About Us
Yes, we really do live in a small town. As in, more than one stoplight, but just short of a Starbucks. I like that we drive past a dairy farm every week on the way to The Boy’s guitar lesson. (Without fail, I point and yell “cows!” The Boy – 10 12 years old – rolls his eyes. The Girl – 3 5 years old – moos excitedly). But I also like that we can get to midtown Manhattan on the train in 90 minutes for a healthy dose of big city.
I’ve always been fascinated with roadside attractions. The bigger, the better. I’ve found many are within an easy, affordable road trip. Others I find once we’ve made plans for a more extensive vacation further away. Either way, if it’s big, tall, or long, I gotta see it. And now I get to share the experiences with my unsuspecting family.
Our “Go BIG” family:
Traci – Wife, mother, and “Boss of the House” (that’s what The Boy named me, but yes, it’s true). In my youth, I traveled the world, and the bug has remained with me through my 40th year. I’m now a freelance writer, mainly working on corporate copywriting projects, but getting in just enough travel writing to keep things interesting. Prior to that, I had a 17-year career in tourism marketing. I also slay my friends and family with a humorous Christmas newsletter every year.
Matt – Husband, father extraordinaire, Director of “Bringin’ Home the Bacon” and All Techno Contraptions. I never thought our marriage would survive his recent purchase of the Android cell phone, but we’ve settled on some ground rules (which I texted to him). He didn’t travel a lot prior to meeting me, but now he gets giddily caught up in special travel experiences, especially when he’s on a boat, or a roller coaster.
The Boy – My first born, pride and joy. I’ve put a lot of work into this one. And luckily, it’s paid off! He’s curious, intelligent, responsible, empathetic, nurturing, and sensitive. And his sense of humor? Kickin’. The kid kills me. Unfortunately, he looks NOTHING like me.
The Girl – My heart and soul. Born seven years after her brother…when we were finally ready to do it all again. Good thing we waited. She’s willful and tempestuous, and we can’t help but adore her. She’s tough now, but I’m relieved in knowing she’ll never take crap from any boys in high school. She not only looks just like me, she IS me, 37 years ago. Sorry, Mom.
Why do we “Go BIG?” More about my strange compulsion, which my children will be describing to their future therapists.
When did the travel bug bite me? This is “The Prequel.”