Submit either as soon as you get a job offer or
by a date of graduation, whichever comes first.
進 路予定調査進 路状況報告書 Survey on career plan
or Report on career path after graduation
Email them within a specified deadline:

博 士論文提出
    1)論文 (Layout)
    2)*主論文要旨(様 式
    3)履歴書(様 式
    4)業績一覧(様 式
Submission of Ph.D. Dissertation
         1) Copies of Ph.D. dissertation (Layout)
     (To be bound in a paper folder that should be in light blue.)
    2) *Summary of the dissertation (format)
    3) Resume (Curriculum vitae) (format)
    4) List of publications and presentations at academic meetings
名古屋大学学術機関 リポジトリ登録* 博士論文登録・公開について
博士学位 論文登録公開詳細
著作権 等確認詳細
Registration of Doctoral Dissertation in the Nagoya Repository*

Learn more...
After passing a Ph.D. degree examination,
you have to prepare and submit the items
to your academic advisor
○ 論文全文電子データ
○ 主論文要旨電子データ
○ (必要な場合)
○ A PDF file of your whole dissertation
○ A PDF file of your summary
○ A scanned PDF file of "Statement of Reasons for Withholding
  Dissertation from Internet Release" (if necessary)
After passing a Ph.D. degree examination,
you have to prepare and submit the items
to GSID Office
○ 論文(2部:フラットファイル綴じ)
○ (必要な場合)
     (様 式
○ Two copies of the final version of your dissertation using flat files
  in blue color
○ "Statement of Reasons for Withholding Dissertation from Internet Release"
      (if necessary; after consultation with your academic advisor) (format)
*「名古屋大学学術機関リ ポジトリ」とは,研究者及び学生の研究論文・学会発表資料などを収集し,インターネットにより世界へ向けて発信する仕組みです。
 The Nagoya Repository is the university operated system for collecting researchers' and students research ourcomes in forms of articles, conference papers and the like and making them available to the world via the internet.

Note 注意事項:
- Title page タイトルページについて
Please check to see a sample page by clicking on the link provided above.
What you have to make sure of is a date when you will be approved for Ph.D. qualification
at the GSID Faculty Committee.
タイ トルページのサンプルを参照 のうえ、確認ください。

 - Awarded degree
A field specified on a diploma is defered from person to person by admission year and / or department where you have studied.
For instance, if your department is either DID or DICOS and  your admission year is 2006 or later, "Doctoral of Philosophy in International Department" is appeared in your academic area.
Otherwise, "Doctoral of Philosophy" is appeared.

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