Ms. KATAYAMA Satsuki
Born 1984, Saitama City, Saitama Prefecture. Attended Saitama Municipal Takasago Elementary School, Junior and Senior High School at Otsuka, Tokyo University of Education (in Bunkyo-ku). After graduating from the Faculty of Law, University of Tokyo, joined the Ministry of Finance in 1982. Completed CSE at ?cole nationale d'administration in 1985. Became Superintendent of the Kaida Taxation Office in Hiroshima Regional Taxation Bureau (the first female superintendent in Western Japan), the first female member of the governmental delegation of the G7 Summit, Director of the Genera Affairs Division in Yokohama Customs, Director for Expenditure Review and Policy Evaluation in the Budget Bureau, and the first female budget examiner in the Budget Bureau. At the request of Prime Minister Koizumi Junichiro, ran for the 44th general election of the House of Representatives at short notice. Elected to the House of Representatives from Shizuoka Prefecture No. 7 constituency. Became Parliamentary Secretary for Economy, Trade and Industry, Director of the Deliberative Council on Political Ethics, and Director of the Publicity Division in the LDP. Defeated in the 45th election of the House of Representatives. During this time, taught finance as a professor in an accounting school and became a member of the Committee on Establishment of Basic Ordinance in Nagoya Municipal Assembly. Elected to the House of Councillors in the Proportional Representation Constituency at the head of the poll in the LDP list by obtaining 300,000 votes in 2010. / Deputy Chairman of the LDP Policy Board in the House of Councillors, Senior Vice-Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry in the LDP Next Cabinet (shadow cabinet), Director of the Committee on General Affairs, and Member of the Committee on Budget. / Author of 'Nippon Keizai wo Suitai kara Sukuu Shinjitsuno Giron.' / Her motto is Hiaratani Hibiaratanari [Make progress day by day]. / Elected once to the House of Representatives.
(as of November 10,2010)