Articles and Papers

フクシマ神話の歪められた真実 (English title: "Fukushima Reconsidered")
Newsweek Japan, August 27, 2013
Fukushima Reconsidered (Japanese).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document [825.4 KB]

"The Diplomacy Deficit," essay in Reimagining Japan: The Quest for a Future That Works (Shogakukan Group and McKinsey & Company), 2011



        "Paul Blustein has achieved the improbable. He has written a riveting thriller about the International Monetary Fund. Even more improbable is that it is not a work of fiction."

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 "An engrossing inside account. . . .The arguments surrounding Argentina's collapse are complex and technical. It is Mr. Blustein's considerable achievement to have fashioned them into such a page-turner."

--The Economist

"A shimmering, essential read for those seeking a deeper and more nuanced perspective on the modern commerce of nations." --The Washington Post