and information provided upon registration. At any time client can be asked to provide an electronic copy, certified copy or notarized copy of a passport (at the discretion of the Company).
6.2. If the client has not received a request to provide the documents, the procedure of verification is not mandatory, but the client can voluntarily send a copy of the passport or other proof of identity.
6.3. In the case customer registration data (name, address or telephone number) have changed, the customer shall immediately notify the Company's customer service asking to change the data.
6.4. Customer acknowledges that the registration data, referred to them for opening an account can be used by the company in the fight against money laundering.
6.5. Customer is responsible for the authenticity of submitted documents (copies) and recognizes the right of the company, in case of doubt about their authenticity, contact the law enforcement agencies of the issuer of the document to verify its authenticity and if it detects a falsification of the document, company has the right to place a hold on the account and conduct an investigation.
7. Communicating with clients.
7.1. The company can use to communicate with the client:
- Internal mail of the MetaTrader trading platform
- E-mail client provided upon registration
- Phone number client provided upon registration
- Postal address client provided upon registration
- Through cpmpany News page at www.weltrade.com/company/news
The company will use the details specified by the customer provided upon registration. Client must notify the company of any changes in
contact information within 3 business days.
7.2. Any correspondence (documents, announcements, notifications, confirmations, reports, etc.) will be considered as received by the client:
- One hour after sending to client's e-mail address
- Immediately after sending the internal mail in the trading platform
- Immediately after the telephone conversation with the client
- 7 calendar days from the date of posting on the website
- Immediately after placing ads in the Company News page on its Web site.
8. Termination of the agreement.
8.1. Following agreement becomes effective as of its acceptance by the client.
8.2. This agreement will be terminated if following occurs:
- In the case of expression of one of the parties wishes to terminate this Agreement;
- In the case of a complete withdrawal of funds from client's trading account, which entails the termination of relations governed by the agreement;
- In case of breach by the client the terms specified in the agreement, the company may terminate this agreement unilaterally by notifying the customer of such termination and returning in full the Customer's funds from his/her trading account at the time of termination.
8.3. If the Company terminates the activities regulated by the Agreement:
- Company warns the customer for the month prior to such closing;
- The Company shall pay the Customer the Customer's funds, which are on the account at the time of closing account.
8.4. In case of death of the Client:
- The right to demand withdrawal of funds from the client's trading account becomes appropriate queue or the heirs of the heirs under a will;
- The right to use trading account and the right to conduct operations in the financial markets by inheritance is not transmitted.
8.5. Customer agrees that the Company reserves the right at its sole discretion, suspend or discontinue all or part of the client's access the services of a subsequent notice by means of communication. In this case, this Agreement shall be terminated and company released from providing services to the Client.
9. Weltrade CLUB.
9.1. WTP (WelTrade Points) - developed by our company as a bonus. Client earn points for each trade.
9.2. WTP can be converted into cash in a trading account at the rate of: 100WTP = $1.00
9.3. Funds received during the conversion of the WTP can be withdrawn without any restrictions.
9.4. The minimum amount of conversion WTP to money into your trading account is 10'000WTP, which equals $100.
9.5. WTP are calculated and added to your account within ten minutes on the amount of all closed transactions, regardless of their outcome (positive or negative).
Consider this an example: you have club level «GOLD» and WTP Reward Rate is 1.4. Let's say you have closed three transactions: the first brought you +$200, second -$70, third +$80. During these 3 transactions you will be credited with 490 WTP. Calculation: (200 * 1.4) + (70 * 1.4) + (80 * 1.4) = 490 WTP. When you reach 10 000 WTP, you can transfer them to your trading account.
9.6. WTP are not added on the transaction, duration of which is less than 2 minutes.
9.7. Company has the right to cancel WTP and/or exclude a client from Weltrade Club without previous notice, if the actions of a client are directed at WTP gain by means of trading conditions manipulation, in particular, opening of opposite positions (BUY и SELL) in terms of the same financial instrument and volume.
9.8. If the client within 2 minutes opens 2 transactions on a single instrument with the same amount in the opposite direction (BUY and SELL), the company has the right to cancel WT Points earned on these transactions.
9.9. Client Activity - number of months during which a customer must trade in the company Weltrade. Each month considered active if the total volume of transactions on the profile is equal to or greater than 5 lots (for accounts such as "Micro" number of lots increases 100 times.)
9.10. Club Level entitles you to receive WT points. The higher your level, more points you earn. Club Level is reserved for you during the calendar month. First of each month we analyze the activity of your trading account and award you a new level.
9.11. Trades made on MetaTrader 5, ZuluTrade, FxStat and ECN accounts are not considered in calculating the WTP and Weltrade club's status.
9.12. The calculation and accrual of WT points occurs on the profit (both positive and negative) which gained only on non-hedged volume of trading positions.
9.13. All our clients who entered the club and make trade operations, are guaranteed to get points before the accumulation of 20,000 points. Thus at accumulation of 10000 points and more, they can be transferred to real money at any time and to withdraw from trading account, or use for trade.
9.14. All our clients who were already registered, but didn't enter the club, can still manage to make it till 01.02.2013, and to take part in the "Points for Trade" program.
9.15. Charge of WTP stops after accumulation of 20000 points.
9.16. The "Points for Trade" program and charge of WTP won't be available to all new clients registered after 01.02.2013 inclusive.
9.17. In case that there was absolutely no transactions on MetaTrader 4 trading account from the moment of the accession to club and till 01.05.2013, WTP will be automatically cancelled by the system.
10. ZuluTrade.
10.1. Account in Systemgates Limited is connected to an automatic service (the "Service") of ZuluTrade Inc.
10.2. Commision 0.7 points per 1 lot applies.
10.3. Automatic service ZuluTrade Inc. is only the service of execution of trade operations and Systemgates Limited is not responsible and does not guarantee the potential profit of these systems or from the use of the Service.
10.4. The client is aware of the risk of losing money as a result of trade in the foreign exchange market.
10.5. Customer understands and agrees that the company Systemgates Limited is not responsible for any loss on account, proposed changes, operation, renovation or improvement of selected systems. Customer understands that it is entirely his responsibility - to monitor the activity on the account and status updates on selected systems.
10.6. Systemgates Limited is not responsible for any loss on account of a client due to mechanical, software or communications problems caused the system error, or any other influence outside its direct control.
10.7. This agreement releases the company Systemgates Limited, as well as its brokers, agents, directors, shareholders, and employees from being responsible for any loss and / or other liability (including, but not exclusively from the corresponding costs of a lawyer / auditor) arising in the use of this Service.
10.8. Using this service the customer acknowledges that he has received, read and accepted the letter of appointment rights, fully understands its responsibilities and agree to all terms stated above.
11. 25% Bonus
11.1. The maximum total bonus per account is not limited.
11.2. Bonus is available only for trading accounts and not available for My Safe
11.3. Bonus is credited automatically in the account after straight deposit from payment system or My Safe.
11.4. If during the bonus campaign period, the customer made a withdrawal from any account, bonus is calculated on the difference between the deposit and withdrawal.
11.5. If the client makes withdrawals, bonus deducted from the trading accounts in proportion of 1:4, and can be changed in the future. This condition applies to the total amount of bonus money in the account.
11.6. When transfer funds between accounts, bonus debited accordingly in proportion from one account and deposited on the other.
11.7. The company has the right to refuse to receive a bonus without explanation.
11.8. The company has the right to cancel the previously accrued bonus.
11.9. The Company reserves the right to request additional identification information from the client.
11.10. The bonus is not credited to MetaTrader 5, ZuluTrade, FxStat, ECN accounts and My Safe.
12. Welcome $10 Bonus.
12.1. Welcome $10 Bonus equal $10 U.S. dollars (1000 cents on the balance of the account) and only available for cents accounts.
12.2. Welcome $10 Bonus can only get a limited number of customers, which is chosen at the discretion of the company.
12.3. If the bonus account has been funded with client's own money, in the case of drawdown on the account, this amount will be lost first, prior bonus funds.
12.4. Welcome $10 Bonus can not be removed. All the profit earned by Welcome $10 Bonus can be withdrawn at any time.
12.5. The Company reserves the right to cancel bonus without any notice or explanation.
13. My Safe.
13.1. Funds can be placed only in U.S. dollars and Euros.
13.2. Annual percentage rate of 5% applies to balance.
13.3. Conversion of funds is at the average commercial rate calculated by company. The course can be adjusted at any time.
13.4. In the case of conversion of customer accounts without the implementation of the minimum volume of transactions the Company is entitled to retain a commission of 2% of the amount. The minimum volume of transactions (lots) can not be less than 0.1% of the amount for withdrawal, this takes into account only the transaction between the previous and current request for withdrawal. For cent accounts the minimum volume of transactions increased by 100 times.
13.5. Funds kept are not eligible for bonus.
14. Contest.
14.1. General rules.
14.1.1. Participation is free.
14.1.2. The Competition is open to all comers, regardless of nationality, sex, national origin. The contest is not open to employees of the Company, as well as their family members and relatives.
14.1.3. Registration and holding of the contest, announcement of winners is conducted in accordance with the dates listed on the Weltrade website. Current rating is published on the official contest page at www.weltrade.com
14.1.4. Contest is a competition of traders. Therefore, in particular, shall not be used automated strategies, not involving participation of a person (trader) for a decision on the basis of current market conditions. Special competitions in which trading software is provided can be an exception.
14.2. The Prize Fund.
14.2.1. The prize fund is announced at the time of the registration in contest.
14.2.2. The prize fund is distributed among the winners of the tender committee, in accordance with the position occupied in the ranking of the participants at the time of summing up its results. The rating generated automatically in real time by comparing the values of the current balance in the competition.
14.2.3. Prize accounts have a status similar to a real working accounts except for the following positions: Member has the right to withdraw only the profits earned in the trade, and their own deposit. Removal of the prize money is prohibited.
14.3. Registration.
14.3.1. Register in this contest possible with the announcement of registration, as well as at any time during the current competition (after the start), but no later than 5 days before the end date of its completion.
14.3.2. When register Participant is obliged to provide their real data. All participants agree to publish on the site www.Weltrade.com his account number and its history, first and last name, country and city of residence.
14.3.3. Upon completion of registration contest account will be opened (unique number and password). The data obtained are used to login into trading platform «Weltrade Station».
Participants need to download and install trading terminal on their computers. The installation and configuration of the terminal is identical for both contest and live accounts.
14.3.4. Starting value balance and leverage is identical for all competitors:
Balance - 10,000 virtual US dollars;
Leverage - 1:100.
14.3.5. Members agree not to open more than one contest account. If multiple accounts with the same IP-address are detected, they will be disqualified during the contest or after its completion.
14.4. Additional Terms.
14.4.1. The maximum total positions volume on all trade tools isn't limited at any moment.
14.4.2. During the competition the number of complete transactions undertaken by the Participant shall not be less than 5.
14.4.3.Terms of Business to fully comply with described in Section 4 of User Agreement for real trading accounts.
14.4.4. At the end of the contest all opened positions will be closed forcibly, and the current value gains/losses on them is reflected in the balance.
14.4.5. The minimum contract size is 0.1 lot, lot increment is 0.1, the maximum contract size is 1 lot.
14.4.6. Leverage can not be changed.
14.4.7. Trading operations on the contest accounts during the contest shall be held only with the use of currency pairs. Other instruments on contest accounts are not available. This limitation applies only to contest accounts and only for the duration of this contest.
14.5. Conducting and judging the competition.
14.5.1. Judge and commission of the competition is Weltrade. The Commission's decision shall be final and without appeal.
14.5.2. Participants who violate this Regulation shall be subject to disqualification from the contest. Disqualification from curent contest does not preclude him from taking part in the next contest of traders.
14.5.3. All complaints, suggestions and questions arising from Members during the registration period, in the course of the contest, and in summing up its results, should be sent using the feedback form (the "Contacts") after authorization in trader's office, addressed to contest commission.
All claims, questions and suggestions related to the competition brought by other means or sent to other departments of the company, will not be accepted.
14.5.4. Shall not be accepted claims from members:
- Related to the inability to perform operations in contest account due to poor quality of communication on both sides, the Participant and one of the servers of Weltrade;
- Connected with quoting on trading platform "Weltrade Station", except in cases of obvious errors.
14.5.5. Administration of Weltrade has the right to suspend or terminate the contest in case of technical problems with providers, company service equipment, or because of the extreme circumstances that arise after the start of the contest, which the administration of the company could neither foresee nor prevent with reasonable measures.
14.5.6. Weltrade administration reserves the right to amend these rules, as the company will give advance notice to all contest participants.
VPS server - Virtual Private Server with remote MetaTrader 4 and 5 terminal.
New month - period from the day in the current month till the same day (but not included) in the next month.
Provider - the company, that you renting VPS server from.
User - the customer who rents a VPS server.
Safe Box - the account from which will be automatically debited monthly payment for VPS server.
1.1. Each client of Weltrade is entitled to a VPS server to trade in global markets.
1.2. On VPS servers customers can only trade through the terminals of Weltrade.
1.3. Users can not install any software other than the software of Weltrade company.
2.1. User has the right to rent VPS server for a fee worth $ 7.99 (seven dollars ninety-nine cents) a month.
2.2. User with a status Platinum in the WT Club has the right to rent VPS server for a fee worth $5.99 (five dollars ninety nine cents) per month.
2.3. The user has the right to rent VPS server, only if the Safe Box has the balance not less then mentioned in points 2.1. and 2.2. of the present Terms.
2.4. Rent is calculated from the day of service activation till the same day (but not included) in the next month.
2.5. The service is automatically renewed if the necessary funds are available in the Safe Box to pay for new month.
2.6. Service is extended automatically for free to customers with the VIP status only if within last 30 days total volume of transactions of the client was equal (or more) to 1 standard lot.
3.1. To order a service, log in to your account and go to section VPS:
3.1.1 You must select a Safe Box account to cover the cost
3.1.2 Read and agree with terms of this agreement
3.1.3 Confirm your order.
3.2. After you booked your rental of VPS service, the necessary amount as per points 2.1., 2.1. will be deducted from your Safe Box for the next 30 days.
3.3. After submitting the application for VPS service, your request will be processed within 2 working days. After processing the application provider will send an e-mail with username, password and instructions for setting up your new VPS server.
3.4. VPS server is free for customers with the VIP status of a WT Club only if in previous 30 days total volume of transactions of the client was equal (or more) to 1 standard lot.
4.1. Each User of VPS server within three (3) days for security purposes should change the password from the rented VPS server.
4.1.1. If the user who ordered the service, did not change the password for the VPS server, the provider has the right to disconnect the server until the user is ready to make these changes.
4.1.2. The password to the VPS server can not be restored.
4.2. User may not install on the server programs and scripts from little-known developers, as well as programs that you download from an untrusted sources (such as file sharing, torrents, etc.), as they may contain viruses, Trojans, and other malicious software.
4.3. User takes all the risks and consequences associated with the operation of the leased VPS server, since only the user after changing the password on the server has exclusive access to the server, make all the decisions on their own, and only the user can administer the server.
4.4. Weltrade assumes no responsibility for the VPS server and is not responsible for any losses in the event of poor performance of VPS servers.
4.5. The user has the right to cancel VPS services at any time.
4.6. In case of early interruption of services funds for the remaining calendar days will not be returned by the Provider.
4.7. In case of delay in payment VPS server will be deleted without possibility of recovery.
4.8. Weltrade is not responsible for any losses caused by delay in payment for VPS servers and their subsequent disconnection.
The company «SystemGates Ltd», hereinafter referred to as a company offering an conversion (exchange) transactions in the currency market Forex, CFD stocks, indices, metals to any individual or corporate entity (hereinafter - the Customer) in the manner and conditions of the Offer Agreement, and physical or legal entity, hereinafter referred to as "Partner", collectively the "Parties", entered into this Agreement as follows.
Active client - a client who has made one full order within three calendar months from the date of registration in the Company. Full order - it`s a closed order with profit or loss, which displays on the balance of the trading account.
MTP - the difference between the opening and closing order’s price in pips.
Locked positions - long and short positions of the same size opened on the same instrument in one trading account.
1.1. The company and partner take on the commitments agreed upon, directly related to attracting customers to the conclusion of trading on the tools offered by the Company.
1.2. Partner assumes the rights and obligations set forth in this Agreement to seek and attract customers, as well as other rights and obligations under this Agreement. Fulfilling the commission pursuant to this Agreement, Partner shall act on its behalf and at his own expense to attracts customers to the Company.
1.3. Partner fully accepts that all the involved customers are customers of the Company.
2.1. A partner can provide potential customers with promotional information about the company, citing the relevant sections on the official website of the Company, as well as other information, which confirmed the reliability of the Company.
2.2. Partner guarantees the authenticity and validity of all contracts and documents that provide the Company Partner on behalf of the Client.
2.3. Partner must provide clients with the necessary accurate information relating to the registration of the Client to the Company`s website, provided clarification regarding the Company`s services.
2.4. Partner is obliged to inform customers about the risks associated with participation in currency trading.
2.5. The Company is not responsible for the consequences of providing partner clients guidance and advice on the conduct of operations on their account.
3.1. Partner undertakes to attract customers to register on the website of the Company on the terms offered by the Company.
3.2. Partner agrees to complete the registration form to open a partnership account with the Company, the authenticity of their personal data.
3.3. Partner must have general information on international financial markets, and be competent in the services provided by the Company.
3.4. Partner must own and inform customers about changes in the company.
3.5. Partner to provide comprehensive customer support, which belong to his group, time alerts about promotions and other company news.
3.6. Partner has no right to enter into sub agencies and other agreements (agreements, contracts), which can be transmitted powers Partner or a part thereof under this Agreement to any third party, except with the prior written consent of the Company. An assignment of the claim of the present contract is possible only with the consent of the Company.
3.7. Partner has the right to plan and carry out marketing activities and promotions.
3.8. Partner can implement input/output operations with cash affiliate account in accordance with the partnership agreement.
3.9. In case of problems associated with doing business and the provision of services offered by the Company, Partner must seek the advice of the Company, in its entirety by giving the information needed to solve the problem.
3.10. Partner has no right to conduct any transactions with the Customer`s trading account.
3.11. Partner has no right to organize monetary relations with the clients on behalf of the Company (including receiving cash payments and bank cards, etc.).
3.12. Partner has no right to involve customers, using illegal methods and techniques. By unlawful means and methods include: providing incomplete information about the risks arising when investing in financial instruments and certain, misrepresentation, deceit.
4.1. Open trading accounts under the Customer Agreement to clients, attracted by the Partner.
4.2. Enables clients to trade through the system established by the Company logins and passwords.
4.3. Exercise control over the activities of the Partner`s performance of its functions and duties under this Agreement.
4.4. The Company is obliged to carry out the calculation with a partner in the revenue by charging commissions on affiliate account.
4.5. The Company is entitled to request a full report on progress and achievements of the partner in attracting new customers.
4.6. Company agrees to pay Partner commission once a day.
4.7. If the partner is not attracted three (3) active Clients during three (3) months, the Company may suspend payments under this Agreement.
4.8. Attracted by the Client Partner may not be a partner himself and his relatives and any other affiliates. If you find any data crossing the Partner and the Customer (such as passport details, address, phone number, e-mail, ip-address, etc.) The Company has the right to exclude from the list of login Client Partners and revoke accrued commission. The accounts are traded on an ip-address, equal to one active account, and in the case of intersection with the same name are considered to be affiliates and can not participate in the program.
4.9. In the case of non-fulfillment partner obligations under this Agreement, the Company has the right to exclude clients from his Partner Group.
5.1. Registering Clients and recording them into Partner group getting done by following ways:
5.2. The client has the right to deny service provided by the Partner and work directly with the Company.
5.3. Clients transfer between partner groups is prohibited to avoid unfair competition.
6.1. Partner may bring a claim to the Company in the event of a dispute. Claims must be made within five working days from the date of the grounds for their presentation.
6.2. The complaint must be issued in the form of an e-mail (e-mail) and sent from the Partner registered e-mail addresses in Company`s data.
6.3. It is the responsibility of the Company is to review Partner`s claim within 10 working days and to post a reply to its partners by e-mail.
6.4. All disputes arising from this Agreement shall be settled by negotiation.
7.1. Partner has no right to disclose any information obtained from the Company in joint activities, as well as information and data contained in this Agreement, throughout the term of this Agreement and five years after its dissolution.
7.2. Partner can not provide a competing third party confidential information relating to methods of the Company, the provision of its services.
7.3. Parties are required to keep confidential all information regarding clients personal data, data on their accounts and their transactions history.
8.1. Company agrees to pay Partner commission on forex instruments according to the rates mentioned in the table located in Partners area, Terms of payment section.
8.2. Company agrees to pay Partner commission on CFD instruments according to the rates mentioned in the table located in Partners area, Terms of payment section.
8.3. During the calculation of commission The Company may not take into account customers` transactions, undertaken by the imperfections of the trading platform, as well as to exclude such customers from the Partner group.
8.4. In the case of detection by attracting customer orders that are contrary to the regulations, the rules of the bonus system, or the rules of the competitions, as well as in the case of receiving commissions from accounts suspected of cheating, commission received from such accounts shall be revoked in its entirety, and Clients themselves - removal of the Partnership Group.
8.5. Commission is paid to the partner’s account once a day after the closing of the transactions of attracted clients.
8.6. The Company reserves the right to refuse payment of commission on transactions, the margin for the opening of which was provided only by means of bonus accounts - the bonus program participants. This rule can be applied to already accrued commissions and such members may be excluded from the Partner group.
8.7. The company did not pay partner’s commission for accounts Micro, Premium, ZuluTrade for the position, satisfying the following conditions:
8.7.1. Affiliate commission is not paid on the transaction, in which difference between the opening and closing price is less than the MTP value of the corresponding instrument.
8.7.2. Affiliate commission is not paid on transactions, whose duration is less than 2 minutes.
8.7.3. If within two minutes "locked positions" were opened, the partner’s commission will not be paid for such orders.
8.7.4. If after 2 minutes after the opening of the order(s) was(were) opened counter locking order(s) whose volume is equal to the previously opened locking order(s), 50% of the partner’s commission will be paid from the locked volume.
8.7.5. If after 2 minutes after the opening of the order(s) was(were) opened counter locking order(s) whose volume is not equal to the previously opened locking order(s), 50% of the partner’s commission will be paid from the locked volume, and 100% - from the not locked volume.
8.7.6. If within two minutes will be closed one of the "locked position", 50% of the partner’s commission will be paid from locked volume.
8.7.7. Partner’s commission can not be more then 50% of the Client’s deposit in the trading account.
8.8. Partner’s commission for each currency pair is specified in the "Terms of payments" in the partners area.
8.9. The company did not pay partner’s commission for the transactions which have been carried out on trading accounts MetaTrader 5.
9.1. Terms and conditions of this Agreement may be modified or amended unilaterally by the Company with notice within 3 calendar days.
9.2. Any party to this Agreement shall have the right to unilaterally refuse to extrajudicial execution of this Agreement, notifying the other party not less than five days.
Client understands that the risk of suffering trading losses may be quite significant. Client should analyze his financial capabilities before engaging in trading operations.
Client realizes that he may completely lose his all initial funds and any additional funds used when trading on the market.
Client agrees that the company cannot be held responsible for client's losses caused, directly or indirectly, by the government restrictions, restrictions of foreign exchange or market rules, suspension of trading, military operations, or other conditions usually called the ‘force majeure circumstances' which lie beyond the company's control.
Client was informed about additional risks associated with the specifics of functioning of e-trade systems and the problems of Internet communication nodes.
Client bears full responsibility for the risks associated with the storage of trading account access data, and must ensure that third parties cannot access the trade terminals. Client's losses and risks associated with the restoration of access to the trading account place no obligations on the company, other than to provide new access data to the client upon sufficient and unambiguous identification of the client as the holder of this account.
We collect information from you when you register on our site.
When ordering or registering on our site, as appropriate, you may be asked to enter your: name, e-mail address, mailing address or phone number.
Any of the information we collect from you may be used in one of the following ways:
To personalize your experience
(your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs)
To improve our website
(we continually strive to improve our website offerings based on the information and feedback we receive from you)
To improve customer service
(your information helps us to more effectively respond to your customer service requests and support needs)
To process transactions
Your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred, or given to any other company for any reason whatsoever, without your consent, other than for the express purpose of delivering the purchased product or service requested.
To send periodic emails
The email address you provide may be used to send you information, respond to inquiries, and/or other requests or questions.
We implement a variety of security measures to maintain the safety of your personal information when you place an order or enter, submit, or access your personal information.
We offer the use of a secure server. All supplied sensitive/credit information is transmitted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and then encrypted into our Payment gateway providers database only to be accessible by those authorized with special access rights to such systems, and are required to keep the information confidential.
After a transaction, your private information (credit cards, social security numbers, financials, etc.) will not be stored on our servers.
Yes (Cookies are small files that a site or its service provider transfers to your computers hard drive through your Web browser (if you allow) that enables the sites or service providers systems to recognize your browser and capture and remember certain information).
We use cookies to help us remember and process the items in your shopping cart, understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile aggregate data about site traffic and site interaction so that we can offer better site experiences and tools in the future.
We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your personally identifiable information. This does not include trusted third parties who assist us in operating our website, conducting our business, or servicing you, so long as those parties agree to keep this information confidential. We may also release your information when we believe release is appropriate to comply with the law, enforce our site policies, or protect ours or others rights, property, or safety. However, non-personally identifiable visitor information may be provided to other parties for marketing, advertising, or other uses.
Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party sites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these linked sites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our site and welcome any feedback about these sites.
This online privacy policy applies only to information collected through our website and not to information collected offline.
Please also visit our Terms and Conditions section establishing the use, disclaimers, and limitations of liability governing the use of our website at www.weltrade.com
By using our site, you consent to our online privacy policy.
If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page.
If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us using Feedback.
Inviting trader – existing Weltrade Company client, who invites friends.
Invited friend – new company client, who is invited by the Inviting trader.
1.1. This promotion is created for Weltrade company clients who can receive bonuses by inviting friends.
1.2. Invited friend also can receive a bonus in case of registration by referral link from Inviting trader.
2.1. Each Weltrade company client can invite friend.
2.2. Friend's invitation is possible by sending the letter with invitation to open account in Weltrade Broker Company through the section "
2.3. Inviting trader can send no more than 100 invitations per day and no more than 2 invitations to one email address within 24 hours.
2.4. Invited friend has to be new company client. It is forbidden to invite the registered Weltrade clients.
2.5. The company can limit number of sent emails in case of SPAM suspicions or complaints from email’s recipients.
3.1. Each Inviting trader who will invite friend according to clauses 1 and 2 of the present conditions can receive a bonus.
3.2. Invited friend can receive a bonus according to clauses 1 and 2 of the present conditions.
3.3. Inviting trader and Invited friend can check the status of the condition of minimum trade turnover performed by Invited friend for bonus activation according to the table in clause 3.11. of the present conditions through the section "Refer a friend" of the member's area.
3.4. Inviting trader and the Invited friend can transfer a bonus to the trading account for trade in case of condition performance of the minimum volume by Invited friend according to clause 3.11. of the present conditions.
3.5. If Invited friend funds some trading accounts or the safe, charge of a bonus is made according to the table in clause 3.11 for the maximum total deposit (the deposit minus withdrawal) which was made within 24 hours after the first deposit, or until commission of the first trade on the trading account.
3.6. If Invited friend has several accounts types, the bonus is charged only on one of them.
3.7. The minimum withdrawal amount of bonus funds on the trading account is 1 (one) U.S. dollar.
3.8. Bonus can not be transferred from one account то another.
3.9. Bonus can be credited only on the trading account and and is not withdrawable. Any profit got as a result of trades, made on bonus means, is available to withdrawal.
3.10. Trading bonus is activated only after performance of the minimum trade volume in standard lots by Invited friend according to the table in clause 3.11. of the present conditions.
3.11. Table of bonus payments on the promotion "Refer a Friend":
Friend’s deposit
Your Bonus
Friend’s Bonus
Necessary trade turnover of the friend in lots
$100 - 500
$500 - 1 000
$1 000 - 5 000
$5 000 - 10 000
more than $10 000
4.1. Bonus means are charged only on MT4 accounts types: Micro, Premium.
4.2. If the bonus account replenished with own funds, in case of drawdown, own funds of the client are lost at first from the account.
4.3. When Stop Out event is occurred, bonus funds are not renewable on the trading account.
4.4. The Company reserves the right at any time without notice and for any reason to cancel (charge off an account) the bonus given out earlier and also to revoke (cancel) all trades made with use of bonus funds.
4.5. The following trades aren't considered at calculation of the minimum trade turnover:
4.5.1. Trades, the duration of which is less than 2 minutes.
4.5.2. The Company reserves the right to cancel the calculated trade turnover if client's actions are directed on receiving a trade turnover by a manipulation with features of trade conditions, namely trades commission on one symbol with an identical volume in an opposite direction (BUY and SELL).
4.5.3. The trades made within 2 minutes on one symbol with an identical volume in an opposite direction (BUY and SELL).
4.5.4. Trades on MetaTrader 5, ZuluTrade, FxStat and ECN accounts.
4.5.5. The overlapped (hedged) volume of trade positions is not considered.